WY OMINGSTATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OPENFILEREPORT 2017-6 T hom as A. Drean, Director and State Geologist andState Director Thomas Drean, A. 1:24,000-scale BridgerPass L aramie, WyomingLaramie, BedrockGeologic Map (RINER) Interpreting the past, providing for the future the for providing past, the Interpreting (COALRIDGE) MINE (SEPARATION PEAK) 8 10 Kar Qac EX PLANATION 17 Qac CORRELATIONOFMAP UNITS DESCRIPTIONOFMAP UNITS COMPOSITETY PELOG Kle Qal Kal Cenozoic QTp Gam m a Ray Depth Resistivity Forma tion 15 Qal Qac Qls Holocene (ft) Kpr QUATERNARY 0 units) (API 200 0 (ohm-m) 200 (map unit) QTp Pleistocene T Qal E Qal Alluvium(Quaternary) ― Unconsolida tedsand, silt, cla coarse y, gravels and cobbles, m a inlyin FoxHills Qal ? Pliocene floodpla insandalong ephem eralstrea mMaterial s. loca llyderived. Thickness less ft) tha m (26 8 n S a ndstone, QTp Khm R CENOZ OIC u Unconformity Kar T NEOGENE part Qac I Qac (notinm a p) Tbp Qac Alluviumandcolluvium, undivided (Quaternary) ― Unconsolida tedcla silt,sand, y, and gravel derived Qal Miocene A Qac R fromloca units l and deposited floodplain insand along ephem eralstrea mIncludes s. slope wa shand Unconformity Y sm a llalluvial fandeposits tha merge t with alluvium Thickness . less ft) tha m (26 8 n Qac Kle QTp 20170531JC-3 Kle QlsQls Landslide(Quaternary)debris ― Loca llyderived la ndslidedebris and slum from ps unstable slopes, often 14 Qac Kal involvingthe Miocene Browns Park Forma Cretaceous tionor Mesaverde Group along the Miller Hill or ESPY 1-22 Qls Atla nticRim esca rpments.Thickness less ft) tha m (390 120 n Qac Qac ESPY UNIT 7 49-007-21535 Qls Kpr 49-007-05227 11 QTpQTp (QuaternaryandTertiary[?]) Pediment deposits ― Unconsolida tedsuba ngulapebble r andcobble gravels 15 Qls Mesaverde Unconformity 3,000 20170531JC-2 Group ainsandy ma trix.Loca llyderived, particula rlyfrom sandstones within the Alm ondForma tionand A Khm Khmh Kar LewisSha Thickness le. less ft) tha m (10 3 n UpperCretaceous Khm 16 B ESPY UNIT 8 B' TbpT bp BrownsParkFormation (Miocene[?]) ― T heforma tionis predominantly gray-yellow, horizontally u 49-007-07121 CRETACEOUS stratified,fla ggy,very fine mediumto -grainedsandstone. Sa ndstonesloca llyare altered and ma ybe m Qls 9 Ks h 8 8 K ESPY UNIT 9 s 9 ca lca reous or silicified. Unconforma bly overlies all older forma tions. Basal conglomerate is Khm Khm 49-007-20237 5 7 Kn MESOZ OIC a pproxim a telythick;ft)m 90 (300 total thickness undetermined. Vine and Pricha report rd(1959) a 412 7 thicknessatof lea theinft) mst 240 (790 Miller Hill area Conglomerate . at ba se,with interbedded LewisS ha le 20 Kf 8 sandstone,tuffaceous sandstone, and mudstone above. Conglomerate is composed predominantly of (Kle) 6 Kmr subroundedwhite quartzite cla sts,with varying am ountslimof estone,granitoids, gneiss, and chert ain friable,poorly sorted silt and sand ma trix.Boulders ma diaminft) y bem (3 1 upto eter.Coarser and Qls Kt 13 Qls 10 12 finerma terialsalternate andinterfinger. Graded bedding iscomm on SUGAR CREEK 1 89 LowerCretaceous 49-007-22770 Kcv 88 16 20170531JC-1 15 Mesozoic 4,000 Qac 11 h Unconformity m UNIT 1 13 h 7 Kle 49-007-05213 20170607JC-7 K Jm K le Shale(UppLewis Cretaceous) er ― Poorlyexposed gray dato rk-graysha wea le, theringlight yellow-gray 13 20170607JC-3 UpperJurassic 88 JURASS IC gray-blue,to interbedded with occa sionalthin,very fine grained sandstones tha wea t theryellow-brown. 20170607JC-4 Js Baseisconforma bleand grada tional,and isma ppedatthe brea kslopein west theof Atla nticRim , Kpr 5 Qls 20170607JC-2 MiddleJurassic 10 a bovethe sandstones ofthe Alm ondForma The tion. Dad Sa ndstoneMem berwa snotobserved. Kal Khm Qls Qac 20170607JC-6 20170607JC-5 Approximthickft) a telym(2,300 700 Qac Qac 49-007-20303 20170607JC-1 STATE 331 1 Mesaverde Group (Upp Cretaceous) er T. 19 N. R. 90 W. Qac sec. 16 Qac MAP SYMBOLS 9 UNIT 2 KalK a l Alm ondFormation ― Brown-gray,very fine grained sandstone interbedded with gray-brown mudstone, u 49-007-05206 m h ft) (82 m<25 location Certain—Estimated ca rbonaceoussha and le, coal.Trace fossils are comm particula on, rly Planolites and Ophiomorpha and , K Kar Definitions 25 location Approximate—Estimated –(82m 100 –ft) 330 increa sefrequencyin upsection. Occa sionalbivalve fossils are present throughout. Discontinuous coal 7 ft) (330 m>100 location ed—Estimated Inferr beds,ranging thicknessin from centim are ft), comm eters m(5 1.5 uptowithin on ca rbonaceouszones. Qac 5,000 Petrifiedwood fragm entsare also comm Rare on. honeycomb wea thering.Outcrops wea therstripedain h hm ? Formationcontact — Continuouswhere certain, long da shwhere approxim a te,short da sh pattern.Base isgrada tionalandconforma ble.Approxim athickft) tely m(980 300 K Alm ond whereinferred, queried where identity existenceor uncertain Forma tion KprK pr Ridge SandstonePine ― Ma ssivewhite-gray sandstone, very fine mediumto -grained.Exposure quality is Qls Khmt Keybed — Continuouswhere certain, longda shwhere approxim a te (Kal) Qac 15 highlyvariable. Occa sionaltrough cross-bedding, with crossthickft) msets(2 and0.6 uptodecrea sing in thicknessin upsection. Individual beds fine upwa rds.Occa sionalcha nnelscours and cla y-pebblela g ? Fault — Continuouswhere certain, long da shwhere approxim ashort te, da shwhere inferred, Qac dottedwhere concea led,queried where identity orexistence uncertain, ba rand ba llon deposits.Fossils are rare. Honeycomb wea thering.Base is unconforma bleand sha Thickness rp. is variable;lessthick ft)tha m (150 45 n o downthrownblock normaof fault l s hm t m K hm Kar h K K a r AllenRidge Formation ― Brown-orangesha mudstone, le, and siltstone interbedded with very fine grained PineRidge Kar K Anticline — Continuouswhere certain, dotted where concea led;arrow endindica on tesdirection (Kpr) graysandstone lenses tha wea t therrust-orange, contrasting sha rplywith the lighter colored beds theof S a ndstone 20170608JC-4 Qac plungeof K underlyingHaystack Mountains Forma Sa tion. ndstonescontain wa vybedding and ripple la m inations. h mu Qac Syncline — S hortda shwhere inferred, dotted where concea led;arrow end onindica tesdirection Iron-oxideconcretions are comm and ma on, ybe as la rgediamin ascm in) 5 (2 eter.Rare thin coals. Qac plungeof Outcropswea therstripedain pattern, andare generally poorly exposed. Base issha and rpconforma ble. 6,000 Approxim athickft) tely m(950 290 Qls A' section cross of Line A KhmK hm HaystackMountains Formation ― Gray-brownsha leinterbedded with very fine to fine-grained, Allen 14 anddipinclinedbeddof Strike ing coarsening-upwa rdwhite-gray sandstones. Bivalve fossils throughout. Bioturba tionis comm on, Ridge especiallyatthe sandstoneoftop beds. Rare, very thin coals are present nea the r theoftop forma tion. Forma tion (Kar) 13 anddipbeddof cross-bedd Strike in rocks eding T hesandstones increa sethicknessin and prominence upsection. Uppermost sandstones are ma ssive, 88 finegrained, hum m ockycross-stratified, arenitic, and upwa rdsmofft)thick,30 (98 while the Qac anddipjoint of Strike Group Mesaverde Qac lowermostsandstones are very fine grained and thinly bedded with rare gla uconiteand lithics. Five 20170531JC-2 sandstoneintervals, from youngest oldest,to correla temeato suredsections by Roehler and (1990) Kpr Samplocation— le S howingsam plenam (refer e accompanyingto report foranalyses) MellereandSteele (1995): Khmh Khm u Uppermostunnam edsandstone Unnam ed m br. WELLS (Showing numAPI beranddrill hole nam if eprojected crossto section compositeinor type log) u Khm h Hatfieldsandstones (Hatfield andHatfield1 2) m Hatfield2 h Khm s S em inoesandstones (Sem through inoe1 Sem inoe4) 7,000 Kal K Activedisposalwell (FILLMORE (FILLMORE RANCH) Khm o O’BrienSpring Sa ndstone Hatfield1 Ks MARSH CREEK (LA WEST) Dryhole Khm t T a persRanch Sa ndstone Kar Uppercontact ma ppedabove Roehler’s uppermost unnam edsandstone mem ber;ba salcontact ma pped 20170608JC-1 Qac S em inoe4 Idle gas wellgasIdle aba t selowermostof sandstone (Ta persRanch). Base isconforma bleand grada tional.Approxim a tely Khm Haystack 14 thickft) m(1,200 380 Qac S em inoe3 Mountains Idle oil well oil Idle Qac S em inoe2 Forma tion Ks 9 Kpr 17 K s Shale Steele (Upp Cretaceous) er ― Poorlyexposed da rk-graysha lewith occa sional,poorly exposed (Khm) 20170608JC-2 Producingwell oil lenticula rbeds ofgray-brown sandstone tha twea theryellow-brown. Sa ndstonesare sim ila rtothe S em inoe1 20170608JC-3 lowermostsandstones theof Haystack Mountains Forma and tion, are very fine grained, containing rare 19 gla uconiteand lithic fragm ents.Base isconforma bleand grada tional,and ma ppedabove the uppermost ca lca reousbench thein Niobrara Forma Approxim tion. thickft) a telym(2,700 820 O’Brien 20 S pring REFERENCES 3,000 Ks KnK n andNiobraraFormationShale,undivided Sage Breaks (Upp Cretaceous) er ― Sda oft, rk-graysha le T a persRanch (?) s 19 GeologyBerry, 1960, D.W., and ground-wa terresources ofthe Rawlins area Carbon , County, W yoming:U.S. interbeddedwith white-gray ca lca reoussha leand ma rlcontaining zones ofca lcitemineralization. m h K GeologicaSurvey l scaWa pl., le1:63,360. 1 ter-Supply p., 74 Paper 1458, Calca reoussha lesoccur threein discrete zones,which cropout as resistant ledges haof brittle rd, sha le Qac h 13 (Vincelette and Foster, 1992): 11 u m m h Knb BuckPea bench k h K and Hallberg,Case, J.C., circa Prelim L.L., 1996, inaryla ndslidema ofthe p Bridger Pass quadrangle, Carbon K Qac County,Wyoming (unpublished): Wyoming State Geologica Survey, l sca le1:24,000. Knt T owCreek bench 88 Ks 9 Qac Knw W olfMountain bench Kar Qal Qac Niobrara 2005, andtotalR.C., Johnson, T.M., petroleum Finn, system thein southwestern Wyoming Province, cha p. T hecomplete thickness theof Niobrara Forma tionwa observed:not s the forma tion’slowermost parts 6 ofGeologicaU.S. Survey l Southwestern W yomingProvince Assessm entTea Petroleumcomp., m , system s a recovered by the Miocene Browns Park Forma The tion.
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