NOVEMBER 1961 -v4 \ featuring GARDEN ISLAND ^*« •ars * ftBP- ??5$rf • N, Wfm 11 AW m - ^sisw* HAwY 1 •WsfaT •a^V W. A. Hodkinson & Company Limited Vol. 24 NOVEMBER, 1961 1*. <J As • ^^ ARE PROUD TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH THE NAVY ON THIS The Official Organ of the Navy League of A If 1 jitralia ^^i^Pjl HISTORICAL OCCASION CONTENTS Wr have hern contractor* in ihc Navy in their nuniprou* t'~i:iMi-luiitiit- Page f<ir over III years, supplying Level lutrini: Vi hart I'rauo anil Kleclric GARDEN ISLAND 3 Overhead Travelling Craneti of 60 ion rapacity. CAPTAIN COOK DOCK 5 NAVr LEAGUE SEMINAR Cranes from I ton rapacity to 100 ton capacity are designed and installed 9 H.M.A. DOCKYARD CHURCH, GARDEN IS. for industry throughout tin- Commonicealth 9 NEW CHIEF OF NAVAL STAFF II SUBMARINE MEMORIAL W. A. HODKINSON & COMPANY LIMITED 12 NAVY WEEK IN NEW SOUTH WALES IS 152 I iii« n Point Koad, taringbah. N.S.W. Telephone: 520631 NAVY SURVEYORS 19 MONTHLY LIST OF INTERESTING HISTORICAL DATES 27 COVER: The cover photograph of Garden Island vras take i by the Garden Island photographer, Mr. P. Dean. Published by the Navy League of Australia As the Royal Australian Navy reaches its 50th year, Inter­ 66 Clarence Street. Sydney. MA 17(4. Postel Address Bo. 3850 G.P.O. national Paints Ltd. celebrates 75 years of service to the shipping world. H.M.A.S. "Yarra" and H.AA.A.S. " Parramatta, in common with other R.A.N, vessels, are protected with "Inter­ THE NAVY LEAGUE OF \\ national" underwater coatings STHALIA For three-quarters of a century, International Paints PAimON: Bis Excellency Use Governor General have been worid leaders in Marine Paints, with agents in every rnaior port. Constant research in FEDERAL COUNCIL: Queensland Division: Pretid eat: Rear Admiral H. A. Patron: His Excellency The Governor South Australian Division: some of the most modern laboratories in the Shoi vera. O.B_l (Retd.). or Queensland, Patron: HU Excellency The do. of South Australia. world has resulted in a " paint for every r President: cdr. R. A. Nettle- President: Comdr. N. S. Plxley -ar President: surgeon -Comdr. Sir R. P. S«crett DHC. V.R.D . R.ANR. MBA.. V.R.D.. R.A.N.R. (Retd.l Matters R.A.N.V.R. (Retd> purpose.' In the 12 months to December, Crul try: Lieutenant L. Mackay- Ryan House, Katie Street. Brisbane. BOB. Sec.: B. Sutton, bq.. 30 PUIa 1960, 35,000,000 tons of shipping was •e. R.A.N.R. Hon. Sec.: G. B. O'Neill. Esq.. Box Street. Adelaide. 37«E.. O.P.O.. Brisbane N.w SOL painted with International "Silver Primocon" th Wales Division: Australian Capital Territory Division: Tesmenien Division: alone — whilst International Anti-foulings. Patron : Bis Excellency The Governor President: Lt, Comdr J. B. Bowse. Patron: Vice Admiral Sir Guy Vfyatt . of N BW South Wales V R D, R.A.N.VJt.. S BsudlD K.B.E.. C.B.. R.N (Retd.) primers, undercoats, enamels, deck Presid* nt: Rear Admiral H. A. street. Porreat, Canberra. A.C.T. President: comdr. A. H Green, C BE. Shoe ere c 13 E Hon. See.: Lieut. D. M Blake DSC . SA.N (Retd.). paints, engine enamels, and varnishes Secret* iry: Lieutenant L Mecksv- R.A.N.V.R.. 60 Limestone Avenue Hon. See.: Lt. Comdr A. K are used by more than one-third of all ie. R.A.N.R. Alnalle. A.C.T. -Phone: J3237. tbeimer. R A.N.R.. 113 Main Kos«. ROB. ] reasurer: R I. Rae. Esq. Northern Terrrtcry Division: Undlafarne. Hobart. the world's shipping each year. ... Patron: His Honour the Admlnl- Vic*ori*n Uivision: strator Western Australian Division: International Paints are proud to Patron His Excellency the Governor President: Lt. Cdr. D. Drake. V.RD. Patron: HI* Excellency The OCernoT r have supplied H.M.A.S. "Yarra" and of V ctons. R.A.N.VR.. 40 McMInn Street. of Western Australia. Preside nt: K. York Syme. Esq. Darwin. N.T. President: Roland Smith. Esq. H.M.A.S. "Parramatta" with the Secret! ry: Mine B. C. Shorrocks. S28 Hon. See.: airs. J. Bolton. H.M.A.S. Hon. Sec. - Hon. Treaa.; K. Cnana . Colli IS Street. Melbourne Melville. Darwin NT. Eaq. 62 Bleooowe street. "International" underwater pro­ Leederrtlle, W A Wast tective coatings used. AUSTRALIAN SEA CADET COUNCIL: Reprew otatires of the Naval Board: Direr tor of Naval Reserves. Can- Representative, of The Navy Lessue: Lieut. -Comdr. P. O. 1vena . tain W S M Marks C BE D S C R.AN.VR INTERNATIONAL MAJORA PAINTS PTY. LTD.. Australian I nil of INTERNATIONAL PAINTS. § BAJ( iv. is. ss. starts leasts*, asts, Comdr. R. A. Nettlerold. DJ.C. 1 Come t, H. L. Ounn OBI. DSC V R D . R.A.N R Hon. S«C.: Lieutenant L. UWsSasP * Cniiee. R A.N R 1 Novemb« r, 1961 1. 1 ARALPITE Garden Island The original Epoxy resin for and maintain some of the most modern machinery and equipment in H.M.A. ships. T is recorded in the log of priation are few, hut it is re­ Stores and Main Office, either II.M.S. sllills. one of the I corded that the remains of Jlr. in being or in the course of LAMINATING - CASTING - COATING units of the lirst fleet, on Feb­ Ellis-Bent, Judge Advocate, const ruction. TOOLING - IMPREGNATING - FLOORING ruary 11. 1788. Hi days after were placed in a vault on the the settlement of the colony, Island after they were removed Admiralty House "Kirribilli" thnt a party of men was sent from the Oeorge Street Ceme­ was acquired at a later date, as BONDING t" "Harden Island" to clear tery (the present site of the a residence for the Naval it for the purpose of planting Town Hall > when this grave­ Officer Commanding the Aus­ Now Manufactured in Australia a vegetable garden for the line yard fell into disuse. tralian Naval Station, but when of the ship's complement. the Coventor - General (Lord His remains, together with Deinnani was evicted from The carvings on H rock tit those of his friend, Major John Hovcrnment House, Sydney, as the northern end of the island, Ovens, which had also been a result of the Government of CIBA COMPANY PTY. LTD. I'M 1788 and IK 17KS. presum­ placed in the vault, and those N.S.W. not considering itself ably made by members of one of Commodore Goodenough ORION RD., LANE COVE - PHONE 42 0221 of these gardening parties, are and others which had been in­ to be responsible for providing probably the lirst carvings terred on Harden Island, were an official residence for Com­ ALSO AT MELBOURNE, ADELAIDE AND BRISBANE monwealth purposes. Admiralty made by white men on the east­ removed to St. Thomas' Ceme­ House was taken over as the ern shore of the continent. tery. North Sydney, in 1885 or Governor-General's official resi­ The topography of the Island 1886. In 1856. the Colonial dence. then consisted of two rocky (lovernment offered and Cap­ hummocks with a Raddle, where tain I-'romantic, on behalf of the With Federation came a HYDRAULIC the gardens were cultivated, in Admiralty, accepted, the Island strong feeling that Australia between. The northern hum­ for the use of II.M. Ships ill should maintain its own Navy, mock still remains, but the Australian waters. but it was not until several PUMPS AND macaag southern one was levelled to The formal notice of the dedi­ years later that it was definitely SUPPLY THE WIDEST RANGE OF INDUSTRIAL provide a site for buildings. cation did not appear in the decided that it should be found. HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT IN AUSTRALIA MOTORS FOR The gardens must have been Hovcrnment (ia/.ette. however, Once the decision was made, Whether your need is for the simplest and most straight­ successful, for after II.M.A.S. until January 10. 18b'5. for the events moved rapidly, and in forward of hydraulic equipment, or for a design involving KIRK'S was lost on a reef at 1918, the Royal Naval Squad­ specialised equipment, you will find exactly what you need southern portion and June •">. at LUCAS. Norfolk Island, other ships. 1886, for the remainder. ron was relieved by the Royal EVERY including II.M.S. LADY NEL- Australian Naval Squadron, Here is some of the wide range of equipment available:— Differences of opinion as to Hydraulic pumps and motors — 76 basic sizes employing SOX, the first ship to make the with the transfer of the station the merits of Harden Island. widely varying design techniques enable units to be chosen passage through Bass Strait the control of Naval Establish­ APPLICATION compared with such places as for every application — slow speed and high speed pumps and to hoist the new Union ments passed to the Common­ and motors — constant and variable displacement, axial piston, Dawes Point. Port Maeqiiaric. •lack in the Colony, are re­ wealth with effect from July radiai piston, in line piston, gear, and rotary abutment units Coat Island. Cockatoo Island, cover every job to a maximum of — corded as having obtained sup­ 1. 1«18. anil Potts Point, as a Naval Speed .... 6.000 r.p.m. Pressure . 7.100 p.s.i. plies from the Island. Tctquc . 250.000 lbs. ft. Flow 3,000 g.p.m. Depot held up work until May During the intervening years This association between the Note: The unique Staflfa Motor illustrated is available in three •11. I86K. when a start was made many alterations and additions sizes with maximum torques 4.200.
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