Newsletter Issue No.12 April 2014 OpEning Of tHE nEw EmErgEnCy CEntrE at Karl BrEmEr HOspital Months of building have rolled by, and the the building. A final snag now needs to be completed. finishing touches have been put on the new EC Thereafter walks through can be organised. Do you have a question regarding how things will work or what your building. Very soon we will commission this role will be? Please ask either Dr. Sue le Roux on ext 1907 state-of-the-art facility and we will expand or Sr. Ida Carolus on ext 1476. We would be happy to the service that we offer to our community. provide an answer. Not long now…. And the Karl Bremer Up to now, Karl Bremer Hospital has provided Emergency Center becomes a reality. Yet another reason, a medical emergency service but we expect for us to be proud of the service our hospital offers to the community. this to change with the addition of limited trauma cases. What exactly does this mean for us? The direct referral system for serious trauma remains unchanged, although we will occasionally be required to stabilise a seriously injured patient prior to transfer on to Tygerberg Hospital. The vast majority of the trauma that will be treated at Karl Bremer will be problems such as broken limbs, sprains & strains, lacerations and minor head injuries. The management of trauma can be challenging at times because injuries are not always isolated and patients who sustain trauma, often have other underlying diseases. The management of trauma is very logical and the approach is systematic. With the right equipment in the room and the right staff in the EC, managing trauma does not have to be a terribly daunting task. As with most areas of medicine, the management of emergencies of any kind is best done when working as a team. One helps the other and we all bring our individual areas of expertise together for the benefit of the patient and for the growth of every team member. Already, one of the standout features of the staff in Medical Emergency is a vibrant team spirit! And so there is now great excitement building… All the doctors appointed to the EC have started work and they are busy learning the ropes down in MES. The EC doctors will each spend 2 weeks at Khayelitsha District and Mitchell’s Plain District hospitals, to improve their trauma management skills. Sr. Carolus continues to introduce emergency medicine concepts to the MES, where up till now, no trauma has been accepted. The procurement department is going to great lengths to ensure the best equipment for the EC and the senior management team is maintaining oversight of the process. Practical completion of the building happened on 23 March 2014 with Karl Bremer Hospital accepting the keys to By Dr Sue Le Roux www.westerncape.gov.zaNewsletter April 2014 1 tHE HOw’s AND wHy’s Of: WHaT If you have missed out on the on boarding opportunities with regards to this challenge, herewith (in a nutshell) what it is about: C2air2 is the abbreviation for the Department of Health’s Core values, namely: C2 a i r2 Caring COmpEtEnCE aCCOUntaBility intEgrity rEspOnsiVEnEss rEspECt We went through a process to select a club name and we are now proudly known as CLUB BREMER. The ultimate goal, which we are striving towards by means of living these core values, consistently, on a daily basis, is to promote a positive patient experience at and through our facility. To promote the entrenchment of these core values into our daily way of doing things,it was decided to implement this in the form of an inter-facility yearlong challenge. We are competing against 6 other hospitals. rEfEr tO OUr prOgrEss tHUs far (in figUrE 1) There is a R60 000 cash prize up for grabs for the winning hospital. Karl Bremer (aka CLUB BREMER) therefore needs to keep the momentum we have gained thus far and focus on continual improvement. At the moment we are only 5 points behind Khayelitsha Hospital and we are ahead of the pack as far as Team spirit is concerned. It will take each and every one of you to maintain our position and to kick Khayelitsha off the leader board. Over the next few months “ghost patients” will be moving about in our facility to see if what we have been reporting, is in fact occurring and maintained on a daily basis. So please be alert and ALWAYS on your best behaviour. 2 Newsletter April 2014 HoW you may ask how points are allocated. as you can see in figure 1, there are 15 measurable metrics which management has to report to Head office on a monthly basis. there are points allocated according to certain criteria based on the metrics indicated. How can yOU make a difference in the outcome of this challenge? take responsibility for your actions, including limiting absenteeism live the Core Values daily with a positive attitude (manager visibility is encouraged and you could be awarded with a golden C2air2 slip) Encourage patients to channel both Compliments and complaints limit waiting times accurate billing and coding managers are encouraged to gage team morale on a regular basis and encourage transparency and open communication ClUB BrEmEr is OUr proud hospital team, capable of making a difference in the experience of WHy our patients in and through our facility. let us use this challenge as an opportunity to even further strengthen and improve our systems to ultimately prove our worth by winning this challenge! ClUB BrEmEr staff “mOOD BOarD” inVitatiOn please be invited to come and have a look at WHy the content of the mood board at the main entrance of KBH (updated regularly by the KBH C2air2 champs) monthly progress reports will also be displayed on this board, to keep all staff informed of Club Bremer’s progress. any staff member is welcome to send who departmental event photos (with the consent of their managers) to [email protected] or [email protected]. we are looking for electronic photos WHaT the staff mood board will be updated WHEn of department specific events, staff on an on-going basis and we would farewells, kitchen teas, stork parties like to keep the board as interactive or anything newsworthy to display on as possible, so keep those photos coming! the ClUB BrEmEr staff mood board. Newsletter April 2014 3 EDitOrial nOtE By Sr C Pekeur EDitOr`s nOtEs Welcome to the first edition of the KBH TIMES FoR 2014, the year of the horse, for the Chinese, characterised by strengths such as warm- heartedness energy and brightness.Here at KBH it is however the year for new beginnings. An anonymous author once wrote that although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end. With the construction and opening of the Trauma Centre and the C2AIR2 Challenge well on the way, add to that the nursing staff dressed in an all-white uniform ,who can ignore the involuntary feeling of excitement, pride and the hint of anticipation in the air? According to research, the early Christian church adopted the Roman symbolism of white as the colour of purity, sacrifice and virtue. White is also symbolic of healing, hope and new beginnings. The proposal of an all-white uniform for the nursing team provoked a lot of diverse comments, interest and views. Some feel it is impractical,while others say it displays a unified professional look. amid all these mixed emotions and reactions, the nursing staff of KBH, proudly stepped out in style and shone bright in white. HOw is tHat fOr nEw BEginnings? wHat’s HappEning at Karl BrEmEr HOspital Ct sCannEr at KBH is OpEratiOnal Drs arE slOwly,gEtting UsED tO tHE inHOUsE faCility . Digital imaging/ paCs will BE COming sOOn ValEntinE’s Day 2014 AT Karl BrEmEr HOspital 4 Newsletter April 2014 HEaltHy rECipE raai wiE? Greg’s GaZPaCHo Soup Recipe Die dame in die vorige uitgawe is A fat free version of the classic recipe. If desired, Mev Rentia Van Heerden van Personeelkantoor. olive oil may be added. Makes 4 large servings at Nog net so sprankelend soos altyd. only 50 calories each ingredients • 2 cups tomatoes, peeled, seeded chopped • 1 cup cucumber, peeled, seeded, chopped • 1 cup red peppers, seeded, chopped • 1/4 cup onion, red, chopped • 2 cloves garlic • 2 cups tomato juice • 1/4 cup vinegar, red wine • 1/4 cup fresh parsley • 1 peppers, jalapeno (optional) Directions: place half the vegetables and all the garlic & parsley in a blender with the tomato juice & vineger & puree. add the rest of the chopped vegetables. if a thicker soup is desired, add some cubes of crusty bread before pureeing. Chill before serving nutrition Facts Serving Size 279.7g Amount Per Serving Calories 50Calories from Fat 3 % Daily Value* Total Fat 0.3g (0%) Cholesterol 0mg (0%) Sodium 20mg (1%) Total Carbohydrates 11.4g (4%) Dietary Fiber 2.3g (9%) Sugars 7.7g Protein 2.2g Vitamin a 32% • Vitamin C 98% Calcium 4% • Iron 6% * Based on a 2000 calorie diet Kan jUllE raai wiE Good points DiE is? No saturated fat No cholesterol Low in sodium High in dietary fiber High in iron High in manganese High in magnesium High in niacin High in phosphorus Very high in potassium High in thiamin Very high in vitamin A Very high in vitamin B6 Very high in vitamin C Newsletter April 2014 5 EtiQUEttE By Louisa du Toit I was asked to present this skill to a few staff members here at KBH, after I attended this course in august 2013 at PTI.
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