MAY - JUNE 2018 • Vol. 83 • No. 1331 www.observer.goarch.org • e-mail: [email protected] $1.00 What’s Inside St Nicholas Proposed budget Phase 1 The proposed budget of the Archdiocese for 2018 P.3 Investigation Clergy-Laity Congress Completed Highlights of upcoming congress, co-chair, honorary chair PITTSBURGH – On May 4, P. 4 Elaine Allen, chairman of the Stand- ing Audit Committee of the Arch- Icon museum diocesan Council, of the Greek Or- Massachusetts museum to thodox Archdiocese of America, display Byzantine iconography Orthodox Observer photo announced the substantial comple- p. 9 tion of Phase 1 of the St. Nicholas Special Investigative Committee’s HCHC Commencement St. Nicholas Shrine project (SIC) investigation into the manage- th Highlights of 76 After a hiatus of a few months, construction is hoped to resume in the not-too-distant-future on comple- ment and finances of the St. Nicholas Commencement tion of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center, according to Church and National Shrine project. P. 11 Archdiocese officials. On April 23, visiting HCHC Seminarians (upper part of circle) gathered in front of the The SIC has received Pricewater- future church where Andrew Veniopoulos briefed the group about the project. The visit was part of their houseCoopers’ (PwC) Phase 1 draft orientation trip to Archdiocese headquarters. A plastic covering protects the building from the elements. report and is expected to announce Centennials (Related photos page 10). its findings to the Executive Com- Pennsylvania parish holds mittee of the Archdiocesan Council celebration in April imminently. P. 12 Among key findings from Phase Arch. Council Meets in Pittsburgh 1, the amount owed by the Archdio- New Chicago council cese to St. Nicholas has been con- New Metropolis of Chicago By Stavros H. Papagermanos ties of the Archdiocese across the coun- firmed to be less than $3.7 million, Council members appointed try, many of which have celebrated with the exact dollar figure to be fi- P. 13 and continue to celebrate centennial nalized in the coming weeks. More- PITTSBURGH – The Archdioc- anniversaries, thus demonstrating their over, the review found that all other Y2AM esan Council of the Greek Orthodox vitality and growth in the faith. This is monies raised to fund the St. Nicho- New projects, plans being Archdiocese of America held its regu- the promising reality of the Archdiocese las project are accounted for, and that offered this summer larly scheduled spring meeting in Pitts- and you can see it in the radiant faces the expenditure of these funds was p. 19 burgh, Pennsylvania, May 3-4, 2018, of our children across the country, he consistent with donor restrictions. under the chairmanship of His Emi- said. The Archbishop acknowledged As a result of the aggressive nence Archbishop Demetrios of Amer- the painful conditions in some financial financial restructuring efforts un- Christophobia ica. Fr. Bakas thoughts on a serious aspects in the life of the Archdiocese; he dertaken by the Archdiocese over The work began with the individual said that the situation is many times in- the last year, led by Treasurer Mike contemporary issue meetings of the council committees on tentionally or unintentionally distorted Psaros, the Archdiocese has already p. 20 Thursday, May 3. They included those by an amazing number of misunder- repaid $1million of the pending total on Finance, Administration, Audit, standings and inaccuracies, as people in amount it owes to St. Nicholas, and Aid to Greece Marriage and Family, Stewardship- this post-truth era, rush to express and will voluntarily pay interest on the IOCC garners over $1 million Outreach and Evangelism, Religious disseminate falsehoods and baseless full amount owed to the project. The to help families Education, Youth and Young Adult opinions but not precise data. This is a Archdiocese will also make a volun- p. 22 Ministry, Communications and Infor- painful situation for people of truth and tary contribution of $670,000 to St. mation Technology. precision, said the Archbishop. Nicholas. This amount represents the Camp site purchased The Archdiocesan Council began Concluding and paraphrasing Saint full amount of unrestricted invest- New property acquired in its plenary session the morning of Fri- Paul, the Archbishop said that there is ment returns generated on donations Connecticut for Camp St. Paul day, May 4. a great and open door, an opportunity from 2001–12. p. 24 Present at the plenary meeting were for productive work in the Lord, even if Finally, Ms. Allen announced the members of the Holy Eparchial the opponents are many; and added that that the Archdiocese will repay its Synod, Metropolitans Methodios of when faced with all this adversity we debt to St. Nicholas with interest. Boston, Nicholas of Detroit, Savas of are victorious through Him who loved The amount of the interest payment Pittsburgh, and Nathanael of Chicago. us. will be confirmed following the Also in attendance were the Chancellor The Vice President of the Archdi- SIC’s completion of the findings re- of the Archdiocese His Grace Bishop ocesan Council George S. Tsandikos, port, which will include the finalized Andonios of Phasiane, and the Chancel- in his introductory remarks said that amount owed by the Archdiocese to lor of the Metropolis of San Francisco the challenges of the financial cri- St. Nicholas. His Grace Bishop Apostolos of Medea. sis have come to an end. He also said Phase 2 of the SIC’s investiga- Archbishop Demetrios opened the that everyone is working hard towards tion is also being conducted by PwC. session with a prayer and the chanting the completion of St. Nicholas. We are The work is ongoing and includes a of the hymn of the Resurrection “Chris- united and we stand with our beloved review of the St. Nicholas project’s tos Anesti.” In his opening remarks he Archbishop, he added. Furthermore, baseline costs and cost increases, expressed his gratitude to the members Mr. Tsandikos said that the people in a review of design changes, and an of the Council and the Metropolitans of the Church will remain united and not analysis of vendor payments with the the Holy Eparchial Synod, who work be deterred by any distraction. He urged goal of identifying potential non-dis- hard every day and contribute their the members of the Council to share the closed relationships between the St. time and talent to the sacred work of truth and, through the truth of the Risen Nicholas project management team the Church, as it went through turbulent Lord and the unifying message of His and vendors paid with St. Nicholas times. Resurrection, remain united and rejoice. funds. The SIC’s findings report is Archbishop Demetrios talked about the flourishing parishes and communi- to page 2 to page 3 2 ARCHDIOCESE NEWS MAY - JUNE 2018 To contact Archdiocesan National Ministries Council Meets from page 1 Archives Following the roll call, by Archdiocesan 212.570.3517 Council Secretary Cathy Walsh, a quo- [email protected] rum was declared. Archbishop Demetri- os paid a special tribute to Archdiocesan Communications Council member Arthur Anton, for his 212.774.0244 long service and impeccable attendance [email protected] record. The council members responded with applause and a standing ovation. Lou Kircos, chairman of the Fi- Greek Education nance Committee, presented the treasur- GOA/Press Office photos 212.774.0233 er’ s report. Archdiocesan Council Trea- [email protected] surer, Michael Psaros who attended the Archbishop Demetrios addresses members of the Archdiocesan Council at the May meeting in Pittsburgh meetings the previous day, was unable Internet Ministries to attend the plenary. Mr Kircos said 646.519.6690 that it is time to move forward and put [email protected] the financial crisis behind us and also to make sure that it does not happen again. Inter–Orthodox, Ecumenical He said there are many signs of progress in the finances. He reported and Interfaith Relations that many parishes have prepaid their 212.570.3593 total commitment helping the Archdio- [email protected] cese in these difficult times. Mr. Kir- cos said that the financial stability was Ionian Village mainly achieved due to cuts to the tune 212.570.3538 of $8.3 million. He reported that the [email protected] Archdiocese was able to repay one mil- lion dollars back to the Saint Nicholas GOA/Press Office photos Center for Family Care account from which it had previously 845.424.8175 borrowed to cover operational costs. Lou Kircos informed the Council Elaine Allen, chair of the Audit fered an overview of the new Policies [email protected] that the Archdiocese is seeking a loan Committee, said that the work of the for the Safety of Youth and Children. from a bank, which will allow for swift committee has been an experience of Designed to take the place of the ex- Public Affairs repayment of the balance owed to the St. love for the Church and the Archdiocese isting Youth Protection Manual, which 212.774.0400 Nicholas account and payment of other and its members are committed to trans- only applies to camps and retreats, the [email protected] outstanding obligations. The Archdi- parency and accountability in balance Policies will apply youth safety princi- ocesan Council, following discussion, with the realities of litigation. She said ples to all youth work across the Arch- Registry expressed the sense of the body to fully that all the changes being implemented diocese. 212.570.3558 support the action of obtaining the loan. at the Archdiocese level have to cascade Constantine Carras, chairman of the down to all other levels of the church, Administration Committee, presented a [email protected] Moreover, the Chairman of the Fi- nance Committee praised the “Arch- the Metropolises and the parishes.
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