A Quick Start Means Easy Money - Begin THENE Now Dr. T. F. Manns Heads FIREMEN VETERANS' SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE TO BE State Stabilization Group TO MEET SESSION ~~--------------------- LAUNCHED ,BY POST TODAY Apple Crop HEADS COMMI'ITEE I -------------------------------------------~~ To Double AT DOVER SEPT. 28 1936 Yield Huge Parade Compensation SCHOOL AID GARDENERS AUTO AND 'I ' II Doctors will be practically out Will Conclude Questions To PUpl s orne of work during the coming year if REDUCED PLAN SHOW CASH TO the old adage, "An apple a day Annual Affair Be Answered ROOJlIS An{ I keeps the doctor away," is true be· N. Y.A. Fund EastIllan Heads cause the 1937 apple crop is esti· Plans are r apidly being completed Harry J . Crossan, m anager of the BE GIVEN Teachers mated to total 202 million bushels, for ihe annual State Firemen's Con· Veteran's Aid office in Philadelphia Is Now Cut Flower Exhibit 30 million bushels above the ave· venti on which will be held at Dover will aitend a meeting arranged by ReI ease(I rage for the past five years, and on Wednesday and Thursday, Sep· the J . Allison O'Daniel American 25 Percent COlTIlTIittee Contestants nearly' double that of 1936. This tember 8 and 9. Legion Post No. 10 on Tuesday, ~. 8 will mark crop, if distributed equally among W. W. Pettyjohn, of the conven· September 28. The National Youth Administra· Plans for the sixth annual fl ower Urged To Sep cm sum~e r vacation the 125 million people in the United tion committee, has announced a Called for the purpose of educat· lion of Delaware announced thai in show which is staged yearly by the 01 thc 1937 ·38 States, would provide an apple a mammoulh parade which will bring ing all war veterans in the rules keeping with the national policy for Newark Garden Club at the Newark Start Now will pick up day for each man, woman and child the affair to a close. governing government compensa· a gel1eral reduction in governmental New Century Club are now being boo ks and era SC I'S for the next six months, with Lewis Walker, of Clayton, was tion, a representative of the Veter· expenditures due to improved eco· made for another feature which will The Newark Post announces in their study o( the three enough l ~ft over to p~t an apple pie selected as the Kent County Fire- an's Bureau will attend the session nomic conditions, the school aid and be held the latter par t of September. this issue a plan whereby more than New ark Public Schools ~~il; !~~~;rt a~;e.Clder on every men's As~ociatio l\ ' s candidate fo r with Mr. Crossan and outline the college aid appropriations of N. Y. A committee, headed by A. .. B. $2,000 in prizes and commissions Dr_ T. F. Manns state vice president at a meeting various steps that can be taken to A in Delaware have been decreased. Eastman, is making arrangements will be distributed to the people of tcachcrs have been Dr. T. F . Manns, head of the plant held at Frederica last week. This get prompt and efficient action in The amount available for the for the affair. Others in the group this section. These awards wi ll be faculty to replace those pathology, department at the Uni- office is the most coveted post in case of an emergency. school aid program for the coming making preparations are: Mrs. Ed- given to the women, men and boys return this year .. New versity of Delaware and assistant GOLDEY TO the state associati on as it carries Every man who has seen govern· year will be $7,500 or a reduction ward Ginther, Mrs. R. O. Bausman, for securing payments for new sub· arc: Mi ss Helen L. Frank, director of the Agricultural Expel'· with it automatic elevation to pres- ment war service has a delinl\e of 25 per cent. The number of peo- Mrs. Middleton W. Hanson, Miss scribers to The Newark Post, back Kucmmcrle, Miss Mil· iment Station at the University, who idency of the association the folow- classification which was given hi:n pie who will be able to be employed Freda Ritz and L. R. Detj en. payments and payments in advance . Miss Elizabeth Child, has been selected as chairman of the SOO ing year. at the time of his discharge, or has on the college aid progrtm will All flower lovers in Newark and from old subscribers. Cameron, Lester Bu- State Stabillzation Committee, said OPEN N Memorial Monument been established since that dat? amount to 8 per cent of the resident vicinity, even non-members of the The prizes are all very valuable Mo rrison and that the Delaware apple crop is In case of Sickness or aCCident, It IS ~n r ollm ent as compared with 12 local club, are urged to cooperate and it is possible for anyone to Rittenhouse. Those larger than before and that the J. N. J ordin, former president of necessary to know this classification per cent of the total enrollment last in this civic enterprise by sending make $50, $60 or $70 per week just rcturn this year are: quality of the 1937 crop is excep- the Five Points Fire Company at and what action should be taken year. This means that approximate· in exhibits. for getting subscriptions to the Post Bant, Miss Nellie Hill, tionally good. Fall Season Richardson Park, is ,chairman of the in order to have interests and rights ly 150 young people will be em· "Between the havoc wrought by during his spare lime. This cam· Miss Gertrude Trott, "This is particularly true of our memorial monument committee, un- protected. ployed on the school aid program the Japanese beetles and the recent paign work does not need to inter- Valcnce. Messey Tonge, Stayman apples," he said, "which To Start del' whose direction a monument The Veterans Administration is and 100 on the college aid program. wet spells, some gardeners are d is- fere w ith your regular work at all. -~ ·· "''''' · '''' ... -I:''Davis and Miss Elizabeth will be ready for market between to the deceased fi remen of the state anxious to have records kept that In an effort to determine the need cOUl'aged with their fl owers but Plan your efforts and when you October first and twentieth. Anti- September 7 who died in line of duty, will be un- will assist them, as well as thll vet- for the employment offered under those who start now to "pep up" have a little spare time make that cipating the surplus we began sev- veiled here on the last day of the eran, in giving each case its !Yroper the school and college aid programs their fl owers should have worth- time mean something to you in sub- era I weeks ago to take preliminary convention. Mr. J ordin is being as- attention. A permanent record will the school authorities are expected while exhibits by the date of the scriptions and commissions. stel)S toward m eeting the emergen. Eleven graduates from this vicin- sisted by Mrs. Nan Law Woods, pres- be established following this meet- to consult with such public agencies fl ower show", Mr. Eastman said. A $671 Chevrolet 1937 coach has ity, ten former students at the New- ident of the New Castle County Vol- ing with every veteran in this area as may be able to supply pertinent In order to give every garden an been purchased from the Wilming· ~i 'tt:~1~n h:::rg~a~~ dth~S p~hn~n~~~: ~1~kes~~:~k~c~~~ a ~~st~t~~i!~~ mh!~ : ~~t;;;p::,rne;~~!e~~~i~e ~~~~~a,;;;~ ~~!:u~ ~li~~ i~~d :~~ ~~~v~~~ d d~~ at~t~ ~~f~~~:I~: o~'ill ~~:t :i~~1 th=e~~~~~; ~~~%;~t:~~n ~h a~,~~e ~ a: :!~~S~p t~~ ~h~sA~:~ ~:~~~n~~~~~;t i~f c~::~'i~i ~';:~d~~~ d ,fO l~~i~ g: R~ber~' S~ii~~ : enrolled at Goldey College, for the the gr anite statue. Other members ment of the local legion post. authorities. entry list covering practically all be given as the first prize in the Lesler S. Bucher, musIc; Bridgeville, Del.; Fulton Allen, new semester. of the committee include H a ~'l' Y Many questions, including the fol· Plan Required fall fl owers, such as asters, calen· Post campaign. Candidates are in· M' A .Graduates of t h ~ local school .who Collins, of Smyrna, representmg lowing will be answered by the bu· , . ., . ulas, cannas, chrysanthemums, col- vited to call and see one of the , sci ence; E;sS b I ~~ Sali sbury, Md.; and J. G. Harriston, Will attend the Wllmmgton busmess Kent County, and J . E. McLane, of reau's representative: Do you 1' o.:>w . A wOl k plan IS ~ eq ull e d of each eus, cosmos, coxcomb, dahlias, gall- cars which will be given as a choice English ; Mi ss . Iza r: Berlin, Md. Negotiations are now school in the fall ar e; William A. Delmar, representing Sussex Coun- whether or not the government Wi ll ll1 ~ l1tuh o n so that ~t may be deter- iardis, gladiolas, m arigolds, nastur· if winning candidate prefers the homc eco ~1 0 mlc~ t ItS under way for a concentrated drive Tierney, Jr., Melvi n Dempsey, ty. pay your expenses if you are ill? mll1ed what actlVltles ar~ ~o be liums, petunias, roses, ' scabiosa, car to the $500 in cash. L. F rank 'Mlibr a~ a n a ~ lleahce~- to market the crop thr ou gl~ organ- Catherine McMullen, Margaret One hundred and fifty-four fire Does your wife know what she pursued durll1g the y.ear.
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