fev 1,800 48 XV. mar Afty e, i«« SEE li / Board Candidates Make New Army Gtrtent't Fntt War Quite 3 Draft 'eas In Bid For Votes 'em By Superior Officer In reply to the statement of Quota Goes IIS WAY Robert It. Brown, Michael Re*- 0AHTERKT ~ UUU. of tit* to Inform you of tk« \tm of til* Republican candidates for the ko and Ftank Siekierka, endorsed Enrollnn School Board Election: lit Walter B. Overholt, Jrn yonr son Walter at Mfe *ft Jan- by the Republican Party as can- Mfualty from Carteret in the At intnmbent member* of the uary 29, 1»42 at two o'clock in didates for the Cnteret Board of >, bteame known on Taeaday school board, and a* candidates On Feb* 12 the afternoon. He waft rt-load- „ Club of Central Education, today issued their fin- when bh patratt, Mr. and Mrs. to succeed ourselves in the eom- al plea to the electorate. Their Ing a depth chaff* tfcta/tfir, so Days Set H U that p>ot»r- Wlte B. Overholt of 860 Rooae- in| Mhoqi election, we considered statement follows: that th« ahip would be in fully „ »rUl n«i*M%«lr#. Velt Avenue received a letter from ready condition fttf «ttMk in the ttatfihant made by our oppon- "We have viewed with alarm a Large Local Group fid 1 his fivinmartdlng officer. First news dangerous sobwarine watnt ,nJ k«tp *• r#a» ent* last Week with great toier- condition of confusion, chaos, laek 3rd Rtffctnti* of (he death of the twenty-one when a heavy sea came Over the place. Tbroiigt) •ricit and a bit of/amusement {of direction negligence and waste Leave Front Boro Hall; ,f, yea?-old sailor was heard at 10 deck and swept him overboard. Candidates of the "outa" am 'that has existed since the present ,, police «an ba flraa o'clock Sunday morning in a tele- A strenuous search was made, Stlfctto&fttoli usually "wonder boys" before elec- Board assumed power. The schools All Names Are Lilted I ;Hrnli«eatlo« of tfc« gram from Rear Admiral Ran- but heavy seas and iey-cold tion*, they always propoi* im- were left without competent su- dall Jacobs, chief of navigation. ;{ it i« itolan, and r*' water took their toll and refused provementa and at the same time pervision for almost two years; CARTERET i- The fotywin Thh was received at police head- unnecessary jots were created in to give him up. II! be furtharad. *nd frequently in the HIM breath, registrants are to be inducted in- qttkrters 'by Sergeant Georg* CARTERJST -i In spite of reduced enrollments; large to the Armed Force* of the United The lose of Walter il deep- i the pet- charge the "Ins" with unwise Sheridan. with the prodamatktt of 1 spending. Afterward* they are repair contracts were let without States on February 12 at 9 A. M. ly felt by all of the officer* an» Rooaevelt for th» ThW nf humor which g*"t competitive bidding and many oth- from Local Board No. 4 for Mid- The letter which arrived on crew of the U.fl.8. TRIPPl. He tired, hard working office holders Tuesday is as follows: tion, the Local Board, for t^ nKain in Ctrtriw « puuled M to juit how they ever er acts of wastefulness and ex- dlesex County, Municipal build- was a brave man, never fear- U.S.S. Trippe will conduet It* rtffcrtratlon i f.«>ks ago. The ©ne thought lome of their promises travagance were indulged in. ng, Carteret; f ing or neglecting his hawrdous Borough all on: • - this desire t« wn- One particular repair job stands c/o Postmaster, duties. He was well liked for Waltw 8. Owrhoit, Jr. .,) with could J» kept on the suma at their William F. Coughlin, ' Albert 3«tar<Uv, Ft* 14—• Rnd believe tia It out as a glaring example of in- New York, N, Y. his cheerfulness, good nature, dll' George Moore, Edward Joseph to • f. M. cflmpU i D it January, 81 1942. ar,d dUjgcgcjj BU lots. b« not ppY for completing a brick will around Ipe'af Sir. an3 Mrs, (jverholt: in vain, and his memory will ;hc spapew <jpponent*, w* h*v« bald office for Satchineky, GebrgC €. Kailofa, Si- l-tfw- bifh school was gteiter thm "_ Jt grieves me deeply to have (Continued on pap 2) 5 P.M. :iii:r ,ts, thuk brining 1W (CoQtjnued on page 3) mon Jackulick, Julius Papp, John ,,t pair and putting (Continued on Page 3) Joseph 'Moczynski, Joseph J. Lu- Maidav, 1111 also innocent, "In kach, William Blrl, Jr., Andrew Another Paper Collection To Reach $1,000 Such people qrtUlfy P. Senk, Stanley J. MHik, Alex- All male* WIM fa***. r, HI ,•„,, !„ criticise any,Other Former Resident ander Petro, Jr., George Maskar- Takes Place February 24 CARTERET—Receipts from the their 20th blrthda* «B « v;(lil|, itots into print B(»t inec, Clyde Walker, John George December SI, 1M1, and CARTERET-^lave this paper campaign for funds here to aid ;hl. mliy rest a«ur«l of Uhouse, Pinkug Chodosh, Julius attained their 45th . ., It's wanted for victory. And In the fight againt Infantile Par- „„,. i,,, as «urely "a* jre Is Accident Victim John Hamas, Alexander M. Cher- February 16, lfti, « Pltmi M*)e For School 'CXRTERET -— William WaUon save all your-old papers, scrap alysis are expected to reach $1,000 .ii,,ill i,i> meted to you." 7 epski, Walter Dumansky. who have heretofore, »fld Alfred Burke of the Executive metals, old rubber and old rags. ,,.,,. -inmetime, he or she ; And Time Set CARTERE7T — Funeral services George J. Cilo, Stephen Bodnar, net. To date the net receipt* total and those ipttiftetUy . ; A wnVnittee of the Boy Scouts of . L. !><• embarrassed,;and take place tomorrow morning for Frank Gronsky, Jr., Zoltan Barta, A second collectioh of waste over $900, the local chairman, from registration-M tM Anwrica were «he guests Tuesday ".„„! pi-iilmbly by someone •'Qualified vot- John Mahucs, Edward Eugene paper in Carteret has been the" Presidential. Proelit seventeen-year-old Mary Colton of of,the Carteret Lions Club. They Frank J. Kearney announced to- ,, „„ nica of wreakjng ye.n- era not rwtrtwedto-vote in the Gorecki, Gabriel Comta, Melvin J. planned by Mm. Russell L. Miles, "Third Registration Dajr,",( 26 Summit Road, Elitabeth, form- »po_ke of the' coming Boy Scout day, and complete returns have ,,.tln i. Things jnst haj>- election ,for tare* members of chairman of consumer interests quired to register for erly of Carteret, who died from Albrecht, Theodore J.. Sosinowich, drive which is being sponsored by not been made yet. Alt workers $oard Of Education next William L. Nagy, Julius J. Sioke, for the borough Defense Coun- Service. - •'• Injuries received in an automobile the Club. Lion Secretary A. J. cil, It will Uke plate Tuesday, were asked to attend a meeting to iy rtUy reJciijer tomorrow crash early Wednesday morning. Albert Macanck; Frank J. JHianer, Pe&y was ehoeen chairman of the The registration will Wjt • I. hits picked up diu night from 7 o'Hqck until 9. Michael J. Palinkas, Edward Rich* February 24, and collection will be held tonight at 7 o'clock in the She was admitted to Elisabeth drive which will start soon in an the Council Room on t(w ,k include the folldw- One member of tne Board of ard Fuchs, William B. Deriawiec, be made by trucks of the High School to wind up the cam- General Hospital shortly after mid- effort to raise a quota of f700. registration days and all'< \\ oR's press bureau, tiduCflftiqn will tie /oh duty at Stephen Chek, Harry Kazio, John borough's street department. paign. The Carteret Lions met with registrars will meet it- .[.lest business concern each if the polling places in the night and died six hours later. The A, Bellak, Joseph Despirito, An- Householders are reminded to tie funeral will take place at her home, the (Perth ' Amboy Lions last their papers add cardboards in- The basketball game held last ough Hall on Friday nij_ 1,1 is the Stora Kappar local school* to enroll any voters drew Teleposky, Jr., George E. we,ek between teams from the ruary 13th, «t 8 P.M. fo.r.1 starting at 9i30 o'clock, then to evening at the Packer House at to bundle*, and place. them on ,,laKs Aktie BoUg, a who may appear to register. Jamison, S. J. Kryposiak, Michael Board of Education and the tions to eliminate any ; St, Genevieve's Churoh, Monmouth 6:40 where they were the gueste the sidewalk before their, homee. sh c,ip|)iT mining coraptny It also has been announced Maskaly, Theodore Knorr, Joseph of Perth Amboy at dinner. The dealers who buy the paper, Borough Council brought in $20. lay so the registrant 4 T • ,imc iiOO, The min« that the voting in this school Road near Livingston Road, Eliz- Spolowicz, John Barbarczuk, Mich- (Lists of donations will be pub- The following additional com- •Mrs. Miles said, will not accept it Inconvenienced beyond any'; JMIIJ; worked and i* owned district election is to be by bat- abeth, at 10 o'clock where there ael T. ChurillB, Josoph F. Stani- lished, Mr. Kearney stated, when mittees were appointed by the unless it is bundled. A previ- sary time. •win' family 'by whieh it lot and not by voting machine. will be a requiem mass. Burial ia char, Felix S. Prokopiak. the clerical force has completed president, Frank ScTudato and al- ous drive for waste paper mil; from Dr.
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