Legislative Assembly of Manitoba DEBATES and PROCEEDINGS Speaker The Honourable Peter Fox Vol. XXI No. 124 1:30 p.m., Monday, May 13th, 1974. First Session, 30th Legislature. Printed by R. S. Evans- Queen's Printer for Province of Manitoba Political Postal Electoral Division Name Address Affiliation Code ARTHUR J. Douglas Watt P.C. Reston, Man. ROM 1XO ASSINIBOIA Steve Patrick Lib. 10 Red Robin PI., Winnipeg R3J 3La Bl RTLE-RUSSELL Harry E. Graham P.C. Binscarth, Man. ROJ OGO BRANDON EAST Hon. Leonard S. Evans NDP Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg R3C ova BRANDON WEST Edward McGill P.C. 222a Princess Ave., Brandon R7B OH9 BURROWS Hon. Ben Hanuschak NDP Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg R3c ova CHARLESWOOD Arthur Moug P.C. 29 Willow Ridge Rd., Winnipeg R3R 1L5 CHURCHILL Les Osland NDP 66 Radisson Blvd., Churchill ROB OEO CRESCENTWOOD Harvey Patterson NDP 97a Garwood Ave., Winnipeg R3M 1N7 DAUPHIN Hon. Peter Burtniak NDP Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg R3C ova ELMWOOD Hon. Russell J. Doern NDP Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg R3C eva EMERSON Steve Derewianchuk NDP V ita, Manitoba ROA 2KO FLIN FLON Thomas Barrow NOP Cranberry Portage, Man. ROB OHO FORT GARRY L.R. (Bud) Sherman P.C. a6 N iagara St., Winnipeg R3N OT9 FORT ROUGE Lloyd Axworthy Lib. 132 Osborne St. S., Winnipeg R3L 1Y5 GIMLI John C. Gottfried NDP 44 - 3rd Ave., Gimli, Man. ROC 1BO GLADSTONE James R. Ferguson P.C. G ladstone, M an. ROJ OTO INKSTER Hon. Sidney Green, Q.C. NDP Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg R3C ova KILDONAN Hon. Peter Fox NDP Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg R3C ova LAC DU BONNET Hon. Sam Uskiw NDP Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg R3C ova LAKESIDE Harry J. Enns P.C. Woodlands, Man. ROC 3HO LA VERENDRYE Bob Banman P.C. Steinbach, Man. ROA 2AO LOGAN William Jenkins NQP 1294 Erin St., Winnipeg R3E 2S6 MINNEDOSA David Blake P.C. Minnedosa, Man. ROJ 1EO MORRIS Warner H. Jorgenson P.C. Morris, Man. ROG 1KO OSBORNE Hon. I an Turnbull NDP Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg R3C ova PEMBINA George Henderson P.C. Manitou, Man. ROG 1GO POINT DOUGLAS Donald Malinowski NDP 23 Coral berry Ave., Winnipeg R2V 2P2 PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE Gordon E. Johnston Lib. 135- 16th St. S.W., Portage la Prairie, Man. R1N 2W5 RADISSON Harry Shafransky NDP 4 Maplehurst Rd., Winnipeg R2J 1Wa RHINELAND Arnold Brown P.C. Winkler, Man. ROG 2XO RI EL Donald W. Craik P.C. 3 River Lane, Winnipeg R2M 3Ya RIVER HEIGHTS Sidney Spivak, a.c. P.C. Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg R3C ova ROBLIN J. Wally McKenzie P.C. lnglis, Man. ROJ OXO ROCK LAKE Henry J. Ein arson P.C. Glenboro, Man. ROK OXO ROSSMERE Hon. Ed. Schreyer NDP Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg R3C ova RUPERTSLAND Harvey Bostrom NDP Manigotagan, Manitoba ROE 1EO s T. BONIFACE J. Paul Marion Lib. 394 Gaboury Place, Winnipeg R2H OL4 s T. GEORGE Hon. Bill Uruski NDP 10th fir., 330 Portage Ave.,Wpg. R3C OC4 s T. JAMES George M inaker P.C. 31a Ronald St., Winnipeg R3J 3Ja s T. JOHNS Hon. Saul Cherniack, Q.C. NDP Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg R3C ova s T. MATTHEWS Wally Johannson NDP 41a Home St., Winnipeg R3G 1X4 sT. VITAL D.J. Walding NDP 26 Hemlock Place, Winnipeg R2H 1L7 sTE. ROSE A.R. (Pete) Adam NDP Ste. Rose du Lac, Man. ROL 1SO sELKIRK Hon. Howard Pawley NDP Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg R3C OVB R3C ova sEVEN OAKS Hon. Saul A. Miller NDP Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg ROK 1PO s OURIS KILLARNEY Earl McKellar P.C. Nesbitt, Man. R3C ova s PRINGFIELD Hon. Rene E. Toupin NDP Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg R3J 2G3 s TURGEON CREEK J. Frank Johnston P.C. 310 Overdale St., Winnipeg ROL 1ZO sWAN RIVER James H. Bilton P.C. Swan River, Man. Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg R3C ova THE PAS Hon. Ron McBryde NDP RaN OGa THOMPSON Ken Dillen NDP 1171 Westwood Dr.,Thompson T RANSCONA Hon. R ussell Paulley NDP Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg R3C ova ROM OZO V IRDEN Morris McGregor P.C. Kenton, Man. R3G 2G3 wELLINGTO N Philip M. Petursson NDP 6a1 Banning St., Winnipeg R3E OR5 wINNIPEG CENTRE J.R. (Bud) Boyce NDP 777 Winnipeg Ave., Winnipeg Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg R3C ova wOLSELEY I.H. Asper Lib. 3417 THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA 1:30 o'clock, Monday, May 13, 1974 Opening Prayer by Mr. Speaker. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS MR. SPEAKER: Before we proceed, I should like to direct the attention of the honourable members to the gallery where we have 43 students of Grade 11 standing of the Princess Elizabeth School. These students are under the direction of Mr. Balkwill. This school is located in the constituency of the Honourable Member for Brandon East, the Minister of Industry and Commerce. We also have 50 students of Grades 9 and 11 standing of the Ross L. Gray School. These students are under the direction of Mr. Leonard. This school is located in the constituency of the Honourable Member for Emerson. And we have 53 students, Grade 5, standing, of the Gillam School. These students are under the direction of Mr. Marek, Mr. Podhorodeski, Miss Tomasson, Miss Kirkness, Miss Brown and Miss Podhorodeski. This school is located in the constituency of the Honour­ able Member for Churchill. On behalf of all the honourable members, I welcome you here today. Presenting Petitions; Reading and Receiving Petitions; Presenting Reports by Standing and Special Committees; Ministerial Statements and Tabling of Reports. The Honourable First Minister. TABLING OF REPORTS - ORDERS FOR RETlJRN HON. EDWARD SCHREYER (Premier) (Rossmere): Mr. Speaker. I have here two Returns to Orders of the House: Order of the House No. 1, and Return to Order of the House No. 6. MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs. HON. IAN TURNBULL (Minister of Consumer, Corporate and Internal Services) (Osborne): Mr. Speaker, I wish to table a report prepared by my Department, entitled Broadcasting and Cable Television, the Manitoba Perspective. I table this paper, Sir, not as a statement of government policy, but as a basis for discussion of broadcasting and cable television and its development in Manitoba. MR. SPEAKER: Any other Ministerial Statements or Tabling of Reports ? Notices of Motion; Introduction of Bills. The Honourable House Leader. HON. SIDNEY GR EEN, Q. C. (Minister of Mines, Resources and Environmental Manage­ ment and House Leader) (lnkster): Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the Honourable the Minister of Education, that Mr. Speaker do now leave the Chair and the House resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole, to consider of the Supply to be granted to Her Majesty. MOTION presented and carried, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of Supply with the Honourable Member for Radisson in the Chair. COMMITTEE OF SU PPLY - EDUCATION MR. CHAIRMAN: The Honourable Minister of Education. HON. BEN HANUSCHAK (Minister of Education) (Burrows): Mr. Chairman, last Friday - as a matter of fact, it was the honourable member whose voice I think I heard, who is quite anxious to pass my estimates, did make a number of comments and observations to which I would like to respond today, namely, the Honourable Member for Lakeside. I got the impression that the attitude that the honourable member--or what the honourable member wished to impress upon this House, is that we - I presume both sides of the House - should assume the role of a cheering section to praise the accomplishments of the previous government, particularly in the field of education. You will recall, Mr. Chairman, that the honourable member mentioned that there may have been a number of programs which may not be at the top of the list deserving of praise, but certainly education ought to be one of them. And of course, with great reverence, he mentioned the name of one of the Ministers of the former government who no one would deny, I'm quite certain, that he did the best that he could working within tke government that he was connected with and that I'm sure had imposed some restraints and restrictions upon him, and the honourable member went on to say that, well, continuing 3418 May 13, 1974 SUPPLY - EDUCATION (MR. HANUSCHAK cont'd) .••along that line, that whatever the government could be criticized for it was certainly not for education; that it was the Conservative Government which made it and took upon it as its foremost priority to bring--and I was making notes as I was going along, Mr. Chairman. I haven' t seen today's Hansard but I think that I have paraphrased his comments reasonably accurately when he said that "they were determined to bring, physically, oppor­ tunities for education to the people of Manitoba. And I'm quite certain that he said that because he also went on to give examples, and he made mention of building of schools, building roads, consolidation of schools and so forth, all of the physical things which must be done in order to make it possible to deliver an education program. And I won't argue with the honourable member. I won't argue on that point. There is no doubt that during that period of time the unitary divisions came into being, and during that period of time consolidation occurred and small schools were closed and replaced by large schools. There's no question about it what­ soever. But I think there was one word used by the honourable member which is very very signi­ ficant of the general philosophy of my friends in opposition and perhaps reflects the general philosophy of their government when their political party was the government prior to 1969. He used the word "physically" and I think it's quite apparent today, Mr.
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