HMIS Bulletin - Sonbhadra Volume - 2, FY 2016-17 (April to March 2017) - As on 12th April 2017 National Health Mission Government of Uttar Pradesh Prepared By : MIS Division State Program Management Unit, Uttar Pradesh. HMIS (National Health Mission Bulletin) Sonbhadra - Uttar Pradesh April to March, 2016-17 S. No Sections 1 District Profile 2 District Summary sheet 3 MCTS status 4 HMIS Data Uploading and Forwarding status 5 Maternal Health 5.1 Antenatal Care 5.2 Delivery & Postnatal care 5.3 High risk preganancy and obstetric complications 5.4 C Section and Complications attended and treated 6 Child health 6.1 Live Births & New Born Care 6.2 Child Immunization 7 Reproductive Health 8 Indicators and Estimations 8.1 List of Indicators covered 8.2 Estimation sheet Sonbhadra_Profile at a Glance Unmet Unmet District Hardoi (*AHS IMR NMR U5MR MMR TFR CBR need need for 2012-13) spacing limiting 69 52 99 218 3.8 28.2 15.9 7 Demographic Profile Infrastructure Delivery Points Human resource Training No. of N0. of Medical Medical S.no. Block Total Population Literacy No. of Gram Trained in Trained in Trained in Sex ratio Revenue VHSNC CHC PHC SC Pvt. AWCs L1 L2 L3 officers officers SN in block # ANMs #AWW #ASHAs (Census 2011) rate Panchayat SBA NSSK PPIUCD Village formed (MBBS) (AYUSH) 1 Bhabni 103974 918 64.03 31 72 40 1 1 14 105 8 1 0 3 14 105 69 1 4 1 2 Chatra 109020 918 64.03 48 179 61 0 2 17 116 8 1 0 5 19 113 103 3 16 1 3 Chopan 360013 918 64.03 51 93 60 1 5 28 296 23 0 1 3 34 291 245 3 21 1 4 Dudhi 171561 918 64.03 45 102 45 1 2 19 150 16 1 0 8 22 143 151 4 19 0 5 Ghorawal 290289 918 64.03 112 354 166 1 3 29 301 21 1 0 6 32 301 199 8 15 3 6 Myoerpur 394648 918 64.03 65 123 80 1 6 24 282 11 2 1 4 33 301 253 6 17 1 7 Nagawa 94327 918 64.03 45 120 52 0 4 11 148 6 1 0 3 18 113 78 1 15 0 8 Robertsganj 338727 918 64.03 104 364 340 0 5 40 301 28 2 1 4 50 301 257 14 33 12 9 DH Sonbhadra Sonbhadra - MCTS Status on crititical indicator as on 12 April 2017 Registration and Updation Trend of Registration 100 62 % PW received 3 % PW delivered % children received 65 68 % of % of % of % HRP 58 59 60 61 62 50 57 55 53 55 68 % of Children ANCs against PW against PW full immunization 48 48 44 47 Mother Mother Children against PW 32 37 Block Registration- registered with registered with against children 25 29 Registratio Registratio Registration- registered in 11 12 MCTS LMP in Apr-Aug LMP in Apr-Aug registered with DoB 0 4 n- HMIS n- MCTS HMIS 2016-17 15 15 in Apr-Aug 15 % Mother Registration % Child Registration % of Mother Services against PW registedred with LMIP in Apr-Dec Bhabni 91 82 71 77 22 21 48 11 15 Chatra 88 67 69 67 40 33 76 9 150 Chopen 85 52 70 33 1 6 14 0 100 100 Dudhi 79 87 76 79 19 13 72 1 36 Ghorahawal 90 74 57 66 25 12 55 4 50 23 12 Myoerpur 66 61 48 59 18 3 56 3 0 Nagawa 79 82 61 83 75 76 50 7 ANCs 1 ANCs 2 ANCs 3 Full ANCs Ravertganj 124 67 61 69 26 20 67 6 DHQ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grand Total 92 68 63 62 23 17 53 4 % of Children Services against children registed with DoB in Apr-Dec 100 15 77 75 MCTS >100% 65 56 53 1- Mother registration is less than 70% in Chopan and Myoerpur. >90, <=100 50 2- Poor Child registration Chopan block. Need to focus on Chopan block for >=70, <=90 better improvemetn in MCTS. <70 0 BCG DPT1/Pentavalent1 DPT3/Pentavalent3 Measles Full Immunization Volume - 2, FY 2016-17 (April to March 2017) - As on 12th April 2017 - FY 2016-17 (April to February) Summary Sheet Ante Natal care (ANC) Delivery care Estimated PW 61644 Estimated delivery 56600 Total number of pregnant women Registered for ANC 56599 Total reported deliveries 35654 Institutional delivery 23955 Total Pregnant Women registered in MCTS 38458 Number discharged under 48 hours of delivery 18049 Of which Number registered within first trimester 22699 Women receiving post partum checkup within 48 hours 22406 Number of pregnant women received 3 ANC check ups 35763 JSY incentive paid to Mothers for institutional delivery 18205 TT2 or Booster 40757 Home delivery 11699 Total number of pregnant women given 100 IFA tablets 34680 Delivery conducted by Non SBA 10101 Number having Hb level<11 (tested cases) 20529 Number of newborns visited within 24 hours of Home… 5362 Pregnant women with Hypertension (BP>140/90) : New 2935 cases Number of mothers paid JSY incentive for Home deliveries 19 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 Child care and Immunization Fammily Planning Estimated live birth 56040 Total unmet need for family planning 142162 Total live birth reported 35574 Total Children registered in MCTS 31911 Total Users using any FP method (Limiting & spacing) 16857 Still birth 654 Newborns weighed at birth 29570 Potential Unmet need for Limiting Method 23143 Newborns having weight less than 2.5 kg 3826 Newborns breast fed within 1 hour 29705 Limiting Metod users (Male & Female sterilization) 3873 Infants 0 to 11 months old who received BCG 42256 Infants 0 to 11 months old who received OPV 0 14944 Potential Unmet need for Spacing Method 52567 Infants 0 to 11 months old who received Hep B 0 9408 Infants 0 to 11 months old who received Measles 42020 Spacing Method Users (IUCD&Oral Pills) 9536 children 9 and 11 months fully immunized 41252 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 0 100002000030000400005000060000700008000090000100000110000120000130000140000150000 Sonbhadra - FY 2016-17 (April to February) Summary Sheet Maternal health : - ANC registration of dist. is 92 % for district while Robertsganj block is showing more than 100% ANC registration against target although AHS 2012-13 showing ANC registration 63.2% while as per CBTS 2nd round 40% women not register which also came to near by AHS. So ther is need to check data. - Registration of Pregnant women in MCTS is not up to mark on, 68 pregnant women register in MCTS while ANC registration in HMIS is 92% In Chopan Block, only 52% mother regiter in MCTS againest estimation while in HMIS, ANC reg. is 84%. - Indentification of pregnant wormen in 2nd trimaster decrease form 45% to 26% in second roound CBTS so there is need to cross check data ofANC registration or all mother register in MCTS. - 3 ANC of district is 58% and reported delivery is 63%. So there is need to register all pregnant women in MCTS. for proper traking as well as reduce missing delivery . - Only 21% home delivery reported in HMIS however as per AHS 2012-13 it is 64.5% and as per CBTS 2nd round it is decrese form 55% (CBTS-1) to 47% . Still there is around 30% home delivery not reported by facililty. So there is need of proper tracking of home delivery and minimize the missing delivery. - Identification of anemic women (<11 Hb) is 33% for district, there is need to proper identification of anemic women. - 66% of pregnant woman received TT2/BD, where as 57% of ANC’s were received 100 IFA tablets while as pec CBTS 2nd round survery ,% of women who delivered in last two month receive 100 IFA tablet is only 18% so there is need to check data and verify from source document. - 33% of registered pregnant woman were having Hb level<11. - 3% PNC Check up increase form CBTS-1 (17%) to CBTS-2 (20%). - Child Health: - New born weight at birth is 83% for district while AHS is showing only 17.7%. So there is need to check this data. - New born breast feed within one hour is 84% for district while AHS is showing on 22%. - 62% children register in MCTS while 63% delivery reported in HMIS so there is need to focus on MCTS registration for better services and coverage. - As per CBTS-2, 27% new born visited by ASHA within 24 hours of delivery or within 24 hours of reaching home . - 8% institutional delivry increas from last CBTS-1 (45%) to CBTS-2 (53%). - Immunization - BCG given to child is 75% against live birth but total reported delivery for district is 63%. So there is need to check and verify the data. - Huge variation in zero does given in facility even SC also report Hep. B O does in HMIS. - Family Planning - IUCD insertation is only 2% in DH, 15% in CHC, 14% in PHC while Major contribution by SC. - Achivement of spacing method is 23% for district. Sonbhadra '- Percent of facilities reported in HMIS by Month, FY 2016-17 Total No. of Block Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Facilities DHQ 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Bhabni 16 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Chopen 39 87 92 87 87 87 87 100 100 100 100 100 87 Dudhi 21 90 100 90 100 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 90 Ghorahawal 32 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Myoerpur 40 88 83 83 83 83 83 100 100 100 100 100 83 Ravertganj 54 93 85 83 85 83 85 100 100 100 98 100 83 Chatra 17 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Nagawa 15 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Grand Total 235 93 92 90 91 90 91 100 100 100 100 100 90 Less than 100% Reported facilities are less than number of facilities in HMIS More than 100% Reported facilities are greater than number of facilities in HMIS % Facilities Uploaded data as on 5th of the month % Facilities forwarded data as on 10th of the month 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 90 91 90 91 90 100 100 90 85 90 80 80 Dudhi 60 60 42 36 40 40 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chatra Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Nagawa Sonbhadra - ANC Services Reported in HMIS during FY 2016-17, April to March ANC Services, Trends, Distribution and Performance Trend of ANC registration (in numbers) - FY 2016-17 Total Number of % of ANC Of which 7000 6401 Propotiona number of % of ANC pregnant % of ANC registered Number % of ANC 6000 5720 5649 5557 te pregnant registered TT2 or women received 5226 5300 Block to registered received estimated women within 1st Booster received 3 3ANC 5000 4351 4074 estimated within first TT2/Booster 3845 3735 PW Registered trimester ANC check checkups 4000 3374 3367 Pregnancy trimester 2985 for ANC ups 3000 2303 2116 2128 1985 2241 1615 1670 1760 2000 1380 1247 1269 DHQ 0 2037 1539 75.6 313 1191 1000 Bhabni 3591 3283 91.4 1120 34.1 2231 62.1 2045 56.9 Chopen 10990 9314 84.7 2654 28.5 7685 69.9 5226 47.6 0 Dudhi 6079 4822 79.3 2653 55.0 4579 75.3 3330 54.8 Ghorahawal 9867 8901 90.2 3722 41.8 6464 65.5 5065 51.3 ANC Registered Reg.
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