\- a MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1967 PAGE TWENTY-FOUR ilanrh^atfr lEw^ntag H^ratb Atom * IMljr N«t PMn Rai Tlie Weather • Por IlM W«ek Ended r d ear and cool tonight, low I AagMt U , IMV ' 05-40; sunny and wanner to­ morrow, high In mid aoe. 14,508 Manche*ter-^A CUy of ^'illago Chixttn (OlMMdfled A dveitlainc on P n (e 18) PRICE SEVEN CENTS VOI* LXXXVI, NO. 268 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TWO SECTION BIANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1967 t 4^ Chinese Authority Says North Viets Down Mainland IJ.S. Photo Plane In Turmoil A Milkman Stcipea TAIPEI, Formosa (AP)—^The whole of the China smcHiu 642nd Loss miainland is in turmoil. Nationalist China's foremost RivaV* Product authority on Chinese Communist affairs asserted in a Zionists for EXSTTESI, England (AF) Of Warplane report published today. — A mUlcman has pleaded A Qien Chlang-chung said senti­ OommunlsU came Into power - guilty Ito dteaOng a bottle ment against communism and ' on the mainland In 1M9. Mideast War of mUk. During W ar Chairman Mao Tse-tung of the He said the Communists were Communist party was spreading facing an extremely grave cri­ Sold mlHonan WtUlam ATIANTA, Ga. (AP) — The Humpihrey: " I dM It bo SAIGON (AP) — The throughout the mainland. sis because; Student Nonviolent Coordinating r Chen Is director of the sixth 1. The people of the mainland oountezlwjteaice th ^ t I have U .S. CJotmnand announced (mainland affaire) SecUon of were rising against them. Committee (SNCC) charges In a ex!pen«vc^ today that the North Viet­ the Kuomlntang, President 2 Communistic political, party recent newsletter that Zionists ‘T have to pay for milk namese shot down a U.S. Chlang Kai-shek’s ruling party and military cadres were turn­ seized Palestine through terror, dbolen from my customers’ Navy reconnaissance plane doorsteps and for milk stol­ In Nationalist China. ing against Mao. force and massacres. Sunday, apparently while en from my van.” Chen said the situation was 3. More and more people on A spokesman for the Anti- it was photographing dam­ the worst since the CSilnese the mainland were hoping that Defamation League of B'nal Humphrey admltitieid re­ moving a ibottle of milk age from a raid only 10 CSialng and his dilnese Nation­ B ’rlth said that as far as he miles from China’s border. alists would stage a comeback. knows, this is the first such at­ from itihe steps of a house five mllnutes after a milk­ The RA6C Vigilante’s two- dien said the Wuhan Indus­ tack against Jews taken by man crew was listed as missing. New Discovery trial complex in central C3ilna, SNCC. man from a rival company delivered It. The plane was the 642nd U.S. the second largest steel-making " ’The militant civil rights or­ warplane announced as lost May Curb Some center on the mainland, was no ganization headed by H. Rap Humphrey said he had to pay for losses out of a over the North so far Imtlm war. longer producing steel. He said Brown has advocated a stand Navy planes raided the Lang Viral Infection all plants there of the Hua behind the Black Power move­ weekly salary of |36. A magistrate dismissed the Son railroad and highway Chung (Central China) Steel ment In this coimtry. bridge Sunday In what were the WASHINaTON (AP) — Scien­ Corp. had ceased work. Irwin Schulman, southeastern case on the ndlkman’s tists for a drug firm believe promise to Steal no more. closest raids to Red China in the He also reported that the op­ director of the Anti-Defamation Vietnam war. They foUowed up they have found a new way to erations of more than 2,000 min­ Ifs Just Another Day When You’re 92 League, said the charges made with raids on nearby targets prevent viral InfecUon which ing projects in the mainland had by SNCC generally represent also could be used to fight any come to a halt, "causing Im­ Wblt Mills celebrated his 92nd birthday yesterday by going to work as u s^ Monday. the total propaganda line taken U.S. B52 bombers raided the types of csmcer found to be of measurable losses to the Com­ as an underground wiremaii^—a job he began 27 yeara ago when he retired Double Voting by the Arabs with some changes southern half of the demUitar- viral origin. munist regime.” from the teleirfione company. He is shown entering a manhole in a C*reens- which he said reflect Soviet .Five researchers for Merck Reports attributed to Intelli­ Possible, Says Ized zone today, for the second boro, N. C., street. (AP Photoflax) views. Ume In three days and dumped Sharp k Dome said Monday gence sources said fresh clashes Arnold Forster, general coun­ between forces supporting and Viet Candidate tons of explosives on what the they discovered how to stim­ sel of the Anti-Defamation command described as exten­ T s ulate the hunuui body to pro- opposing Mao erupted four days League said In New York, "It is SAIGON (AP) — Tran Van sive North Vietnamese artillery duce a natural germ-fighting ago In the Wenchow area of House Committee Reports a trage^v that the civil rights Huong, considered the leading chemical called Interferon. This Chekiang Province. Wenchow, a and antiaircraft poelUons. movement Is being degraded by civilian candidate for president Is a protein produced by the former treaty port and the larg- The stepped up raids by the the Injection of hatred and rac­ of South Vietnam, implied today body but sometimes not enough est commercial city In Che- ism in reverse.’’ eight-engine Stratofortresses, that soldiers would be able to each capable of cairrying up to 1 ^ ^ lE produced to overcome virus klan, is 215 miles south of No Case for Tax Iberease, attacks. Shanghai. man for ththe ? xAmerican r e i SJe * w s hish ___vote____ twice___ for h i. military oppo- 50,000 pounds of bombs, indicat­ nents—once at their bases and A Merck spokesman said if The reports said land and sea Committee, called It an "outra­ ed that the Commamista may be It’s established that some types traffic between Wenchow and geous attack.” Donald Stone, once at home. building up |or auiothef sus- of cancer are of viral origin, the other points had been cut off. Administration Is Told head of SNCC in Atlanta, said At a news conference, the for- talned drive on U.S. Marineime out- new discovery could have slg- The Mao-controlled Chekiang th ro rg aiu i^ o n 'isT o T ^ p o sed premier ch a fed ^ t wl- posts at Con Thlen and Dong Ha nlflcant impUeatinna People’s broadcasting station to Zloidsm, but wants the ^ibllc WASHIMOTON (A P )-M ™ > . ^ Both outposts were heavily The researchers have used was credited with reporting that to be "aware of these situations ***"" three Interferon-Inducing sub- -------------------------------,an anU-Mao revolt had broken. ^ ,r^dm i!ds. ^rporatlons. Johnson has pro- string fiscal team a ^ u t the ex- In the Middle East.” shelled in June and the first stances In tests and say Klnhwa, an Important Means Committee told admlnls- adding 10 per cent to the tent of administration budget- The newsletter contends: He also charged tae oujrent week of July, but shellings have the resuMs were promising, communications center. tration officials today they stiU tax llabUlty of each. cutting (Congress can expect If It "That the Zionists conquered military regime with Intimlttat- been infrequent since tactical fighter-bombers gave the area a They said the medication may Klnhwa is on tae have not made a case for the 10 Joining UUman In predicting approves the surcharge the Arab homes and land InS representatives In tae be tried on humans. I^ n g sl r^lroad 80 miles south surcharge a tough fight for the blU was Rep. John W. Byrnes of WU- through terror, force, and mas- provinces and said unless his going over. Monday’s raids near the of Hangchow, the beauty spot President^ JohnsonTnhn««n seeks. Rep. Jam es A. Burke, D- Mass., consln, the senior Republican on ■acres. That they wiped out warning led to reform, we (See Page Eight) capital of CSieklang. who said, " I doubt that any the committee, laid the ground- over 80 Arab villages before and shall be compelled to reconsider Chinese border were among 154 During their second day of missions over North Vietnam members of this committee are work Monday for this line of after they took control of the our participation In the elec- testimony before the tax-writing logged by Air Force and car­ committed to it and many of us Inquiry from the minority mem­ area they now call ‘Israel.’ tion." committee. Secretary' of the rier- based Navy tighter-, Treasury Henry H., Fowler, have many reservatitms about bers. “That the Zionist terror gangs But ho said ho would be with (Haganah, Irgun and Stem the other nine civilian candl- bombers. The other strikes ^- ® i Budget Director Chgrles L. It. There was heavy emphasis Youths 22, Rescued Schultze and Chairman Gardner Monday on economy from the gangs) deliberately slaughtered (See Page Eight) (See Page Eta^t) Ackley of the Council of Eco­ Democratic side, too. Chairman and mutilated women, children i t nomic Advisers were pressed Wilbur D., MlUs, D-Ark., asked and men, thereby causing the Negro Mayor Budget Director Charles L. unarmed Arabs to panic, flee s s< ' '- for an explanation that would After 3 Days at Sea make sense to the voters. Schultze: “Is there any real and leave their homes in the Resigns; “Open poESibillty that, if taxes are In­ hands of the Zlonist-Israell NEW YORK (AP) —A saUor foundered.
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