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Markham, head of Marpliant-President ored to bring to you in (his, the our commercial department, and thirteenth edition of “Shadows” teacher in Typing and Shorthand, Mrs. Wood-Advisor worthy memories recorded is retiring this June upon finish­ within its covers. ing her twenty-fourth year of ser­ The School Council has comp’.et- vice here. ed the best year since student gov­ Hoping that some day the re­ reading of this book will trans­ Miss Markham attended Fre- ernment was introduced in Verona donia State Normal School in New High. port you back to the pleasant experiences recorded here, we York where she prepared for her At the beginning of the year bid our Seniors Farewell. teaching career. Her first teach­ the classes elected their represen­ ing position was in Olean. New tatives and the new group met. York. Before coming to Verona From the start everything was V. H. S. Presents she tau g h t for two years in I>ake- different. A new constitution was wood. drawn up, submitted to the Coun­ Miss Markham’s first year in cil and accepted by them. Play “I Like Your Nerve”, the school Verona was spent teaching in the Under this new plan the Coun­ play this year, was a decided suc­ Grammar School. After that, she cil was aided in its duties by their cess, both socially and financially. took over all the commercial work newly appointed committees. This in the high school until its volume committee plan was very success­ The plot was centered around a became so great that other teach­ jewel robbery and the detection of ers were employed. ful. It brought more students in the criminals. The lobby of “The contact with the council, thereby Shady Greens Hotel” was the cen­ Last winter, as everybody showing the students what the new ter of all action. knows, was intensely cold. Miss organization was attempting to do. “Whitey”, the ever-so-bored Markham, who doesn’t care for Several visitations were made hotel clerk, played by Walter Wid- the wintry blasts, decided to spend by the Council: one was the trip mark, and “Peewee”, the bellboy, a few weeks in Florida where she the whole Council took to Bay­ Norris Bollenback, were continu­ enjoyed a well-earned rest. Upon onne to a convention. This year ally arguing about something or returning for the remaining few the Verona High School Council other. The parts of “Cora” and months she again took over her joined the New Jersey Association “Della”, who were on the lookout classes for the last stretch. of School Councils. It intends to for some nice young millionaires, (Continued on page 2) join this group again next year. were taken by Jean Davies and The officers of the Council Beatrice Walters. “McCafferty”, were: Charles Marchant, presi­ the hard-boiled Irish cop, trying Buzz-W hit<* Hornet dent; Joe Duffy, vice-president; his best to capture the head of a The first issue of the “White and Frances Kahrs, secretary. “gang” of robbers, was portrayed Hornet”, Verona’s first success­ Under the able leadership of the by Charles Marchant. Gloria ful high school newspaper, made President, to whom the Council Davies was “Mrs. Sturgeon”, the its appearance on Friday, January owes much of its success, many rich old woman who eventually 26, and has been published every projects for the entire school were turned out to be a member of the second week since. It was. and (Continued on page 5) “g an g ”. still is, a small, four page mimeo­ (Continued on page 3) graphed affair, but its policy has always been to give the students Verona Trims Caldwell all the news of the school, in addi­ The basketball team played Boyette and Jacob­ tion to many interesting: features through a hard schedule this year and editorials. At this writing six and came out very well, consider­ sen Chosen Best issues have been published with an ing the teams they played. Verona average circulation of 175, more is considered a Class II high All Around than half the total number of stu­ dents enrolled. school, and they play many Class Here they are, the winners of III and IV schools, \yhich are much the annual election for the Social In March the “White Hornet" larger. R egister. joined the National Mimeograph The highlight of this season was Anne Slaight comes to the front Exchange, the triangular seal of a sweet victory over our tradition­ with her vocal talent and Charles which has been adorning the edi­ al rival, Caldwell. The team Marchant with his keen sense of torial page ever since. played a hard, steady game and guidance as President of the Sen­ The March 29th issue was en­ managed to accomplish what Ve­ ior Class and of the School Coun­ tered in a contest for mimeo­ rona basketeers have been trying cil so that they are selected Most graphed papers conducted by A. R. to do for the past three years. The Popular. Meeker and Co. of Newark, but (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 33) (Continued on page 20) 2 SHADOWS, June, 1934 Anti Speed and Musicians at Noise-Traffic Atlantic City An event occurred during the Committee past year of which the student Students were once more al­ body should be very proud. Four lowed to use the main hall when, members of the High School Or­ in February, through the instiga­ chestra put in applications for the tion of the Traffic Committee, the All-State Orchestra. In this or­ ban was finally lifted by Super­ ganization at Atlantic City, our vising Principal, Frederic N. boys ranked very high. Brown. This ruling was originally Sid Maey, head trumpeter, was established several years ago be­ given first chair in the second cause of the noise in passing. So trumpets and Charles Marchant, far this year, however, the con­ slide trombonist, duplicated Macy's duct of the students has been en­ feat by being placed in the first tirely satisfactory. chair of the second trombones. An experimental traffic system Connie Carpou, Rubinoff to you, Miss Markham showed his mettle by placing sev­ was used this year in which entire (Continued from page 1) control of traffic was in the hands enth in the second violins out of a of this committee. Perhaps it will Her entire life has been devoted possible fifty-nine. But the great­ become permanent in the future. to the teaching profession and her est accomplishment of all was at­ chief desire is to instill in her pu­ tained by Edward Brombach who At the dances and the operetta pils a sense of responsibility and placed first out of twenty-five the Traffic Committee handled ex­ to equip them with as much knowl­ ’cellos. These accomplishments cellently the supervision of check­ edge and skill as is in her power are quite worthy of praise so give rooms, halls, and exits. to give. The standing of our grad­ the boys a hand for bringing such But, in spite of all this, the com­ uates reflects well the interest and honor to Verona High. mittee realizes that there is still spirit she has shown in her pupils’ For the coming year four mem­ much to be done, and in looking future. Her pupils as well as her bers of the High School Orchestra ahead to next year, it is hoped colleagues will miss her very much have already put in applications that every student will fully co­ as her years of service have been for the All-State Organization. operate with the Traffic Commit­ deeply appreciated. We wish her They are: Connie Carpou, who tee of 1934-1935. good cheer for her future and ex­ hopes to improve his standing of This year’s committee was sup­ press the hope that she will stop last vear; Dorothy Hodge and Bill ervised by Alice G. Cheney, fac­ in at times to visit us. Sury, violinists; and Ed Brombach, ulty adviser, and Helen Brombach. who hopes to repeat his excellent the chairman. standing as first ’cellist. Verona Trims Caldwell (Continued from page 1) Oglivie Best Actor Faculty features of this game were “Mike” In place of the customary Public­ Exactly twenty-three members DiBella’s one hand shot and Gins­ Speaking Contest this year, two comprise our faculty this year. berg’s “getting away” with his plays. "Trifles” and “Sham” were They are as follows: Mr. Frederick dribble to score seven points. This presented under the sponsorship N. Brown, Supervising Principal; of Miss J. C. Hoornbeek, who also victory was somewhat dampened chose the characters. Mr. Herman Anderson, Miss Helen by Caldwell’s defeating Verona at F. Batchelder, Miss Aline E. Beck, Judges were chosen to select the the last game of the season by the best actors. Mrs. Edith M. Burton, Miss Alice score of IS-12. G. Cheney. Miss M. Imogene Cook, Charles Oglivie was selected Verona’s and Caldw'ell’s second from “Trifles” as the best. Nor­ Mr.
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