Revolution No. 15 September 2018 50¢ You Can’t Fight Trump with the Democrats! Defeat the War on Immigrants Set Them Free, Let Them Stay! By Jacob gans about “American values,” Internationalist photo posting memes about the Statue Thousands of children were of Liberty and pretending the ripped from their parents’ arms, anti-immigrant onslaught began some as young as five years old. with the raving bigot Trump. Not Tears streamed down their faces us. Revolutionary Marxists tell as Customs and Border Protec- the truth: this capitalist society tion agents dragged them away. has always coined profit from In “protective custody” they human misery. It is a system in faced abuse and, in some instanc- terminal decay. Its barbarism and es, torture. Their parents were cruelty against the oppressed, shipped off to immigration jails here and around the world, con- where they awaited deportation. tinue to escalate, under both Their “crime”? Seeking refuge Democrats and Republicans. from deadly violence in countries We need to put an end to it, by devastated by U.S.-sponsored fighting for socialist revolution. wars, pillage and gang violence Young activists who want to de- imported from the U.S. “I can’t feat the anti-immigrant onslaught go without my son,” pleaded Elsa need a revolutionary program. Johana Ortiz as she was forced Key to this is bringing the huge onto a plane deporting her to potential power of the multiracial Guatemala. “I feel like I’m going Internationalist contingent at June 30 march in NYC against separation of immigrant families. working class into the fight. to die. I feel powerless,” said An- Harrowing images of kids in cages, and re- of youth in the U.S. have been asking them- On April 6, Attorney General Jeff Ses- gélica, another Guatemalan migrant whose ports of these children being stripped, bound, selves: What kind of society do we live in, sions announced a “zero-tolerance policy” 8-year-old daughter was snatched away at beaten, sedated and sexually abused in for- that inflicts this kind of cruelty on defenseless for “attempted illegal entry and illegal en- an Arizona detention facility (New York profit detention centers exposed the myth that children and their parents? try into the United States by an alien” (sic). Times, 17 and 21 June). “A family was sepa- this is the “land of the free.” Large numbers Patriotic liberals wave the flag and slo- Sessions, a living Confederate monument to rated at the border, and this distraught father racist oppression, warned at a May 7 press took his own life,” wrote The Washington conference that “if you are smuggling [sic] Post (9 June) about Marco Antonio Muñoz, a child, then we will prosecute you and that an immigrant from Honduras. Smash I.C.E. with child will be separated from you as required One after another, such stories and im- by law.” (The “law” part was made up for the ages caused rage, anguish and indignation among millions of people across the country. Workers Revolution! continued on page 8 Imperialist “Murder & Torture Inc.” Targets Baruch: A Threat to Us All CIA Out of CUNY Now! The following is a leaflet distributed by CUNY’s diverse student body to further the the CUNY Internationalist Clubs and Revolu- CIA’s “mission” here and around the world. tionary Internationalist Youth at Baruch Col- Since mass opposition and revulsion Internationalist photo lege and other CUNY campuses, following against CIA crimes and infiltration pushed the revelation that the Baruch administration the murderous spy agency off campuses signed on to the CIA’s Signature Schools Pro- during the Vietnam War, the CIA was forced gram, which aims to recruit would-be spies to hide in the shadows at universities coast from colleges with “diverse” student bodies. to coast – but now it seeks to come back The Central Intelligence Agency – U.S. with a vengeance. Baruch (together with the imperialism’s infamous “Murder & Torture University of Illinois-Chicago and Univer- Inc.” – has made an agreement with the City sity of New Mexico) is to serve as a “pilot” University of New York’s Baruch College campus for this new CIA program targeting to implant agents and recruiters on campus. universities across the country. This is a huge national issue sharply escalat- Let’s be clear: the drive to make CUNY ing the drive to militarize the university and students, faculty and staff cogs in the impe- subjugate it to the dictates of the govern- rialist war machine is an attack on us all. ment. The CIA’s website (cia.gov) states that The CUNY Internationalist Clubs and Rev- “as part of CIA’s recruitment strategy,” Ba- olutionary Internationalist Youth call for ruch has been included in the spy agency’s massive protest and exposure to stop the Signature Schools Program. This would use CIA from making our university a base for Protest outside Board of Trustees meeting at John Jay College, March 19. continued on page 2 CIA at Baruch: A Threat, Not an “Honor” openness to receiv- Statement of the CUNY Internationalist Clubs and ing arms from the Soviet Union. The Revolutionary Internationalist Youth UN Photo/MB CIA used this as a The following is a leaflet responding Indonesia, Nicaragua and Vietnam. pretext for his as- to an opinion piece by Baruch student Da- Mr. Singh’s opinion piece was di- sassination in 1961. von Singh, in the college’s student news- rected against our leaflet titled “Imperialist All in the past? paper The Ticker. Our response was first ‘Murder & Torture Inc.’ Targets Baruch: Hardly. “Gina published on May 7 on the website of The A Threat to Us All – CIA Out of CUNY Haspel, Trump’s Ticker with a few changes by its editors, Now!” (see page 1). We distributed it to Choice for C.I.A.” including a different title. alert CUNY students, faculty and workers chief, “Played In his recent opinion piece (The Ticker, of the danger the CIA poses, and to call for Role in Torture 16 April), Davon Singh echoes the Central massive protest and exposure to defend all Program,” states Intelligence Agency’s marketing as he claims of CUNY against the spy agency’s attack. a New York Times that the CIA choosing Baruch “to take part Admitting that the CIA orchestrated (13 March) head- in its Signature School Program ... is a pres- military “coups” and other crimes in one line. Yet incred- tigious honor.” When announcing the deal, country after another, Singh adds that they ibly, Singh equates the Agency’s former director, immigrant- carried out “drugging of MKUltra sub- opposing the CIA basher Mike Pompeo, cynically claimed the jects,” trafficked “heroin and opium all as “an organiza- partnership would further “diversity.” Now over Southeast Asia” and use “enhanced in- tion” (or consider- Mr. Singh cites Baruch’s “ethnically diverse” terrogation techniques,” a/k/a torture. This ing it “evil,” in his composition to claim that “Baruch students is all “just business,” he says. It must be words) to espous- ing bigotry against Congo independence leader and prime minister Patrice must accept CIA’s presence.” No, students, accepted as part of “how the world works” Lumumba, 1960. faculty and staff at Baruch and CUNY should and “the price to pay for protection.” Muslims and Lati- oppose, protest and stop this incursion. Its But just who does the CIA protect? And nos. Seriously? We all know that bigotry and unabated. The spy agency has carried on goal is to further the sinister work of the spy who pays the price? In 1952, Guatemalan attacks against Muslims, Latinos and so many its murderous work under successive pres- agency, which seeks to weaponize campuses president Jacobo Arbenz signed a land-re- others are spewed from and put into practice idents, Democratic and Republican, since its founding in 1947. Meanwhile, the fact to serve imperialism, not “diversity.” It is a form bill making it easier for the rural poor by the highest levels of the U.S. government. that Trump’s nominee to head the CIA has threat to our sisters and brothers around the to get small plots of land to help feed them- And as our leaflet noted, Muslim-bashing is a “record of torture” is not a “deal-breaker” world. It is a danger to us all at CUNY, and to selves and their families. The United Fruit how former CIA chief, Mike Pompeo, now for Democrats, the media has reported. our largely immigrant families, part of New Company (now Chiquita), Guatemala’s larg- Trump’s Secretary of State, made his name. The Baruch administrators who kept the York City’s multiracial working class. est landlord, said no. In 1954, the CIA (head- Latin America and Muslim-majority coun- CIA deal secret from faculty and students Some of these dangers were discussed ed by major United Fruit shareholder Allen tries are among the CIA’s primary targets. until it was signed and sealed may hope for at the April 24 teach-in organized by the Ba- Dulles) helped engineer Arbenz’s overthrow. Our leaflet quoted the CIA’s memoran- unawareness about what the CIA is, its histo- ruch chapter of the faculty and staff union. Their property was protected and poor Gua- dum of understanding with Baruch, includ- ry and its role today. Students at Baruch and A faculty member described how the Ba- temalan farmers paid the price: decades of ing references to “simulations,” and asked throughout CUNY should indignantly reject ruch-CIA affiliation “puts populations I military dictatorship, which slaughtered over if prospective recruits would be spying on their classmates.
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