ARGUS CAPE GIRARDEAU WEEKLY VOL. 111. CAPE GIRARDEAU, MISSOURI, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1865. NO, 8 Hi* 0«(t ©irartara ISteMj §rpjj ties, as Orton must ' have been with growled George Coleman. "How- hurrahed and ha ihaM!and the men: Sayings of NapoleonFirst. Signs for Marriageable Ladies. <IS PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAYBT Poerty his,but w@ got through all and ever,Idon't care a* cuss who's over out M Bully * - with roared I" and the un- To a generalofficer not eminently Ifa man wipes hisfeet oathe d6or W t M. - HAMILTON PROPRIETOR.' onboard withtmi?own various wares me, so long as Mary lays alongside. dressed dimity cut de-; J ' for Sre^s and distinguished, who solicited from the mat before coming into tne Toom, *« all must be addressed, QBADATIM. and wives in good time, right, shipmates. cency whom letters making AH rf I J^mperor aMarshal's baton,he saidi you mayIbe surelie will makeagdod- BYJ. G. square calculations to have another "So that me GeneralScott," ye HOLLAND. leaves Then discovered that four bfour «IHs notIthat makeMarshals; it domestic husband. Ifaman insnuf- OFFICE on Main Street, three Heavenit notreached at a single that night on board the "Western said Captain Hamilton,taking anear U bound, party hadn't turned up yet. First victories." fing the candles 'snuffs themout, yotf doors below the St. Charles Hotel,op.\ But webuildtheladder by which werise World. And we did,only sighted key. lowly its was a Jook at his latch were ColonelOrton and his "wife.— | IOn hearing thefirsf gun at Fried-* may "be sure will positeBeily'sHardwareStore, Ist Fromihe. earthto thevaulted sties, " fie make & stupid: floor.\ And wemount toita byround, confounded queer time the last say,,shipmates, le-les er do er They TveiNj all course, land, exclaimed Je summitround end I f right,of Btow- he $ Soldiers! it is; husband. If & man puts hishand- of it. thing quieter, ye see," suggested ed away in old TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION* Icount this thingtobe grandly true; "Millard Fillmore/- an auspicious,day, Itis the annivcr-: kerchief on his knees while taking One copy 1 That a deed We were a trifle near-sighted Jones. Mrs, m0nth.,,,.50,. 25 Onecopy 1year....s2 50 noble Is astep towardGcd-~ ILieutenant Bub where Jones and Colonel sary of Marengb." tea, you may he wiHl)e Onecopy 3 months. 075 Fivecopies 1year..ll 26 Liltingtheboul from be sure a Copy thecommon sod think by the time got board, "Yes, ait,go-gen-td-lims,," re- One 6months... 125 Tencopies 1year...2o 00 To a we on that Marshall? They were Jiot there.-*- Toa troop of artillery, which had prudent Singlecopies, at office or from carriers....Five purer air andbroader Tiew. husband. In the'same way/ cents.:* fifteen minutes Then, Jn all cases the money will be requiredbefore we the steamer Colonel Yessee £he where were they? Why, laid failed in their duty,he Baid: "This always mistrust * "We rise by things that areunder ified Marshall. the man wno will namA onour subscription book 5 an* our feet* shoved offirom the: levee, but we girls sail ef sleep^ fore time; les" out in bed, alongside oth^r, flag' whichyouiave basclj" in By what wehave mastered by good and gaip} ©f each .deserted not take the last piece* of of rartes for clubsit isunderstood thatno namecan, be ,could see t6ass ,»,dded By thepridedeposed«nd thepassion slain, well enough when Orton sergo softly, so*s not tor wake'emu£, fn and asleep shall beplacedin Temple Mars, to» plubafter the-same shallhavebeen sent in, Eurnside^ both as fast the' of Sally Dunn, but prefers* waiting fo* Andthe vanquished-ills that we hourlymeet. piloted,us around #ar the sakeof the reduction} and further, thatnone to 6ur wivesand esser'l wanter knoW wha time" 'tis." as if thfy'd swallowed allthe mor- covered with crape. Your corps Is thenext warm t>atch% tils not un* *ut yearly subscribers will beentitled to the benefit of \Te hoj>e, we aspire,we resolve, we trust. quarters abaft the wheel-honses that <Tes, lot's go softly,** everybody phineia the surgeon^ disbanded.*' pur club rate*,as a reduction {or locked When likely hef willmake a greedy, a shorter time will When themorningcalls us to lightandlife, there promise selfisk ■notpay -usfor scratchingoutand re-writing was a of comfort and responded j and so We wentlike bur-" we shook them up at last,and tojd He presentedMoreau, ori occa- names. But our hearts grow weary,and, eretae night, one husband^ witfc" iw^om you w;llenjoy Our lives are trailingthe sordid convenience about our acco-mmoda- 1 glars our respectiveTsey holes,and them they£d been sion, with a magnificent RATES OF ADVERTISING* dust. to what &tT theJiieu,- pair of pis- no"brown at dinner^ n© erusfe at ©no square(eight lines or less)one* week to tions. Statejooms fitted, "bri- in«o still tols, 4 onemonth. "We hope, we resolve,^weAspira, pray up as Ze6 ourselves yon couldfr't tenant^s wifesaid,,in a sleepysort of *^I intended,*" said -he, tea,no peace One week.,.»...,„...51 00 IThree week5..,..,,.52 00 we # "to at home.— week5........... 160|One , And think th,at we^mount the air.on winga, dal-chambers, toilette-fixtures,sofas, hay© aclick or a asin* She mtjch have gof m0nth.. 5..... 2 50 heard crack of fashion-*-" -didn't,see differ^ the names of your victories The man, my dears,, wn6is careful Contractsmaybe made for longer periodsat the fol- Bpyondthe recallof «ensual things, rosewood roqkers, and berths wide gle door. ence speak of betw^pn engrayedupon them, lowing rates: While our feet still cling tg theheavyclay. to the Colonel t>ut there'was about wrappinghimself no well be^ enoughfor two—we 1 Im. 2m. year. noticed that.par- Iwas inside in the dark, and haul- andher not roomfor jntd . 3m. 4m. 1 Winga*for angels,but th« husband*'* them.'* fore yenturing the niglit air,, 1* square..*...„.52 50 $4 09 $5 00 $8 00 $10 00 I for men, ticularly—and. thenjthere was: d, nffw away starboard1 When squaresr 600 800 11 00 15 00 26 00 We may borrow -wingsto find the way-4* ing at my boot, At the second attempt^ve*paired 4- -sentinel Who alfowed Gen. Jou- notunfrequeatly makes a H c01umn.»...,. 12 goodiava^ 700 00 15 00 18 00 30 00 We may hope,andresolve,and aspire, pray, kink to us in the designation our dimity way woke off put H c01umn.,.,,., 10 00 15 00 20 00 35 00 60 00 «nd of little about half up, and ourselves away correctly,' bert to enterNapoleon'stent withou lid. husband thai mostly stops a$ 1 cplumn..^..^,18 But our feet must riseorwo again. lodgings. 00 28 00 "0 00 60 001100 00 fall Instead of beingnumber- jmt out herhead sleepily lfkerand but we ©.ever -quite believed,J.ba't that giving the password*was broughtb^*' and is "easily Yearly advertisers will have the privilege of one home^ comforted with change Onlyin dreams is a ed, as is usual, as we on Ug ft of matterwithout additional charge. Inall Jadder thrown 6^bttered had laying -it toy port by guess, misplacing and, mixing, up latch- foreliim. Go/* said he, «the man Slops^ The man wio watches %h§ ;<ptb.ercases, From tb« wearyearth tathe sapphirewalls, an additional charge of twenty-five cents sometimes seen theSJi^gdone,there a dreamy way ■ may per But the dreams depart andthe said|.in sortof : keys was not al|quite soinnocent a who forced the Tyrol well force kettle, and preventsit boiling ovor, square will ba made as cost of composition. vision falls, was a fancy ANNOUNCING And thesleeper awakens onhis pillowof stone. glass plate up each "Ah, that you* What mistak© as Colonel Orton pretejid- a sentinel." willnotfail,my dears, in CANDIDATES. o>^V husband? " themarried Vot cityoffices.,.....'M 001 ForState offices....ss 00 state-room door, w(th the naiSe of keptyou Away so 1-ongjT'* On catcb/iag first Oountrofflces 3 | ....,40 Heavenis notreached by asingle bound, ed.^Rhil.Transcript* the sight of the state, inexercising the same care ir* 00 Congress 00 -some of S3* All advertisements inserted for a less period But we%uild theladder by whichwer>is« our Ameriaan immortal? on "S-s-s-sh,my dear/ X whispered. Mamelukes,drawn up inorder ofbat- alwayskeepingthe pot foiling. Th,e From thelowly following^ we than six nvmths,must be paid in advance. Yearly earth to the vaulted skier, it in gilt letters-r-as Clay, Webster, Don't talk $oloud. There's the Ma- The which clip from tle on4h#banks- of the Nile,in maa who doepn'f will quarterly. And wemount to its summit roundby view lake ill treats advertisements be collected round. Jaqkson,etc*,, jor lje^fc room, an exchange,is oldbut good,and iea* LEGALNOTICES- in tho and there's on- w^fl of the Pyramids, Bonaparte riding the cat, takes sn^ff/andstands wHk Orders of publication for Circuit Courts will be As our programmewas have one ly an pin© us*. bear readingagain: ranks, cried ;*' * ttf inch wallbetween I'll before the Soldiers1 his back toth^ilre^ is abrtiteivjiora charged at the rates of OneDollar per square for the part of -that jolly in Do anyof youknow old BillLow- first insertion, and Fifty Cents Moscellany time of ours out tell you all about it whenIget into from the summits ofyonder Pyra- Iwould not advise you,my dearg,lia tor each continuance. the ry? !He moved from Springfield, to Notices oi Resignations, Final Settlements, Adminis- social hall that night, we might bed." raids,oforty* generations look down ma^ryunder consideration, Notices, Estraya, charged in any eitfier- trator's and willbe Two Dol- A possibly forget that we had wives "That'll doj now hurry, dear—l sbtne point Minnesota.
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