For All Departments CaU RED ANK REGISTER RE 6-0013 luued Weekly, tntercd aa Second Class Matter at the Foit VOLUME LXXIX, NO. 5 Office at Red Bank'. N. J.. under the Act of March 8, 1S79. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1956 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Army Tries to Allay Nike Fears, A Welcome for the Young Visitors Angry Women Prompt Threat Taylor Demands Safety Measures HOLMDEL —Residents of this were. called to the base and sev- township aro being invited by the eral fire companies were alerted. Army to visit the Nike basi» at. Capt. Francis G. Quigloy, pub- To Kill Developers' Bond Crawford's Corner Saturday from lic information officer at Fort 9 a. m. to noon' to show what Wadsworth, Statcn Island, said factors make the installation safe. the troopers were called as a rou- MIDDLETOWN-The township tine precautionary measure. He committee yesterday cracked fch« The invite follows complaints whip over the heads of the d«- made this week by Laurence Tay- said an elevator failed to oper- Council Juggles Measure ate after It carried a missile to velopers of Monterey Manor de- lor, chairman of the Holmdel velopment, giving them just two Community association, about an the surface, but it was back in service within an hour. weeks to correct poor dralnag* Incident at the base July 13 For New Walks and Curbs and road conditions there or for- caused by a faulty missile eleva- CallH It Snafu feit their bond. tor. Capt, Quigley yesterday said This firm stand—strongest tali- Mr, Taylor yesterday said town- explosives at the base are stored SEA BRIGHT—The mayor and that If, at a public hearing Aug. en by any of the population-teem- ship residents "can't live here as underground and there is ample council Tuesday Introduced — 14 preceding adoption there are ing municipalities which hav» calculated risks." He charges the j ground between each missile then took another look into its enough objections, "it should be faced the multi-phased complaints Army spends millions for a wea- I well as the nearest residence. pocketbook and pulled back for dropped;" and if a tie council of buyers of new homes—was pons system, "but nothing for The base is so designed, he added, another review—an ordinance to vote should result on the final taken at Mayor Prank F. Blais- safety precautions." He said he that even if there were'a flre, it put new sidewalks and curbs vote for adoption, "I will vote dell's demand for real action. wants the base to have an ade- would be contained to Its point of along six streets in the midtown against It." That demand came after a bevy quate warning system, "something origin. area. There was no disagreement on of angry housewives, led by Mm. like a Civil Defense setup." - Mr. Taylor, however, insists Mayor Thomas Parrel! called a tho part of council with Mr. Ja- Joseph A. Melosh, 31 MitoheU there is "evidence of the custom- special meeting for 8 p, in. to- cobsen's repeated view that some dr., rrom the New Monmouth de- Police Alerted ary Army snafu." He said the morrow to go over tho details of the walks Involved are in "dis- velopment, and two petitions from Mr. Taylor insists that township Army assured everyone thft base again, with a view toward fresh graceful and deplorable shape." tho residents, cried out their pro- residents near the base were eva- would represent no danger, but introduction, if the town can af- Given special thought by Coun- tests at a meeting of the township cuated by state pc/iice July 13 be-the faulty elevator Is the second ford the work under a proposed cilman Charles Eilenberger was committee against the condition!. cause it was in danger of ex- "incident" In the short while the $25,000 bonding program. the owner of corner and around- Mayor States Stand ploding. The Army admits state missiles have been stored here. New walks and curbs have been the-corner properties who would police from Keyport, Shrewsbury He said a missile was accidentally a prime objective for the area by have to pay "three or more times" Mayor Blalsdell made It dear and Howell township barracks fired from there not long ago. Councilman Nells Jacobsen, as much for new walks around that if the developers, Arthur and streets and lights chairman since his home as would a neighbor Benjamin Shallt, make no ener- 1953. That year, council went so who had only the frontage to getic effort toward correction, far as to have Borough Engineer pay for. the township will pick up their Otis R. Seaman draw up the spec- performance bond, at the build- Former Atlantic Highlands Man ifications before withdrawing the Now Walks Protected ers' loss, and will move m It* measure. As regards those owners who own crews to get the work done. already have put in new walks One petition signed by 20 Mon- Swept to Death at Niagara Falls Bond Fund in Budget on their own responsibility, Mr. terey residents denounced present This time, the sidewalk propos- Jacobsen said Engineer .Seaman conditions of curbing, washed out al waa wrapped up In an enabling has assured him that thoso walks terrain and roads and the exist- NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.—Me- Mrs. John McQueen, 11 I Maple ave., Fair Haven, and Randolph M. Bailly, chair- can be tied into the new pro- ence of a water-filled ravine on ordinance to fit bonding provi- gram and such owners need not tho property. Another, signed by morial services for Donald B. Parking Lot Now Has man of the Red Bank Lions club, extend a,warm welcome to two of a group of children sions contained in the 1056 mu- nicipal budget and tie Into an pay a fresh assessment. 39, demanded that the ravine, Junghans, 25, of this place, for- Four-hour Meters sent here by* the Herald Tribune Fresh Air fond as they arrived Friday at the local rail- amended version of those 1853 Dropped from the 1953 pro- behind the big colony, be mad« merly of Atlantic Highlands, who road station. The two shown are Barbara and Jimmy Carven, of New York city. Yester- specifications. Late last year, in posal, because Mr. Jacobsen said safe for residents and their chil- was swept to his death July 17 by Seventy-eight four-hour park- preparing for the budget, Bor- the assessment would fall largely dren. Photographs were handed day, the group went for a yacht ride. Sunday, they'll have a picnic at Phalanx. upon one owner, waa walks and up to tho governing body as evi- a strong current In the Niagara ing meters were put Into opera- ough Auditor Josoph Seaman said tion this week in the western the job could be financed this curbs for Peninsula ave. The new dence of the conditions. river, will be held Sunday at St. most section—known as zone year. ordinance calls for work on both Stephen's Episcopal cathedral 1—of the White street parking sides of Beach, Church, Center, A Resident's Protest Teenagers Slow . What made council hesitate Mrs. Melosh, sometimes stand- here. He was the son' of Mrs. lot. Stars of Entertainment World Surf, River and Front sts. was an afterthought about the The ordinance would give the ing with clenched flsta on her Marlon Junghans of First ave., The four-hour meters, which To Get Salic Shots engineer's 1953 estimate that new hips, gave a prolonged address are not new but merely old" owners 30 days to build their own Atlantic Highlands, and was em- walks would cost, then, about 55 walks, according to the engi- about tho high amount of money meters that have been convert- The Bed Bank board of cents a square foot, or $3.85 a development rjsldenta had paid ployed at Niagara Falls in the ed for the longer time period, To Attend Monmouth Park Ball neer's specifications, after which health's free Sulk anti-polio running foot. Council accepted the town would move In and put for their homes. She charged aviation division of OHn Mathie- will operate at the same rate— the mayor's suggestion that be- a nickel an hour. They will ac- vaccine clmic at River (Street In walks and curbs left undone. that present conditions are lead- son corporation. OCEANPORT—Stars of TV, Monmouth county welfare house, school yesterday was given to fore going forward it should stu- The borough's total cost would be ing to their devaluation, and hit cept only nickels. In order to screen, Broadway and the movies dy the program as it would be park his car there for the four Monmouth County Organization 537 persons, less than 100 of counterbalanced against special hard against the way the build- will be among the guests at the for Social Service, Allenwood tu- related to current costs. It is ask- assessments against the various ers am making what »ha called hours permitted by the meters, whom were fn the 15 to 1B- ing the engineer to turn In a new a driver must deposit four tenth annual turf charity ball berculosis hospital, County Red properties, on a per foot improv- "insufficient efforts" to meet the and carnival Saturday at Mon- Cross branch, New Jersey Tuber- year-old age group. estimate, sheet for tomorrow's ed basis. Owners then would havo Mrs. Melosh, saying that she nickels. - , meeting. mouth Park's clubhouse here. culosis league, county chapter of First shots were given to 237; the choice either of paying off represented "the wives of Monte- Police Chief Frank W.
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