\/l\2..: United States Oepanment of the Interior ,• 1,-.....n'" LJ p --·- National Par1c 5eMce National Register of Historic Places Registration Form This form 11 for use 1n nomtnating o, reQUNling detenn1nations for n'ldivldU-, propen,es and distndS. See 1nstl\JC't1ons 1n How tt, ~ the Nalionlll R-twol Histonc - ~oon Fomr (Naucnal Aegmer 8ullebn 16A). Com- NCl1 item Oy ma11<Jng "x" in 1111 _..i, oox or oy entenng tne ,ntormatic>n req-. tt an rtern don no1 aQQly to ,ne oe,ng oocurnem9d, ente< "NIA" for "not~-" Fot hJnc11ons. a1a1it1C1ur111 elasalficanon. ,,,_, and arou of a,gnmcanoe. enter onlyp- categon11 ano sulx:alogoneo from tna instrucnons. Pfaco --., entnes and nanalMI rt..,,. on c:amm-. .,,_ (NPS Fonn 1o-900a>. Use a typOWntor. -o p,-. or computer. 10 com- Ill rtems. 1. Name of Property historic name ------------=Lc:;ON:.:.GIJ;:;.;....;00:...;;.::D_________________ _ other nameslsrte number ________V;..;DH=R::......;;/.....:c0.:2_-=.3;:.80=----------------- 2. Location street & number ~orth side of Rt, 665 at its junction with Res. 663 1 664 GYoot tor publication crty or town --=E..'1lL=::Yc.=S.:..vt.=cI=I=E=----------------------- [J vicinity state _......:..VI:.:R::.:G:::I:.:.YI:.:A=----- code ;!!__ county _....:;;ALB=EMAR=:.:LE=---- cede 003 zip code 22936 3. State/Fedanll Agency c.rtlflcatlon Aa 1111 dlllgnalld ,..-.Y uncllt 1111 Nationll H- PrtNI ·-Ac1. as -· I IWaby C1111fy thal !1111 ~ - 0 requotl for 011.....- of eligibility - 1111-umontalion - for r~ .,.__ in 1111 National R~ at Histonc PIICII and m- 1111 l)<OCtdural and ~ raqu,rementa Ml ront, in 31 CFR PIii 80. In my op,noon. the - ~ - 0 dOII no1 .- 1111 N- Aegiller -· 1 recommend Iha! thil pr-,y oo - a,qn,fiCant D natoonal O statOWldl fl I ly. (C Seo continuatJon lhlll far lddilionll comffllnlS.> Si-gnature of cenlfytng o VTBGI'/IA DEFHIMFNI OE HISIQQIC 8ES0J1QCES Srate ot Fecterat agency an6'buruu ~ ..., tn mv op1n1on. tne propeny ._ meets L- don not meet the Nat,ona, Register cntena. ( _ See con11nuat1on sneet lor addltiona comments.) Signature of comm•nting otficiat/Titte Oare State or Federal agency ana burNu 4. National Parle Service Certification 1 nereav cen1tv rna1 tne property rs: S1gna1ure ot the Keeper Date at Action CJ entered 1n tl"le Na11ona1 R9CJS1er. =SN canm,uatlOft sNet. _=: determined e11g1Dl• for rne Na11ona1 Register :"J See con11nuation sneet . ..= determined not ehg1tlle for ine Na11ona1 Register. · Q removed from tl'le National · Reg1srer. D 01ner. 1e,iplain:1 ----- LCNGWOOD ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Name of Prope,ty County and State 5. Classification Ownership of Property Category of Property Number of Resources within Property (Check as many bOxes as apply) (Cneck only one box) (Do not include previously listed resources 1n 11'18 count.) El private la building(s) Contributing Noncontributing public-local D district D buildings D public-State D site O public-Federal D structure sites 0 object 0 1 structures 1 a objects Total Name of related multiple property listing Number of contributing resources previously listed (Enter "NIA" if property 1s not part of a multiple property listing.) In the National Register A 0 6. Function or UM Historic Functions Current Functions (Enter categories from instructions) (Enter categories from instructions\ DOMESTIC: SINGLE DWELLING DOMESTIC: SINGLE DWELLING AGR!Ctn.TURAL: STORAGE AGRICtrrLTURAL: STORAGE 7. Description Architectural ClassfficatJon Materials (Enter categories from instructions) (Enter categories from instructiona) EARLY REPUBLIC: FEDERAL foundation ---=S~T..:::ON:!;E~: ...:B::..:.R:.:I:..:::CK:::..... _______ 19'rn Alm 20TH CENTURY REVIVALS: COLONIAL walls ____W:.:..00=-:D::.:::.......:.:WEA~THE=:.:::.::RB=O::.:.'\R=D----- REVIVAL roof~---~w~oo~o~:~s~H~IN~G~LE:!!o!....~~~~~~ other _________....,.... ________ Narrative Description . (Describe the l'listoric and current conc:lition of the property on one Of more continuation sheets.) See Continuation Sheets LONGWOOD ALBE:1ARLE I VIRGDJIA Name ot Propeny Cou111y ano State 8. Statement of Significance Applicable National Register Criteria Areas of Significance (Mark "x" 1n one or more boxes for me criteria qual1fy111g the property (Enter categories from 1nstruct1ons) for Nat1onat Register listmg.) ARCHITECTURE ~ A Property is associated with events that have made COMMERCE a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history. C B Property is associated with the lives of persons significant in our past. ~C Property embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction or represents the work of a master. or Possesses high artistic values, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose compcnents rack Period of Significance individual distinction. LATE 18'Ill CENTURY- 1942 := D · Property has yielded. or is likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. Criteria Considerations Significant Dates (Mark "x" in all the boxes that apply.) CIRCA 1790t 1810-1820; CIRCA 1940-1942· Property is: C A owned by a religious institution or used for religious purpcses. Significant Person ~ B removed from its original location. {Complete if Criterion B 1s marked abovet C:: C a birthplace or grave. Cultural Affiliation C D a cemetery. N/~ -= E a reconstructed building, obJect. or structure. c::; F a commemorative property. [j G less than 50 years of age or achieved significance Architect/Builder within the past 50 years. UNKNOWN Narrative Staternent of Significance (Explain the significance ol the property on one Of mor1t con11nual10n sheels.) 9. Maior Blbllographlcal Reter•'1ces Bibliography . (Cite the bOOks. articles, and other sources used in prepanng this form on one or more con11nuat1on sheets.I Previous documentation on file (NPS): Primary location of additional data: O preliminary determination of individual listing (36 0 State Historic Preservation Office CFR 67) has been requested D Other State agency O previously listed in the National AegistQr D Federal agency D previously determined eligible by the National 0 Local government Register 0 University O designated a National Historic Landmark D Other O recorded by Historic Al'l'!erican Buildings Survey Name of repository: # • VA. DEPT. OF HISTORIC RESOURCES O recorded by Historic American Engineering 221 GOVERNOR S l'REE I' 1 RICHMOND, VA. 2 3219 Record # -------- LONGWOOD ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Name ol Property COYnty and State 10. Geographical Da1a 183 acres Acreage of Property----------­ UTM Referencea (Place additional UTM references on a contmuation sheet.) 17 11 ,a ~ .o I 14 ,2 3 9 !6 ,s .o I 1 w i2 1 1 3lw.i.J 1 l1,9l2·1,ol l412l21sl91010 Zone Easting North mg Zone Easting Northing 2 W 17 11 ,9 p ,2 .o I 14 .2 ,2 .9 11 ,2 ,o I 4~ l1l11glJ,s,01 14,212,816,2.0 ~ See continua11on sheet Verbal Boundary Deacriptlon (Descnbe the boundaries of the property on a continuat,on sheet.) Boundary Justification (E.xpl8ln why the boundaries were selected on a continuation sheet.) 11. Form Prepared By NA February, 1994 organization--------------'=-------- date _____________ street & number __...c4..:.6.:..0..;.4_CH=Ec.cS..:.TN;c...:..UT"-S--'T'-RE=E.:..T ______ telephone ___3_0_1-_6_5_4_-_6_46_8 __ _ city or town ____CHE__ VY_·,_CHAS __ E__________ state _MD-'-''---- zip code _2c...Oc...8c...lc...4__ _ Addltlonal Documentation Submit the following items with the completed tonn: Continuation Sheets Mapa A USGS map (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the property's location. A Sketch map for historic districts and properties having large acreage or numerous resources. Photograph& Representative black and white photograph& of the property. Addltlonal Items (Check with the SHPO or FPO for any --items) Property Owner (Complete this item II the reql.1111 of SHPO or FPO.) street & number ----~L~O=N=GW=O=OP-F~A=RM=------- telephone 804-9 73::8280 city or town _______..RA..,..,RL .. Y....,,SVI......,LL.,...E~------ state ---'V._.A.,,~-- zip code _..2_29._.3~6~-- Paperwortc Roducllon Act Staloment: This lnformllion is being collected for l!)llliclllona to the Nlllonal Register al Histortc Ptaceo to nominate properties for listing or determine eligibili1y for listing, 10 list properties. and to amend existing listings. Response 10 this request ,s required to Obtain a benefit in accordance with the Nll,onal HiSIOlic - Act, 11 amended (16 U.S.C. 470 et aoq.). Eatimated Burden Statement: Public reporting burden for this form is estimated 10 average 18.1 hours per ._ including time for r&Yiewing instructions, gatl1oring and maintaining ~ and completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding this burden IOlimate or any Ul)8C1 of this form to the Chief, Adminillrative SeMces Division, National Parle SeMce, P.O. Box 37127, Wahington, DC 20013-7127; and the Office of Management and Budget, P._.tc Reductions Projects (1024-0018), Wahington, DC 20503. lB OOVEIUN!2fr PRINTING OFFICE : 1993 0 - 350-416 QL 3 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Section number __7__ Page __i_ Longwood, Albemarle County, Virginia SUMMARY ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION Longwood is a 183-acre farm property located on the north side of State Route 665 (Buck Mountain Road) in Earlysville in northern Albemarle County, Virginia. The historic resources at Longwood include three buildings: the main house (late 18th century, 1810- 1820, and circa 1940)-- a two-story, three-bay frame building with a two-story store/post office addition on the west elevation; a frame barn (circa 1890); and a frame schoolhouse
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