United Nations A/75/ PV.7 General Assembly Official Records Seventy-fifth session 7th plenary meeting Wednesday, 23 September 2020, 3 p.m. New York President: Mr. Bozkir ........................................... (Turkey) In the absence of the President, Mr. Arriola Ramírez introduce an address by the Constitutional President of (Paraguay), Vice-President, took the Chair. the Plurinational State of Bolivia. Mr. Cuéllar Suárez (Bolivia) (spoke in Spanish): The meeting was called to order at 3.05 p.m. I have the signal honour of introducing a pre-recorded statement by the Constitutional President of the Address by Mr. Lenin Moreno Garcés, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Ms. Jeanine Añez Chávez. Constitutional President of the Republic of Ecuador The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I now Assembly will now hear an address by the Constitutional give the floor to the representative of Ecuador to President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.. introduce an address by the Constitutional President of the Republic of Ecuador. A pre-recorded video statement was shown in the General Assembly Hall (annex II and see Ms. Yánez Loza (Ecuador) (spoke in Spanish): A/75/592/Add.3). I have the honour to introduce the pre-recorded statement of His Excellency Mr. Lenin Moreno Garcés, Address by Mr. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President Constitutional President of the Republic of Ecuador, of Ukraine at the general debate of the seventy-fifth session of The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I now the Assembly. give the floor to the representative of Ukraine to The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The introduce an address by the President of Ukraine. Assembly will now hear an address by the Constitutional Mr. Kyslytsya (Ukraine): I am honoured to President of the Republic of Ecuador. introduce a pre-recorded statement by His Excellency A pre-recorded video statement was shown in Mr. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine. the General Assembly Hall (annex I and see Ukraine joins the debate to which we have carefully A/75/592/Add.3). listened on Tuesday and today, a debate that has assured us once again that the question that my President Address by Ms. Jeanine Añez Chávez, posed on Monday when addressing the Assembly (see Constitutional President of the Plurinational State A/75/PV.3) — are we really incapable of stopping aggressions and wars? — is more than urgent. Seventy- of Bolivia five years ago in San Francisco, a representative of The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I now Ukraine said that the Ukrainian people, who made give the floor to the representative of Bolivia to great sacrifices during the war, were vitally interested In accordance with decision 74/562, and without setting a precedent for mandated high-level meetings planned for future high-level weeks, the official records of the General Assembly will be supplemented by annexes containing pre-recorded statements submitted by Heads of State or other dignitaries, submitted to the President no later than the day on which such statements are delivered in the Assembly Hall. Submissions in this regard should be made to [email protected]. 20-24618 (E) *2024618* A/75/PV.7 23/09/2020 in seeing their efforts and the efforts of all other peoples Ms. Baeriswyl (Switzerland) (spoke in French): crowned with success and leading to the creation of I have the honour of introducing the pre-recorded conditions that would prevent new trials of war. statement of the President of the Swiss Confederation, Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga. As we will Prompted by that desire, Ukraine joined the be marking the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Fourth Organization as a founding Member 75 years ago. World Conference on Women next week with a high- I invite the Assembly to listen to the address by the level meeting, it is an honour to introduce a woman President of Ukraine, in which he rightly stresses that Head of State. this session will go down in history as an example of returning to active multilateralism and effective The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The international solidarity, a session at which the Assembly Assembly will now hear an address by the President of not only recalled the purposes and principles of the the Swiss Confederation. United Nations Charter but also began to permanently A pre-recorded video statement was shown in and unwaveringly follow them. the General Assembly Hall (annex V and see The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The A/75/592/Add.3). Assembly will now hear an address by the President of Ukraine. Address by Mr. Aleksandar Vučić, President of the Republic of Serbia A pre-recorded video statement was shown in the General Assembly Hall (annex III and see The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I now A/75/592/Add.3). give the floor to the representative of Serbia to introduce an address by the President of the Republic of Serbia. Address by Mr. Chandrikapersad Santokhi, Ms. Ivanovic (Serbia): On the occasion of the general President of the Republic of Suriname debate of the General Assembly at its seventy-fifth The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I now session, I have the honour to introduce a pre-recorded give the floor to the representative of Suriname to statement by His Excellency Mr. Aleksandar Vučić, introduce an address by the President of the Republic President of the Republic of Serbia. of Suriname. The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The Ms. Sweeb (Suriname): On the occasion of the Assembly will now hear an address by the President of general debate of the General Assembly at its seventy- the Republic of Serbia. fifth session, it is my distinct honour to introduce the A pre-recorded video statement was shown in pre-recorded statement of my President, His Excellency the General Assembly Hall (annex VI and see Mr. Chandrikapersad Santokhi, President of the A/75/592/Add.3). Republic of Suriname. The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The Address by Mr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of Assembly will now hear an address by the President the Co-operative Republic of Guyana of Suriname. The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I now give A pre-recorded video statement was shown in the floor to the representative of Guyana to introduce an the General Assembly Hall (annex IV and see address by the President of the Co-operative Republic A/75/592/Add.3). of Guyana. Mrs. Rodrigues-Birkett (Guyana): I have Address by Ms. Simonetta Sommaruga, President the singular honour to introduce His Excellency of the Swiss Confederation Mr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of the Co-operative The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I now Republic of Guyana, who will deliver his inaugural give the floor to the representative of Switzerland statement to the General Assembly at the general debate to introduce an address by the President of the during this session at this very significant juncture for Swiss Confederation. our Organization. 2/65 20-24618 23/09/2020 A /75/PV.7 The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The A pre-recorded video statement was shown in Assembly will now hear an address by the President of the General Assembly Hall (annex IX and see the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. A/75/592/Add.3). A pre-recorded video statement was shown in The President took the Chair. the General Assembly Hall (annex VII and see A/75/592/Add.3). Address by Mr. Andrzej Duda, President of the Republic of Poland Address by Mr. Mario Abdo Benítez, President of The President: I now give the floor to the the Republic of Paraguay representative of Poland to introduce an address by the The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I now President of the Republic of Poland. give the floor to the representative of Paraguay to Ms. Wronecka (Poland): I have the honour to introduce an address by the President of the Republic introduce a pre-recorded statement by His Excellency of Paraguay. Mr. Andrzej Duda, President of the Republic of Poland. Mr. Arriola Ramírez (Paraguay) (spoke in The President: The Assembly will now hear an Spanish): I have the honour to introduce a pre-recorded address by the President of Poland. statement by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Paraguay, Mr. Mario Abdo Benítez. A pre-recorded video statement was shown in the General Assembly Hall (annex X and see The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The A/75/592/Add.3). Assembly will now hear an address by the President of the Republic of Paraguay.. Address by Mr. Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona, A pre-recorded video statement was shown in President of the Dominican Republic the General Assembly Hall (annex VIII and see The President: I now give the floor to the A/75/592/Add.3). representative of the Dominican Republic to introduce an address by the President of the Dominican Republic. Address by Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Mr. Blanco Conde (Dominican Republic) (spoke in Spanish): It is an honour for me to introduce The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I now a pre-recorded statement by the President of the give the floor to the representative of Afghanistan to Dominican Republic, His Excellency Mr. Luis Rodolfo introduce an address by the President of the Islamic Abinader Corona, who will be participating for the first Republic of Afghanistan. time in this high-level debate of the General Assembly. Mrs. Raz (Afghanistan): As we meet today, 75 years For President Luis Abinader and for the Government after the founding of the United Nations, I have the of the Dominican Republic, this participation pleasure to represent a new Afghanistan: a democratic is extremely important because it reaffirms our republic with constitutional rights for women and commitment to the ideals of the United Nations minorities, and youth at the forefront of society.
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