NEW BUSINESS Agenda Item No.: 9a CC Mg.: 06112/2012 Date: May 24, 2012 TO: Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Parks and Recreation Department SUBJECT: RESOLUTION NO. 9002 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE LAKE NATOMA BIKE TRAIL PROJECT BACKGROUNDIISSUE The Parks and Recreation Department has been working with staff from California State Parks and the Bureau of Reclamation to complete the last segment of the Lake Natoma Bike Trail and provide for a continuous trail around Lake Natoma. The last segment of trail in the Historic District is the most challenging and has many constraints including restricted right-of-way and environmental concerns. This last trail segment is one of the highest priority projects identified in the adopted Bikeway Master Plan. In March 2009, the City Council awarded a contract with Kimley-Horn and Associates to prepare a feasibility study to examine alternative trail alignments through this corridor and to prepare a detailed analysis of the engineering and environmental impacts to determine the most cost-effective and the most environment-friendly alignment. In May 2010, the Traffic Safety Committee reviewed the proposed alignment and gave it unanimous support. The project was also presented to the local business owners along Leidesdorf Street and received positive feedback. The Lake Natoma Bike Trail Project as identified in the 2007 Bikeway Master Plan extends from the terminus of the existing Class I trail behind the Lake Natoma Inn to the Historic Truss Bridge, and ultimately connecting to the American River Parkway bike trail. The overall length of the project is approximately 3,000 linear feet. This trail segment will complete the much anticipated loop around Lake Natoma. In December 2011, the City received grant funding totaling $484,000. This amount was less than requested by the City, but with a reduced project scope, adequate to make a significant improvement in the trail connection around Lake Natoma. With the City's required matching funds of $70,000, the total project budget is $554,000. On January 10, 2012, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 8947 accepting the grant award from the Sacramento Area Council of Governments Community Design Program. POLICYIRULE The environmental review process and mitigated negative declaration preparation and filing is pursuant to Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, Article 6, Sections 15070 and 15071 of the California Administrative Code. ANALYSIS The project review includes the design and construction of a Class I trail referred to as the Lake Natoma Bike Trail of approximately 3,000 lineal feet and extends from the terminus of the existing trail behind the Lakes Shopping Center to the intersection of Scott and Riley Streets. Page ] Staff Report Page No. 1 of 138 The trail will utilize two existing bridges that are part of the historic Powerhouse facility to connect to the existing trail on the south side of the intersection of Riley and Scott Streets. Another component of the project is the installation of a Class I trail along the north side of Leidesdorf Street extending from Gold Lakes Drive to Riley Street (Attachment 2). The proposed bikeway will be designed to Class I bikeway specifications as described in Chapter 1000 of the California Transportation Department (CalTrans) Highway Design Manual. The bikeway will have a 12-foot wide asphalt paved surface, with appropriate signage and striping. The scope of the Initial Study focused on and identified potential environmental impacts on the natural resources and community infrastructure in the area from construction, and use of the new trail segment. The Community Development Department has reviewed the proposed project and determined that the project, with mitigation measures as identified in the Initial Study will not have a significant affect on the environment. The alignment of the trail was designed to reduce impacts to the existing vegetation and wetland and riparian habitat and complete the cycling infrastructure connection between State Parks and the Historic District. California State Parks, and the Bureau of Reclamation have been consulted and have determined that the trail will have minimal short and long-term impacts on the resources located along this section of the Lake Natoma Bike Trail. The Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (ISIMND) was published by the State Clearinghouse on October 26, 2011, initiating a 30-day review period. Five comment letters were received on the proposed project (Attachment 4). The responses to comments are included with the comments in Attachment 4. As a result of the comments received and the available funding from the Sacramento Area Council of Governments grant program, the City reduced the scope of the trail development proposal to minimize development on State Park Lands and remove project components that were on U.S. Bureau of Reclamation property. A summary of the mitigation measures and monitoring program proposed for the project is included as Attachment 5. 'T'hese measures, in recognition of potential environmental impacts, will reduce the identified impacts to a less than significant level. FISCAL IMPACT The Folsom Parks and Recreation Department will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the project after it is constructed. The estimated cost to maintain this section of trail is approximately $2,500 per year. The trail system is maintained under a contract that is bid every two years. The actual trail maintenance is dependent on the characteristics of each trail section, the contractual scope of work, and the bid results. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (Attachment 3). The proposed project, with mitigation measures as identified in the Initial Study, will not have a significant affect on the environment. A majority of the impacts center on short-term impacts that will occur during construction of the project. ATTACHMENTS I. Resolution No. 9002 - A Resolution Adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Lake Natoma Bike Trail Project 2. Location Map 3. Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration -- Lake Natoma Bike Trail Project Page 2 Staff Report Page No. 2 of 138 4. Public Review Comments and Responses 5. Table I - Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program RECOMMENDATION/CITY COUNCII, ACTION Move to approve Resolution No. 9002 - A Resolution Adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Lake Natoma Bike Trail Project. Page 3 Staff Report Page No. 3 of 138 ATTACHMENT 1 Resolution No. 9002 Staff Report Page No. 4 of 138 RESOLUTION NO. 9002 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE LAKE NATOMA BIKE TRAIL PROJECT WHEREAS, the project is consistent with the Folsom General Plan; and WHEREAS, the Lake Natoma Bike Trail Project is consistent with the adopted 2007 Bikeway Master Plan; and WHEREAS, notice has been given at the time and in the manner required by State law and the Folsom Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the preparation of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration is in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines and procedures; and WHEREAS, with implementation of the mitigation measures proposed, this project will not have a significant affect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Folsom adopts the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Lake Natoma Bike Trail Project. PASSED AND ADOPTED on this 120' day of June 2012, by the following roll-call vote: AYES: Council Members: NOES: Council Members: ABSENT: Council Members: ABSTAIN: Council Members: Kerri M. Howell, MAYOR ATTEST: Christa Saunders , CITY CLERK Staff Report Page No. 5 of 138 ATTACHMENT 2 Location Map Staff Report Page No . 6 of 138 A M E R I C A N R I V E R US BUREAU OF RECLAMATION HISTORIC FOLSOM CANAL LAKE NATOMA INN m 0OW'NTOvv NF OLIO LEGEND ExrG.ng TrdiI Segnem 2 Imm= SegYhenl I Se9mera2 f'ill'^,J'F^il^uuil.^ike.tialogin Hrke 7i'tl11 Prrj^•^ti?l111' n C1L!R(L Klniley 11,-&A,,,, I: US!) A N A 1P Aeriel P1 1,1 1,19, !009. AD. '012 Exhibit A Approved Project Staff Report Page No. 7 of 138 This page is intentionally left blank. Staff Report Page No. 8 of 138 ATTACHMENT 3 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Staff Report Page No. 9 of 138 INITIAL STUDY CITY OF FOLSOM LAKE NATOMA BIKE TRAIL SEPTEMBER 2011 LEAD AGENCY: City of Folsom Department of Parks & Recreation 50 Natoma Street Folsom, CA 95639 (916) 355.7285 Staff Report Page No. 10 of 138 INITIAL STUDY CITY OF FOLSOM LAKE NATOMA BIKE TRAIL SEPTEMBER 2011 LEAD AGENCY: City of Folsom Department of Parks & Recreation 50 Natoma Street Folsom , CA 95630 (916) 355-7285 PREPARED BY: Analytical Environmental Services 1801 7th Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95811 (916) 447-3479 www. ana lyt i c a l corp. cam Staff Report Page No. 11 of 138 TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY OF FOLSOM LAKE NATOMA BIKE TRAIL INITIAL STUDY 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of Study ....................................................................................................................1-1 1.2 Environmental Factors Potentially Affected ............................................................................1-1 1.3 Evaluation Terminology ..........................................................................................................1-2 1.4 Organization of the Initial Study .............................................................................................
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