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H141: tiler/u tf, dtu:rtnr: :']€ u lyr:.(dalei) q6'r{g:g9 9q[ I11ryI_ uebse{__ _ d .'\.*ti^. v J .2 ?l obcc,(// ia{l-s:l {Ufr l}. }l.Fl.ber T r3ar lt.'; :r8o-iau a',r fr'n {sr :-n :fi n fi rl ull1:lly_T*&yiuti rauu rEeJu sfl.eJ'l.vrv1t au.prst1.Yt141: lvru/u:r€tf,er ld'Yu*{'{Q1n ilu.uirfin rfrurrYuu#nan:nrrflnfinuls i- !'l'l.lvl141: vl ?:u.u:1snifloriufrr{riunr:au:r.!o'rnngninrjsr:rjrv[na 6i'rl4iutj UauU :tuasrdr.lnql]J -'i, u au- 3 a{$f; fl :"J tf}F}-iu {:Jle'n I or. ua'nqn:oir*1 GduflrutJ:surru bobto ranu:1€n (rirr r.a. - 6.a.bb) *riroonrflu to nq'ai q di v s v v 40 o. o, 14fl fifl Fl:u tneJ'l fl UTsmUfl flflllJsl : :J{1U?U s'td Ue n{A: o.b. rad'nqn: :v 6'ud :v yrru fi d'ruru ddlt#n{ n : b. firJ.r,r,?J11.yr141'j lna,/l-r:'t€tf;u Lifitr:rurlu"fufruu#l ra[iuutduo'lrr,r#n6qr dr a I frdrnuhrionl:d{qna'ln1:yr1.1yt141i$ani:vryrnlmur{T fi nu,t 16'uri b.ol ndnqn: ::.a5.vlu.u:tfia (Command and GenErat Staff for Officers of Friend Nations: CCEMIONA) rsrjyt.tnl o {l (i{nrurlr_lrqinn) b.b ud'nqn: ::.uruio€Jyi141:un u:lfia (Military Academy) ivtler'ta't a fl fid'nrrsr hJ:qrn*) b.en rafnqri:ni',r{drqrns;ss#r?ai b rf,eu (r€cudugru riouis,nfrnulrn#nqn:du} b.d u*'nqm:n']:firwlqfl0ri1aai (lnternationat Course for Strategic Studies : CiEE) :stJvr'l*i oc drlnrri 0{nT urdlnqui U.e rndnqn:lttue{ (lntemationa[ Cyber Defense Trainee for Ofticers of Friend t latiorrsi ts tivr"tel u f,rjsrrri ftfin"r t*rdr n qr:r/nnlu) h.b fi#flqa:nrtrlfriffinr:1urJr (lntemationat Cor-rrse of Operations in thc Jtinslc : CCIS) :rssnnr sr ftJnrd (l.*'nrtrT dlnqtr) m. :-i r:r8$ f firreFi rltid r rj m.o ?lu.u?rta tdtdtihtnriuaquvnrntrQuuriegi{riun'rtfinur lprurlrulvruffifr'o1 qireiriuGau rde r#uo *{ r rG uy'rr ri rdd'n ua rdrld'ci, $du ldrd ur{o*ar n.b ?ru.u:'i€a qct#n'l:ariuarlurda{nr:ina"l}rarurnuns6'norv'r:nnrq{ulfi"iu *dd4 ?it+,tiln't:flnB'] lsr,.m llifiriT ... .: , -ltn_ ffi .n lrifi a'rs::illfistnr:fr nur srr.d rayrlvr.{dnqn::yuu#u ncfidfi'nt*'eirufurlnriuu *rfhlorqruiurtri'rjr{fufinr:rl l{rhi$n::ur{re ,n iI-i'rl,'dUilft t':rufralnf : T c. o fi 1 0 fi 0.t vtinfi ot :rJ : s ril n fi n r ua fi n :1 q q ulq dndv n lfifi r r nlrr r s a s r d er il : v n a u ud'nqn: u#ru{cnfi:1il:setfiuutitt{oir Retcao do oferta de Vagas (RoV 2019) r"a'ed ltr.u:r€n scldfiq't:mt-nsr.iue runr:finureiruiuil uauk, tf.rfi nr:u{'.rnrrur.J:ca.:rid'.rnrirrei.s'iri'kiriJun.r: 9ri:o.:drqeldYunr:q-flar:drf.ripredniurifi rn:rcrvfrarfinr:fim:surlunrn:rlrdne{r Tprursfrlr:c,i.r s Jrie qffa::Y?uallJ Fr.Fl.bo d.te viu.u:"l€n tolfr flu.trltvl.vn{"i:r at{fruuuur,lsilu{.rnrT:Ld:ca{ri Rov 2019 sr'*rtu e'e fi.n.ue c. lunT:E{rtfiunr:nrutrtYu au.^n.yrl4'rr"1 .,rotl:ca1u1fi arc.auru.nu. $?.yr14,rr ti?.11u. n:Eurfrqr:urri?Ttdo{nr:ud'n4n:*avu{'r1# 6u.6lryl.yt14trr fl:run'iutu c fr-n.co, ,rlorru:x31 *nssl"rlfiut'nflrtt0nar:giatU Inwob{${cflavnt email da.br:asitia6gmait.com *as chaipo;-ngfrarf"mi.t6 fi .:ri$uilrido n! ru1fr q.r5 ru.rritfi un'l:sietu l*- ( qYe*r: innot*g ) a$il.?1141: lyru/u:rfi 6 u ! MINISTRY OF DEFENCE BRAZILIAII ARIVIY ARMY GENERAL STAFF QGEx - Block 'A' - l.lrban Military Sector - I]rasilia (DIr) - CllrP 70(r3(J-90 | PHONE (0xx6l) 3415-6607 - FAX (0xx6l) 3415-5339 Official Letter No 1820-SLA / 5 SCh / EME EB: 64535.043993 /2017 -l 3 URGENT Brasifia, November 20, 2017 . Military attach6s All Friendly Nations Military Attach6s accredited in Brazil Foreign Embassies in Brazil 7000-000 Brasilia - DF Subject available vacancies in courses and internships in the Brazilian Army (ROV) for 2019 Attachi, L I forward to your Excellency the list ot'available vacancies (Rt)V) allorved by Army General Staff (EME) to courses and intemships in the Brazilian Army for Friendly Nations in 20l9 remembered that: a. The list of available vacancies (ROV) attached is to check the number of places that the Friendly Nation is interested to apply in the courses and intemships ofthe Brazilian Army to 2019; b. After filled the ROV/2019 it should be returned to EME: c. Applications for vacancies do not guarantee that requests will be done, and d. The vacancies offered through the Bilateral Conference of Staffor other arrangements lvith Brnzilinn Anny, must be confirmed in filling thc ROV. 2. On the above I request that your Excellency answer the ROV/2019 and indicate the vacancies of interest of this Friendly Nation to EME until March 15, 2018. Respectfully, CASSIO MURILO GARCIA COUTII\IHO - Colonel Head ofthe Attachd Liaison Section MINISTRY OF DEFENCE BRAZILIAFI ARMY ARMY GENERAL STAFF VACANCIES IN ARMY COURSES TO FRIBNDLY NATIONS MILITARY 1. TRAINING COURSE FOR OFFICIAL . Held at Military Academy of Agulhas Negras (AMAN) - Resende / RJ; . Duration of 04 (fours) years. [t is necessary to inform the branch or Service (lnfantry, Cavalry, Artillery, Communications, Engineering, Ordnance and Quartermaster) to be attended. 2. COURSE ENHANCEMENT OF OFFICERS . Realized at Squadron Officer School (EsAO) - Rio de Janeiro / Rl; . The course runs for one (01) years; . specification of Branch / Sector / Service is required. 3. COURSE OF COMMAND AND STATE FOR HTGHER OFFICIAL OF F'RIEND NATI()NS . Held in the School of Command and General Staffof the Army (ECEME) - Rio de Janeiro / RJ; . The course lasts for one (01) years; 4. GRADUATION, MASTER'S AND DOCTORAL . Finished in the Military Institute of Engineering (IME) - Rio de Janeiro / RI; . Duration of 05 (five) years (undergraduate), 02 (two) years (Masters) and 03 (three) years (PhD); . the definition of the desired skill is required; . The student should bring a resurrre artd sclrcul grades. 5. PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE TEST . The language test used is the DIAGNOSTIC TEST OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE, the be applied to all applicants except those originating from the Portuguese-speaking countries; . The test is not exclusionary and will be applied by the Brazilian Ernbassy; 6. STAGE OF PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE AND AMBIANCE (ETPA) . Will be provided to students from nations that do not adopt the Portuguese language; . The Plan of Courses and Foreign Military Training for the Brazilian Army (PCEMEEB) list the concessions as well, contain the timetable; ' The internship will take place in the CEP (Centre fbr the Study of Personnel - Duque de Caxias), located in Leme, Rio de Janeiro / RJ, prior to the intended course. 7. MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL EXAMS a. Mandatory for the candidates nominated for tho courscs takcn in thc tollowing Schools: . Military Academy of Agulhas Negras (AMAN) - Resende / RJ; . School Improvement Weapons Sergeants (EASA) - Cruz Alta / RS; . lnstruction Center Jungle War (CIGS) - Manaus / AM; . Instruction Center Parachutist General Penha Brazil (CIPqdtGPB) - Rio de Janeiro / RJ, and . College of Physical Education of the Army (EsEFEx) - Rio de Janeiro / Rf . b. The evidence of examinations Physical Fitness will be specified and disclosed in the document itself (Information Sheet for Candidate Training Course or not Belonging to EB - Annex "E"), upon approvalof the Plan of Courses and Intemships for Foreign Mi litary the Army Bras i leiro/20 I 9 (PC E-EB 120 l9). c. The tests in question have exclusionary character. 8. REQUESTS FOR VACANCTES . Each Friend Nation shall request the exact number of required parking spaces in Nr column requested vacancies, constant RELATIONSHIP OF COURSES OFFERED TO TrrE FRIEND NATrONStz0lg (ROV/2019).
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