University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-13-1921 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-13-1921 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-13-1921." (1921). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/384 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY. EDITION ALBUQUERQUE MOBNINO EDITION TODAY fX)ltTY-SK(lN- I YKAK PAGES IN OA PAGES TODAY IN h. Carrier nr Mull MSe a Mi.mk 44. 20 TWO SECTIONS New November 13, 1921. nl. VOL. CLXXI. No. Albuquerque, Mexico, Sunday, id) TWO SECTIONS Single (mplf 60 1 FIVnlrT CONFERENCE 0 COHCLUSIOHS OF ARMS PARLEY L OL President Harding Who Opened WILL HAVE M INFLUENCE OH LUG IS Conference On Limiting Arms S PROPOSED BY HUGHES FORTUNES OF WORLD HARDING IS OPENED Bl President Opens Conference on Limitation of 'tier 1V AT OPENING 3ESSI0H OE TIE PRESIDENT Armaments; Says United States Harbors No Fears, Has No Sordid Ends to Serve and Seeks Which Is Another's. Hughes Also Speaks, Pre- Nothing NGTON CONFERENCE sents American. Plans for (BV Till'.' ASSM IATKI PRESS.) Naval Armaments; Ad- Washington, Nov. 12. The text to less preparation for war and IS of address at more enjoyment of fortunate President Harding's is Then Taken I . peace. journment i , the of the conference on , ' t opening Should Act Together. it v.j,., limitation of armaments foil iws: ' The higher hopes come of the CAPITAL SH HARDING'SSPEECH "Mr. Secretary nnd members of spirit of our coming together. It Is SCQAPFffiG 66 LOUDLY APPLAUDED the conference, ladies and gentle- but just to reeoitnlzo varying needn men: and peculiar posltlncj. Nothlnn can bo accomplished in disregard BY THREE HATI0K3 Main Table "It Is a great and happy privi of national Rather ScSTED Delegates at the to apprehensions. lege bid the delegates to this we should ac t together to remove Following the Reading conference a cordial welcome to the cau.ss of apprehensions. This Line Line By the tho capital of the United Stales of is not to be done in Intrigue. d By America. Is not a satisfac- nssurance Is American Proposal, Concret Detailed, ' It only Greater found in the Copies Furnished Them, tion to greet you because we were exchanges of simple honesty and Falls on the Mor of the Meet- lately participants in a common directness, among men resolved to Opening 0f In ' (By Tli Aoste Pre.) cause, which wo shared sacri- accomplish as becomes leaders ing Like a Bombshell; ign Delegates Washington. Nov. 12. The con- fices and sorrows and triumphs among nations, when olvllization ference on limitation of arma- brought our nations more closely Itself has come to its crucial test. Are Stunned By the Fa aching Program ments met this morning, heard an together, but It is gratifying to ad- "It is not to be challenged that opening address by President dress you ns the spokesmen for government fails when the excess Harding, one by Secretary of nations whose convictions and at of Us cost robs the people of the Washington, Nov. 12, (By the Associated Press). State Huehes In which he present-pr- t tending actions hsve so much to do way to happiness and the oppor- More drastic and far reaching than the most ardent the American plans for naval with the weal or woe of all man tunity to achieve. If the finer sen- named its permanent kind. timents were not urging, the cold, advocate of disarmament dared America's armaments, to hope, proposals officers and adjourned at "It Is not possible overapprnlse hard facts of excessive cost and tho were suddenly laid before the arms conference today at until Tuesday, November the Importance of such a confer- eloquence of economics would urge ence. It is no no us its first session Hughes. 15, at 11 a. m. unseemly boast, to reduce our armaments. If by Secretary was chosen disparagement of other nations, the concept of a better order does A ten-ye- ar naval is the and the Secretary Hughes not are holiday proposal president of the conference, and which, though represented, not appeal, then let us ponder the United States, Great Britain and Japan shall scrap sixty-- John W. Garrett of Baltimore, for- held in highest resppct. to declare burden and the blight ot contin- six tons. mer minister to The Netherlands, that the conclusions of this body ued competition. capital ships aggregating 1,878,043 will have a signal influence on all "It is not to be denied Within three months nfter the purposes be drawn up, because of was selected as secretary general. that tho of the human progress on the fortunes world has swung along throughout conclusion of an agreement, the the importance of the merchant Hughes' presentation of the world. marine "in inverse ratio to the American plan for the limitation ot the ages without heeding this call United States would have eighteen was the distinct Not a Session of Sorrow. from the kindlier hearts of men. size of nival armaments." naval armaments Is a I can well Great Britain twenty-t- the session, as "Here meeting, But the same world never before capital ships; Those are the features of the feature of opening which an earnest of the wo unexpected. It believe, is was so tragically brought to reali- and Japan ten. Tonnage of sweeping challenge Secretary It was entirely awakened conscience of twentieth the three nations, respectively, Hughes presented to the other overweighed the president's ad- zation of the utter futility of pas- had been century civilization. It is not a sion's sway when reason and con- would bo 500,560; 604,450 and naial powers. There was complete dress which frequently convention of remorse, nor a ses- 233,700. detail covering every phase of the punctuated with cheering. science and good fellowship point bv sion of sorrow. It la not the con- a nobler Koplaccmcnt Scheme. question but the essence of the pro- The president was answered terms way. in That United when he said war ference of victors to define No Ships when twenty years old posal lay this: the loud clappings of settlement. Nor Is it a council Unworthy Designs. might ba replaced and the re- States offered to go far beyond should be "outlawed" and the re- "I can speak officially only for Great or turned into of nations seeking to our United States. One hundred placement scheme is 600,000 tons what she asked Britain sources of the world human kind. is rather" a com- for tho to do, viewed rom the finan- channels. It millions frankly want less of ar- United Mates; 500,000 tors Japan contruct!ve ing together, from all parts of the for Great Britain and 300,000 tons cial losses Involved. The whole There was the tensest silence as mament and none of war. Wholly pro-cra- earth, to apply the better attributes for No replacement ship American big shipbuilding the president announced the key freo from guile, sure in our own Japan. is on stocks while Great follows of mankind to minimize the faults minds that we harbor no could exceed 35,000 tons. the note of the conference as in unworthy Britain has no capital ships under United States welcomes our international relationships. designs, we accredit the world with The United States would scrap "The "Sneaking of official sponsor for ships, construction and the Japanese you with unselfish handa We har the same good Intent. So I wel- thirty capital aggregating and is as the institution. I think I may say come not alone In 843,740 tons; Great Britain nine- "eight eight" program yet bor no fears; we nave no sornrj not United States you, good will largely on paper. we no ene- the call is of the and high purpose, but with teen, aggregating GS3.375 tons, and ends to serve; suspect of America alone, it is rather the high 44 we or faith. Japan seventeen, aggregating S. my; contemplate apprehend spoken word of a war-weari- 92S tons. no conquest. Content with what "We are met with a service to is world, struggling for restoration, mankind. all The figures Include old ships to we have, we seek nothlnn that for re- In simplicity, in all DIES FRO to with hungering and thirsty better and in all be scrapped, ships building or for TOFT another's. We only wish do of humanity crying for honesty honor, ther! which assem- - nobler which lationship; may be written here the avowals material has been you that finer, thing relief .and assurance of - We-wis- oraving of a- world - . - , : no nation can do aions. conscience refined by lasting peace. tho ." to sit with you nt the table of in consuming fires of war, ani "Very Worldwide Aspiration. made more Characterized by Baron Kao. NT ternational understanding and !s easv to understand this sensitive by the anx- INJURIES we 0F THE .AMERICA!) PROPOSAL "It ious aftermath. I for chief Japanese delegate, as "very good will. In good conscience F0R worldwide nspirntions. The glory hope th.t but sutta-bl- o are eager to meet yon frankly and in understanding which will empha- probably of triumph, the rejoicing size the of as a basin for discussion, and invite and offer Tho achievement, the love of liberty, guarantees peace and n for commitments to by Mr.
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