Page 4 The Gargoyle Music Dr. Proctor Narr1ed To Roundup The City Comn,ission The Police By NEIL BESOUGLOFF The St. Augustine City Commission last week chose Dr. William L. Proctor. president of Flagler Coll ege. to be its newest member. Proctor will be By NEIL BESOUGLOI+ serving out the seven months remainin_g in former The Po li ce were eager rooki es o n their first commission member David J. Mariotti s four-year a lbum . "Outlanclos cfAmour: .. young detectives term. Mariotti resigned from the fiv 4?- member com­ expanding connections o n a second aibum.­ mission two weeks ago. ·· Regatta de Bla nc : .. and now have become strnet­ Proctor was the unanimo us choic~ of the remain­ wise veterans o n th e beat on th e ir latest album. ·ing four commissioners on th e third ballot taken to "Zanyatta Mo ndatta ..: fill the vacant seat. Voting on the first two ballots went to three differe nt candidates. "Zenyatta Mondatta .. focuses th e e nergy of th e Proctor. former chairman of the city's planning gro u1 1s first two a lbums into a r,owerfu l- hyrnotic commission . resigned that post when becoming a state. mesmorizing th e liste ner. Simrlicity -and com ­ · ci ty commissioner. Proctor to ld Mayor Fred rlexity are ihe keys to th e Po li ce. or,ening ur vi ­ Brinkhoff. his nominator. that he would consider sio ns like a rusty jail -ce ll door. running for a full term on the commissio n in the spr­ Simp li city is th e music of "Ze nyatta Mondatta ... ing. dependen_t upon the next seven mo nth . and th e simplist po li cy is the best. Co mrlex are th e President of the college since 1971. Proctor lives visions "Zenyatta Mondatta·s .. lyrics bring to mind . in St. Augustine with his wife and two children . I Longlining Thl! Police are only a iri o. singer-bassist Sting (no surname). guitari-st Andy Summers. and drummer Stewart Core la rid . ·capturing America ·s att e ntio n tw o years ago .. with the single. "Roxanne ... the A "Fishy" Occupation Po li ce were lumped in with the rest of new wave. but have lo ng since broke from that early label.. By JENNIFER McCLELLAN mako shark weighing 900 pounds and 22 feet long. Songs like "Do 11 ·t Stand So Close -To Me" and Longlining along the eastern coast is a very ex­ They kept the shark fr om their longline and have "Driven To Tears .. are simple in the ir arrangement. citing and interesting form of fishing for many. The since that catch encountered more. but yet Summers· ringing guitar. Copeland's longliner fisherman experie nces the real life of living The boat Coltrain longlines on contains five crew forceful drumming . and Sting·s agonizing vocals at sea. men including a cook and a captain . They stay out kee11 th e Police fresh in th eir approach . and more Longlining utilizes approximately seven miles of on the boat for two weeks at a time and go from ;mporta11tl y. fr esh in th e minQ . After all. the best nylon fishing line which has buoys attached to it at about 60 to 75 miles out from the shore. judge of a song 1s th e length of time it re mains in th e certain spots . Large hooks hanging from the buoys After the day ·s catch. they clean the fis h and mind . right') _ are baited with herring to capture sword fish . keep them frozen in an ice machine located beside Sword fi sh weigh from 5 to 600 pounds, and the the engine . The engine on the boat is run by diesel "Man in a S ui tcase ... ··Canary in a Coalmin e ... fish lo nglin ers catch weigh approximately 100 and "De Do Do Do. De Da Da Da .. are more fu e l and uses from 70 to 120 gallons per 12 mile pounds. T-he fish are brought up on deck . dead. day even tho ugh the tank holds 75.000 gallons. upbeat : showing th e 111flu en~'.es of th e Police. from because they drown waiting-to be reele d in . Asia 11 music: to rock: to reggae . Coltrain said the men on deck work in shifts to Once caught in hurricc;1 ne David for two 9ays. obtain sleep. So-called "loners .. work o ut on deck The 44 Magnum of "Zenyatt a Mondatta·· has to lo ngliner fish erman Brady Coltrain from Hampto n . by the mselves at times. he "Whl!n th e World is Running Down . Yo u Make Virginia . states that his boat road with the waves in ­ Whe n the crew has free time. they relax in the stead of against them. preventing a tipover I )uring th e Best of What's Still Around .·· Based 0 11 repe ti­ cabin with TV and stereo. All their electridty is run ti o n. both musical and lyrical (lis ten to "Does this time. Coltrain did not longline C:u e to the_e nor­ by the engine . Everyone Stare .. o n "Regatt a de Bla nc"). "Whe n mo us 60 ft. waves. The price paid for sword fish goes from $5.00 to th e World .. ·. ·· 1s an anth em fo r America of th e Small er boats. such as the one Coltrain was on. $5.25 per pound . and Coltrain and crew recentl y l.'JlJtl's : whic h is smking quick . The trance-like can easily ride the waves in a hurricane. Tankers got 120 pounds of dressed meat off of a sword fish . chords of "When th e World . ·· are a lo ne worth cannot withstand such storms. because they have a which he stated was gqod for one fish . They can th e pnce o f the album . tendency to be split in half by a single powerful · usually make $2.000 to $4.000 each off of a 14- wave. day trip . With "Zenyatta Mondatta ... the Police are 11 0 "The life of fishing at_ sea is quite a challenge ... Coltrain ·s boat also fi shes for scallops from the longer a strlc'lc't vig1Jance committ ee. they·vl! Coltrain states. He said ·that earning a living from ocean . Steel nets called dredges are the traps for bi> conw a full -fl l! dgecl strik e force. the ocean can be quite simple but yet complex. these. Coltrain said that the crew recently caught a Coltrain is a hard working longliner who ports in Key West and travels up ana down the coast from Hampton . He saves all of his earnings and puts them into the bank for his future : He says the business is what you make it even EMMA Activities though there are good seasons and bad. "You could be rich one day and broke the next, depen­ ding upon where you·re fishin g ... By ROLAND W . SCHUMANN to instill a fondness of the Arts in the ci tizens of St. On December sixth. the Lightner Antique Mall in Augustine and its surroundings. A variety of events cooperation with E. M .M .A. hosted its annual have been scheduled for the next several month s. Re naissance Festival. The festival successfull y The next performance will . star Bryan Page. a Merry Christmas depicted the inusic and attitudes that were reno wned musical performer. It will be o n February prevalent during the Renaissance period. The pro­ sixth at the Ri verview Club located at St. Augustine duction starred the Heritage Singers and Consort. Shores. Foll owing this event will be Opera-a-la­ From The audience. ranging from students to senior Carte which will be presented on March 27 at the citi ze ns. fill ed the Ma ll to capacity. The festival was Kirk Auditoriu_m (Florida D&B) . made possible through the eff orts of E.M.M.A. The events are fr ee to students. Admittance is The Gargoyle (Em il Maestre Music Association In c.) gained upon the pr.esentation of a student iden­ E. M.M is an organization that is determined tificati o n card . - , ~ ,_. ~ I .. , .. ~ , .. , . ; . ,, . .. ~.... - - -. ' .. .. .
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