centralny centralny projekt projekt badawczy badawczy IPNZiemie polskie IPNStosunki pod okupacją polsko-żydowskie 1939–1945 w okresie II wojny światowej The Institute of National Rememberance Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation The Holocaust and Polish-Jewish Relations Selected issues edited by Martyna Grądzka-Rejak Adam Sitarek WARSAW 2018 Reviewer (Ph.D) Przemysław Waingertner Translation Wojciech Matusiak Editing and proofreading Textura-Jerzy Giebułtowski Index Mariusz Dobkowski Typesetting Marcin Koc Cover design Katarzyna Dziedzic-Boboli Photo on the cover Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance Printing Legra Sp. z o.o. ul. Albatrosów 10c, 30-716 Kraków © Copyright by The Institute of National Remembrance Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation, 2018 ISBN 978-83-8098-446-2 www.ksiegarnia.ipn.gov.pl www.ipn.poczytaj.pl contents introduction . 7 grzegorz berendt · Jewish Escapers from Ghettos or Death Camps . 15 tomasz domański · Polish ‘Navy Blue’ Police in the Kielce County in 1939–1945 . 53 martyna grądzka-rejak · “We Recognised Each Other by Our Eyes”. From Research on the Survival Strategies of Jewish Women Living ‘on the Surface’ on the ‘Aryan’ Side in Occupied Cracow and its Vicinity . 94 aleksandra namysło · Persecution of Polish Citizens for Providing Help to Jews in The Light of Procedural Files of German Special Courts . 127 sebastian piątkowski · The Participation of the German Gendarmerie in Extermination of the Jewish Population of the General Gouvernement (with the North-Eastern Part of the Radom District as an Example) . 146 elżbieta rączy · Aktion Reinhardt in the Cracow District . 162 adam sitarek · Ghetto in the testimonies of Poles and Germans, Inhabitants of Litzmannstadt . 180 mateusz szpytma · Crimes against the Jewish Population at Markowa in 1942 in the Context of 1949–1954 Criminal Proceedings . 202 marcin urynowicz · Organized and Individual Assistance of Poles for Jewish People Exterminated by the German Occupants in the Second World War . 245 abbreviations . 359 bibliography . 362 · biograms . 379 · index . 382 5 introduction Research on the extermination of Jews and on the Polish-Jewish relations during World War II has been one of the pillars of the scholarly activity of the Institute of National Remembrance ever since its establishment. The decisive factor dictating the choice of research subjects by the Institute is the Institute of National Remembrance1 Act, which defines its time frame, 1918–1989, the subject matter as the fate of Polish Jews and the Polish-Jewish relations, and the geographical focus on events occurring on Polish lands. The German occupation period is of particular interest. Works published at the Institute are generally the results of research conducted individually by staff members. The emergence of central research projects has brought more coordination. The subject matter in question has been covered under the project “Extermination of Jews on Polish Lands”, in 2017 transformed into the project “Polish-Jewish Relations in 1918–1968”.2 The two projects are closely linked to another initiative, titled “Index of Poles persecuted for helping Jews”, the principal idea of which is to create a full database of biog- raphies of Polish people who suffered for helping Jews during World War II.3 The project was conceived and initiated in 2005 by the Institute of Strategic 1 http://ipn.gov.pl/en/about-the-ipn/documents/327,The-Act-on-the-Institute-of- National-Remembrance.html. 2 http://ipn.gov.pl/pl/nauka/badania-naukowe/24330,Centralne-Projekty-Badawcze-IPN. html (in Polish). 3 A digital database of information on Poles persecuted for helping Jews is available at www. zyciezazycie.pl in Polish. 7 Studies in Kraków, which also assumed the organizational patronage of the project. The Institute of National Remembrance conducts this research in cooperation with the Head Office of State Archives, the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum and the Yad Vashem Institute. The results of research conducted by the Institute’s staff are successively published in the form of books and articles in scholarly and popular jour- nals. The IPN has significant achievements in this field.4 The most important published works5 are worthy of particular attention. Another significant aspect is that the publications played a vital role in the public debate on two tragic events from the 1940s; the pogroms in Jedwabne and Kielce.6 Findings presented in both these volumes continue to form the scientific basis for a substantive discussion on both issues. It is worth noting that, in comparison with other countries of Central and East- ern Europe, Poland’s debate on the events described in these publications is truly groundbreaking. The publications include texts devoted to Polish-Jew- ish relations during World War II7. Another important factor popularizing heroic attitudes was the series “Kto ratuje jedno życie…” [Whoever saves one life….], which described both the context of providing help under occupa- tion and stories of individual rescuers8. 4 For a more detailed discussion of the Institute’s research activities on Jewish topics up to 2010 see: J. Walicki, Tematyka żydowska w publikacjach naukowych Instytutu Pamię- ci Narodowej [in:] Bez taryfy ulgowej. Dorobek naukowy i edukacyjny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej 2000–2010, eds. A. Czyżewski, S.M. Nowinowski, R. Stobiecki, J. Żelazko, Łódź 2012, pp. 161–172. 5 A complete catalogue of publications (in Polish), comprising more than forty titles is ava- ilable on-line at: http://ipn.gov.pl/pl/publikacje/katalog-publikacji/27353,Katalog-publi- kacji.html. 6 Wokół Jedwabnego, vol. 1: Studia, eds. P. Machcewicz, K. Persak, Warsaw 2002; Wokół Jedwabnego, vol. 2: Dokumenty, eds. P. Machcewicz, K. Persak, Warsaw 2002; Wokół pogro- mu kieleckiego, vol. 1, eds. Ł. Kamiński, J. Żaryn, Warsaw 2006; Wokół pogromu kieleckie- go, vol. 2, eds. L. Bukowski, A. Jankowski, J. Żaryn, Warsaw 2008. 7 Polacy i Żydzi pod okupacją niemiecką 1939–1945. Studia i materiały, ed. A. Żbikowski, Warsaw 2006; A. Puławski, W obliczu Zagłady. Rząd RP na Uchodźstwie, Delegatura Rzą- du RP na Kraj, ZWZ-AK wobec deportacji Żydów do obozów zagłady (1941–1942), Lublin 2009. 8 E. Rączy, Pomoc Polaków dla ludności żydowskiej na Rzeszowszczyźnie 1939–1945, Rze- szów 2008; M. Szpytma, The Risk of Survival. The Rescue of the Jews by the Poles and the Tragic Consequences for the Ulma Family from Markowa, Warsaw 2009; „Kto w takich cza- 8 Two conference volumes devoted to the Shoah in the General Gov- ernment and on Polish lands under occupation9 are crucial for Holocaust research, regardless of how much time has passed since their publication. The Institute has also started to compile monographs of individual ghettos organized by the German occupying forces in Poland or selected aspects of their functioning10, as well as the essential figures in the history of the Shoah11. A separate group also includes albums based on the extensive iconographic material, mostly from the Archives of the Institute or other institutions12. Apart from publishing and educational activities, another important aspect of the work of the Institute of National Remembrance is the presen- tation and popularization of research results, as in this book concerning sach Żydów przechowuje ?” Polacy niosący pomoc ludności żydowskiej w okresie okupacji niemieckiej, ed. A. Namysło, Warsaw 2009; E. Rączy, I. Witowicz, Polacy ratujący Żydów na Rzeszowszczyźnie w latach 1939–1945/Poles Rescuing Jews in the Rzeszów Region in the Years 1939–1945, Rzeszów 2011; Rejestr faktów represji na obywatelach polskich za pomoc ludności żydowskiej w okresie II wojny światowej, eds. A. Namysło, G. Berendt, Warsaw 2014 (e-book). 9 Akcja Reinhardt. Zagłada Żydów w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie, ed. D. Libionka, War- saw 2004; Zagłada Żydów na polskich terenach wcielonych do Rzeszy, ed. A. Namysło, Warsaw 2008. 10 E. Rogalewska, Getto białostockie. Doświadczenie Zagłady – świadectwa literatury i życia, Białystok 2013; M. Grądzka, Przerwane dzieciństwo. Losy dzieci Żydowskiego Domu Sierot przy ul. Dietla 64 w Krakowie podczas okupacji niemieckiej/A broken childhood. The Fate of the Children from the Jewish Orphanage at 64 Dietla Street in Cracow during the German Occupation, Cracow 2012. M. Grądzka-Rejak, Kobieta żydowska w okupowanym Krako- wie (1939–1945), Cracow 2016; A. Sitarek, Otoczone drutem państwo. Struktura i funk- cjonowanie administracji żydowskiej getta łódzkiego, Łódź 2015 (also available in English: A. Sitarek, “Wire Bound State”. Structure and Functions of the Jewish Administration of the Łódź Ghetto, Łódź–Warsaw 2017); Zagłada Żydów na polskiej prowincji, eds. A. Sita- rek, M. Trębacz, E. Wiatr, Łódź 2012; E. Rączy, Zagłada Żydów w dystrykcie krakowskim w latach 1939–1945, Rzeszów 2014. 11 E. Rogalewska, Getto białostockie…; M. Grądzka-Rejak, Kobieta żydowska w okupowanym Krakowie…; A. Sitarek, “Otoczone drutem państwo”…; Zagłada Żydów na polskiej prowin- cji, eds. A. Sitarek, M. Trębacz, E. Wiatr, Łódź 2012; E. Rączy, Zagłada Żydów w dystrykcie krakowskim… 12 A. Namysło, Zanim nadeszła Zagłada… Położenie ludności żydowskiej w Zagłębiu Dąbrow- skim w okresie okupacji niemieckiej/Before the Holocaust Came… The situation of Jews in Zaglembie during the German occupation, Katowice 2009; Łódź Ghetto/Litzmannstadt Get- to 1940–1944, eds. J. Baranowski, S.M. Nowinowski, transl. K. Gucio, Łódź 2014. 9 the problems of the Holocaust and aid for Jews. This element is reflected in regular
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