TiiGES CONN^ 8l*W m AY; JB1.T U, IW y o L . x u v , n o ; 241. LOYKB8 S ' l ” TO Untftnrd, Gtacaumy. Jqty 12. —(AP)—A< p«ir«C liw:en o f this villagSt despondent Owier obstaela MOONEYSTORY in.the way: o f their marrtace, to* day dimhed the mast of a power line in the deep woods, daaped hands and seised a hiph voltage WAS NOT TRUE wire.' Both <hed. Norris Woidd Ratify T iei^ Wilii Understandini Wtaiess At Trial UGHTNING m R b Not Modified Iqr ^ Swears He Never Saw LOCALFACFORY Labor Leader M ore In A idnk'e SmToDows Secret Doenm e^— GM He Murdered Tro«^ bate To Be H isLife. Ganunnu - Hobnan Planl BeriM, Switzerland, July 12.— Monday. (AP.)—Out of the wreckage of a ert AtBedade. Baltimore, Md., July 12.— (AP) j Stmck Bot Damage b mysterious airplane which crashed , Member, of the Repugie^ N e U o ^ ^ to , h « « John McDonald, principal prosecu-j during the' night at St* GoUiard, Washington, July 12—(AP)’ —M tion witness against “Thomas Moo-; SM>t— Town Escapes. wfelcb CbalrmM *Commlttee. Is itorni St tie end of the tsble. Paterson, N. J., July 12.—Rod- the end o f its first w eek o f debaC^ ! leiiders because of his discloses l^nresentative Will R. Wood of Indiana, Chairman the authorities today pieced the a ney and IVarren K. Billings, serving | eric Meakle', the ' young violinist on the London naval treaty, tae Nsuonsl com- story of an anti-Faacirt;, propagan­ life sentences for the Preparedness; who pn July 6 killed his pretty Senate today studied the situaltan The Gammons Rolman Company da raid over Milan,yester­ Day parade bomhing in San Fran' Gersoah > sweetheart, Jennie Brauer, created By President Hoover’s plant oh Main street opposite cisco in 1916, said today he had per day. ’• in iltia aroods near‘Echo. Lake, N. fusal to submit certain documents Bigelow The plane, • piloted ^ by a man ^ .. -4 4km 4,^01 and now mgeiow street, was struck by f^nr N®^ Jersey; James J., a ^ iwho. wandered around all bearing on the negotiation on - the jured himself at the trial Mghtning last night and fire broke ^al Committeeman of Vermont named Basseni; left BeDinkota yei- desires to “undo the wrong. j damage was sUght The ------- n i ^ t w ith a.' huHet / hole through pact. - terday at mid-Klay osprjrin^ a.'load hta head , fropi. temple to temple. Sought in cbnnection with efforto Gammons Hdlxnan Coinpany man- OFFERS HEAD of unlabelled p W » , Just after It foimd its^ confronted vrita of the Mooney Defense ^ ague to ufagtmres machine toola 0NEHYING,3HURT nightfall a machliM^' apparratly the the first reservation to be otteiifS obtain pardons for the two Flremien Oeilled ITALY’S PATRIOT TO SURGEONS same, crashed at '8t. Gothard. In and there was a general belief this McDonald was taken into custody The lightning entered' the plant the wreckage were found a few attreuited substantial support. here after being recognized by a through the w»*in electric current Italian Youth Writes That He IN AUTO ACCDENT pamphlets containing mtuilfestoes The Reservation neighbor. wires and burned the wires off the against the Italian _ Fascist Parly The reservation, proposed by Sen­ His Statement. HONORED TODAY Will Allow Them to Experi­ motor in the power room. Hpae and the military. ator Norris, Independent Republicah, After his arrest he issued a state­ and Ladder Company No. A from ment on Him. Nebraska, would have the Senate m ent: ratify the treaty “with the distinct “I, John McDonald, aged 58 years Spruce street, responding to a still MILAN REPORT alarm, octingulshed the blaze be­ Santa Fe, N. M., July 12.— Ytim g Men On Way To Italy, July 12.—(AP.)—A and implicit understanding” it is not residing in Baltimore, m » Cesare Batdsti. the Nathan fore it had done any serious dam­ (AP)—Pietro Canale of Rome, strange airplane apparently from modified by any documents extrasi* witness for the State of Califon^ Italy, has volunteered as a eous to it^lf and that it is accom­ ‘ vs. Thomas Mooney and Warren K. age. Dance Crash Into Truck Switzerland or E’rance flew over The lightning struck the plant at Hale of Modern Italy, subject for a trachoma experi­ Milan yesterday showering, tha city panied by no collateral secret uni Billings. I never saw Mooney un- m ent. ... derstani^gs. -til taken to the Hall 7:30 duiing toie height of the heavy with lea^eta of a Communistic Senator Reed, Penna., a member rainstorm vdiich struck the. toiyn He said In a letter sent here Near TorringtOn. character which the police seized. San Francisco and was told by »n Reverenced As a Martyr. he had read of an effort to get of the delegation to London was officer that this is Mooney (pointing last night with a sprinkling of hail­ The messages were manifestoes outspoken in bis opposition. Chair­ stones that although very light Woo Dak San, condemned against the Fascist and military him out to me.) * . Chinese, to aid in an attempt man Borah of the foreign relations “My statements were imtrue and here, caused considerable damage Torrington, July 12.—(AP) — authorities particularly. (Jne pack­ committee, withheld judgment pend­ false. I desire to undo the wrong i^other parts of the state. Trento, Italy, July 12.—(AP)— to isolate the germ. Frank McNamara, 25, of 16 Litch­ age of them weighing twelve “ W ell known eind well liked ing study of the qu^ion. done by me in sending Mooney to Manchester, by a stronge freak of The patriotic, societies of this for­ field street this city is dying in the pounds crashed through a.factory Beenme Debate Monday^ here (Italy) and young and pSon regardless of personal con«- chance or a wMm of the elements, mer Austrian city, the Fascists and Charlotte-Himgerford hospital as roof. The reservation was proposed late auences ^ The authorities got me escaped damage by the proverbial robust,” the 27-year-old Ital­ result of injuries received last night the ex-service men at their head, The plsine was at a great height. yesterday, shortly after Mr. Hoo­ S totlfy that I eyelash in .the last night’s heavy ian wrote, “I would be at their .when the roadster in which he and It remained over the city about fif­ ver’s message declining to give over disposal to give my head in but this is an absolute f hail and thunder storm. The heavi­ today repaired to the monument of four other yoimg men were riding teen minutes. the papers had been read to the Five years after the ^on^c^n est damage by hail was reported in Osare Battisti, the Nathan Hale of any experiment for the benefit crashed into a truck at the foot of > The tracts were printed in . Ital­ Senate. Mooney and Billings. McDonald East Hartford running along the modem Italy, and there laid of suffering humanity.” Toll Gate Hill on the Torrington-j ian. The authorities could obtahi no The President’s action was vigor­ made an affidavit at Trentom N. J. Trachoma is an eye disease, Manchester from 3outh Wind­ wreaths to commemorate the four­ Litchfield road. McNamara’s side! clew to the identity of the flier. ously assailed by Senator Johnson, in which he said he w m not positive sor on the southwest side of- Man­ prevalent among Indians. was crushed. Repid)lican, California. He bad call­ teenth anniversary of his death. I of his identification of chester, on into Glastonbury. Woo Dak San was offered AlMtander Zubrowsld', 24, of 207 j ed upon the Senate for action that McDonald’s attorney. i® . In Silver lane. Cesare Battisti is reverenced as his freedom if he would give would be “more than denunciation.” Ruzicka said tpday he ^oiUd de­ Church street, also is a patient at | The Forrest Buckland tobacco one of the foremost of the martyrs himself to science for exepri- the hospital suffering from cqncus- The treaty debate will be resum­ mand of Police C^jmmiMioner farm just over the Manchester line of “Italia Irredenta,” or imredeeraed mentation, but he refused. BIG SHH* PILOTED ed on Monday. Sarles D. Gaither that Mcl^naid slon o f the brain and scalp wQUiids was hard hit, as well as the Mul- Italy, of which this province of but his condition considered not to be released Immediately Md If^^^^ cahey and. Ewyrcr crops in HiUs- Trentino formed a part before the he serious. Roderic' Meakle. fused would institute habeas town. All crca>s atorig Silver Lane late war. An avowed Socialist, On Way To Dance BY OWN CAPTAIN pus proceedings. in EAst Hartford suffered a 10 -per but an Italian patriot first of ail, he OIL WELL BLAZE Charles Burger, 87 Turner avenue, died.: yeisterday in St. Joseph’s.h os- H E m RAM MARS He would do this he ^ cent loss. struggled all his life to reunite his sustained a severe gash on Us. hip T op T obacco , W T t. cause there were no 9 8 fellow Italians under the Hapsburg but was Temoyed to hU bijm »‘ itCtar. : V- ijQ^ymimiiatad, the against him anywhere and becauM No damage to ;the Hartman plau- yoke ^ m other country. b e t e taeated^at <te^;Ract into whteh the couple “McDonald has signified his ^ 1 tatlori smd Hackett dropf was • re­ F rie n d ,o f . n ^ P o c e .. ■"TThp £hr^~ Ti^ufed,..wlth . P at^ eeuTeyRNANOn hai^^ttttoi^ to de*p«fd4«i *ft*r an / ingness to go to ported' 80-1*6'; storm apj»eaied ^ , Mussolini .was one of his intimate Glbiele and didvatore ' Colangelo, untoahled honeymbwi to Niagara split up west ofi;town, the w a^bog 7 ever he is needed there.
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