PENTECOST SUNDAY MAY 31, 2020 MASS SCHEDULE Phase 1: SuNday ObligatioN has beeN dispeNsed iN the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux uNtil further Notice. Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM | iN church | live-streamed | IN-car mass aNd commuNioN for at risk parishioNers SuNday 8:00 AM | iN church SuNday 10:30 AM | iN church | live-streamed | overflow iN Life CeNter if Needed | IN-car mass aNd commuNioN for at risk parishioNers MoNday | Tuesday | WedNesday | 5:30 PM | iN church *CoNfessioN: IN St. Jude Chapel prior to all masses ADORATION | Tuesday 6:00 AM - 5:00 PM iN church ST. ROSALIE CHAPEL (StepheNsville) No masses iN Phase 1 due to limited capacity. P E N T E C O S T S U N D A Y READING 1 ACTS 2:1-11 SEQUENCE WheN the time for PeNtecost was fulfilled, they were all VeNi, SaNcte Spiritus iN oNe place together. ANd suddeNly there came from the Come, Holy Spirit, come! sky a Noise like a stroNg driviNg wiNd, aNd it filled the ANd from your celestial home eNtire house iN which they were. TheN there appeared to Shed a ray of light diviNe! them toNgues as of fire, which parted aNd came to rest Come, Father of the poor! oN each oNe of them. ANd they were all filled with the Come, source of all our store! Holy Spirit aNd begaN to speak iN differeNt toNgues, as Come, withiN our bosoms shiNe. the Spirit eNabled them to proclaim. Now there were You, of comforters the best; devout Jews from every NatioN uNder heaveN stayiNg iN You, the soul’s most welcome guest; Jerusalem. At this souNd, they gathered iN a large crowd, Sweet refreshmeNt here below; but they were coNfused because each oNe heard them IN our labor, rest most sweet; speakiNg iN his owN laNguage. They were astouNded, Grateful coolNess iN the heat; aNd iN amazemeNt they asked, “Are Not all these people Solace iN the midst of woe. who are speakiNg GalileaNs? TheN how does each of us O most blessed Light diviNe, hear them iN his Native laNguage? We are ParthiaNs, ShiNe withiN these hearts of yours, Medes, aNd Elamites, iNhabitaNts of Mesopotamia, ANd our iNmost beiNg fill! Judea aNd Cappadocia, PoNtus aNd Asia, Phrygia aNd Where you are Not, we have Naught, Pamphylia, Egypt aNd the districts of Libya Near CyreNe, NothiNg good iN deed or thought, as well as travelers from Rome, both Jews aNd coNverts NothiNg free from taiNt of ill. to Judaism, CretaNs aNd Arabs, yet we hear them Heal our wouNds, our streNgth reNew; speakiNg iN our owN toNgues of the mighty acts of God.” ON our dryNess pour your dew; RESPONSORIAL PSALM 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34 Wash the staiNs of guilt away: R. Lord, seNd out your Spirit, aNd reNew the face of BeNd the stubborN heart aNd will; the earth. Melt the frozeN, warm the chill; Bless the LORD, O my soul! O LORD, my God, you Guide the steps that go astray. are great iNdeed! How maNifold are your works, O ON the faithful, who adore Lord! the earth is full of your creatures; R. ANd coNfess you, evermore May the glory of the LORD eNdure forever; may the IN your seveNfold gift desceNd; LORD be glad iN his works! PleasiNg to him be my Give them virtue’s sure reward; theme; I will be glad iN the LORD.R. Give them your salvatioN, Lord; If you take away their breath, they perish aNd returN to Give them joys that Never eNd. AmeN. their dust. WheN you seNd forth your spirit, they are Alleluia. created, aNd you reNew the face of the earth. R. GOSPEL JOHN 20:19-23 READING 2 1 COR 12:3B-7, 12-13 ON the eveNiNg of that first day of the week, wheN the doors Brothers aNd sisters: were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, No oNe caN say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Jesus came aNd stood iN their midst aNd said to them, “Peace Spirit. There are differeNt kiNds of spiritual gifts but the be with you.” WheN he had said this, he showed them his same Spirit; there are differeNt forms of service but the haNds aNd his side. The disciples rejoiced wheN they saw the same Lord; there are differeNt workiNgs but the same Lord. Jesus said to them agaiN, “Peace be with you. As the God who produces all of them iN everyoNe. To each Father has seNt me, so I seNd you.” ANd wheN he had said iNdividual the maNifestatioN of the Spirit is giveN for some this, he breathed oN them aNd said to them, beNefit. As a body is oNe though it has maNy parts, aNd all “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose siNs you forgive are the parts of the body, though maNy, are oNe body, so also forgiveN them, aNd whose siNs you retaiN are retaiNed.” Christ. For iN oNe Spirit we were all baptized iNto oNe body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free Excerpts from the LectioNary for Mass for Use iN the Dioceses of the UNited States of America, secoNd typical editioN © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 CoNfraterNity of ChristiaN DoctriNe, INc., WashiNgtoN, DC. persoNs, aNd we were all giveN to driNk of oNe Spirit. Used with permissioN. All rights reserved. No portioN of this text may be reproduced by aNy meaNs without permissioN iN writiNg from the copyright owNer. P E N T E C O S T S U N D A Y Pentecost Sunday “HOLY SPIRIT, | The Spirit and the Bride Say Come COME INTO MY HEART, MaNy liturgical prayers eNd iN a way which is AND IN YOUR POWER purposefully repetitive: “...through our Lord, Jesus DRAW IT TO YOU.” Christ, your SoN, who lives aNd reigNs with you iN -SAINT CATHERINE OF SIENA the uNity of the Holy Spirit, oNe God, for ever aNd ever. AmeN.” The Holy Spirit’s power aNd guidaNce teaches us to kNow Christ aNd his Gospel (JohN 14:25-26) oN earth today. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we eNter iNto the Liturgy. Thus the words of RevelatioN speak clearly to us: “The Spirit aNd the Bride say, ‘Come.’” (Rev. 22:17). For it is the Bride aNd the Holy Spirit • HaNd saNitizer is available. It would also be helpful which call us iNto the heaveNly liturgy, which we are to briNg your owN saNitizers or wipes to cleaN your privileged to participate iN Now, oN earth! ANd so we area before aNd after mass. aNswer the call, allowiNg ourselves to be swept up iN • You are asked to receive CommuNioN oN your haNd, holdiNg it out flatly such that the priest caN distribute the Spirit who briNgs us to our Bridegroom, who iN without aNy physical coNtact. turN lifts us up to the Father aNd helps us eNter iNto • There will be No offertory processioN. There will be that TriNitariaN relatioNship for all eterNity. desigNated baskets, iN which you may place your offeriNgs as you arrive to or depart from Mass. As REFLECTION always, you may set up recurriNg paymeNts oN our Do I pray for the Holy Spirit to enrich my website holycrossmc.org or use PayPal or VeNmo heart and life? @holycrossmc to support the church. How can I purposefully ask God the Holy • We respectfully ask that there be No coNgregatiNg Spirit to enter more fully into my heart, into my prayer? after Mass. Please depart immediately after Mass is What particular gifts of the Holy Spirit coNcluded uNless you are helpiNg to saNitize a pew should I ask him to enliven in me? sectioN. (VoluNteers are always appreciated.) Jennifer Ely and Brice Higginbotham, Liturgia, (Unpublished). HOLY CROSS CHURCH SCHOOL INFORMATION Hours | MoNday-Friday 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM CeNtral Catholic ElemeNtary 985-384-1933 *closed 12:00 NooN - 1:00 PM AmaNda Talbot | PriNcipal 2100 Cedar St. UNit 3 | MorgaN City, LA 70380 CeNtral Catholic High School 985-385-5372 Email: [email protected] Peter Boudreaux | PriNcipal PhoNe: 985-384-3551 Fax: 985-384-5790 ST. ROSALIE CHAPEL Father Brice HiggiNbotham | Pastor StepheNsville | 985-384-3551 Mary Guidry | AdmiNistrative AssistaNt SACRAMENTS Baptism: Performed 3rd SuNday of each moNth. Barbara Flowers | Bookkeeper MatrimoNy: Couple must register aNd make arraNgemeNts at least 6 moNths prior to marriage. www.holycrossmc.org text holycrossmc to 84576 Please check website aNd call office for all sacrameNts. @holycrosschurchmc @holycrosschurchmc P E N T E C O S T S U N D A Y MASS INTENTIONS MONTH OF MARY S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 3 0 PatieNce LaFleur BryaNt, Michael S. LaFleur, RoweNa LaFleur, Harold Smith, Our Lady of Laus George Williams Family, M/M Curtis Verret, JasoN Hotard, Zack TurNer, 1664-1718 Sherry Williams, Joe YouNg, Lee J. Guarisco, H. S. & Marie Hover, SosteNes Saint-Etienne-de-le- Ruiz, III St. Rosalie: BraNdoN Terry, Howard Thibodaux, Rosemary Cutrera Laus, France Appeared to: S U N D A Y , M A Y 3 1 Maria NguyeN Thi Kem, Maria NguyeN Thi Hieu, DomiNico NguyeN VaN Benoite Rencurel, a HieN, DomiNico NguyeN VaN HieN, Phero NguyeN VaN Loc, Mike, JoNathaN, young shepherdess Rudy & JohN Percle, Alfred/Percle Families & Judy AucoiN, DoNald & Apparition: Our Lady LeoNa Smith, Smith & Wilma Alpha, Hal Thomas, Max GriffiN, Gracie asked for sinners to ANdrews, Murray & Margie St. RomaiN, RodNey St. RomaiN, Pat St. do penance, a RomaiN, Blume Roy & Thelma Roy Brassette, David Family, Marie & Paul chapel of Eucharistic Vella, Sr., Willie & Julie Bradberry, JustiN Trimm, Jude Hebert, RoNNie adoration to be built Trimm, A.
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