GOVERNMENT OF BOMBAY SATARA SOUTH DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK (Based on the 1951 Census) Printed at a1rE ASSOCIATED ADVERTISERS & PRINTERS LTD., T/.RDEO, BOMBAY 1. O"btainahle from the Governn'lent Publications Sales Depot, Institute of Science Building, Fort. Bombay (for purchasers in Bombay City), from the Government Book Depot, Chand Road Gardens, Bombay 4 (for orders from the mofussil) or through the High Commissioner for India, India House, Aldwych, London, W.C. 2, or through any l'ecognized Bookseller. , Price-Rs. 2-8-0 or £ 0-4-6 1952 CONTENTS PAGES A. General Population Tables A-I Area, Houses and Population 4 Towns and Villages classified by Population A-III 6 A-V 'fowns arranged Territorially with Population by Livelihood Classes 8 B. Economic Tables: B-I Livelihood Classes and Sub-Classes 10 B-I1 Secondary Means of Livelihood 20 B-IlI Employers, Employees and Independent Work~rs in Industries and Ser- vices by Divisions and Sub-Divisions 28 Index of Non-Agricultural occupations in the D~strict 72 c. Household and Age (Sample) Tables: C-I Household (Size and Composition) - .. 78 C-II Livelihood Classes by Age Groups '- .. 82 C-III Age and Civil Condition 86 C·IV Age and Literacy 96 C·V Single Year Age Returns 106 D. Social and Cultural Tablfs : D-I Languages: ',., (i) Mother Tongue 110 (ii) Bilingualism .. 115 D-II Religion 118 D-III Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 118 ll-V (i) Displa&ed Persons by Year of Arrival in lIidia 120 (ii) Displaced Persons by I.ivelihood Classes •• 122 D·VI Non-Indian Nationals 122 D-VII Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards 124 D·VIII Unemployment by Educational Standards 128 E. Snmmary Figures by Talukas and Pelu8 132 Primary Cens'.ls Abstracts 185 Small Scale Industries Census-Employment in ESUdJlishmenes ,. 280 1951 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK SATARA SOUTH DISTRICT Satara South is a newly created district, with an area of 3,434.0 sq. miles according to the area figures fumished by thc Surveyor General of India, formed after the merger of the former Indian states in the State of Bombay. The district consists of the following areas ;- Khanapur, Tasgaon and VValwa talukas and Shirala peta of the former Satara district, 41 villages of the former Aundh state, 94 villages of the former .lath state, two villages of the former Shirol taJuka of Kolhapur State, one village of the former Kurundwad Senior State, 29 villages of the former Miraj Senior State, 15 villages of the former Miraj .Tunior State, 64 villages of the .former Sangli State, one village of the Wadi Estate, two villages from Athani taluka of Belgaum District and three villages from Bijapur taluka of Bijapur District. This Handbook contain~ tables for the district of Satara South, compiled after the 1951 Census of India. The main results of the 1051 Census are embodied in the State Tables publish­ ed for the States of Bombay, Saurashtra and Kutch. In this Handbook, the data are exhibited in greater detail. The numbers given to tableS in this publication correspond to those given in the State Census Report. The followin.. tableS for the district have however, not been included in this Handbook;- ., A-II. Variation in population during fifty years. A-IV. Towns classified by population with variations since 1901. D-IV. Migrants. In the E. Summary table, some columns have been omitted. In the case of the C-series of tables, the data were extracted on the basis of a sample count of approximately 10% of the census slips instead of a full count of all the slips. In 1941, the population figures were exhibited according to communities in the" Village Handbooks" published by the Government of Bombay. In 1951, the basis of classification at the Census was changer! from a social to an economic one, and the figures for villages given in the Primary Census Abstracts add in tables A-V, B-1, B-II, C-II and E, are according to the follow­ ing eight livelihood classes;- Agricultural Classes; I. Cultivators of land, wholly or mainly owned; and their dependants. II. Cultivators of land, wholly or mainly unowned; and their dependants. Ill. Cultivating labourers; and their dependants. IV. Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent receivers; and their depend­ ants. Non-Agricultural Classes; Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from ;- V. Production other than cultivation. VI. Commerce. VII. Transport. VIII. Other services and miscellanequs sources. Depenr!ants, whether earning or non-earning, were classified at the Census according to the principal means of livelihood of the persons on whom they were dependent. The Primary Census Abstracts which contain basic information in respect of every village and town have been arranged according to talukas and petas, units into which every district is divided for administrative purposes. The taluka was, however, too small a unit to adopt fOt" preparing the main Census tables. Therefore, in the B, C and D series of tables figures have been given for tracts and not for talukas and petas. Before sorting the census slips and tabulating the results, tracts were formed by combining the rural and urban areas of two or more talukas or petas. The tra~ts into which Satara South District was divided for this purpose are shown below ;­ Rural tracts: (1) Rural area of Khanapur taJuka (2) areas of Jath and Tasgaon talukas (3) area of Miraj taluka (4) ".. areas of Waiwa taluka and Shiraia peta. Urban tracts : (1) Urban areas of Miraj, Jath and Tasgaon talukas (2) Urban areas of Khanapur and Walwa talukas Urban areas comprise the towns shown in table A-V. Shortly before the 1951 population census, a census of Small Scale Industries was taken, and the results of this census are given in the table called' SmaJI Scale Industries Census-Employ­ ment in Establishments,' in\lllJ4~4 ffi tms Handbook. 4 A-GENERAL POPULATION A-I-aREA, HOUSES District: ---- Occupied Houses Taluklt or Area Petit in Villages Towns sq. miles. Total Rural Urban I 2 3 I 4 5 I 6 7 DistriCI Total 3324.2 502 27 158,626 117,875 40,751 1. .lath .. 873.7 96 1 18,219 16,996 1,223 2. Khanapnr 846.5 128 3 31,624 27,337 4,287 8. Mira; 611.4 83 9 40,783 24,710 16,073 4. Shifaia 246.0 80 13,364 13,361. 5. Tasgaon 446.2 67 6 271-620 18,980 8,640 6. Walwa 300.4 48 8 27,016, 16,488 10,528 Nolfll :-(1) The arca of the district of Satara South as communicated by the Surveyor General of India is 3,434.0 sq. miles. The area figures shown in column 2 have been obtained from the District Inspector of Land Records, Sata:ra South or from local records. (2) The number of villages shown in column 3 i~ the number of revenuc villages excludill~ uninhabited villages and villages whil.'h form part of Municipal areas. (3) The number of towns given in column 4 is the number of towns shown in table A-V. In general a town means a municipal area, cantonment area or a place which has a popUlation of 5,000 or more inhabitants and exhibits urban characteristics. (4) The" number of occupied houses given in columns 5, 6 and 7 is the number of census houses that were occupied at the time of the census. A house for census purposes meant" a dwelling with a separate main entrance." Thus more than one household might be found in the same census house. TABLES AND POPl'LATION S atara South POPUI,ATION Persons Males Females - Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 8 I) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1,000,141 713,211 286,930 508,240 361,151 147,089 491,901 352,060 139,841 108,270 101,265 7,005 55,675 52,073 3,602 52,595 49,192 3,403 183,441 157,957 25,484 91,163 78,338 12,825 , .92,278 79,619 12,659 285,616 153,461 132,155 146,910 78,762 68,148 138,706 74,699 64,007 79,416 79,416 39,569 39,569 39,847 39,847 169,325 117,917 51,408 85,900 59,688 26,212 83,425 58,229 25,196 174,073 103,195 70,878 89,023 52,721 36,302 85,050 50,474 34,576 6 A-GENERAL POPULATION A-I1I.-TOWNS AND VILLAGES District: Total Total Population Towns number of Taluka or Peta inhabited towns and Persons Males Females ' Number villages 1 2 3 4 5 6 I District Total 529 1,000,141 508,240 491,901 82 1. Jath 97 108,270 55,675 52,5&5 22 2. Khanapur 131 183,441 91,163 92,278 14 3. Miraj 92 285,616 146,910 138,706 12 4. Shirala 80 79,416 39,569 39,847 30 5. Tasgaon 73 169,325 85,900 83,425 3 6. Walwa 56 174,073 89,023 85,050 1 Towns and villages Talnka or 2000-5000 5000-10,000 10,000-20,000 Peta No. Males Females No. Males Females No. Males Females 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 District Total •• 92 142,650 138,244 30 104,161 99,679 3 22,607 21,468 1. Jath 9 14,107 13,284, 1 4,089 3,858 2. Kbanapllr 16 22,690 22,688 4 15,506 15,336 3. Miraj 25 38,846 37,244 9 29,831 27,867 4- Shira1a 5 6,312 6,287 2 5,808 5,,:1,92 5.
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