& CO. , \ ROB~f~ LIMITE~,·. /'sr~ ••• ·~· ,I . A ~ -----------, ..... \. '-" •- ~ ., ar ares • esston I I ' I I NOW PRICES CUT .,,•I I .I ., I 1I ' TO THE BONE ON ALL I' I ,J©lkoo~~· ~--~.--... I; I ! I . ··~·· . ... .. .I CARS &TRUCKS THE DAILY · oHim tiMiieo .. NEWS I Nova Motors Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1961 (Price 7 Cents} · · ~--------~------------~----------~ denauer Predicts Berlin Talks Within Month'· - I Accuses Reds 1 Thinks U.S. Should Take f Suppressing First Step Toward Talks dom In East Gets Life Europe Imprisonment \1\ 1ing room is 3Rt afloat. s ship is latest V.S. for the I also ha\·e ' pia~· lor Persons Die In M~nes Fire ~!1.'\l'S, :-I.S. ICPl l·"ll was about the worst fire" and three children he had seen In his 33 years on Adenauer received 11 miXed in flames which I1 the Ioree of this Cape Breton reception in West Berlin, r~­ lwo·storey wooden town of 8,500. flecting the political rivalry be­ a tween himself and Brandt, So­ He said the fire, believed cial Democrat candidate for the are ~Irs. Mary Camp­ caused by faulty wirlng, started h!r three Children's Aid in a downstairs sitting room. chancellorship in coming West Betty, 18; Tony, The fire chief said the fire German elections. 1\"andR, 2. A 78-vear-old never reached t h e upstairs "I awoke because some kind Gus MacNeii. also where all were sleeping. "They cir strange position of my body," must have all died of suffoca­ he related. "I saw my arms 1\'Rrds were taken tion, because the bedding wasn't had risen by themselves and John, an infant, was burned." were hanging In the air. This Is to ha\'e been thrown Mrs. Campbell, a widow, op­ a result of weightlessness." S«ond-storey bedroom erated the children's home for He said he tucked his hands ~Irs. Campbell. Clif· about 20 years. under the safety belt and went back to sleep. spokesman said PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. <CPJ flareup of the fire at Grove . resting comfortably; Welcome Yuri A suggestion that the RCAF es­ some 12 miles southeast of here. a·nh slight cuts and Spade Cooley VIENNA (Reuters) - Maj. tablish a squadron of water­ For a time it threatened two llld a shoulder Injury, Yurl Gagarln, Russia's first as­ bombers was made Tuesday as sawmills, in some areas running superficial burns to tronaut, was welcomed by 20,· fires continued to ravage Bri' only a few yards from bunk­ abdomen, Gets· Life 000 persons when he arrived in tish Columbia's valuable fir and houses. ARRIVAL Budapest by air Saturday to at· spruce timberlands. a·as the only victim tend Hungary's independence Forestry officials reported 82 t.akcn to htspital. She · Imprisonment day celebrations this weekend. fires burning In the Prince lllmutes after admit· He was accompanied by his wife George fire district. More than BAKERSFIELD, Calif. <APl Valentina and their seven.· 1,700 men, 111 machines and Forme!' western music star month-old daughter Gala, Buda· eight planes are in the fi$ht, Spade Cooley was sentenced to pest Radio said. trying to control the provioce's worst fire scene in years.-: . Alphonse O'Con­ lire imprisonment Tuesday for kicking his wife to death. New Bedford, Mass., produces ID the back section THE COUNTRY PARSOW frame Following a conference among 75 per cent of the world's seal· with· their the district attorney, . defence lop supply, lawyer a n d Superior Court None was re· Judge William L. Brjldshaw, an be Cooley waived jury trial on nrload whether he was sane nt the limb from of the killing 11nd what his pen· Ba.F, alty ought to be. Jobless Total Estimated. .. At354,000. art o~f . appre­ Plan Mc;moeuvres OTTAWA (CPl-Canada hn<I . But. sojne . 190,000 t~C]\ ·: aget:_S year earlier when unemploy­ July June July lortun­ PARIS (APJ,-Gen. Lauris 354,000 unemployed at July· 22, entered the· labor" force, partly ment was 24,000 fewer ·oat, 330,- 1966 1961'1960 all or Norstad, supreme 1Allied com· :some 16,000 fewer than a month offset by the. withdrawal of "a 000. June unemployment of 370,· Labor force 6,743 6,592 6,592 !DIS. mander· In. Europe,' ;announced 'earlier lis school closing brought significant' number" '.of married 000 was 5.6 per cent of' the·Jabor Employed 6,389 6,222 6,262 force. · Unemployed 354 370. 330 Saturday that Allied forces un· ·a llood of students to the Ia­ women from the labor market. • der his command will carry out bor market. · · The relatively small dent this Slightly more than half or the made In unemployment "is typ­ It was the 12th month In a row 167,00,0 ·rise in employment .dur­ manoeuvers to test their land, The monthly report on Can­ that unemployment had hit a :: and air. defences! next:· month. ical of this 'time of year," the ing the month - an increase ~~ ada's job situation issued Tues­ report said. po;~t-war record· for the month. "somewhat greater" than nor­ '.'Devil winds" - created by S7. 74· I_ Officers said· the ·,manoeuvres day by the Dominion Bureau of The report, based on ·a sur­ mal-was In jobs on the farm. the intense heat of the fires and 59 . 73 ·· :have been ·, planJ)ed . for some Statistics showed that the ccon- The jobless rate in ,July was vey or 35,000 households across Virtually all of the increase was which hurl flaming sparks for "It's lots easier .for children . · .. •. .. .. .. 60 · 7! ' · ·ume and have no connection omy provided 167,000 new jobsl5.2 per cent of the labor force, the 'i!ountry, showed this· pic­ in male employment, ·which rose miles to start new blazes-were \Q build character lrom a blue: · ... ;,,-54.: 60 • : with .the-Berlin crisis •. .during the month. compared with five per cent a ture; <estimates ln thousands) by 158,000 .. blamed for Monday night's Print drawn by their elders;" - :; i • ' , 4 :: ,I I. .: . : • . ' I . \.- •.. .;J" I. '· ··. ' ~ .. ': .. • f 1 ·'{ y 1,'-1 . j. _., ~ ·.·. - -·· .. ... ~. ' . • 11 :-. ·, . ··~ - . I· ., .. THE D:\II.Y NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLJJ., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23 ,...~· . ,i;y. ':. -· , French Scouts L~; I' :, :t ·Majoi · !-lousing Program Sf. JOHN'S, .:· J r , I. :: J . ' ~ We Can DO Something·Ahout Weather Tour St. John' By DAVID C Dly ·~j~. '!. By RAY CROMLEY type, the more chance of rain. This might eliminate or reduce storm damage and wrong plan· A band of ele~en ·· l'i' I '1. Jamaica Launchi~g WASHING!f'ON - (NEA) - Once sclentlsis understand the fog. ning. Or to change desert spots WI whistling, smiling . ; ; I 'I• Researcll men now see the be­ more about these nuclei, they Attcinpts at changing the into gardens. Or to wJn battles. dian Rover Scouts arrived In fact, in some military cir· ~; " " ginnings of ways to change the may be able ot increase the weather arc worldwide. The on the east bound . cles there is a strong belie£ that weather. probability of rain by shooting Swiss claim they have Increased Tuesday morning at 8.30 l the amount of rain significantly the nation which first hits on a 24-hour rail voyage L·' ' ' The Wcather Bureau has in more of just the right part!· I'· , a way to modify the world's Port·AUx·Basque. rest made a start with the help of cles. Or they may be able to over a period of two years. The ·{fl.,! ! the weather satellites toward cut dow non the rain by some· Russians are working on grltn­ weather on a broad scale could The Scouts are the discovery of major weather how sweeping out some of these dlose plans for changing eli· win the cold war hands down. the Communautee patterns. This may eventually tiny particles from the heavens. mate over broad areas by Weather forces are so strong nationale Charles ·~·I :.. ·~~·; that if man had the key to Rover Crew from La jl. l - ·make it possible to find storms In Greenland, in Antarctica changing ocean currents. them, great chunks of "enemy" ( !Y when they're sUil so small· that and in the desert areas of Ari· Behind all this research is des Scouts Ca thoiiques zona, Army men are trying to continents theoretically could French·Canadian Scout 1 esider man may be able to change tl ,,. the belief that weather chang· be turned into deserts. them.· Increase the amount of heat ab· zation in Quebec. ., lng could be used to save agri· Seven of the (StaffJ-TUI 'i '! . The Department of Agricul­ sorbed or reflected away from culture, commerce and indus· Fortunately, that kind of l ~ ~: ture is working en experiments the "ground." They believe if Rovers left Montreal on the· forest fire was J., . I' try bliiions of dollars a year weather modification is a long 12, and hitch-hiked d a half miles from . I' l t'' to take the steam out of light they succeed In figuring this in ruined crops, flood and , time off. ., ~I out, they will be able to make North Sydney. The '" tretching from G1 ning. Their aim: to cut down on -: Deadman's Pond '·' , ·I · forest fires. the weather hotter, or cooler, and their Jea,•er--llaurir. 0 ''I Si11•a drove down to the has been mad, -"II:: I f: The Interior Department is more windy or less windy. fire and the ~ I ' . Scotian ferry terminal •' experimenting with one.moJe . from the em . I . ~· cule·thick chemical films that • • • through the next week.
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