Waikato District Plan - Waikato Section A Traffic Reasons for the rules in this appendix are in Chapter 29. A1 Prohibited Activities A1.1 The following activities are prohibited activities for which no resource consent shall be granted: (a) shared private vehicle accesses that service 9 or more allotments (b) an additional vehicle entrance or access to Newell Road. Printed: 14/5/2021 Page 1 of 60 Waikato District Plan - Waikato Section A2 Roads, Access, Entrances, Parking, Loading, Queuing, Manoeuvring A11 Parking, loading bays, service lanes, and manoeuvring space ITEM PERMITTED RESOURCE CONSENT A11 A11.1 A11.2 Parking, loading Any activity is a permitted activity if: Any activity that does not comply bays, service (a) parking and loading bays are with a condition for a permitted lanes, and provided that complies with activity is a restricted discretionary manoeuvring Table 1 and Figures 1, 2 and 3, activity. space and Appendix B (Engineering Discretion restricted to: Standards), and number, area, type and location of parking spaces (b) bicycle spaces are provided area, design, gradient, that comply with Table 2, and stormwater management, (c) parking, loading bays and construction and materials of manoeuvring spaces are parking, loading and manoeuvring sealed, drained and spaces permanently marked if 5 or accessibility of parking areas more parking spaces are from on­site activities required, excluding parking type and frequency of use spaces required for a dwelling, safety design for vehicles and and pedestrians (d) parking spaces and loading means to avoid, remedy or bays are not located on a mitigate effects on amenity shared access or living court, location and connectivity. and are not obstructed when not in use, and (e) parking, loading bays and manoeuvring spaces are located on the same site as the activity for which they are required, and (f) in Business Zones a service lane is provided that complies with Table 4 and Appendix B (Engineering Standards), and so that a vehicle is not required to reverse to or from a road, shared access or across a footpath. Printed: 14/5/2021 Page 2 of 60 Waikato District Plan - Waikato Section A12 Manoeuvring space ITEM PERMITTED RESOURCE CONSENT A12 A12.1 A12.2 Manoeuvring Any activity is a permitted activity if Any activity that does not comply with space on­site manoeuvring space is a condition for a permitted activity is provided so that: a restricted discretionary activity. (a) no vehicle is required to reverse to or from a road, or a shared Discretion restricted to: access, and area, design, construction and materials of manoeuvring space (b) a 90 percentile car, as defined in type and frequency of use Figure 2, can enter and exit all safety design for vehicles and parking spaces without making pedestrians more than one reverse road safety and efficiency movement, excluding spaces on­site manoeuvring. required for a dwelling, and (c) a 90 percentile car, as defined in Figure 2, can enter and exit one parking space per dwelling, without making more than one reverse movement, and (d) a 90 percentile truck, as defined in Figure 3, can enter and exit all loading spaces required under Table 1 without making more than one reverse movement. Note: (a) does not apply to Local Roads 'A' and 'B' in any of the Living Zones in the Te Kauwhata Structure Plan area, or to residential dwellings in the Rangitahi Living Zone. Printed: 14/5/2021 Page 3 of 60 Waikato District Plan - Waikato Section A13 Queuing space ITEM PERMITTED RESOURCE CONSENT A13 A13.1 A13.2 Queuing space Any activity that provides on­site Any activity that does not comply parking spaces, or is serviced by a with a condition for a permitted drive­through facility, is a permitted activity is a restricted discretionary activity if: activity. (a) on-site queuing space is provided Discretion restricted to: in accordance with Table 3 for adequacy of the queuing lengths vehicles entering or exiting the to cater for the expected vehicle parking, loading, manoeuvring or numbers service area. road efficiency safety design for vehicles and pedestrians. Printed: 14/5/2021 Page 4 of 60 Waikato District Plan - Waikato Section A14 Access and vehicle entrances ITEM PERMITTED RESOURCE CONSENT A14 A14.1 A14.2 Access and Any activity is a permitted activity if: Any activity that does not comply vehicle (a) the site has vehicle access to a with a condition for a permitted entrances formed road that is maintained by activity is a restricted discretionary Council, and activity if: (b) no more than 3 activities share a (a) no new entrance is created private access, and from a limited access road. (c) no access, access leg or right-of- Discretion restricted to: way runs parallel to any road within matters addressed in permitted 30m of the road, except within the activity conditions Rangitahi Peninsula Structure Plan safety and efficiency of roads, Area and the primary access route entrances and access thereto (Opotoru Road) and, stormwater management effects on local amenity values (d) every access and road entrance is adequacy of the access for its laid out and constructed to comply intended use with the standards in: space for utilities (i) Tables 4, 5 and 6, and the potential of the site or (ii) Figures 4 to 10, and adjoining land for future (iii) Appendix B development (Engineering Standards), traffic generation by activities to be served by the access. except that in the Rangitahi Peninsula Need for traffic control Structure Plan Area, and the primary measures on district roads due access route thereto (Opotoru Road), to increased traffic from the alternative standards may be applied activity. in relation to access gradients and seal width. A14.3 (e) no new entrance is created from Any activity that does not comply a limited access road, and with a condition for a restricted (f) on a site with legal access to 2 discretionary activity is a roads, the activity only accesses discretionary activity. the road with the lower classification in the road hierarchy in Table 8 (where the roads have the same classification, access is only to the road with the lower average daily traffic movements, unless it is considered unsafe), and (fb) no access or entrance within 10 metres of a road has a gradient Printed: 14/5/2021 Page 5 of 60 Waikato District Plan - Waikato Section ITEM PERMITTED RESOURCE CONSENT steeper than 12 degrees. OR (g) if it is on land accessed solely via the Te Rapa Interchange, adjacent to the Te Rapa Dairy Factory. Printed: 14/5/2021 Page 6 of 60 Waikato District Plan - Waikato Section A14.A Road Network ­ Safety and Functions ITEM PERMITTED RESOURCE CONSENT A14.A A14.A.1 A14.A.2 Road Network ­ Any activity is a permitted activity if: Any activity that does not comply Safety and (a) no new entrance is created from a with Rule A14.A.1(a) ­ (d) is a Functions State highway; and restricted discretionary activity. Discretion restricted to: (b) in relation to direct vehicle Any adverse effects on the entrances onto a State highway no transport network. increase in Equivalent Car If the NZ Transport Agency is Movements/Day from or to an deemed to be a potentially existing vehicle entrance resulting affected person, any adverse from any new activity, or expansion traffic or transportation effects of existing activities requiring a identified by the NZ Transport resource consent under this Plan, is Agency, and/ or the written created; and approval of the NZ Transport (c) in relation to all other roads Agency. (except in the Industrial Zone) it is Matters addressed in permitted a new activity or expansion of an activity conditions in A14.1 existing activity which: above. (i) does not generate any the actual or potential impact of additional traffic the activity (including safety and movements; or efficiency impacts) on a State (ii) does not require a highway, a national route or resource consent under regional arterial road taking into this plan (except for a account the activity's distance Controlled Activity): or from, and intended use of, that State highway national route or (d) it is a new activity or expansion regional arterial road. of an existing activity in the intersection and/or access Industrial Zone complying with design including (but not limited A14.A.1(a) and (b) above, and: to) berms, road markings and (i) it does not involve more than signage, through lanes, turning 200 vehicle movements per bays, slip lanes, sight day; or distances, lighting, signalisation, (ii) it is from the Huntly Power surfacing and drainage. Station site shown as the Heavy Industrial Zone on Planning Map 20.1, and all traffic movements generated from all activities on the site combined (including those movements which were lawfully established prior to 5 Printed: 14/5/2021 Page 7 of 60 Waikato District Plan - Waikato Section ITEM PERMITTED RESOURCE CONSENT December 2012 do not involve more than 750 vehicle movements per day, and no more than 300 of these vehicle movements are Heavy Vehicle movements ; or (iii) it is from the Greenhill Huntly Quarry site as identified in Figure 24C(A), and all traffic movements generated from all activities on the site combined (excluding those movements which were lawfully established prior to 5 December 2012 do not involve more than 350 vehicle movements per day, and no more than 150 of these vehicle movements are Heavy Vehicle movements, increasing to 200 once the Huntly Bypass section of the Waikato Expressway is open for public use. Note: For A14.A.1(c) please refer to Explanation and Reason 29.35A. Printed: 14/5/2021 Page 8 of 60 Waikato District Plan - Waikato Section A14.B Road Network ­ Safety and Functions ­ Te Rapa Interchange ITEM PERMITTED RESOURCE CONSENT A14.B A.14.B.1 A.14.B.2 Road Network ­ Notwithstanding Rule A14.A.1, any Any activity that does not comply Safety and activity is a permitted activity if it is with Rule A14.B.1 is a restricted Functions ­ from land accessed via the Te Rapa discretionary activity.
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