MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) PUBLIC DOCUJ\iENTS OF MAINE: BEING THE It ANNUAL REPORTS OF VARIOUS PUBLIC OFFICERS AND INSTITUTIONS FOR THE YEAR • 1867-8. -... - AUGUSTA: OWEN & NASH, PRINTERS TO THE STATE, 1868. -- --~--------~-~- MAINE LEGISLATIVE MANUAL. 1868. COMPILED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE SENA.TE A.ND CLERK OP THE HOUSE, AUGUSTA.: OWEN & NASH, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1868. STATE OF MAINE. IN SENATE, February 24, 1868. ORDERED, That the Secretary of the Senate be directed to prepare a Legislative Manual for 1868, containing a. diagram of the Senate Chamber and the usual statistical matter, and that three hundred copies be printed for the use of the Senate. THOMAS P. CLEAVES, Secretary. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, March 5, 1868. ORDERED, That the Clerk of the House be directed to prepare a. Legislative Manual for 1868, containing the usual statistical matter, rules and diagram of the House, and cause the usual number of copies of the same.. to be published for the use of the House. S. J. CHADBOURNE, Clerk. CONTENTS. PA.GE, Civil Government, • 1 Heads of Departments, 2 Sena tors by Districts, 3 Senate of Maine, 4 Representatives by Counties, 5 Bouse of Representatives, 9 Rules of the Senate, 13 Rules of the House, 19 Joint Rules of the two Houses, 29 Memoranda, 33 Standing Committees of the Senate, 35 Special Committee of the Senate, • 36 Standing Committees of the House, 36 Joint Standing Committees, 39 Joint ~elect Committees, 46 Executive and Legislative Officers of Maine from the organization of the State, 49 Judiciary of Maine, 52 Table showing the Tuesdays on which the several terms of the Supreme Judicial Court are to commence, • 54 Superior Court, Cumberland County, 54 Reporters of Decisions, 55 United States Senatore, 56 Representatives in Congress from Maine, 56 State Institutions, • 58 County Officers, 60 Councillor Districb!, 64 Length of Sessions of Legislature, 65 United States Government, • 67 State Governments, • 68 Congressional Apportionment, 70 Senatorial Apportionment, • 72 Representative Apportionment, 74 iv CONTENTS. PAGE, State Valuation of 1860, 80 Census of 1850 and 1860, 100 Presidential Vote of 1864, 112 Presidential Vote of Maine_from 1820 to 1864, 122 Governor Vote of 1867, 123 Gubernatorial Vote of Maine from 1820 to 1867, 134 Congressional Vote of 1866, 137 Senatorial Vote of 1867, 146 Educational Institutions, 156 Bowdoin College, 156 Medical School of Maine, 159 Colby University, 161 Bates College, 163 Theological Seminary, 164 State Normal Schools, 166 Newspapers in Maine, 168 Declaration of Independence, 170 Proclamation of Emancipation, 174 Constitution of the United States, • 176 Constitution of Maine, 192 CIVIL GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF MAINE, FOR THE POLITICAL YEAR 1868. GOVERNOR: JOSHUA 1. CHA~IBERLAIN, OF BRUNSWICK. COUNCILLORS: HENRY c. REED. NORWAY. JOSEPH A. SANBORN, READFIELD. GEORGE W. RANDALL. PORTLAND. ELIAS MILLIKEN, BURNHAM. DANIEL HOLLAND, LEWISTON, EPHRAIM FLINT, DOVER, DANIEL K. HOBART, DENNYSVILLE. FRANKLIN M. DREW, BRUNSWICK, Secretary of State. PRENTISS M. FOGLER, AUGUSTA, .1.lfessenger to Governor and Council. GOVERNOR'S STAFF: SELDEN CONNER. FAIRFIELD, THOMAS W. HYDE, BATH. GEORGE VARNEY, BANGOR, JOHN M. BROWN' PORTLAND, HEADS o:F DEPARTMENTS. SECRETARY OF STATE, FRANKLIN M. DREW, Brunswick. Deputy Secretary-GEORGE G. STACY, Kez~r Falls. Chief Clerk-J.AMES R. MILLIKEN, Portlal).d, TREASURER OF STATE, N.ATH.AN G. HIOIIBORN. Stockton. Chief' Clerk-WILLIAM CALDWELL, Augusta. ADJUTANT GENERAL .A.ND ACTING QUARTERMASTER GENERAL, JOHN C. tJ.ALDWELL, Ellsworth. Chief Clerk-NAPOLEON TRUDEAU. ATTORNEY GENERAL, WILLIAM P. FRYE, Lewiston. LAND AGENT. PARKER P. BURLEIGH, Linneus. REPORTER 01' DECISIONS OF s. J. COURT, WILLIAM WIRT VIRGIN, Norway. SUPERINTENDENT OF COMMON SCHOOLS, WARRE:\. JOHNSON, Topsham. STATE LIBRARIAN, JOSEPH '.r. WOODWARD, Sidney. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS, BENJAMIN F. HARRIS, Machias. STATE ASSAYER. GEORGE L. GOOD.ALE, Saco. BANK AND INSURANCE EXAMINER, ALBER'r W. PAINE, Bangor. RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS, ASA W. WILDES, Skowhegan. SOLOMON T. CORSER, Portland. SAMUEL H. BLAKE, Bangor. INSPECTOR GENERAL BEEF AND PORK. DANIEL WINSLOW, Westbrook. INSPECTOR GENERAL OF FrsH. THOMAS WARREN, Deer Isle. AGENT PENOBSCOT TRIBE INDIANS. GEORGE F. DILLINGHAM, Oldtown. AGENT PASSAMAQUODDY TRIBE INDIANS. GEORGE F. WADSWORTH, Eastport. Window. Fire-place. Window. JOSIAH CROSBY, President. Robie of 20 Cumberland. Taos. P. c LEAVES, SAiI'L W, LANE, Secretary. Ass't Seot'y. r:i 0 "O rn z~ -'1 t P::i f ~ j rn .... J:i1 ::,;i ~ ,..,,-'1 ~ SENATE CHAMBER. ]868. JABEZ lHARRWFR, Stove. Messenger. - Stove. , Door. Door. SEN AT ORS. JOSIAH CROSBY, PRESIDENT. COUNTIES, DISTRICTS, NAMES, RESIDENCE, YORK, First, JAMES M. BURBANK, Saco. _AUGUSTUS D. MERROW, Acton. GEORGE GOODWIN, Wells. CUMBERLAND, Second, FREDERICK ROBIE, Gorham. LUKE BROWN, Bridgton. FRED. G. MESSER, Portland. JEREMIAH MITCHELL, Pownal. OXFORD, Third, JONAS GREENE, Peru. JOHN G. HAMBLIN, Lovell. ANDROSCOGGIN, Fourth, MANDEVILLE T. LUDDEN, Turner. FRANKLIN, Fifth, JOSEPH W. FAIRBANKS, Farmington. SAGADAHOC, Sixth, FREDERICK J. PARKS, Phipsburg. KENNEBEC, Seventh, , JOSEPH T. WOODWARD, Sidney, JOHN L. STEVENS, Augusta. WILLIAM B. SNELL, Monmouth. SOMERSET, Eighth, ISAAC DYER, Skowhegan. STEPHEN D. LINDSEY, Norridgewock. PISCATAQUIS, Ninth, SUMNER A. PATTEN, Monson. PENOBSCOT, Tenth, JOSIAH CROSBY, Dexter. ISAIAH STETSON, Bangor. ,JOHN GARDNER, Patten. LINCOLN, Eleventh, E. WILDER FARLEY, Newcastle. KN ox, Twelfth, EDWARD ·K. O'BRIEN, Thomaston. MOSES R. MATTHEWS, Warren. WALDO, Thirteenth, NATHAN PIERCE, Montville. AMOS PITCHER, Northport. HANCOCK, Fourtee~th, ALEXANDER FULTON, Bluebill. JOSEPH H. WEST, Franklin, WASHINGTON, Fifteenth, PARTMON HOUGHTON, Eastport. GEORGE WINGATE, Cherryfield. AROOSTOOK, Sixteenth, DAVID DUDLEY, Presque Isle. .. SEN ATE OF MAINE. JOSIAH CROSBY, PRESIDENT. THOMAS P. CLEAVES, SECRETARY, SENA.TORS, RESIDENCE. P, 0, ADDRESS, BOARDING-PLACE, Luke Brown, Bridgton, North Bridgton, J, J. Fuller. James M. Burbank, Saco, Saco, Augusta House. Josiah Crosby, Dexter, Dexter, Mrs. Scruton. David Dudley, Presque Isle, Presque Isle, Mr~. Fisk. Isaac Dyer, Skowhegan, Skowhegan, Mansion House. Joseph W. Fairbanks, Farmington, Farmington, Mansion House. E. Wilder Farley, Newcastle, Newcastle, Mansion House. Alexander Fulton, Bluehill, Bluehill, Augusta House. John Gardner, Patten, Patten, Mrs. Shaw. George Goodwi{!, Wells, Wells Depot, Augusta House. Jonas Greene, Peru, Peru. B. F. Harmon. John G. Hamblin, Lovell, Lovell Centre, Mrs. Fowler. Partmon Houghton, Eastport, Eastport, Augusta House. Stephen D. Lindsey, Norridgewock, Norridgewock, Mansion House. Mandeville T. Ludden, Turner, Turner, Augusta House. Moses R. Matthews, Warren, ·warren, Mansion House, Augustus D. Merrow, Acton, .Acton, Augusta House • Fred. G. Messer, Portland, Portland, Augusta House. Jeremiah Mitchell, Pownal, West Pownal, Central House. Edward K. O'Brien, Thomaston, Thomaston, Mansion House. Sumner A. Patten, Monson, Monson, Mrs. Lemont. Frederick J. Parks, Phipsburg, Winnegance, Mrs. Lemont. Nathan Pierce, Montville, Centre Montville, Mrs. Fowler. Am~s Pitcher, Northport, Belfast, Mrs. Fowler. Frederick Robie, Gorham, Gorham, Augusta House. William B. Snell, Monmouth, Monmouth, Mrs. Scruton. Isaiah Stetson, Bangor, Bangor, Augusta House. John L. Stevens, Augusta, Augusta, At Home. Joseph H. West, Franklin, Franklin, Augusta House. George Wingate, Cherryfield, Cherryfield, Mrs. Chase. Joseph T. Woodward, Sidney, West Sidney, Miss Longfellow. OFFICERS. NA.ME A.ND OFFICE, P. O. ADDRESS, .BOARDING-PL.ACE. JOSIAH CROSBY, President, Dexter, Mrs. Scruton. THOMAS P. CLEAVES, Secretary, Brownfield, Mrs. Fowler. SAMUEL W. LANE, Assistant Secretary, Augusta, At Home. J A.BEZ MARRINER, Messenger, Portland, Otis W. Turner. JAMES H. BA.NKS, Assistant Messenger, Freeport, Mr. Williams. HERBERT M. HEATH, Folder, Gardiner, At Home. J. WILLARD GREENE, Page, Peru, B. F. Harmon • . REUEL SMALL, Reporter, Aubyrn, Mr. Chandler. • REPRESENTATIVES BY COUNTIES. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. CLARK, GEORGE A. Lewiston. DINGLEY, NELSON, JR. Lewiston. ESTES, ISRAEL K. Lisbon. FESSENDEN, T. A. D •• Auburn. FIELD, DANIEL, Danville. HAM. JOEL, Wales. LEADBETTER, WALLACE R. • Leeds. SHURTLEFF, SYLVAN G. Livermore. AROOSTOOK COUNTY. CUNNINGHAM, JAMES, Crystal Plantation. DICKEY, WILLIAM, Fort Kent. PERRY, HENRY 0. Mars Hill. STIMPSON, FREDERICK W.. Linneus, TEAGUE JUDAH D. Lyndon. WEED, JOHN R. Littleton. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. BRIGGS, JOHN A. Freeport. CRAM, MARSHALL, Brunswick. CHASE, GRANVILLE M. Portland. DUREN, DAVID, Casco. FILES, ALBION P. Gorham. FOSTER N. A •• Portland. GIBBS, CHARLES E. Bridgton. GOOLD, GEORGE, Windham. HENLEY, GEORGE F. • Cape Elizabeth. LOBDELL, ISAAC, • Pownal. McKENNEY, CHARLES A. Sebago. MERRILL, G, T. Gray. MORRIS, CHARLES J .• Portland. NASON, WILLIAM, Raymond. NORTON, JAMES, Baldwin. REED, THOMAS B. JR. Portland. STEVENS, CHARLES B. Westbrook. TRUE, MOSES, • North Yarmouth. 6 LEGISLATIVE MANUAL. FRANKLIN COUNTY. FROST, JOHN, .•• Industry. HACKETT, ·EPHRAIM, • Freeman. NOYES, STfLLMAN, Jr. Jay. TALBOT, ASA T. Avon. TARBOX, STILLMAN, • Farmington. HANCOCK COUNTY. BLAISDELL, HUMPHREY M . • Otis. BUCK, JOHN A. Orland. DOANE, ELIJAH S. Sullivan. HALE,
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