Issued Tuesday Thursday Saturday he Courier-Gazette F.nttred as Second Class Mail Matte. Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, January IQ, 1939 THREE CENTS A COPY V olum e 9 4 ...................N um ber 4. The Courier-Gazette [EDITORIAL] THREE-TIMES-A-W EEK HOSPITAL'S NEW PRESIDENT THE SCHOOL BROADCAST Editor The Jackson Day dinners throughout the country Satur­ j “The Black Cat” WM O. PULLER day night let forth a flood of oratory, as was perfectly feasible Associate Editor I PRANK A WINSLOW William T. White, Retired Business Man, To Rockland High Put On a Program of Which the and proper, and the shrewdest Democrat of them all. Franklin D. Roosevelt, made it quite plain that the recalcitrant members Subscriptions *3 00 per year payable In advance; single copies three cera.s. Head the Institution City Was Proud of that party would have to play ball on his team, or the Re­ Advertising rates based upon circula­ publican party would win the next Presidential election. A tion and very reasonable. NEWSPAPER HISTORY plain enough statement, but there are many "recalcitrants" The Rockland Gazette was estab­ The annual meeting of Knox the Ladies Auxiliary. They have One hundred members of Rock-, powered motor car onto the high- who see the other way around. Roosevelt must drop some of lished In 1846 In 1874 the Courier was i established and consolidated with the County General Hospital last night provided most of the linen used land High School pooled their way and drive it better than can his weird dictatorial policies or the fat will be in the fire. Gazette In 1882 The Free Pre is was There may be some common ground on which the two bitter »» abiished in 1855 and in 1891 changed j marked an important epoch in the during the year which is not com- j talents Sunday afternoon and over their fathers and motners. Its nsme to the Tribune These papers parable to the fine spirit shown in the four Maine radio stations gavej We believe this program is well factions may unite, but whether they do or don't the Repub­ consolidated March 17. 1897. I history of the Institution, which their contact. to the world a broadcast which vzorth while; so much so it will be lican leaders will go right ahead with their most important was able to secure as Its new presi- "To the nurses and personnel I was highly creditable to the pupils continued this year and we hope task of injecting new blood into what for several years has •» dent, William T. White, a promi- am grateful for the splendid co- to those who directed the entertain-1 for many years to come. We feel been a dormant organization, and in this they are vastly en­ ••• Persons often increase In size •- | By The Roving Reporter - at the expense of their brains. — j nent retired business man, who Will operation; of 'the Mediqal Staff ment and to Harrison C. Lyseth of (that through our schools we arei couraged by the result of the fall elections. Anyhow the » —Swift give tCT jjis new offiCe the benefit may I say the service rendered the the State Department of Education.' making a real contribution to the rejuvenated G.O.P. will be a party into which the recalci­ H ♦ * * ♦ ♦ ♦ * ... ♦ ♦ * i Of exceptional ability and energy. patients has been of the highest At the conclusion of the program final elimination of perhaps the trants can enlist without dishonor to real Democracy, and “He looks a winner," writes Alton quality, deserving of our sincere Mr. Lyseth paid a high compliment; greatest hazard to human life to- for the good of the country at large. The other officers are; Hall Blackington, who covered the thanks and appreciation.' to the directors of the entertain- cay. And in order that our cam- inauguration of Gov. Saltonstal). Vice PresidenU-Rev. James A. i ment. paign of education may be broad- Speaking of Senator Lodge. Alton Every seat in the auditorum was ened in its scope, we of Rockland, Spying Auto Plates Flynn. MR. DUBORD'S EFFRONTERY says: “Hes a knockout in any Up To Minute Reports taken, and to most of those present urge all other cities and towns in | Secretary—Milton M Griffin. crowd." Alton also writes of a great it was a revealation of how broad- j Maine to give serious consideration Choice humor lay in the Jackson Day speech of F. Harold Connecticut Treasurer—Joseph Emery. time at the Mariner's Club in Fair­ casting is done. The placard "ap- j to the adoption of a similar pro- Dubord, Democratic National Committeeman from Maine, Illinois Are Being Sought By Com­ haven, Mass. Haddock chowder was Directors—H. P. Blodgett. M. M. plause" was quite superfluous a s ' gram, to the end th at we may when he told State Democrats in Portland Saturday night Maine missioner Greenleaf To the feature of the menu, and each Griffin. Ensign Otis, W. J. Sullivan, the applause came heartily and really make State of Maine Hlgh- that “G.O.P. return would be disaster," and when he sought Massachusetts man was allowed two pounds, pl'is ' M. B. Berry and William Sansom. Benefit Fish Industry spontaneously and it may be added ways, highways of safety, to ridicule Congressman Brewster. Persistently rejected by Michigan plenty of pilot bread. He had as his was richly deserved. | • » * • the voters of his District and his State—swamped in the last Mississippi The report of Ellen C. Daly, su- guest Richard Hallett, the noted Details, of a plan for collecting election—this flambuqyant Waterville politician is scarcely New Hampihire ! perintenednt of the Hospital, shows The program was calculated to Occupying a conspicuous place Maine author, who, according to Al­ Maine fishery statistics to be avail­ demonstrate the school-talent in ^he program was Felice Perry, in a position to pose as an oracle ,or give anybody advice. New York that &70 patients were admitted ton, knocked 'em dead with stories able very month was announced by both instrumental and vocal music Who was described by the announcer Pennsylvania last year, as compared wih 966 of his adventures before the mast. Rhode Island Sea and Shore Fisheries Commis­ The former found splendid expres- as "prominent In dramatics, a semi- the preceding year. Types of pa­ South Carolina sioner Arthur R. Greenleaf, today. sion in the band instructed a n d , flna]Lst m the Spear prize speaking DICTATORS UNPOPULAR “Stop writing about sour krout," tients were distributed thus: Sur­ directed by George A. Law. one of COntest in August and a good rep- New Brunswick license plate pleads Alton, who says that he read gical, 451; ear, eye, nose and He said that the U. S Bureau of the ablest musicians in this sec- resentative of the school, The word dictator is so unpopular nowadays that the was recently spotted by David Hyler. throat W1. medical 186; obstet. Fi heries would co-operate with his Loyal Order of Moose is about to reject it, and seek a new the Black Cat item and drooled so tion of the State. The band selec- truly educated person." said that he had to mop up the floor. rics, 91; births 81. Out of county Department in this work which will tion was “In Line of March '. The the speaker, "is one who has a broad name for its governing officers. There are still many per­ FAIR ON LABOR DAY sons who like to feel that they are a part of the government Alton doesn't quite agree with me patients admitted were 108, and start Monday. orchestra was directed by Mrs. Es- outlook. who is tolerant of another's and who certainly pay enough for the privilege. that sugar improves krout. “I take The officers"^? the Hancock of 8Ute patlents admltted were Trained men will establish con­ ther Rogers, the city s efficient su- pOmt of view, who looks for the mine straight from the barrel." says pervisor of music. The excellently j beauties of life instead of the ugli- the Bay State's crack lecturer—"or County Agricultural Society held The maximum number of paients tacts with all fishermen, dealers, rendered selections were “Echoes ness who' is eager to acquire new would if I could get any half as good their annual meeting Saturday. It On any one day was 49. and the canners and shippers and get up TO AMELIA EARHART From Grand Opera.' knowledge, and who lives by the as Ed Dean's. Sugar does help was voted to hold the fair over minimum number was 20. The to the minute reports on all catches The selections by the two glee oolden Rule. If we would think Down in Miami. Florida, they have memorialized the squash, and it's a strange tiring that Labor Day as usual. There will be number .of surgical operations was cluhs were: <Girls) “The Green more of being fair, honest, true. and movements of fish and fish nation's most famous woman flyer by erecting a monument so few cooks use it at church sup­ 800 and the number of days treat- ! products. As a result of this care Cathedral " (Boysi. “In the North- ’ and klnd than we do of getting a card of eight races with 5300 to Amelia Earhart. who took off from the Florida metropolis pers and banquets—up here, I mean." ment furnished was 11.902. ful, systematic check Maine w llliland: (combinedi "The Spirit of facts we WOuld stand a better purses for each race, omitting entry- on the glebe-girdling flight in which she was lost at sea in During the year there were 1320 know just how it stands at all times St.
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