University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Associated Students of the University of Montana Kaimin, 1898-present Montana (ASUM) 11-23-1926 The Montana Kaimin, November 23, 1926 Associated Students of the University of Montana Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper Let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Associated Students of the University of Montana, "The Montana Kaimin, November 23, 1926" (1926). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 927. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/927 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Montana Kaimin, 1898-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Thursday Afternoon at 8 o’Clock the Grizzly Dope Starts Coming In Play-by-Play Reports of the Trojan Game at Liberty MONTftK AJMIH STATE UNIVERSITY OP MONTANA, MISSOULA, MONTANA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1926 VOLUME XXVI. NUMBER 18. YEAR BOOR t o SHOW THANKSGIVING SECURES WIRE SERVICE TICKETS ARE NOW On SALE Comes but once A year. This ISSUED BY SCHOOL! GROWIH OFSchool Year it comes On the day Montana Plays the Trojans. FOR TROJAN-GRIZZLY TUSSLE Sentinel Will Be Off Press About Montana Forests Described Exten­ May 15, According to The wires- will sively in Publication to Be Editor MaoKenzie I Be hot with Off Press Soon KeportH from Dr. McGill Accepts Reports to .Start at 3:30; First Play In Little Theater Nebraskan Rooters I California on || - 1 — ■ ■ ■ ■■ Liberty Theater; Students Will Last Two Days Go Through Missoula Invitation to Speak Admitted Free Starting Tomorrow The 1027 Sentinel, University year S o r i s L - H Enroute to Seattle i)ok. published by the junior class, That after a heavy Here in December ill be off the press about May 15, ■ I 11................ Meal It is wise to While Montana's husky Grizzlies I I for the opening of the Little ^cording to the editor of this year’s I Sit still noil rest. II I fotesb industries, mid Montana's for-1 Dr. Caroline McGHl, of But , will ere battling the U.S.C. Trojan war- More than 200 loyal Nebraskans I publicatii The theme of this year's Why not do your Theater are selling fast, reports est problems m-ii some of tbs topics L able to speak at a stude con- riors Thanksgiving day at Los An- went through Missoula yesterday J annual ji rays the growth and de­ Besting at the John Bolton, who is in charge of ii -_ . „ II IdUcuaeed in a .survey compiled l»y the i De* geles, students and town people in morning on the Corn buskers’ Special velopment of the State University the ticket sale. The ASUM store has I LIBERTY THEATER |l \S m c Vniversify Forest «ehobl and cord- Missoula will have an opportunity to en route to Seattle where the Crim­ dnee its opening in 1805. cember 1 and December 15, I And listen to If District j o{ t|„ federal forest serv- Wil- j hear play-by-play reports on the been selected as the official ticket son and White team meets the Wash­ By die means of photographs and ing to word received by Glad, iffice until the openiug of the cam­ The plsy-by-play Loco-operating. 1. is in the hands Dr. progress of the game, A special wire ington University crew in the Thanks­ sketches, as well as by appropriate son, vice-president of AWS. IJ Reports of the fray? | | L f (||c pu|,|i*|,eri m,d wm J* out the furnished by the Western Union and pus playhouse tomorrow night. giving battle* Thursday. Last year ivrite-tips, the development of Mon- McGill signified that she would \ According to present indications, 1,1 I ■ .......................... — I-[first of the year. leased to the ASUM will carry the the two teams played to a 0-0 tie at of higher willing to speak to either a mixed < “The Bad Man” will have at least a only. | dope to the Liberty theater where It J Lincoln, Nebraska. n will be shown. Pictures o f II | | Tilts bulletin is the first attempt to Ivocation, or one for women o j&ree-doy run. Up to this time most e fixed will be announced and the play car­ | The train was scheduled to stop ail th graduaUn* classes, as well as j ----------------:----------- ; “ »k« a complete survey of the state's The date of her talk here will 1) of the tickets for1 the opening per­ ried out on the miniature gridiron, (here 40 minutes to let the Cornhusk* by President Clapp today. formance have been sold and the should! There will be no charge to students lers get a workout but as the train Quests in sorority bouses Thursday night sale bids well; to iled upon t I rules,! hut a 25-cent admission to towos- j was 40 minutes late and an there was : * — w - ; — * equal it. LIMIT Millets office of tbe Nortlhero divi- l it was announced at a meeti of the j people. The returns will start at Isb «nuch ice on the ground, the coach mm X' The famous Porter Emerson a of the federal forest s«►nriee and (decided to journey to a drier point, executive i•oard yesterday afternoon.f (3:30 o'clock in the afternoon. Browne comedy, which was chosen as traduate of the Universiliy of Ne- j The train stopped here just Joifg ] In the fufnire, house mothers ill ha r* | Through tbe kindness of Mr. E. K. the first number for presentation in s 2 2 S 5 5 : s M M IW E I OF DARCEKSk ska; C. M. Whitney, alro |ti the power to grant late perm £ | Taylor, manager of tbe Wilma tbe- (enough to allow the band and any ltured. One portion of the athletic j the theater, has caused almost nation­ rest Products office and a graduv (others who were, hungry, to snatch is to be devoted to former ----- --------- *’ they went to stay up to 11 ater, the liberty theater was se- wide approbation through its presen­ of the University of Miditigan, and (something to eat at the lunch teams. There will also be a ! (everyone isi in, as is Tequir | cured at a small cost to cover light tation with the various professional Students May Get Tickets for j X. Cunningham, of the 1 university (counter. res of Orabort ] There trill be no Pai -Hellenic and heat. The cost of leasing the companies-. Various theater maga­ Annual Ball Now; Will Only I Idaho Forest school. Nebraska university is sending 04 iron dashes. | meeting fliiEs week, it was a rl wire was cut to half of the cost for zines have carried long reviews of the Sell One Hundred players to defend the institution at Book to Bo Largor Than Ever Forestry School Assisting yesterday. The next iueetii e the California Aggie game reports play and have been almost universal Seattle. Besides the football squad, The 192? year book will be larger oil will be held y because the expense of building an In their praise. there was a 52-piece band and some than that of 1926, and one of the • Thanksgiving. extension to the stadium was not in­ According to these, it is a rapid- 100 loyal rooters. The train was (large er published at the State “Certific aud the teiidling staff plans to use it curred as there is an extension to fire comedy, filled, with thrills and due in Beattie this morning in time to Univ. The 1926 annual, edited | tics bef< Ba las a refeirence in classroom work. ■ the field at Los Angeles, unusual wit. In addition to this there lpt the Nebraskan team get a work­ Ho : Warden, was classed as the Winter Garden dial It may al»d be osedjn the same ca- j ‘The courtesy of Mr. Taylor and is an extremely interesting love story out. an for schools of less than for the Law school of t! parity in i be Geography and Natural I the comparatively light expense of woven through the fabric of the plot. I ji MONTANA YEAR HOOK 1.500 stt »nts, by the Arts and Crafts of Ahmtana,” can be - >d (fait Resources of Montana course. securing the wire service makes it Work Completed (Review. ]afternoon and until they are gone, at] The panipblet contains more than possible for the ASUM to give this Carpenters and electricians lmve 1 Contri for engn ig have been the Law school library. a hundred pages giving the location accommodation to the students,” said In other words, the limited sale of GIVEN HONOR RATING completed the last finishing touches! Buckbee-Mears com- and appro]cimate stands of the nine Burtt Smith, president of the stu­ on the building', and the work of dec-1 i). It la the hope of (tickets to tbe Barrister’s Ball, to l>e(1 chief sperif*i of trees in Montana with dent body. A small charge will be held December 3, at the Winter Qar- made to townspeople. oration has been completed. inel if to have the print­ ites showing -transverse sections 1926 Sentinel Scores High- la the ing and binding done within the state, iden, will start today. As the reports do not start until A story which was syndicated some each, a survey of the saw mills, j All-American Annua! time ago in one of the theater news SPECIAL PARE RATES Printing;£ spedpeculations have been made | **As there are about 45 law stu-1 3:30 o’clock there will be ample time km) using industries, preserving! Coatest .service sheets, has brought an un-j and sent out five of the leading (dents who will buy tickets, this limits ints, retail lumber dealers and for-1 for everyone to eat a hearty Thanks­ precedented number of inquiries about | printing estal moms in the state, tbe number for sale to the rest of t agencies with one chapter deal-1 giving dinner and then hear the game ] In anticipation of the desire of stu* the University theater to Carl Click, so that they bid lit ion | the students to 70,” states Herbert g exclusively with forest problems ( over the wire.
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