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"/ / 6 "- 130 ( 3& 4 4 3& 10 35 MaintainingBiological IntegrityofCritical BiodiversityHabitats AssociateCooperativeAgreementNo.687-A- - 4- 9 - JANUARY 1, 2 8* D,C,MB,R 31, 2 8 This publication was produced for review bythe United States Agencyfor International Development. Itwas prepared byConservation International (CI ,Wildlife Conservation Society(WCS ,and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF . Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats ANNUA. PR01R,22 R,P0RT 2 8 PROJ,CT 2UMMARY ProjectName: MIAR0 Projectactivity: MaintainingBiological IntegrityofCritical BiodiversityHabitats CooperativeAgreement No.: 687-A- - 4- 9 - Projectperiod: May17,2 4* March 31, 2 9 Implementing Organization: ConservationInternational * Madagascarinpartnershipwith6 C2 and6 6 7 Reporting Period: January1, 2 8* December31, 2 8 Page 2 Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats ANNUA. PR01R,22 R,P0RT 2 8 TAB., 07 C0NT,NT2 .I2T 07 ACR0NYM2 ________________________________________________________4 I. Introduction__________________________________________________________________6 II. Pro:ectActivities _____________________________________________________________9 ACTIVITI,2 .INK,D 6 ITH R,2U.T M0DU.,2 _______________________________________9 Result Module 1: cological linkages established and maintained ________________________9 Result Module 2: Management effectiveness for conservation areas improved _____________26 Result Module 4: Sustainable Financing Mechanisms Mobilizedand Operational ___________,, U2AID A..IANC, ACTIVITI,2 __________________________________________________42 III. Problems andconstraintsencountered _________________________________________43 IV. Recommended solutions_____________________________________________________45 V. Discussions ofob:ectives notachieved __________________________________________47 VI. .essonslearned ____________________________________________________________48 VII. AchievementTable_________________________________________________________5 Page 3 Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats ANNUA. PR01R,22 R,P0RT 2 8 .I2T 07 ACR0NYM2 ACC, Association Conservation Culture Environnement AMNH American Museumfor Natural -istory A2, Association pourla auvegarde de l’Environnement BB0P .usiness and .iodiversity Offset Program BIMP .irdlifeInternational Madagascar Programme BP/BPC .usiness Planning for Conservation BRD .ioclimate Research and Development C2D Contrat D#sendettement D#veloppement CA1 Conservation Action 0rants CAZ Corridor Ankeniheny 1ahamena CBD Conférence pourla Diversit#Biologique CCB2 Climate2 Community and .iodiveristy Standards CCD Communal Development Committees CC,, Centre pourla Conservation et pourl’Education Environementale CD7ID, Comit#pourle D#veloppement des Instruments de Financement Durable pourl’Environnement C,1 Centre d’Enseignement G#n#ral C,. Centre Ecologiquede Libanona C,P Commission Environnement ( P)che CI Conservation International CIM7 Comit3Inter4Minist3riel Mines For5ts CMP Comit#Multilocal de Planification CNR, Centre National pourla ,echercheEnvironnementale C0AP Code des Aires Prot#g#es C0BA Communaut#de Base C07AV Corridor Fandriana46ondrozo C01, Comit#de Gestion D,AP Droit d’Entr#eau-Aires Prot#g#es D1,7 Direction G#n#rale de l’.nvironnement et des For)ts DPRH Direction de la P)cheet des ,essources Halieutiques DR,7T Direction ,#gionale de l'Environnement0des For)ts et du1ourisme D2AP Direction de l’Appuiau8Syst9mes des Aires Prot3g3es ,IA nvironmental Impact Assesment ,P3 Madagascar:s nvironmental Program Phase , ,PP cole Primaire Publique 7APBM Fondation pourles Aires Prot#g#es et la Biodiversit#2Madagascar 72C Forest Stewardship Council 1DRN Gestion Durable des ,essources Naturelles 1,7 0lobal nvironment Fund 1,RP 0roupe d: tudes et de Recherches pourles Primates 1H1 0reenhouse 0as 1I2 0eographic Information System 10M 0overnment ofMadagascar IDA International Development Association I,7N Inventaire EcologiqueForestier National I,1 Indice d’Efficacit#de Gestion IUCN International Union for Conservation ofNature and Natural Resources Kf6 Kreditinstalt f?r Wiederaufbau .CM Aand Change Modeler MAP Madagascar Action Plan MAT, Man and The nvironment MaVoa Madagasikara 6oakajy MB1 Missouri .otanical 0arden M,7T Ministry of nvironment2 Forests and Tourism M,M Minist3re de l’Energie et des Mines M,NR2 Minist9re de l7 ducation Nationale et de Recherche Scientifique M7PAB Madagascar Foundation for Protected Area and .iodiversity MNP Madagascar National Par4s MPA Marine Protected Areas N10 Non4governmental organization Page 4 Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats ANNUA. PR01R,22 R,P0RT 2 8 NPA NewProtected Areas 0.,P Organe de Lutte contre l’Evenement de Pollution Marine par les hydrocarbures 0N, Office Nationale de l’Environnement 0NTM Office Nationale du1ourisme 2Madagascar PA Protected Area PA1 Plan d’Am#nagement et de Gestion PBZT Parc Botaniqueet 7oologiquede 1simba8a8a PCD Plan Communal de D#veloppement PDD Project Development Design P,2 Payment for cosystem Services P1,22 Social and environmental management plan development PIN Project Information Note P06 PA Program ofWorkon Protected Areas PTA Plan de 1ravail Annuel QMM CIT Madagascar Min3rals S.A. RAPPAM Rapid Assessment and Prioritization ofProtected Areas Management R,BI0MA ,#seaupourla Biodiversit#de Madagascar R,DD ,educins Emissions fromDeforestation and Degradation R,PC ,#seaud’Educateurs Professionnels pourla Conservation RTM Reggio TerzoMondo 2APM yst3me des Aires Prot#g#es de Madagascar 2A1, ervice d/Appui2la Gestion de l'Environnement 2P7 ervice de P#rennisation Financi3re 2TTA Short4term technical assistant 26 AP ector 9ide Approach TAM2 1eti4’Asa Mampody avo4a TBD To be determined TDY Temporary Duty T7T Tropical Forest Trust TNC The Nature Conservancy UC7B :nit#de Coordination Foresterie Biodiversit# UN,P United Nations nvironment Programme UN7CCC United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change U2AID United States Agency for International Development 6 C2 WildlifeConservation Society 6 6 7 World Wide Fund for Nature Z0C 1one d’Occupation Concert3e ZUC 1one d7=tilisation Concert3e Page 5 Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats ANNUA. PR01R,22 R,P0RT 2 8 I. INTRODUCTI0N This report covers activities for the period from Danuary 1 to December ,12 2008 for the USAID MIARO Program under the GMaintaining .iological Integrity ofCritical .iodiversity -abitats2H Aeader Award No. AA04A400499400046400. This is the main program through which Conservation International2 WWF and the WildlifeConservation Society provide coordinated technical support to the creation and effectivemanagement ofthe Madagascar Protected Area System ISAPM). In 200,2 the Ministry responsible for nvironment and Forests began a massive effort to e8pand its protected area system to coverappro8imately 10% ofthe country7s surface. Since that time enormous progress has been made in turning that vision into a reality. In December 20082 most ofthese new protected areas have been identified and are actively being created by a wide variety ofcivil society partners. This achievement has already been an enormous task that has required unparalleled collaboration among diverse organizations from government ministries2 conservation N0Os and rural development partners all the way down to the communities living around the new protected areas. A new protected area system ISAPM) has been designed2 datasets on biodiversity distribution havebeen compiled and analyzedto identifythe most important sites to protect2 the concept ofprotected areas in Madagascar has been redefined to allow for more flexible management options and new governance arrangements2 new models for engaging communities in conservation havebeen conceivedand tested2 new tools for improving management effectiveness and monitoring havebeen developed and adopted2 and new financial resources havebeen found and putto workto conserveMadagascar7s uniquenatural heritage. The conservation community in Madagascar is currently engaged in the largest taskit has everfaced. In the field2 the promoters ofthe new protected areas are in the process ofdetailed negotiations with stakeholders to agree on the path ofover 102000kilometers ofprotected area limits2 access and resource use rights and zoning. They are identifying the rural development needs ofthe country’s most marginalized communities and establishing the foundation for good governance starting with sound natural resource management. At the policy level there is still workto do to provide a legal framework that supports and reflects the policies for protected areas that haveemerged from the past several years ofdebate. Defining the final priority sites to include within the SAPM is also essential. As the most obvious biodiversity-rich areas are protected2 the choice ofthe final sites to include in the protected area system to ensure that it conserves the full representation ofMadagascar7s biodiversity will become more difficult. As the SAPM becomes a reality, new actors are getting involved in conservation and their capacity needs to be built up. Similarly, new finance is needed to pay for the e8panded system and the government and conservation organizations need to leverage money from previously untapped sources. The current challenges for SAPM haveensured that the year 2008has been a busy, but very productive,period for the MIARO program. During 20082 several new guides and management tools were developed for the SAPM2 namely
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