E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 2002 No. 32 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was going to begin or end in Afghanistan. fought month after month, October, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The war against terrorism could last November, December, January, and pore (Mr. CULBERSON). years, not just months. But also, if we just a few weeks ago we passed for the f are going to win the war against ter- fourth time legislation to give Ameri- rorism, we have to recognize that we cans help, as well as the opportunity to DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO must get our economy moving again. go back to work. Our Democratic TEMPORE As we look back, over 1 year ago friends relented and worked with us in The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- when President Bush became Presi- a bipartisan way, and we were able to fore the House the following commu- dent, he inherited a weakening econ- put on the President’s desk legislation nication from the Speaker: omy, an economy that was getting to help American workers, and the weaker by the day; and the President President signed it into law. WASHINGTON, DC, said that we need to give Americans March 19, 2002. With the economic stimulus and se- I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN more spending money, we need to cut curity package we have helped Amer- ABNEY CULBERSON to act as Speaker pro tem- taxes, we need to take 20 cents out of ican workers who have been laid off pore on this day. every dollar of our budget surplus and with extended unemployment benefits, J. DENNIS HASTERT, give that back to the American work- and we have also provided incentives Speaker of the House of Representatives. ers to help the economy. Well, that tax for investment and the creation of jobs. f cut was signed into law in June of this This legislation will provide an oppor- past year, eliminating the marriage MORNING HOUR DEBATES tunity to give businesses who purchase tax penalty, eliminating the death tax, assets an opportunity to write that off The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and lowering taxes for every American. quicker with something we call 30 per- Economists were telling us by Labor ant to the order of the House of Janu- cent expensing, or some call bonus de- ary 23, 2002, the Chair will now recog- Day that it was working, the economy was beginning to be on the rebound. preciation. It essentially provides a nize Members from lists submitted by way to recover the cost of that pickup the majority and minority leaders for Then, of course, the tragedy of Sep- tember 11 occurred. That terrorist at- truck or that computer or that piece of morning hour debates. The Chair will telecommunications equipment much alternate recognition between the par- tack on American soil cost thousands of Americans their lives; and since Sep- more quickly. ties, with each party limited to not to The benefit of that is felt when a exceed 30 minutes, and each Member, tember 11, the psychological blow on the economy of that terrorist attack business buys a pickup truck. There is, except the majority leader, the minor- has cost almost a million Americans of course, an auto worker who makes ity leader, or the minority whip lim- their jobs. So we need to get the econ- that pickup truck, as well as the parts ited to not to exceed 5 minutes. omy moving again. We need to give that go in it, and there is a worker who The Chair recognizes the gentleman Americans the opportunity to go back services and installs equipment in that from Illinois (Mr. WELLER) for 5 min- to work. pickup truck. There is also a worker utes. Now, I am proud to say that House who is going to operate that pickup f Republicans have fought hard and led truck for that business. That creates jobs and rewards investment. And I am THE ECONOMY the way to give Americans the oppor- tunity to go back to work. Four times proud to say that the 30 percent ex- Mr. WELLER. Mr. Speaker, today, this House of Representatives passed pensing was the centerpiece of our eco- we are a Nation at war, we are working an economic stimulus package and eco- nomic stimulus plan in rewarding in- to build our homeland security, and we nomic security legislation, helping vestment. are suffering an economic recession. I those laid off with extended unemploy- The legislation will also help home- am proud to say that our commander- ment benefits and providing incentives land security. Many businesses in in-Chief, President Bush, has shown for investment and the creation of jobs. America felt it was important after strong, resolute leadership in the war We want American workers to be able September 11 that they make their against terrorism and has been work- to go back to work. That is our goal. businesses, their plants, their stores, ing to build our homeland security as We recognize that in the past decade it their offices, their places of business well as giving Americans the oppor- was investment in jobs that created safer and more secure for their work- tunity to go back to work. economic growth. ers, their customers, and their visitors; One thing we must not forget in this I am proud to say that the fourth and so their purchase of extra security war against terrorism is that it is not time was a charm. After this House equipment, safety equipment, software b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H939 . VerDate 11-MAY-2000 03:55 Mar 20, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MR7.000 pfrm04 PsN: H19PT1 H940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 19, 2002 and cybersecurity equipment costs Al-Aqsa Brigade, Fatah Tanzim, these it is important that he is doing that, money. The 30 percent expensing will are all groups under the control of but I, frankly, do not think the secu- help them recover the cost of investing Yasir Arafat. rity of innocent civilians in Israel in cybersecurity and surveillance So it is not simply a matter of can he should be sacrificed. And if the people equipment and software and other control terrorism and will he control in the Arab capitals are saying, well, measures to ensure their workplace it, it is simply a matter of he is the you know, this Palestinian-Israeli and business is more safe and secure terrorist. He has never changed. Some question is a problem and we cannot for those who visit or work there. people can change and grow, but he has get Arab support for any incursion in We also recognize that many compa- never changed. Terrorism is used as a Iraq unless that ends, Israel should not nies this year, because of the recession, negotiating tool, and it is something be used as a sacrifice because we want are losing money. We gave an oppor- that countries cannot tolerate. Arab support for Iraq. tunity for those companies that are It does not matter what one feels Let us say the way it is. Arafat is the currently losing money to be able to about the Israeli response. It does not terrorist, he is the problem, he is not come up with some investment capital matter what one feels about how terror the solution. to reinvest in jobs within their com- is being fought. President Bush put it f pany, even though they are losing best. He said, you are either with the THE BUDGET money this year, by allowing them to terrorists or you are with us. go back 5 years, to a year they may We launched a campaign in Afghani- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- have made some money, and apply this stan to root out terrorist cells not be- ant to the order of the House of Janu- year’s loss to that profitable year. cause the Government of Afghanistan, ary 23, 2002, the gentleman from Michi- They will essentially get a tax refund the Taliban, as abhorrent as they are, gan (Mr. SMITH) is recognized during and can then use those dollars to in- were doing the terrorist attacks, but morning hour debates for 5 minutes. vest in job creation. That is what it is the Taliban were aiding and abetting al Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speak- all about. Qaeda, which was carrying out the ter- er, this week we are taking up the We want to get this economy moving rorist attacks. budget. We are going to increase the again, and so that is why we wanted to Now, if we go to Afghanistan, and limit on how deep this government can provide investment incentives with 30 rightfully so, and I support everything go into debt. Every year we spend more percent accelerated depreciation as President Bush has done and every- tax dollars and we add more govern- well as giving those companies losing thing our brave men and women are ment services, and my concern is that money this year the opportunity to doing over there, but if it is right for too many Americans are becoming too carry back this year’s loss and come up us to fight terrorism against innocent dependent on government.
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