.'V 4. r T • .4' FklDAY, FEBUUABV U. 1?5» ilSO T E B N , " . ......... .... Surnittg %raiii Arcragg Diglly Net Prt|M Run _ Thg-Westher For the Week- iCaded Feb. S, ItSS Fereeuat af L. 8. Waatber Bareaa ' TiyouU will ba held Sunday at About Town 3:30 p. m. in Luther Hall for all n u r . wlady aad eaMer teutglrt. Luther Leaguera iatereated in 11,575 " h im Fair and ei»M Buaday. taking part in the I^htan play to Member ef the Audit ' liiM Roaemcry Ullifiar, 46 Nor- be preaented in Bbnanuel Lutheran High aear 18. BureM e f OIrealatIa* -T) - man St., will become the bride of Church on Wedneeday, March 30. ManrheMter—^A City of Village Charm ' Roy Oebhardt of\RoidtvIlle at a Miea l ^ r y K. Griffeth of Maaon ceremony tomorrow morning at Street, Coventry and Kennetb A. VOL. LX X iV , NO. M3 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12. l9o5 (CfauelfM Advertlekig aa Faga 16) PRICE FIVE CENTS S a. m. in St. Jamee' ^urch. Mli* Doolittle of Newington will be Joan Mtnicucci and <^1 Rtvere. united in marriage tomorrow at Vv * ‘ < both of town, will be matrted at 2 p..m. in the Firit Conj^gational, 10 a. m. in S t Jamee' Ch0|t:h. Church. Coventry. -T~ y.S.,Policy ' Winter Makes a Come"Back Soviet Shift PLASTIC SEWING BOX Galled Rim In Economy in Hotel Blaze WITH / I SPOOLS STAR THREAD at^ For Valentine gifts in a By ‘Allies’ I SPOOL STAR THREAD . a a • • wide assortment of styles lace trimmed at top and • a a • Chicago, Feb, 12 (fl*)— Sen. Washington, Feb. I ® THI-K^BlaE •••••e'aaa'aaoaaataa.aaaa hem, Sizes 32 to 40. I TAPE MEASURE , \ ............ \. Malone (R-Nev) today told a State Dept, fiscal e i^ r ts re- White. rally of conservative Repub­ ported a belief today the Rus­ licans ih ft - “ our foreign sians have mAdayirtuaily no ^Valui $4.24 policies are largely dictated changes in nleir economy \ by so-called Alll«(,” despite al^Their talk of a He was teamed V4> with two C O K ^ E T E shift ba^ to heavy industry. Survives Fall 6f/Three Floors I SPEC IA L $ 3 . 9 8 other Senatora—McCarihy of Wla- This finding is baerii on cai-e- Chou Says Fire, Smoke conein and Dirkaen o f Illinois—and ful apdlysls oi[ the new Soviet Buy for yourself and for srifts. three other apeakera on a day­ budgd't for the 1935 . calendar long program o f' apeeches. year. The budget was presented NOTION DEPARTMENT The ovar-alt theme waa: "What idst week to the. same Soviet par­ He Favors Toll at 31 muat the Republican pariy do in liamentary se^ion which saw 1956 to preaerva Uia Republic and Georgl Malenkov succeeded by ItaelfT” Nikolai Bulganin as pi-emler. Crisis End '• N Malone, In a prepared addreaa, The budget o f 562.900,000.000 cboss U.S. The JW .H ALC CORK aaid no U.8. btaineai or manufac­ rubles exceeds last year’s total by turing intereat aubjeet to compe­ 200 million rubles, the lowest in­ United Natiobs, N. Y'„ Feb, By THE-.dSSOciA'nBD PBBBB.- .MANCNsana Conn* MACSHOREOASSKS^ » 8 « tition from foreign iroporta isr fully crease since World War II, The 12 (/P)— Red Chinese Premier At least ^ men were Independent. He added: official exchange rate is four killed and 14 wer\injured to­ rubles for 31, but the rate varies Chou En-lsi says he favors \' "The State Dept—moet of Ita day in a fire whijih raced 2 Mreonnet .a ca»-ryovar from two with the transaction and aomc- relaxation of tension in the Democratic admlnistrati.ona—haa rimes goea up 20 for 31. Formosa area — indicating through-the crowded Barton : deatroyed the independeneq of The U.S. apeclaliata see in ihe I Peiping is keeping the door Hotel on Skid Row oR West iheee enterpriaea by ita foreign Madison Street. \ trade and foreign aid policiee.” S U S ";;. •.d'S’p li.T . ’S 2 OP'" conli""in$ 'ttorl, to Aa a aew eoM wave swept across aatloa from the West, It solve the Far F.asteiTi crisis Firemen said another body N»ad He said the United SUtea is the pauses la Cbiaago te leave this white ^ralng of what's oa the wpy'. realistic atUtude, clamping down been sighted in the w reck s^ N)f only nati<m "that figtrta other Here BMtoilst Jack Maaea brusbes B«tSy the aaew blanket aa he tries on any Inflationary trends, and —an informed U.N. source the live-story building, which .con­ people'* wars and paya for them, Juggling figures so as to . imply to IdeaUfy Ms ear. (NBA Telepl^). 4 reported last night. tained 365 cubicle rooms, mostly too." He sUted the Republican stepped-up defense spending to Chou's stand, the source said, partitioned cubby holes, for tran­ back up tough talk. S /) VT". '> party's mission ia "to save Amer­ wras contained in qn oral message sients. The Russian budget breaks down ica by keeping our money and to U.N. Secretary General Dag Some o{ the other 245 resldtnts Fresh (md Feminine strength at home." into four broad cate^ries, with an scurried dutiaide into aero tempera­ unexplained fund left over. The Hammarskjold In which the Red Would Out Foreign Ties Chineie leader again rejected a tures without shoes or socks to "W e muat extricate ourselves Cold Wave Grips four categories are: .|1) coat of protect them from the icy streets. running the government; 12) social \ Security Council bid to talk from all of the foreign, entangle- and cultural programa auch as j * possible Formosa cease-fire. The Others were carried down ladders inehU the Democrats have involved education; (S) eiaUonai economy 1 POplng regime first announced by firemen. $2.98 us in." he said. "W# must cesse C. W. Harvey, the hotel's night rquandering billions on subsidies factora like conatructlon of build- i turndown of the InvlUtion Two-thirds o f V, S. ings; and 141 direct defense costs | Feb. 4. clerk, said the fire may have, to foreign competltore for our own such as guns and planes. I The general lines o f the message anry HIghfleld, 5, amlles aa she holds a doll In Dayton, Ohio, 'started from a human torch. Joe MACSHORE glorifies the “ country maid” loojc in FOR YOUR VALENTINE NEW STYLED ' markets:" Increases at 12% | were reported here ,s few hours aft^ failing three floors from an open ivindow In her home while Armatzo, about 70, a pensioner, These MlUons, be added, should this blouse of wrinkle resistant brosdtloth. Egg Total increases in these fou r; ^1** Security Council was plMlng with some buttons. The youngster grabbed at a tree limb started to scream in hia cubicle en ba tnueuted in defense. By tHF. ASSOCIATED PRESS — - —- , . ■. .... to/breah her fall to the sidewalk. Hospitals listed her condition as the second floor and ran out cov­ HANDKERCHIEFS - The moat widesnread cold wave of the winter season clung categoriea came to 12 .per cent, called to meet Monday for a sec- shaped scoop, gentle shiiTing for the button front The Uncoin Day program waa 1 ne most w ioesprM U coia oi ine ^'oter seawn ciung budget aa a whole showed i ond round of cease-fire discus- :ood” dApite multiple fractures. (AP Wirephoto). ered with flames. ' ' / . under tba aagie of six organize- tight over the eastern two-thirds o f the nhtion today. Little | virtually no increase. This meant > Slons. Armatzo habitually used rubbing In white with red heart trim. Also all white hankiea uith leee tiona. Bponaora deacrlbed the Re- / ^ ^ ^ ‘ bodice, short sleeves. White, mint, ^black, pink. immediate relief was in prospect. In New England a driving j.that uie 12 per cent boost came out 1 Answer, to Dag' aloohol, hotel officials aaid, and edgS or Madeira hand emhfoidared. Alao floral printa. publieaas who attended as "con- might have been using the rubbing rain storm turned to snow. Although coastal sections were ' of the unspeeftied residual funds. The source said Chou's state Sizes SO to 38. ‘ V aervaUvea" and, for the meet pqrt, alcohol while smoking. rank and file members who. sup- spared a heavy fall, the Weather*-----------:-------------------^-------------------- - I About half of this unmarked fund ment was in reply to a prrsonM. Bureau forecaat alx to JO inches for . provides money for research and ' oral communication relayed from Chinese Reds Mass Firemen fought the flames for ported the iato Sen. Taft of Ohio. ______ _ nearly four hours in zero tepiper- ’! .'V .' -------Sportswear-rSecond yioor A spokesman said reservations ) Veiinuiil tl o f __~ Ic lS 8 ^ H .® ^ C r S ^ ^ap?*™and j~t eS^"* npelear Hammarskjold through Swedish atiires and s ^O-mjle wind before 2 5 / each diplomatic channels. In It,/the o S ^ '(' for a lunch^n in the middle of the Hampshire, _ i 'Since most of the nnoney shift bringing’ it under control. At least program had bean received from The A rctic air sent temperatures Secretary General reportedly/said two ((remen were among the in­ 1,700 peraone from 24 statea, the tumbling from Canada to the Gulf he thought it would be wise for jured; ! t> bulk them from Qllnoie. of Mexico and from the Rockies to as the experU in Washington believe R*d .China to accept the S ^curlty ) Chief Eire Marshal John J. Sponaora catled the program, the Atlantic Coast. some research and development j council bid.
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