- ... NEWARK POST VOLUME X NEWARK POST, NEWARK, DEL., JUNE 18,1919 NUMBER ~ High School Alumni HERO OF MEUSE- IA 0 l tt t ' th A TrEND ANNUAL IGraduates Will Seek ARGONNE VISITS n pen e er 0 e FLAG DAY ELEBRATION HO h Ed r Have Notable Reunion NEWARK FRIENDS Board of Education ~ SMYRNA Ig~ uca Ion Seven Members of Coach's M 0 t-of Town Members Present Lieutenant Ralph Dawson Fifteen to Enter Local Colleges any U I Tells of War Ex- Newal'k, Del., June 16, 1919. Bridge Chapter, D.A.R. To the Board of Education t • -U-. Ad ' I periences Newark Special School District Attend Conference Dr, Smith Burnham Delivers Pass Reso,utlons rglDg option I Lieuten'ant Ra'lhph Da:wS'o n whG Gentlemen: Seven members of Cooch's Annual Address of New School Code i -arriived' in this -country June 6, As citizens and taxpayers who are very much interested in Bridge Chapiter D.A.R. mOitored to One of the largest classes ever Over a hundred .members 'of tJhe after 16 mo,nth-s' of service over­ Smyrnra on Saturday to a,titend i!he graduated from the loclal hig.h the cause of Education, we are addressing this letter to you in a l 'ewark High School klwn1l1li .A<ss'o- I seas wi'th ithe 82nd or All-Ameri­ spirit of helpfulness to aid you in deciding whether or not your annlllal F,liag Day cele'bl1aljon and lichool received t heir dip:Jlomas on ciation in fi flt h 'annual reunilon as- I cnn Divilsi'on, stoplped off here f?r Board will vote to accept the provisions of the new school Code s,tate 1C 0nferen,ce ,held at that plaice. Friday evening -in <the Opera . embled , put ,themselves on record a few d'ays enroulte to his .home In enacted into law at the last session of our State Legislature. The Eliz-abeth Cook Oha-pter of House. Eleven girls and ten hoys la t Snturday evening a s fa v-oring 'Ja,cks'onvilJ'e, Flor,id-a. Smyrnla was 'ho'SJtess for the d1ay Icon&tituted the dass and called the acceptance of the N'ew S'chool Li-euten.ant Dawson is a s'on of We respectfully refer you to Section 18 of Article I of the and ,presented a ,pleasing program forth a c-ompl,iment from the School Code: l!:!:!:t!::!:!:=~. ode and una nimoU'sly Ullgill'g its Dr. C ha rl-es F . Dawson who until s'peaker of the eveninlg 'because of adoI>tion . Rlbou't eigtht years ago was one of , ~~ ~~.~. ~r~.i~: ~~;d~ ~r!~~~~;;: I . "In case any city or town designated in Section 121 C. Haln of Willmi-ng-bon, State Reg- the unusUJa l -number od' ,the ,latter. .i+++++++-I-Io.... Th is action was taken at a bUS'I- the fatc ullty at DellalWare Oo'lle,ge. The a'cademic procession con· ness meeting ,held previous to t he Alt the ouvbreak -of -the war he en- of this Chapter as a Spcchtl School disbrict fails to com­ ent, presided. Re-ports 'Were read s i'sting of the Seniors, the~Jun,ior s , 1I10s,t ~ uc c es full and ' enjoy,alble : tered ,the s-ervilc-e and received his ply with Section 122 of this Chapter and the rules and from Caesar Rodney C1hap'ter, Wil- the facu'l'ty and the Board of Edu­ banq uet th i,s associlat ion has eV'e r I tl'a'inin,g at F10rt .McPhersOIll. In regulations of the State Board of Education enacted mington; Ool'onel Has,lett Chapter, caUon f-ol1med at t he high s'chool had. A re oluti'on to admit Ito t he F ebrulary, 1918, he was sent over­ under the provisions of this section, such city or town Dover; Co'och's Bridge Ghatprter, and marched to 'bhe O,pera Hou e f\~so ciatio n those 'Who had com- ' seas wilth Company A, 325'th In­ Newark ; and Elizabeth Cook Chatp- stage where ,they were sealted with shall, by order of the State Board of Education, cease to tel', Smyrna. pleted one-hlalf of the course offer- I fanttry a.nd saw servilC-e In minor A ba skelt lu ncheon wilth ke the Senio,rs occupying the first two ed at the time of Itheir en'r dllment opel'altions J.ast summer.' In Au­ exist as a special school district and shall automatically was al 0 passed -at l'the urgent re- : gUls,t he 'was gassed and as a r e­ become a part of the County system of schools and sub­ cream, cake, coffee and -candy serv- ~~:' ~'nd~~tf:a~~:' ~ci'Pb~f t;:uf~~e~~: que't of many who for var.i,oUls', sUilt -was i,n a. hospital for one and ject to the jul'isdiction of the County Board of ed by the hostess Chapter, foHQIW- the invocatIon Wll'S asked by Rev­ reasons were unable to graduate. a half mon:ths. Education." ed the bUisiiness meeting. erend W,illiam J. Rowan. A brief The following ,officers were re- He par-t ic ilpated i.n the St. Mi- In ,the afiternlo'on, 'a delightfu'l -address by Johnson Rowan, chosen ected for t he ensuIng year: hiel enga'gemenit and in t he We feel that it would be a decided step backward to give up literary and mus-i1cal progral!l1 wa's repres-entlbtive of ,the clas-s, foUoIw­ DELAWARE Presiden,t-Miss Etlba J . Wils-on Mleuse-Ar~on.l1'e dr.i ve. Here the our rights and privileges as a special school district and become given by Smy rna tlbl el1Jt. A Oolon- ed. Hi'S subject WU>SI "Vers'aill es, ia l puay, "T,he Winnin'g of a Pink 1871-1919." He contl1a sted t he Vice pre ident-Edgar MtCMUI- \1 82nd was III t he t'hI~k of the fight- a part of the County ~v s tem, thereby losing all local control of Satin Oo,wn," was presented in . , len ling for 26 conse~~Jt i. v e days-:-!J.ong- our schools. peri,od costume and 'W'IJth out-of- sce-ne enacted there I~ 71 wh.en Reco rding secretary - M i 's s I er than any dIVI s-Io.n partICl'pat- Bv voting to accept the l)l'ovisions of the School Code, in' our . t he Germans w-ere VIctors I\vlth L"dia F ader inlg. 'Their ca U'a ltie's were nlot es- doors s e~tll1g . The dec' or~tI?ns and ~ . hat alt the present time wit'h the judgl~ent, yo u will only secure the largest po ~s ible d~g~'ee of loca l tlhe mU'SI-C wer~ of a p,atnotJ.c ch~ r- Allies making bhe terms. He' g~v e Co rr e~po Ifding secre'bary-Miss peciall y h~a.vy a fact whi'ch Lt. control under the law, but will put Newlbl'k 111 a pOSItIOn to have acter emb?dYll1 g feat.ure which clea r summary of the conditions Be ~e WhitlJt ingham D.a ~v so n latitnbu'tes to t~e soft co n- school facmties second to no other town in the State. Treasurer-Miss Florence But- ,dl't lOn of the ground wh~ c h all Ql\ve d ~ade a fititll1tg celebraitIon fo'r Flag and rapped incidentallly "that ler the s.hells to ~ene-t.rate ,the eart!1 Respectfully yo urs, aih-ose re' res'entin rt!he Cooc h's noble' pi le of Ibricks thalt has hous- Mi s-s 1'It[yrble Steele, chairman of a.nd explod.e 'WIth 1I'tlt!le force. He Chas B. Evans The Continental Fibre Co. p g ed us for the past -four ye'ars." A co. i ·tt · h d chang-e escaped wlthoult a scratch. The Bl'ldge C~a pt e r 'were, Mrs. H a rry piano 010, ."Violi,n Oo nlce rto" by he ~OCI a commi tee, ~ d . most remarkaJb le fea1ture of this Walter Geist S. J. Wright, Pres. Hayward, M~' . E. B. FI'azer, MI·s. Bach, was rendered by EJiz-a'beth f the arrangemen S . e ecol~- en a ement he said, was an at­ John Pilling H. Warner McNeal Arthlur Bea ls, Mrs. J. P. Oa nn, M N I ve sc heme. was. carrIed OUlt In t l\J;k gon th~ tOlWn of Cornay, a G. Fader Howard McCully Mi sses Eleanor Todd, Miria,m AI- c ea. nk and wh libe WIth an abundance small vil,llag-e 'ituated ' on a high J. C. Willis ri-chs and Etta Todd. Prof essor Smith Burnham of Rebecca A. Wil on Harey Spence We t Ohester, delivered the a nnu~ 1 o r os e. bluff near Grand Pre, w'h ich was ~.a~.y p~~:e~~le I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1++++++++++++ addres's to the graduates and pat- l\[i , Bes'sie Whittingham hl:!d a'ttalcked seven time in one day, N. M. Motherall Willard S. Fell 1 CALL 92 rons of ,the school. To Ithe latter, arge of t he music. 1 the Germa-ns and Americans en­ Fl'ank Collins Francis A. Cooch .lames F.
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