Ko/on/a first to draft focal constitution-Page 8 The National Union AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION FOR THE PEOPLE AND THESTATES OF THE FEneHATEDSTATESOF MICRONESIA Volvime 5 Kolonia, Pohnpei, December 15, 1984 Number 23 Can-Air Seaplane Arrives KDIDNIA, Pohnpei - The Can-Air PBY 5A Canso amphibious airplane scheduled to provide air service between Moen and the Mortlock Is- CAN-AIR AMPHIBIOUS PI«NE ARRIviii - iiic Caii-Air PBY 5A Canso amphi- lands in Truk for three months on bious airplane scheduled to provide air service between Moen and the a trial basis arrived here Dec. Mortlock Islands in Truk is shown on its Dec. 6 arrival at Pohnpei 6, two weeks behind schedule, for International Airport with the crew being greeted by local offic- an overnight stay before proceed- ials. The air boat left Dec. 7 for Moen with owner and flight capt- ing to Truk. ain Ray Bernard and three crew members to participate in the Dec. 13 The air boat was scheduled to copra warehouse, school and flight service dedication in Lukunor. be here Nov. 22, or 23, but its arrival was delayed, due to eng- ine trouble which caused it to return to Oakland, California, to Thorfinn arrives for FSM cruises have the motor replaced. B3IONIA, Pohnpei - The SS Thor- on Nov. 18, arrived in Majuoro on The1 aircraft departed Dec. 7, finn, a 170-foot steamship, arri- Nov. 28, spent Nov. 30-Dec. 4 in after paperwork is cleared with ved here Dec. 12, after a eight- Arno Atoll beachcombing and ex- FSM officials here, for a three- (day stopover in the Marshall Is- ploring, arrived Dec. 7 in Kbsrae hour flight to Moen where auxil- 'lands, to begin adventure crui- and departed Kbsrae Dec. 10 for iary fuel tanks will be removed ses between Pohnpei and Truk, ac- Pohnpei. from the front and aft cabins and cording to Seaward Holdings-Mic- Three passengers made the trip seats reinstalled, according to ronesia Vice President Jack Silas from Honolulu to Pohnpei, accord- owner and flight captain Ray Ber- of Honolulu. ing to Silas who said that the nard. The Thorfinn is scheduled to 26-passenger converted Norweigan Its service to the Mortlocks begin its first cruise with pas- whaler is tentatively scheduled was to be inaugurated Dec. 13, sengers Dec. 22 eastbound from to make its first westbound when the 20-passenger craft will Moen through the Hall Islands in cruise from Pohnpei to Moen by take President Tosiwo Nakayama Truk and Oroluk, Pakin and Ant in way of the Mortlock Islands on Pohnpei state, focusing on SCUBA Jan. 7, focusing on a "Micrones- {Continued on Page.3), diving activities, before arriv- ian experience," sport fishing, ing here Jan. 4, Silas said. wind surfing and beachcombing. A reception was scheduled for An FSM foreign investment per- Dec. 14 on the vessel owned by mit was still pending for the op- (Briefs.... Seaward Holdings, Ltd., of Van- eration of the Thorfinn here by couver, British Columbia, and Seaward Holdings-Micronesia which captained by E. lance Higgs, head is headed by Pohnpei State Com- Congress session set of the firm which operates salmon munity Services Director Bermin fishing cruises in Canada during Weilbacher as its president. (See story on Page 3) the summer and previous winter The vessel has two Micronesian cruises in Mexico. crew members, Nilo Walter and Ten winter cruises here are Milton Obed of Pohnpei, and is Training center dedicated planned for the Thorfinn which planning to hire two more, Silas left Honolulu on Nov. 15, Kauai said. (See story on Page 7) 0) States select Goods, services 010 KOIONIA, Pohnpei - Pohnpei and m Yap selected block ice making eq- uipment and Tnik a 46-foot fish- ing boat when representatives of the four ESM states selected their fisheries development equi- pment under the 60 million yen ($250,000) 1984 Japanese goods JAPANESE JOURNALIST VISITS - Yoichiro Aso, center, Economic News Dey and services agreement, according z partment staff writer for the Tokyo metropolitan newspaper Yomiuri to Micronesian Maritime Authority o Shimbun, is being hosted to a luncheon Nov. 28 at the South Park Ho- Executive Director Mike McCoy. tel, Kolonia, by President Tosiwo Nakayama. From left are FSM In- McCoy lead the ESM delegation ternational Relations Chief Masao Nakayama, Special Assistant to the which met Nov. 5-14 in Tokyo with President Kasio Mida, Deputy External Affairs Secretary Asterio Tak- Federation of Japan Tuna Fisher- esy, Aso, President Nakayama, Special Assistant to Pohnpei Gov. Res- ies Co-operative Associations of- 2 ficials to place orders for the io Moses for Federal Relations Santiago Joab and FSM Broadcast Chief equipment. s Ezikiel Lippwe. ; "The important thing is that I the states made the decisions on what equipment to obtain for sup- w FSM looks to Japan for technology port of on-going programs," McCoy said. KOIONIA, Pohnpei - The FSM affairs of the Pacific and other The distribution of goods and looks to Japan for technical as- areas in economic development, services set by the ESM Congress sistance and technology transfer friendship and culture. during its third special session to develop its economy, President He covered the war claims is- in August, based on the Compact Tosiwo Nakayama told Yoichiro sue, stating that "we hope there of Free Association distribution Aso, Economic News Department will be seme kind of formula to formula, gives Yap 9,180,000 yen staff writer for the Tokyo metro- pay people what is due them." ($38,250); Truk, 25,860,000 yen politan daily newspaper Yomiuri He explained that defense re- ($107,750); Pohnpei, 17,280,000 Shimbun. sponsibility is "all we are giv- yen ($72,000), and Kosrae, 7,- The President also said, during ing the United States" in the 680,000 yen ($32,009). the Nov. 28 interview in his of- Compact, "otherwise we will hand- Yap used its portion to acquire fice, that "we need language le everything," and reiterated a 2.5-ton-a-day Maekaua block ice teachers—our high schools are the FSM opposition to nuclear plant. asking for them....(because) we duiping to protect Pacific re- Truk ordered a 46-foot Yamaha need to speak and understand Jap- sources for its people and the fishing boat valued at 22,739,494 anese." future of the world. yen ($94,747.89), plus fishing Asked what Japan could do to Aso arrived here Nov. 24, vis- gear and spare parts. help the FSM achieve its economic ited the Nan Modal ruins Nov. 25 The boat will be used in a la- goals, Nakayama said, "We need and met with state and national goon fishing project aimed at in- technical know how, especially in government and private sector of- creasing the catch of schooling fisheries and oceanography." ficials, before departing Nov. 29 mackeral-type fish by the purse He said, "We wish to tap the for Truk. seine method," McCoy said. resources we. Pohnpei requested a 2.5-ton-a- "At this time, we know we lack He had visited the republics of day block ice plant and ice technical know how that Japan Palau, Nauru and the Marshall Is- crusher valued at 10,190,000 yen has," Nakayama said. lands, before coming to Pohnpei, ($42,458.53), a Yanmar backup "Another thing is that as you and is planning to write a series generator, marine comnmications look around everything we have of articles next year on economic equipment and fishing gear. here, cars, heavy equipment, are matters and general impressions Kosrae used its portion to ac- all from Japan and we need tech- about Micronesia and the Pacific. quire diesal engine spare parts, nical assistance on their mainte- Aso, who joined Yomiuri Shim- radios and other equipment and nance and operation for economic bun, one of Japan's largest news- supplies to support ongoing pro- development," he said. papers, in 1965, after graduating jects. The President anticipated clos- from Waseda University in Tokyo, er economic ties with Japan in served 1978-82 as its correspond- Mob//c/iecfc presented the future and invited the Japan- ent in Australia and travelled ese people to visit the FSM, as throughout the South Pacific. LELU, Kosrae - Mobil Oil Micro- "we want them to feel fully wel- He said that he will be writing nesia Vice President and General come." about what Japan should consider Manager Yusaku Nagai presented a Nakayama also responded to in its future relations and econ- $650 check Nov. 27 to Gov. Yosiwo questions about the Compact of omic assistance to Micronesia, George as a contribution to Free Association with the United stating, "We have to know the si- assist Kosrae state with its States, saying that he is hopeful tuation correctly." medical referral expenses, accor- that the reelection of President As for the economic outlook ding to State Information Office Reagan means it will be resubmit- here, Aso said, "In the short release. ted and approved by the U.S. Con- term, I am not too optimistic, Mobil Vice President Lucky Tar- gress next year. but in the long run economic in- kong, Kosrae Bulk Plant Manager He said that when the Compact dependence may be quite possible, Yalirer Helgenberger and Lt. Gov. is implemented the ESM would take though you will need assistance Moses Mackwelung also attended a greater role and interest in from the United States and Japan." the presentation. Can-Air flying Boat arrives (Continued fran Page 1) and other state and national ernment officials to Lukunor for joint dedication ceremonies for a copra warehouse, school and the air service. The twin propeller amphibious air boat is being chartered from Can-Air Services, Ltd., of Alber- ta, Canada, by Truk International Development Co.
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