COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1990 SESSION OF 1990 174TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 20 SENATE HOUSE MESSAGES TUESDAY, March 27, 1990. HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE BILLS The Senate met at I :00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. The Clerk of the House of Representa,tives returned to the The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Mark S. Singel) Senate SB 1303 and 1335, with the information tb.e House has in the Chair. passed the same without amendments. PRAYER HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION The Chaplain, the Reverend Dr. DONALD RISING, The Clerk of the House of Representatives informed the Pastor of Progress-Immanuel United Presbyterian Church, Senate that the House has concurred in resolution from the Harrisburg, offered the following prayer: Senate, entitled: Let us pray. Weekly Adjournment. Almighty God, in surprising ways You burst upon us. We become aware of Your presence in bright and warm sunlight HOUSE BILLS FOR CONCURRENCE upon our face, in the beauty of a simple flower, in the smile of The Clerk of the House of Representatives presented to the a fellow traveler on this journey of life, and in many other Senate the following bills for concurrence, which were ways, as well. And at those times, we survey our surroundings referred to the committees indicated: and think how good and sweet life is. March 27, 1990 We are thankful for the privilege of being useful, for having something to do, for playing a part, no matter how HB 388, 1800, 1801, 2139 and 2140 - Committee on Local small, in a grand plan. Some of us here record the words of Government. others, some carry papers or offer prayers, or fill water HB 1272 Committee on Finance. glasses or sweep floors and empty full wastebaskets. Some HB 1389 - Committee on Community and Economic chair committees, others serve on them. Some introduce laws Development. and others cast votes of yes or no. All of us are citizens of a HB 1796- Committee on Transportation. beautiful state and each of us is engaged in a task to make it HB 1802 Committee on Judiciary. better. HB 1960 - Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs. Pour out Your spirit upon us and bless us in our task to bring dreams into reality, hope to the hopeless, homes for the BILLS SIGNED homeless, food for the hungry, jobs for the unemployed, justice to those treated unfairly that together all of us can The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Mark S. Singel) share the blessings of liberty. Hear this our prayer in the name in the presence of the Senate signed the following bills: of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. SB 1303 and 1335. JOURNAL APPROVED REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES The PRESIDENT. A quorum of the Senate being present, Senator GREENLEAF, from the Committee on Judiciary, the Clerk will read the Journal of the preceding Session of reported the following bills: March 26, 1990. SB 891 (Pr. No. 1020) The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the preceding Session, when, on motion of Senator LOEPER, further An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Con­ reading was dispensed with, and the Journal was approved. solidated Statutes, further providing for testing for controlled substances; and providing for costs. SB 1193 (Pr. No. 1469) 1846 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE MARCH 27, An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Con­ LEGISLATIVE LEAVES solidated Statutes, further providing for period of revocation or suspension of operating privilege and for requirements for Senator LOEPER. Mr. President, I would ask for tempo­ driving under influence offenders. rary Capitol leaves on behalf of Senator Jubelirer and Senator SB 1194 (Pr. No. 1470) Hopper. The PRESIDENT. Senator Loeper An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Con­ requests temporary solidated Statutes, further providing for chemical testing to deter­ Capitol leaves for Senator Jubelirer and Senator Hopper. The mine amount of alcohol or controlled substance and for reports Chair hears no objection. Those leaves will be granted. by emergency room personnel. SB 1412 (Pr. No. 1847) CALENDAR An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) BILL ON CONCURRENCE IN of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for HOUSE AMENDMENTS AS AMENDED the defense of official immunity. HB 1360 (Pr. No. 1581) SENATE CONCURS IN HOUSE AMENDMENTS AS AMENDED BY THE SENATE An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, extending the juris­ SB 971 (Pr. No. 2037) - The Senate proceeded to consid­ diction of district justices to certain cases relating to small eration of the bill, entitled: amounts of marijuana. An Act amending the act of July l, 1989 (P. L. 136, No. 28), Senator FISHER, from the Committee on Environmental entitled "Athletic Code," further providing for the State Athletic Resources and Energy, reported the following bills: Commission and its duties; and further providing for the Medical Advisory Board. SB 1437 (Pr. No. 2057) (Amended) Senator LOEPER. Mr. President, I move the Senate do An Act providing for the registration and licensing of waste concur in the amendments made by the House as amended by transporters and brokers and the disclosure of criminal records the Senate to Senate Bill No. 971. for waste transporters, brokers and commercial management facility owners and operators; imposing additional powers ahd On the question, duties on the Office of Attorney General, the Department of Will the Senate agree to the motion? Environmental Resources and the Pennsylvania State Police. Senator DAWIDA. Mr. President, could someone explain SB 1438 (Pr. No. 2058) (Amended) briefly the amendments that the House made?. An Act establishing a sinkhole damage assistance program; The PRESIDENT. Senator Dawida, I suspect, is suggest­ providing for grants and loans; and making an appropriation. ing that an interrogation might be in order. The Chair would SB 1439 (Pr. No. 1887) call upon Senator Rhoades to ask if the gentleman would consent to a brief interrogation? He indicates that he will. An Act amending the act of March l, 1988 L. 82, (P. No. 16), The Chair thanks the gentleman from Schuylkill, Senator entitled "Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority Act," extending the act to include storm water projects; and pro­ Rhoades, and would mention that Senator Dawida has asked viding for a referendum to incur indebtedness for such projects for a brief explanation of the amendments placed in the bill by and the issuance of notes and bonds if authorized by the referen­ the House. dum. Senator RHOADES. I think it was a continuation, Mr. Senator HELFRICK, from the Committee on Agriculture President, of dialogue we had started at an earlier time. The and Rural Affairs, reported the following bills: concern that was held was whether the medical doctor should be a voting member of the staff or whether he should be an SB 986 (Pr. No. 2056) (Amended) advisory member, ex officio, without the vote but in full An Act amending the act of June 10, 1982 (P. L. 454, No. control of a medical advisory panel so they, in turn, would 133), entitled, "An act protecting agricultural operations from totally be responsible for the fights and the medical investiga­ nuisance suits and ordinances under certain circumstances," tions that went on. I would say authorizing direct commercial sales of agricultural commodities. that it was, again, much talked about, much discussed and a compromise reached. HB 159 (Pr. No. 3261) (Amended) LEGISLATIVE LEAVES An Act amending the act of December 7, 1982 (P. L. 784, No. 225), known as the "Dog Law," exempting certain puppies being Senator LOEPER. Mr. President, I request a temporary trained as dog guides for the blind from licensing requirements; Capitol leave for Senator Salvatore. and further providing for offenses relating to dogs used for law Senator MELLOW. Mr. President, I request a temporary enforcement. Capitol leave for Senator Stout. HB 820 (Pr. No. 3262) (Amended) The PRESIDENT. Senator Loeper requests a temporary Capitol leave for Senator Salvatore. Senator Mellow requests An Act amending the act of December 7, 1982 (P. L. 784, No. 225), known as the "Dog Law," providing for the control of dan­ a temporary Capitol leave for Senator Stout. The Chair hears gerous dogs; further providing for violations of the act; further no objection. Those leaves will be granted. providing for inspections; and providing penalties. 1990 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE 1847 And the question recurring, Yugoslavia, one from Germany and one from France. They Will the Senate agree to the motion? are here with the International Program Coordinator, Norma The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions Glossner. I did not attempt to pronounce their names, Mr. of the Constitution and were as follows, viz: President. I will submit the names, however, for the record. YEAS-49 POLAND Professor Walerian Swi~czkowski Afflerbach Greenleaf Lynch Rocks Dr. Kazimierz Jodkowski Andrezeski Greenwood Madigan Salvatore Armstrong Helfrick Mellow Scanlon Professor Zbigniew Sobolewski Baker Hess Musto Shaffer Dr. Lech Krzeminski Bel an Holl O'Pake Shumaker Bell Hopper Pecora Stapleton PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Bodack Jones Peterson Stewart Miss Yijin Zhang Brightbill Jubelirer Porterfield Stout Corman Lemmond Punt Tilghman Professor Zhou Zhongmin Dawida Lewis Rego Ii Wenger MEXICO Fattah Lincoln Reibman Williams Fisher Loeper Rhoades Wilt Carlos Rios Furno YUGOSLAVIA NAYS-0 Patricia Paic A constitutional majority of all the Senators having voted Martina Mencer "aye," the question was determined in the affirmative. Daniella Matic Ordered, That the Secretary of the Senate inform the House GERMANY of Representatives accordingly. Sonja Pohsin FRANCE LEGISLATIVE LEA VE CANCELLED Gabrielle Mauler The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the presence on Senator CORMAN. Mr. President, I wish you would join the floor of Senator Salvatore.
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