NOTICE OF MEETING Overview and Scrutiny Commission Thursday 3 May 2012, 7.30 pm Council Chamber, Fourth Floor, Easthampstead House, Bracknell To: OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMISSION Councillor Leake (Chairman), Councillor Angell (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Mrs Angell, Mrs Birch, Ms Brown, Finnie, Harrison, Heydon, McLean, Turrell, Virgo and Ms Whitbread Children’s Social Care Representative Ms C Mitchell Church Representative Members (Voting in respect of Education matters only) Mr D Moss and One Vacancy Parent Governor Representative Members (Voting in respect of education matters only) Ms S Cauchi and Murray cc: Substitute Members of the Commission Councillors Allen, Kensall, Ms Miller, Mrs Temperton and Worrall There will be a private meeting for members of the Commission at 6.45pm in the Function Room. ALISON SANDERS Director of Corporate Services EMERGENCY EVACUATION INSTRUCTIONS 1 If you hear the alarm, leave the building immediately. 2 Follow the green signs. 3 Use the stairs not the lifts. 4 Do not re-enter the building until told to do so. If you require further information, please contact: Priya Patel Telephone: 01344 352233 Email: [email protected] Published: 23 April 2012 Overview and Scrutiny Commission Thursday 3 May 2012, 7.30 pm Council Chamber, Fourth Floor, Easthampstead House, Bracknell AGENDA Page No 1. Apologies for Absence/Substitute Members To receive apologies for absence and to note the attendance of any substitute members. 2. Minutes and Matters Arising To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the 1 - 4 Overview and Scrutiny Commission held on 29 March 2012. 3. Declarations of Interest and Party Whip Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests and the nature of that interest, including the existence and nature of the party whip, in respect of any matter to be considered at this meeting. 4. Urgent Items of Business Any other items which, pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman decides are urgent. 5. Public Participation To receive submissions from members of the public which have been submitted in advance in accordance with the Council’s Public Participation Scheme for Overview and Scrutiny. Crime & Disorder Committee 6. Community Safety Meeting as the Crime and Disorder Committee, to receive reports on, 5 - 92 and to consider: a) The performance of the Community Safety Partnership in 2011-12 and the Community Safety Plan for 2011-14. b) Changes to policing affecting Bracknell Forest, particularly an update on the creation of the Police and Crime Panel for Thames Valley, and the election of the Police Commissioner. c) The proposed Designated Public Place Order for Bracknell town centre. Holding the Executive to Account 7. Executive Forward Plan Forthcoming items on the Executive Forward Plan of a corporate nature 93 - 106 are attached for consideration. Overview and Policy Development 8. Work Programme Update To note the progress against the Overview and Scrutiny Commission 107 - 112 work programme for 2011-12. 9. Date of Next Meeting 12 July 2012. This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 2 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMISSION 29 MARCH 2012 7.30 - 8.20 PM Present: Councillors Leake (Chairman), Angell (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Angell, Ms Brown, Finnie, Harrison, Heydon, McLean, Virgo and Worrall (Substitute) Apologies for absence were received from: Councillors Mrs Birch, Turrell and Ms Whitbread. Ms S Cauchi, Parent Governor Representative Mrs C. Murray, Parent Governor Representative Ms C Mitchell, Children’s Social Care Representative In Attendance: Richard Beaumont, Head of Overview & Scrutiny Victor Nicholls, Assistant Chief Executive Alison Sanders, Director of Corporate Services 58. Minutes and Matters Arising RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 26 January 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. Matters Arising The Head of Overview and Scrutiny reported that a summary of actions taken since the last meeting had been appended to the minutes. He reported that with reference to Minute 51, Legal Services had now sent members a web link to access requested Freedom of Information material. With reference to Minute 56, the Executive were now being consulted on the Commission’s Work Programme for 2012-13, and the draft annual report of Overview and Scrutiny had been circulated for members’ comments. 59. Declarations of Interest and Party Whip There were no declarations of interest. 60. Public Participation There were no items submitted under the Public Participation Scheme. 61. Executive Forward Plan The Commission considered the Executive Forward Plan. 1 In response to members’ queries, the Director of Corporate Services reported that the Customer Contact Strategy was designed to improve the efficiency of the ways in which customers contacted the Council. This included greater use of the website which was more cost effective. A proactive action plan had been developed around this, working with officers from across the Council. In response to members’ queries the Assistant Chief Executive reported that the Bracknell Town Centre Development Agreement might be changed in the future, and it would enable the rest of the development in the Town Centre to go ahead. 62. Quarterly Service Reports (QSR) 2011/12 The Director of Corporate Services reported that the department was generally on track and had met the vast majority of targets for the quarter. The department was in a strong place, had underspent and was progressing well. Staff sickness levels remained low. In response to members’ queries around red indicators in the report, the Director of Corporate Services made the following points: • (p.5 L076) The Planned Maintenance Spend was slightly lower than targeted this would even out in the following quarter. • (p.5 L053) Collection of Business Rates was a key economic indicator and was being monitored carefully. 97% had been collected, indicating very good performance. There had been a rise in challenges and complaints from Business Rate payers, particularly around empty property Business Rates. This had generated some investigative and enforcement action. • (p.6 L085) Debt recovery was not always on a smooth profile. It was noted that in future a target would not be used for debt recovery; figures would be provided to show performance. The Council was performing well in terms of debt recovery. 63. Corporate Performance Overview Report The following points were made on the Chief Executive’s Performance Overview Report for quarter three (October to December) of the 2011/12 financial year: • Members were pleased to see that individuals who breached HMO Management Regulations were now being prosecuted. • It was reported that this report was intended to pull together overall key issues from all departments and provide an overview. The report was considered by management teams, the Executive, Overview and Scrutiny as well as being published on the website. • The Director of Corporate Services and the Assistant Chief Executive stated that they were happy to answer any questions from members around performance reports as soon as they were published. • Members asked that future reports of crime figures should make it clear that they were recorded crimes. • The Assistant Chief Executive acknowledged that performance around anti- social behaviour was slightly lower, and summarised the work of the Council and its partners to tackle ASB. It was noted that an Anti-Social Behaviour Co- ordinator had been reappointed. • Members expressed concern around the performance of schools as detailed in paragraph 3.4 of the report, despite the presence of School Improvement Officers. The Chairman asked that the concerns of the Commission be 2 conveyed to the Director of Children, Young People and Learning around this. The Chairman also asked to be informed of how many School Improvement Officers were currently employed in the Borough and a summary of their responsibilities. • Members requested an explanation for underperformance on indicator NI103.2 (SEN Statements) • Members asked to be informed of the outcome of consideration of using E+ Cards in pay and display (car park) machines. • It was noted that the rise in the number of Child Protection Plans was not necessarily a negative development; it was possible that more vulnerable children were being reported and monitored than previously. 64. Overview & Scrutiny Bi-Annual Progress Report The Commission noted the Overview and Scrutiny activity over the period September 2011 to February 2012, set out in Section 5 and Appendices 1 and 2 of the report. Members’ thanked officers for arranging training events delivered by the Centre for Public Scrutiny on questioning skills and on leadership of O&S. In response to members’ queries, the Head of Overview and Scrutiny reported that Councillor McCracken was leading the member only forum around the governance structure issues in the Localism Act. 65. Working Groups Update The Commission noted the progress achieved to date by the working groups focussing on the ICT Strategy and the Community Infrastructure Levy. In terms of the Community Infrastructure Levy, the Head of Overview and Scrutiny reported that the Commission Chairman and he had met with the Parish and Town Council Liaison Group to brief them on progress. The Working Group would be meeting next on 18 April. The Chairman stated that between 3-5 members would be required to establish a Working Group around the Communications Strategy, if members would like to participate they should contact himself or the Head of Overview and Scrutiny. If Commission members were unable to commit, the invitation to join the Working Group would be opened to all non-executive members of the Council. 66. Updates from Panel Chairmen The Chairman of Environment, Culture and Communities O&S Panel reported that a discussion around winter preparations had taken place at the last meeting as well as changes around Planning legislation. A briefing would take place for all members.
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