THE PREDICATOR ConRtructlun Specifications Instltulfl \ lol. .2~ Nn . l ,o.:;c ptom ""'' Hl"ll'l IJ.2G SF. Madlson,Ihn 200 Portland, OH !l7.2l4 .2:Jti-1402 FROM THE PRESIDENT CSI OUR25TH \'EAR AWt\lUJS OINNJ.t:H, Margie Largent SEPTEMBER PROGRJ\M .June U, Hl85 l\l</J'\fU'~~: 'Tl lE "IIIIS!NJ~;s" OF I\IK'l ll'l'f('J111,.I : Don h' 1l lu11 , lh1 i1m111 /\1,.1Jrd q l't 11111• 1, .1,1r1,• 11, I 111 , "/Ill l n00.l ill <' ,I W,1 1 I" , t11rl i1 rCX>l. don 't· 11r-pr! , 111 " ' c l, l l f'C I , " S l'J·:C I /II, /\\•~11 'I 1:,: /\ f)Jll"l ('01:;i :,t1 11q uf .J 1c h[L('('t ~. , (L11<11' H1 1y /\ I t c·•• llul ,·11111-, 1·.,t t\•1111 1111u11 1 1 lirrn - :.1n,1JI Jir ni ), 1l1rir hu -. in<"l!' 11~111.1•1" 1 .~~1nlvrshq• ,.r l1'·• · 1" 1· , p 1(Yh1 c l io 11 pt:'<11LL• , spcciUc,1~ion wt r t,., :, , 11,. l'•·t k1 J, 1Il , .. ,t11, 1, ,11111111, d ,111• l c<i.tl cxiunc i l ,1nd rn tcrio r rlcsi qn dC'p,11 l 1°,1', l!V"'ll l S . i'-\l llfJ• \ l o1 1t1L'lll, ,'~ ·1d ~ir • • t\'ll"f" I I LStOty . C.'oJIIC' li::L•.•n 10 Lhc p.:i llcr .iml c hJltt' L tlr. 1l. Cl·Jfl' I F IC/\'l'I; r Jl·' 1WI 'HW l/1'1' It 1N: goes Lhc of your p 1u­ on in inner o Cf icC':7 L!ob Kl.l'; , t\111 1111· 1,•d :;t1J'I "' I. fc::;::; i 011i1 I lll('ll~)Cr s . Hunt , J(.l r,P~; , ::i,, v 1,·,, , l'J.Y I l , JdL\.jllt'!t , l 1u .<1tll.llC~, c.., st: [bn HJJl C:.t 01 1 Bl'UC\ • 'l\.)~vni;nt 1c I , Pt l < luct ,; l·'.t il llill Mcrri t l c)i._1 i I 11\"III, J l ccl rea ll y good aoouL lx:111,J lbbcr L l·:Vc11so11 s Ken !.i001 I , L'l.'!;, I\~; 0'/ K!:, your "non- l c.:i rful" leade r t h i ~; Jack llroane 25th (Si l ve r· ) nnni vernary y, •,11 EDUCJ\'l'ION /\W/IIUJ: IJrooks 0.1nsu l ~'I i I I 1~un l---k_1 t 1 1 LI , !._;,,111i 1i. 11 !i, of Lhc lounclinq of the l'l:irtl,uvl .:incl others L'C01'1·l U\'J' I ON ;\l'V\HI l : Ch.:ipLcr. IL i;ccns approrri i.lLL' 1 Oowl et & J\!-j~()(" ldtt••. , l tnh 1('l 1, F11 I l , t o hove a prC's icJQJ1L whose 11, urv.· DatP: ·n,urs ., SepL. 12 , l<JU 'i L'O-JS'l'HULT ION /\1-1/\l(ll: ll'CclnG s il ve 1 , , lllrl t o hl!VC' d Time : S: J0 - 6: J0 soci al IIOt.1r Ol'KM L'on•:l I l ll' 1(•11 , I 11", si lvcr- h,.1irl'd rw.• rnl ~ r (~1, 1y 6: 30 - 7:J0 Di nner IJ1 ock.nnJJ ~ .1.,, •JP• , I 11v. /\ I.lee I lutchinn I win .:i s i I vc:r ­ 7: JO - 'J: 00 Progr.un L'O-JSTHUl ' l'J r)N c·tu1l·"l~ ~VIN!;111 I' /\WI\IU l: pl.atccl wedding G'MJrd .:it Lhc Pl DCC: Wes Lin llenoon llotel Rn I ph N,, I ' "<.Jli N.:itiona J Conve ntion Lo h<tVL' l'UDI.ICJ\'l'l l x-l /\\,;,\!<11 : handy LO cuL our onnivcn;;:r ry l"lSVP: C ; ! Of[i cC' ?.30- 1462 Le,: S<-c l,·y , 'I'll• · l't •'ltt·.itv r " l ilor, cnkcs ( sec yo u ScpL. I 2th) . 1-.\:' P.-:1ulct :--;.-..... l ...: \, A•;'".1 !,t i1nL tll 1, •~1 , ! rroy cot cake a 11 yc;lr /Ind PIU.::::i l lJl·N I' ':; l ' J·H'I' I FI l './\'l'E: with your hc l p we will h:ivc 11 NCJl'E : l'\Jl.icy on " 1'<'.:J -Shows" . l[ you .John l\.1rk, ·1, l'rnJu,·t u Fo1 ll ! oil vcr-oword winni ng ycu,r reset·ved a place at the di nne r 1'/\S'l' l')(l·~ IIJl·:N l' 'f: l\l~/\)(l l 1 n'CCting and don · t s hON up ( burri. ng 11 CSl j s an orgonizot ion of llctly flc I l1o,1XX:I, J•rc•[;. 11/US broke n leg) you wi l I be btl lc'Cl. In volunteers. JC you wont Lo the pas t the Portland Ch,1ptcr has work on ony co m,i ttce, aopiro picked up the s lack . 'I11c si tua LI on to being on the Board, wish to LIAISON i s getting c t:.i.tica l und it i s not write for 'Jhc Predicator, pro­ fa ir to the mErnbcrs hJ p. Thi t. rroncy Gary Zu,l(olow, Chulr1111111 duce or participate ln o cnn be better used e I s..:-whe re . program, c Lc . , e t c . , p lcm;o 'L11c prJ11nry tunc t· .1 r >11 u f th., J. l <1, ::l >11 call me or the oppropriat,· can­ lt J. a i1ni::,crnt.ivc t hnt you ccnw cL c c.11nl t tee i :: to ,r,.'~• L with 1'11< · /\l'lc' rnittcc head lintccl Jn 11,c rrr•­ the CSl oft'lc,, flt :.D0- 1462 no Inter .loint. Ccm nit 1, ,,. (c 1:x_·n, /\I/\, C<: t, dicator. Lha n 5: 00 1~11 the oven Ing rrio r Lo /ICC) . Ot hu I l'C.11111 LLL l•f' ) 1 ll l t.Ufl 11'1 11~~, '1 • I Planning i!.i co::.icr wi th u t he dinner rooct i ng t o conco I your ;11·, , /\ rch r t1...~·t 11,v-., 1-'1 ;:lv ·t , greate r nurd:x~r o( reoour.D.Ju ru,cJ rcccrv,1t io n! Su L1c t· ur<1 I t·~1q 1 11<'<.l t, .1,wk 'l\tl Lot , you a ll know that pl,:mnjng ia CCNl l rc1cl nr, Jc1lr11 UrockEt1111.,, I , ti ~)f)l'd),<' tlm "s \>Ord " o f success . WE /\rc:h 1 t e<.:t , lltti.clii Kuriw 1, l·:IL-eLru·1tl W/\Nr VOWNl'!;:l::R.5 , nnd espccin l I y l·)t<J tnc.,"r, C'(,rn l cl 1:1. , l 11n~y . vol unt eors who an, pe rni.stanL in t he fr vo lunt..eedng. It i :, hord to keep l j s t s of flcl/ll;!S , whccn t he operational turnov•~r i s an a nnual event. flbt one o f us wants to overlook a membe r who wants to he l p , so if you ·v,? n~tioned to saneone, once, at • I noon a hosted CS! party perhaps , 9/ )/81 Bu l Id•<• fxt: h• n&• that you 're eager to be active i n CS I - and no response carre fron tJ1e president or the cami:i tt.ec 1,ead you can be s ure your nan-e wcnl to the I aundry with the suit, or on to Kodiak \ on t he back of Aunt .Jane ' s Mar gie Largent, Betty Bellwood letter , so keep volunteering . .. Award s progra~ , June 1985 CSJ needs YOU! Pagc2 The Prcdicalor Seplombcr, l!JSG CSI BOARD MEETING, CSI BOARD MEETING, Augusl 16, 1985 July 2 1 l!J85 Meeting brought to orde 1 12 : 06 pm l'-'eeting cal led to order r1 t 12:05 pn. at the I:lui l der ' s Ex c h,1ngc . Present: Largent, L.a t:ham , vloods , vrla , Luey , Jr1cques , Da vidson, Present were Marg i e Lar~c nt , Joe &irker, Walton , Searl, Kl as, Wood s , Dennet Latham , Jim Lucy , Kill::ourn . Quorum present. Neal Jacques , Jolie Str ickl in , J o hn Meeting was scheduled to discuss Brockamp , Inga VrL:i , Dic k Gira , J im items which need to be budgeted, Davidso n, John Barke r, Le s Seel ey , planned and coordinated for caning Lee Kilbourn . year. 'f'nree budget i t ems ~.ere Cammi t t ee Repe r t s : Budget ; no brought up for discussion. r eport . Mcmberslup; Davidson said a S500 was approved to be budgeted for meeting i s schedu l ed , and should awards. Thi s increase incl udes the have something ne xt time . Awards ; no report . Prog rams; Joe Woods cost of longevity pins and award said a meeting i s sche duled for plagues. Monday, August 19 . Ma ry Boyd $1800 was approved to be budgeted absent. for t entative acquisition and Education ; no r e port. Products ) maintenance of a CSI Technical be Fair; no report . Pub! i cit y ; Joe Award winner Hary Al ice Hutchins Library . Resources on hand to Woods said committee wil l consist Award s program, June 1985 determined by member r esponse to a of Karen Akeson, Mary Boyd and Joe mailing which will go out soon. Woods. Publications ; Inga Vr l a r e ­ CSI BOARD ~IEETING, ~ruch discussion on the need for said quested all The Predicator submis­ July 16, 1985 library (who would use what info, sions be ma de t o he r o ffice.
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