February 12, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H477 been made citizens, 11,000 of whom, The vote was taken by electronic de- Frank (MA) Matsui Rush Frost McCarthy (MO) Sabo 11,000 of whom were criminals. vice, and there wereÐyeas 210, nays Gejdenson McCarthy (NY) Sanchez Now, I would say to my colleagues 200, not voting 21, as follows: Gephardt McDermott Sanders that, first of all, the real answer ought [Roll No. 17] Gordon McGovern Sandlin to be let us overhaul the Immigration Green McHale Sawyer YEASÐ210 Gutierrez McIntyre Schaffer, Bob and Naturalization Service so it does Hall (OH) McKinney Aderholt Gilchrest Norwood Schumer its job effectively, let us make sure the Hamilton McNulty Archer Gillmor Nussle Scott Hastings (FL) Meehan Social Security system has a computer Armey Gilman Packard Serrano Hefner Meek (FL) that works, and then let us allow a Bachus Gingrich Pappas Shays Hilliard Meeks (NY) Baker Goode Parker Sherman StateÐwhat are we asking a State to Hinchey Menendez Ballenger Goodlatte Paxon Sisisky Hinojosa Millender- do? It is not complicated. We are say- Barr Goodling Pease Skaggs Holden McDonald ing to a State to make sure that the Barrett (NE) Goss Peterson (PA) Skelton Hooley Miller (CA) Bartlett Graham Petri Slaughter only people participating in their elec- Houghton Minge Barton Granger Pickering Smith, Adam tions are legal American citizens. That Hoyer Moakley Bass Greenwood Pickett Smith, Linda Hutchinson Mollohan is the only criteria here. Bateman Gutknecht Pitts Snyder Jackson (IL) Moran (VA) People get up and make all these Bereuter Hall (TX) Pombo Spratt Jackson-Lee Morella Bilbray Hansen Porter Stabenow comments as though somehow, if they (TX) Murtha Bilirakis Hastert Portman Stark John Nadler yell racist long enough, if they scream Bliley Hastings (WA) Pryce (OH) Stenholm Johnson, E.B. Neal diversity long enough, if they somehow Blunt Hayworth Quinn Stokes Kanjorski Oberstar Boehner Hefley Radanovich Strickland come in here and pretend this is about Kaptur Obey Bonilla Herger Ramstad Stupak something elseÐthis is a very narrow Kennedy (MA) Olver Brady Hill Redmond Tanner Kennedy (RI) Ortiz bill. Members who vote against this Bryant Hilleary Regula Tauscher Kennelly Owens bill are saying they do not want to Bunning Hobson Riley Thompson Kildee Pallone Burr Hoekstra Rogan Thurman know if illegal immigrants are voting. Kilpatrick Pascrell Burton Horn Rogers Tierney Kind (WI) Pastor They do not want to know if nonciti- Calvert Hostettler Rohrabacher Torres Kleczka Paul zens are voting, many of whom, by the Camp Hulshof Roukema Traficant Klink Payne Campbell Hunter Royce Velazquez way, may be here legally, may have Kucinich Pelosi Canady Hyde Ryun Vento been told they could register even LaFalce Peterson (MN) Cannon Inglis Salmon Visclosky Lampson Pomeroy though they were not citizens and may Castle Istook Sanford Walsh Levin Poshard be innocent. Chambliss Jenkins Saxton Waters Lewis (GA) Price (NC) Chenoweth Johnson (CT) Scarborough Watt (NC) All we are saying is an American Lofgren Rahall Christensen Johnson, Sam Schaefer, Dan Waxman Lowey Rangel citizen's right to vote is one of their Coble Jones Sensenbrenner Wexler Luther Reyes most precious rights. How can we can- Coburn Kasich Sessions Weygand Maloney (CT) Rivers Collins Kelly Shaw Wise cel out an American citizen with a non- Maloney (NY) Rodriguez Combest Kim Shimkus Woolsey citizen and not feel that we are some- Manton Roemer Cook King (NY) Shuster Wynn Markey Ros-Lehtinen how cheating the essence of freedom in Cooksey Kingston Skeen Yates Martinez Rothman America? This bill is about citizenship, Cox Klug Smith (MI) Mascara Roybal-Allard it is about citizens being allowed to Crane Knollenberg Smith (NJ) Crapo Kolbe Smith (TX) NOT VOTINGÐ21 vote. Cubin LaHood Snowbarger I want to repeat: If a person is an Af- Cunningham Latham Solomon Buyer Harman Oxley rican American and a citizen, they can Davis (VA) LaTourette Souder Callahan Jefferson Riggs vote; if they are Asian American and a Deal Lazio Spence Clement Johnson (WI) Schiff DeLay Leach Stearns Eshoo Lantos Shadegg citizen, they can vote; if they are an Deutsch Lewis (CA) Stump Everett Largent Smith (OR) Hispanic American and a citizen, they Dickey Lewis (KY) Sununu Furse Miller (FL) Towns can vote; if they are a European Amer- Doolittle Linder Talent Gonzalez Mink Young (AK) ican and a citizen, they can vote; if Dreier Lipinski Tauzin b 1412 Duncan Livingston Taylor (MS) they are Native Americans and a citi- Dunn LoBiondo Taylor (NC) Ms. BROWN of Florida, Ms. ROY- zen, they can vote. And, frankly, if Ehlers Lucas Thomas BAL-ALLARD and Mr. BECERRA their ancestors come from all five cat- Ehrlich Manzullo Thornberry Emerson McCollum Thune changed their vote from ``yea'' to egories and they are a citizen, they can English McCrery Tiahrt ``nay.'' vote. Ensign McDade Turner Mr. GILMAN and Mr. LEACH This is not about diversity, it is Ewing McHugh Upton changed their vote from ``nay'' to about enforcing the law. And I think to Fawell McInnis Wamp Foley McIntosh Watkins ``yea.'' try to vote this down with the sham ar- Fossella McKeon Watts (OK) So (two-thirds not having voted in gument of racism is, in effect, a way of Fowler Metcalf Weldon (FL) favor thereof) the motion was rejected. Fox Mica Weldon (PA) covering up the fact that some Mem- The result of the vote was announced bers, in fact, favor allowing noncitizens Franks (NJ) Moran (KS) Weller Frelinghuysen Myrick White as above recorded. to vote, allowing people who have no Gallegly Nethercutt Whitfield f right to vote, and that means canceling Ganske Neumann Wicker out the legal vote of a legal citizen who Gekas Ney Wolf b 1415 Gibbons Northup Young (FL) should have that vote protected as one RECOGNIZING AND CALLING ON NAYSÐ200 of the hallmarks of democracy. ALL AMERICANS TO RECOGNIZE The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Abercrombie Boyd DeGette THE COURAGE AND SACRIFICE question is on the motion offered by Ackerman Brown (CA) Delahunt OF MEMBERS OF THE ARMED the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. Allen Brown (FL) DeLauro Andrews Brown (OH) Diaz-Balart FORCES HELD AS PRISONERS OF PEASE) that the House suspend the Baesler Cardin Dicks WAR DURING THE VIETNAM CON- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1428, as Baldacci Carson Dingell FLICT amended. Barcia Chabot Dixon Barrett (WI) Clay Doggett Mr. WATTS of Oklahoma. Mr. Speak- The question was taken. Becerra Clayton Dooley Mr. WATT of North Carolina. Mr. Bentsen Clyburn Doyle er, I ask unanimous consent that the Speaker, I object to the vote on the Berman Condit Edwards Committee on National Security be ground that a quorum is not present Berry Conyers Engel discharged from further consideration Bishop Costello Etheridge and make the point of order that a Blagojevich Coyne Evans of the resolution (H. Res. 360), recogniz- quorum is not present. Blumenauer Cramer Farr ing and calling on all Americans to rec- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evi- Boehlert Cummings Fattah ognize, the courage and sacrifice of the dently a quorum is not present. Bonior Danner Fazio members of the Armed Forces held as Borski Davis (FL) Filner The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- Boswell Davis (IL) Forbes prisoners of war during the Vietnam sent Members. Boucher DeFazio Ford conflict and stating that the House of H478 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE February 12, 1998 Representatives will not forget that Valor, two Purple Hearts, four Air Medals, from Texas (Mr. SAM JOHNSON), who is more than 2,000 members of the United and three Outstanding Unit awards, who re- a Member of this body, who spent 7 States Armed Forces remain unac- tired from active duty in 1979 in the grade of years, 7 years in a POW camp in Viet- counted for from the Vietnam conflict colonel, and who personifies the verse in Isa- nam during the Vietnam war. iah 40:31, ``They shall mount with wings as and will continue to press for a final eagles''; Mr. Speaker, our good friend, the accounting for all such servicemembers Whereas among the prisoners held in the gentleman from Texas (Mr. SAM JOHN- whose fate is unknown, and ask for its Hanoi Hilton was then-Captain Pete Peter- SON) was shot down on April 16, 1966, immediate consideration. son, United States Air Force, a former Rep- while flying on his 25th mission over The Clerk read the title of the resolu- resentative in Congress from Florida who is North Vietnam, and as I said, he spent tion. now serving, in a distinguished manner, as 7 years in POW camps and 2 years in The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. the United States Ambassador to Vietnam, the infamous Hanoi Hilton. And during LATHAM). Is there objection to the re- who was shot down on September 10, 1966, the time he was in the Hanoi Hilton quest of the gentleman from Okla- and while a prisoner conducted himself with valor and, notwithstanding the tremendous along with his colleagues, I think there homa? suffering inflicted upon him, continually were 11 or 12 of them, he lived in leg There was no objection. demonstrated an unfailing devotion to duty, irons, suffered malnutrition and lived The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- honor, and country, and who during his mili- in appallingly primitive conditions. lows: tary career was awarded two Silver Stars, And they were mistreated, they were H. RES. 360 one Legion of Merit, the Distinguished Fly- tortured, and yet the gentleman from Whereas participation by United States ing Cross, three Bronze Stars with V De- Texas never, never gave in. He was a Armed Forces in combat operations in vices, two Purple Hearts, six Air Medals, one real patriot under very difficult condi- Air Force Commendation Medal, the Viet- Southeast Asia during the period from 1964 tions.
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