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Our ref: 50401038/CLB/130614/let 14th June 2013 WSP UK 4/5 Lochside View Edinburgh Park Edinburgh EH12 9DH Tel: +44 (0)131 344 2300 Fax: +44 (0)131 344 2301 http://www.wspgroup.com Perth & Kinross Local Development Plan Examination – Scone North Q15 Technical Statement WSP Group plc Offices worldwide www.wspgroup.com Introduction The Reporter has issued a list of questions to all parties involved in the LDP. This technical statement refers to Q15 as detailed below. Q15 states ‘Was any modelling work undertaken to determine the additional traffic impact in Perth City centre that could be expected to arise from housing development in locations that are subject to the embargo?’ The following Paramics Micro-simulation models have been used to test a first phase of development at Scone North. • 2015 Perth model Ref TPPTCPTF/74890 (Do-minimum – reference case). This model includes the Effective Land Supply (ELS) up to 2015 with a further 10% of ESL as windfall. All committed development up to 2015 is included as well. The model also includes road improvements including the A9/A85 interchange scheme along with 800m of new road connecting to Ruthvenfield Road. Other improvements to the road network are minor in nature involving improvements to junctions in the City Centre area. • 2015 Perth model Ref TPPTCPTF/74890 + 100 housing units at Scone North (LDP Area H29). The trip generation and distribution matrix for the site is based on previous testing all the LDP sites by PKC. The approach and use of model has been agreed with PKC. The Do-minimum model (reference case) shows significant queuing at various locations with Perth. The location of queuing includes: • Inner ring road and City Centre; • A912 Edinburgh Road; • A85 Crieff Road; • A912 Dunkeld Road; • A85/A9 interchange; • A9 Inverlamond Roundabout; and • A93 / A94 corridors from the signal controlled junction at Bridge end; • Perth Bridge and Queens Bridge; • M90/A9 Broxden Roundabout. It is noted that these are the main locations but there are other localised areas of congestion within the City area. Figure 1: 2015 Do-minimum (AM model) The above snap shot of the model shows queuing traffic during the AM peak at 9:10am. There is significant queuing on Perth Bridge and Queens Bridge and the A93 and A94 corridors to east towards Scone. The queue is approximately 1000m in length with a delay to drivers of around 15- 20 minutes. This is perceived as a significant problem in Perth whilst being more acceptable in the larger cities of Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen. The PM peak at 17:10 shows queuing traffic in the City centre from both the Perth and Queens Bridges. The delay to drivers is around 12 minutes occurring on the Inner Ring Road – Marshall Place, Caledonian Road, Atholl Street and Charlotte Street. Both Perth Bridge and Queens Bridge are affected by queuing west into the City Centre as well as the A95 Dundee Road. Figure 2: 2015 Do-minimum (PM model) with 100 housing units at Scone North The above snap shot of the model shows queuing traffic during the PM peak at 17:10. The small- scale first phase residential development of 100 new housing units at Scone North has minimal
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