Reelfoot rift and its impact on Quaternary deformation in the central Mississippi River valley Ryan Csontos University of Memphis, Ground Water Institute, 300 Engineering, Memphis, Tennessee 38152, USA Roy Van Arsdale Randel Cox University of Memphis, Earth Sciences, 1 Johnson Hall, Memphis, Tennessee 38152-3430, USA Brian Waldron University of Memphis, Civil Engineering, 110D Engineering Science Building, Memphis, Tennessee 38152, USA ABSTRACT ridge, and the southern half of Crowley’s depth (Pujol et al., 1997) and has been attributed Ridge as compressional stepover zones that to reactivation of Reelfoot rift basement faults Geophysical and drill-hole data within the appear to have originated above basement (Kane et al., 1981; Braile et al., 1986; Dart and Reelfoot rift of Arkansas, Tennessee, Mis- fault intersections. The Lake County uplift Swolfs, 1998; Csontos, 2007). Specifi cally, the souri, and Kentucky, USA, were integrated has been tectonically active over the past earthquakes are occurring on a compressional to create a structure contour map and three- ~2400 yr and corresponds with a major seg- left stepover within a right-lateral strike-slip dimensional computer model of the top of the ment of the New Madrid seismic zone. The fault system (Russ, 1982; Schweig and Ellis, Precambrian crystalline basement. The base- aseismic Joiner ridge and the southern por- 1994). ment map and model clearly defi ne the north- tion of Crowley’s Ridge may refl ect earlier The general geometry of the Reelfoot rift was east-trending Cambrian Reelfoot rift, which uplift, thus indicating Quaternary strain mapped by Dart and Swolfs (1998) (Fig. 2); is crosscut by southeast-trending basement migration within the Reelfoot rift. however, here we integrate a more recent and faults. The Reelfoot rift consists of two major extensive data set (Csontos, 2007) to better map basins, separated by an intrarift uplift, that Keywords: Reelfoot rift, Mississippi embay- the rift. In addition, the base of the Mississippi are further subdivided into eight subbasins ment, New Madrid seismic zone, Mississippi Valley alluvium (Pliocene–Pleistocene uncon- bound by northeast- and southeast-striking River alluvium, geomorphology. formity) is mapped using 5077 shallow borings. rift faults. The rift is bound to the south by Comparison of the Pliocene–Pleistocene uncon- the White River fault zone and to the north INTRODUCTION formity with the Reelfoot rift structures indi- by the Reelfoot normal fault. The modern cates Quaternary fault reactivation far beyond Reelfoot thrust fault, responsible for most of The Reelfoot rift (Mississippi Valley graben), the footprint of the New Madrid seismic zone. the New Madrid seismic zone earthquakes, is beneath the northern Mississippi embayment, interpreted as an inverted basement normal has been interpreted as a Cambrian aulacogen GEOLOGY OF THE REELFOOT RIFT fault. (Ervin and McGinnis, 1975; Thomas, 1991) REGION Geologic interpretation of 5077 shallow (Fig. 1). Buried under as much as 8 km of Pha- borings in the central Mississippi River val- nerozoic sediments, the crystalline basement The geologic history of the Reelfoot rift ley enabled the construction of a structure rocks defi ning the rift have been mapped from region is poorly understood because the base- contour map of the Pliocene–Pleistocene gravity, aeromagnetic, seismic refraction, seis- ment rocks are largely buried beneath Phanero- unconformity (top of the Eocene–base of mic refl ection, and a few deep petroleum explo- zoic sediments, including Mississippi River Mississippi River alluvium) that overlies ration wells (Hildenbrand et al., 1977; Howe alluvium. However, regional mapping indicates most of the Reelfoot rift. This map reveals and Thompson, 1984; Howe, 1985; Hildenbrand that the central United States is underlain by both river erosion and tectonic deformation. and Hendricks, 1995; Langenheim and Hilden- several Precambrian terranes (Fig. 3). These Deformation of the Pliocene–Pleistocene brand, 1997; Dart and Swolfs, 1998; Parrish and terranes include the Superior Province (2700 unconformity appears to be controlled by the Van Arsdale, 2004; Csontos, 2007). The north- Ma), Penokean orogen (1880–1830 Ma), North- northeast- and southeast-trending basement ern end of the rift near the town of New Madrid, ern Central Plains orogen (1800–1700 Ma), faults. The northeast-trending rift faults have Missouri, was the site of the great 1811–1812 Southern Central Plains orogen (1700–1600 undergone and continue to undergo Quater- New Madrid earthquakes and it remains the Ma), Eastern Granite-Rhyolite Province (1470 nary dextral transpression. This has resulted most seismically active area east of the Rocky ± 30 Ma), Southern Granite-Rhyolite Prov- in displacement of two major rift blocks and Mountains (Johnston and Schweig, 1996) (Fig. ince (1370 ± 30 Ma), Midcontinent Rift Sys- formation of the Lake County uplift, Joiner 1). This seismicity ranges from 4 to 14 km in tem (1100–1000 Ma), and Grenville Province Geosphere; February 2008; v. 4; no. 1; p. 145–158; doi: 10.1130/GES00107.1; 10 fi gures; 2 animations. For permission to copy, contact [email protected] 145 © 2008 Geological Society of America Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/4/1/145/3339867/i1553-040X-4-1-145.pdf by guest on 27 September 2021 Csontos et al. R—Arkansas; Figure 1. Reelfoot rift and New Madrid seismic zone earthquakes. CR—Crowley’s Ridge. DEM—digital elevation model. AL—Alabama; A AL—Alabama; Ridge. DEM—digital elevation model. 1. Reelfoot rift and New Madrid seismic zone earthquakes. CR—Crowley’s Figure TN—Tennessee. IL—Illinois; KY—Kentucky; MS—Mississippi; 146 Geosphere, February 2008 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/4/1/145/3339867/i1553-040X-4-1-145.pdf by guest on 27 September 2021 Reelfoot rift and Quaternary deformation in the Mississippi Embayment (Hildenbrand, 1985). During rifting the Reel- foot graben accumulated a maximum of 7 km of sediment, while outside the rift only 1.5 km of contemporary sediments accumulated (Howe and Thompson, 1984; Howe, 1985). Local ero- sion of nearby granite-rhyolite rocks provided Early Cambrian basal arkosic sediments (Crone et al., 1985; Dart and Swolfs, 1998). Howe and Thompson (1984) suggested that faulting occurred syndepositionally within and along the Rift margins up to Middle Cambrian time. After this, deposition within the rift shifted from subaerial to marine and as much as 6 km of marine Upper Cambrian Lamotte Sandstone, Bonterre Formation limestones, Elvins Group shales, and the Potsdam Supergroup were deposited (Thomas, 1985; Howe, 1985). Depo- sition kept pace with regional subsidence during Late Cambrian–Middle Ordovician time (Howe and Thompson, 1984; Howe, 1985; Dart and Swolfs, 1998), resulting in the thick, shallow- marine Knox (Arbuckle) carbonate Supergroup that overlies the rift (Thomas, 1985; Howe, 1985). From Middle Ordovician to Pennsylva- nian time, subsidence and uplift alternated due to distal effects of the Taconic, Acadian, and Alleghanian orogenies (Howe, 1985). Struc- tural reactivation within the Reelfoot rift began during the late Paleozoic with the assembly of Pangaea (Thomas, 1985; Howe, 1985). Middle Ordovician to mid-Cretaceous rocks are largely missing above the rift, partly due to nondeposi- tion (Permian–Late Cretaceous) and partly due to late Paleozoic and/or mid-Cretaceous uplift and erosion, which produced a major unconfor- mity at the top of the Paleozoic section. Many Figure 2. Precambrian basement map of the Reelfoot rift (from Dart and Swolfs,1998). Cir- normal faults within the central United States cles—drill holes; thick solid lines—Vibroseis lines. Contour interval = 500 m. were inverted during the Paleozoic collisional processes (Howe and Thompson, 1984; Howe, 1985; Marshak and Paulsen, 1996). (1100–800 Ma) (Atekwana, 1996; Van Schmus Initiation of Reelfoot rifting may have been Cox and Van Arsdale (1997, 2002) pro- et al., 1996). Proterozoic rocks of the Reelfoot due to mantle plume upwelling that occurred posed that regional mid-Cretaceous uplift and rift region consist primarily of granite, granite along terrane boundaries (Dart and Swolfs, subsequent Late Cretaceous subsidence of the porphyry, and dioritic gneiss as determined from 1998). Alternatively, the Reelfoot rift may be a Mississippi embayment occurred because the drill cores (Thomas, 1985; Dart, 1992; Dart and consequence of right-lateral strike-slip motion North American plate drifted over the Bermuda Swolfs, 1998). Rocks of similar age in the East- along a northwest-oriented transform fault that hotspot. The thermally uplifted area formed a ern Granite-Rhyolite Province are exposed in formed the Paleozoic continental margin of north-trending arch from which ~2 km of Paleo- the St. Francois Mountains in southeastern Mis- southeastern Laurentia (Thomas, 1985, 1991). zoic strata were eroded during the mid-Creta- souri (Thomas, 1985; Dart and Swolfs, 1998). Whatever the mechanics, intracratonic extension ceous (Cox and Van Arsdale, 1997). Following The Reelfoot rift is part of the Reelfoot rift– ultimately succeeded in creating the Reelfoot the North American plate’s migration off the Rough Creek graben–Rome trough intracra- rift with an estimated extension between 17% hotspot during the Late Cretaceous, the eroded tonic rift zone that formed during the disas- (Nelson and Zhang, 1991) and 33% (Hilden- mid-Cretaceous arch subsided as it cooled, sembly of Rhodinia
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