-'--~- -----=====-=~=-=-=-= ============= ==r""=~...,.':""'--.,.,.---:-:~ ---~T" ~! t! l ~TO. I C.\L A , QC . 11 f{ J JE'I, IS. ;0~ ;.;:QELL ST• P~OV. t:, ' R . I. ·- 0 2CJ b Yom Kippur Services I' Bring In Year-Of 5732 . Servtces for Yom Ktppur, the TEMPLE BETH EL ..Day of Atonement, and the last Rabbi Leslle Gutterman w1ll day of the J ewlsh High Holy Days, deliver the sermon at Yom will be held starting TUesday Klppur services at Temple Beth THE ONLY ENGLISH -J EWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. ' evening, Sept~ber 28, In at El on TUesday, September 28. His · temples and synagogues. topic w1ll be "TWelve Months To BARRINGTON Live." services on TUesday wW VOLUME LV,NUMBER 30 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,.1971 15c PER COPY 16 PAGES JEWISH CENTER be at 6:45 p.m. and 9 p.m. Barrington Services on Wednesday, DesR.ite Recent ~utbrealc Tile service of worship at the September 29, will be at 10 a.m. Barrington Jewish center for Rabbi William G. Braude will Yom Klppur, the Day of speak OD _."Only a Show of Atonement, will begin ,at 8 p.m. Repentance?" There will be Egypt A_nd Israel Assure U.S. on Tllesday,, september 28. The m uslc and readings for order of prayer will continue at meditation startlnc at 12:15 p.m. 10 a.m. on Wednesday, september Rabbi Gutterman wW speak on Of Intent To Maintain Cease-Fire i9, through the time of .sunset. "God's Erasers" at the WASHINGTON - The Unltad Israelis. the eastern bank and the nature of The Barrington Jewish Center children's services at 1:30 p.m. Slams has been reaall\lred by the American offldals said that an Egyptian force that might conducts their Holy Day services There will be an "Ask the Egypllan and Iaraell Gowernments reports recalwd from lfflel cross the canal. In the sanctuary of the Rabbis" session at 2:15 p.m. that they both lnlllll<I to malnUID lndlcatad that the first shooting Among the Ideas discussed nelgbborlng Red Church where before the reading of the the 13-mantb caase-flre along the had been a "ffuke" rather than a was a recommendation that the scriptures. the Reverend owtngs stone Is ~ Canal desplm the recent dellberam Israeli attempt to Israelis withdraw their troops to pastor. Rabbi Robert The Ylzltor service w1ll be at outbreak ol flghttna. jeopardize the cease-fire. The Sinai mountain passes about 25 schenkerman and Cantor Remmy 4:30 p.m. and Rabbi Gutterman Because of these Egyptian bomber reportedly was mlles from the canal. But Brown will offtclate at the w111 speak OD "The Shadows of rea,sur-s, received through downed by macblne-gun tire American offldal s stressed that servtoes. we.'' diplomatic ch-ls, Ulll8d cllrlng a reconnalss- fflght this waa one of several proposals Slams, offldals expresaed doubt along the canal. discussed and that It would be CONGREGATION TEMPLE EMANU-EL that the caase-flre was In The subsequent shoottnc• wrong to construe It as a position AGUDAS ACHIM Three Kol Nldre services wW Imminent danger ol collapN. appear to haw been reprisals and favored by the l.mlted States. Attleboro, Mass. be conducted at Temple Emanu­ "Both sides hne Indicated to counter reprisals. At a background brleftng for services for the High Holy El on TUesday, September 28, at us that they are still lnteresmd Deaptte the Increased tension newsmen, a senior 6:30 p.m. Rabbi Ell · A. Bohnen Days at _ Congregation Agudas - ewn anx1oua - to malnUID In...._ the Middle Baat, Amertcm Administration offldal said that Acblm In Attleboro, w111 deliver the sermon In the the cease-fire," one offldal said. omdals remain hopeflll about the Mr. Slsco's visit "went beyond Massachusetts, will be conducted main sanctuary< Rabbi Joel H. "So, franldy; we think the fighting poaslbWty of negotiating an the simple mailman role" the by Rabbi Philip Kaplan and Irvtnr Zalman w1ll speak In the new Is over for the time being." Interim agreement between Israel United States llad been playing and Miller, president of the synagogue Rabbi Jack Bloom 1be reassurance, came In and F.gypt to reapen the ~ until then. 'The offldal maintained congregation. will preach In the meeting house. response to Amertcan l.nqulrles Canal, closed since the 1967 war, that Mr. Sisco had put forward Yom Ktppur services will services will begin at 9 a.m. about the re-.! ftrlnl along the when the lsraella oc:a.,ied the "apeclflc and concrete" Ideas start at 6:10 p.m. on TUesday, on Wednesday, September 29, canal. Afmr 13 months ol relatlw Sinai Penlnsul a. that took Into account the September 28. Kol Nldre will be with Rabbi Zalman In the maln quiet, Israel and Eept exchanged Secretary ol State William P. conflicting positions of both sung at 6: 15 p.m. and the sermon synagogue, Rabbi Bloom In the rocket fire acro1111 the wamrway Rogers and his top Middle sides. will follow on "Unity of Acctlon" new synagogue and Rabbi Bohnen last week. It was the third Eastern apedallst, Assistant .'The Israeli response wu In the meeting house. at 6:45. outbreak of abootlng In S8ftD Secretary Joeeph J. Sisco, are noncommltal, reliable sources The reading of the Torah on services In the main cl&~. expected to explore the detalls of say. Jerusalem has been Wednesday morning will be at synagogue will be chanted by An Israeli transport plane wu such an agreement with Egyptian unwlll'lng to make any 10:S0 o'clock, and the sermon on cantor r,an E. Perlman, assisted shot down by an Egypllan and Israeli Foreign Ministers concessions until Washington "SanctUtcatlon and Desecration" by the choir under the dlreotton surface-to-air mlsslle, and durlnl' the United Nations General responds to Its long-standing will follow at 11:80 a.m. Yizltor of Frederick A. MacArthur at the · prnl-ly, an F.cYPttaii SUkol-7 Assembly 8818100. requeau for additional Jet w1ll be ac noon. (Contlmled on Pqe 14) bomber was OOWn8d by the A compromise formula for an fighters. 1be l.mlted States Is ' .. Children's services, directed ~t was put before the reluctant to fulftll the requests ~ by a committee of parents under Israelis In July by Mr, Slsco until the Israeli position softens. ' the chairmanship of Mrs. Gerald . during a 10-day visit to As a result of this stalement, the Rosenthal, will be held at noon. Jerusalem, It contained spectflc United States says It has not felt recommendations on how the able to advise Egypt of the CONGREGATION canal might be reopened, how far recommendations submitted to ,I B'NAI ISRAEL the Israelis might withdraw from Jerusalem. Woonsocket Cantor David Rublnfeld, a theological student at Melftha Arabs In Administered Areas Torah Vodaas of New York, will chant the Musaf services. Rabbi, Mo z.e son will conduct the leaning Toward Coexistence services. By CELIA ZUCKERBERG American Institute of Holy Land Studies: a nun, Sister Alleen, TEMPLE BETH AM 'The prlndpal fact which mother superior of the Sisters <If Warwlok Impressed Howard E. Lipsey and Zion who Is active In attempting Yom Klppur sei:_vlces at Pr.ofessor Fred Pollak was that to bring together the Arabs of \ Temple Beth Am wlll start with the Israel policy In the- areas East Jerusalem and the Israelis. Kol Nldre at 6:15 p.m. on which she Is administrating Is "really bearing fruit," All owing At the mome'!t whe Is teaching '\ Tuesday, September 28. courses In Hebrew for the Xrabs Wednesday morning .services, the !ocal governments to stay In and courses In Arabic for the September 29, will start at 9 power, the Arab court system to J continue functioning and the Israelis. 'There are about 300 o ' c 1 o c k • Junior congregation students,enrolled In her courses, \ schools to go on as they had been, services will be at 10 o'clock. They also spoke with Services will be conducted by sccordlng to Prof.. Pollak, has SITTING ON Greggie's front porch are Gregory Jeffrey Godfrey and his made the Palestinians of the West Archbishop Appleton, the Rabbi Mordecai Brill of New Big Brother Irving Kaiser, Anglican archbishop of the entire York and Cantor Irving Poll. Bank, not "love the Israelis" but seems to be convincing them that Middle East. they and the Israelis can manage But Professor Pollak was Announce Selection When A Boy Needs A Friend, to co-exist. most Impressed with their · Professor Pollak of Brown experience at the town of Of Associate Chaplain Ramallah whlc:h Is situated on the A 'Big Brother' Helps Out University and Mr. Lipsey, a West Bank, an administered area. Charles A. Baldwin, chaplain local attorney ·and head of the. By CELIA ZUCKERBERG 11tere they met with Aziz of Brown University; and Rabbi But the result Is the same. Rhode Island Anti-Defamation Shihadeh, a lawyer and prominent Nathan N. Rosen of The Hillel Just the way Gregg Jeffrey To the boy, who has no male League recently visited Israel for spokesman for the Palestinian two. weeks on a fact-finding Foundation, announced today the Godfrey leans toward his Big guidance, having a man who takes Arabs; and with the president of / mission In connection with their appointment of Rabbi Richard A. Brother, Just the way he I ook at him out on Sundays, who takes the Supreme Court of the West Marker as associate chaplain at him, tells more than any of the him to special affairs, a man to positions on the Israel Affairs Bank, a Palestinian Ara6 named Brown University and associate stories which the Big Brothers whom he can talk, Is a necessity, Committee of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Nlhad Jarallah.
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