LIST OF FELLOWS OF THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Names of Officers and Members of Council are printed in SMALL CAPITALS. Those marked * have compounded for their Annual Subscriptions. Abbott, H. A., B.A., The College, Chester. Abbot, J. V., 27 Dunstanville Terrace, Falmouth. * Ackers, B. St. John, Huntley Manor, Gloucester. Aiya, V. Nagam, B.A., Tirumalai Lodge, Trivandrum, Travancore, S. India. Aiyangar, S. Krishnasvam, Chamarojendrapet, Bangalore City, S. India. * Alexander, L. C, Holly Lodge, Upper Park Field, Putney. Allen, Rev. G. C, M.A., Cranleigh School, Surrey. * Amherst, The Right Hon. Earl, Montreal, Sevenoaks, Kent. Anderson, John H., 5 Lexham Gardens, S.W. Anthony, Charles. Armstrong, Edward, M.A., Queen's College, Oxford. Artus, A. L., 11 Emperor's Gate, S.W. * Ashcombe, Lord, 123 St. George's Square, Pimlico, S.W. Ashley, Percy, M.A., 8 Sarre Road, West Hampstead, N.W. Astley, Rev. H. J. Dukinfield, M.A., Litt.D., F.R.S.L., East Rudham Vicar- age, King's Lynn. Atkinson, C. T., M.A., Exeter College, Oxford. *Auden, Miss Henrietta M., Condover Vicarage, Shrewsbury. AVEBURY, The Right Hon. Lord, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.L.S., 6 St. James's Square, S.W. Backhouse, Jonathan E., Bank, Darlington. Baer, S. L., Hochstrasse 6, Frankfort-on-Main. *Baguley, Henry, 6 Park Road, Wandsworth, S.W. Bagwell, R., J.P., D.L., Marlfield, Clonmel. Baker, James, Sewelle Villa, Clifton, Bristol. Balfour, J. A., Kelvindare, Kelvinside, Glasgow, N.B. Ballinger, John, Librarian, Public Libraries, Cardiff. Banks, Mrs. M. M., 19 Arkwright Road, Hampstead, N.W. Barnard, F. P., M.A., F.S.A., F.S.A.Scot., Bilsby House, near Alford, Lincolnshire. * Barnard, John. Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. INSEAD, on 22 Sep 2018 at 09:17:55, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0080440100016406 •»•* LIST OF FELLOWS 3O3 •Barrett, T. Squire, M.A.I., F.Z.S., F.S.S., F.R.B.S., 18 Millfield Road, Appleton-in-Widnes. Bartlett, Franklin, 82 Times Buildings, New York. Bates, Octavius I., The Old Parsonage, Hampstead Norreys, Newbury. Baxter, WynneE., F.R.G.S., 170 Church Street, Stoke Newington. Bayley, A. R., B.A., St. Margaret's, Imperial Road, Great Malvern. Beavon, Rev. A, B., M.A., Greyfriars, Leamington. BEAZLEY, CHARLES RAYMOND, M.A., F.R.G.S., Merton College, Oxford, and 27 Norham Road, Oxford. Benson, Arthur Christopher, M.A., Magdalen College, Cambridge. Bethell, G., 11 Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W. • Bevington, Colonel S. R., Neckinger Mills, Bermondsey, S.E. Billing, Rev. F. A., D.D., 7 St. Donatt's Road, New Cross, S.E. Bolam, Rev. C. E., 1 Greeston Place, Munster Yard, Lincoln. Bowman, J. N., M.A,, Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. Boynton, Thomas, Norman House, Bridlington Quay, Yorks. *Brackenridge, George Washington, San Antonia, Texas, U.S.A. Braikenridge, William Jerdone, 16 Royal Crescent, Bath. BRIGHT, Rev. JAMES FRANCK, D.D., Master of University College, Oxford. Briscoe, John Potter, F.R.S.L., Public Libraries, Nottingham. Bristol, The Right Rev. the Bishop.of, The Palace, Bristol. Britten, Col. John, 106 Cambridge Gardens, North Kensington, W. »Brocklehurst, Septimus, F.R.G.S., Olinda, Aigburth Drive, Sefton Park, Liverpool. Brough, William S., Fowlchurch, Leek, Staffordshire. Brown, H. G., 4 Blandford Gardens, Leeds. Browne, Harold E. G., 15 Kingsgate Street, Winchester. BROWNING, OSCAR, M.A., King's College, Cambridge. Bryce, The Right Hon. James, M.P., British Embassy, Washington, U.S.A. Buchanan, William Frederick, F.R.G.S., Union Club, Sydney, New South Wales. Burd, L. A., M.A., Repton School, near Burton-on-Trent. Burghclere, The Lady, 48 Charles Street, W. Burton, Rev. E. H.. D.D., St. Edmund's College, Old Hall, Ware. *Busher, Rev. T. Story, B.A., F.C.S., Chestnut House, The Avenue, Alderley Edge, Cheshire. *Butt, Arthur N., London Institution, Finsbury Circus, E.C. Camidge, William, 36 Monkgate, York. Cape, H. J., M.A., The Grange, King's School, Canterbury. * Carington, H. H. Smith, Grangethorpe, Rusholme. Carlyle, Rev. A. J., University College, Oxford. , Carlyle, E. I., M.A., Merton College, Oxford. Carnell, George Frederick, Sevenoaks. CHADWYCK-HEALEY, C. E. H., K.C., 119 Harley Street, W. Chadwyck-Healey, G. E., K.C., M.A., 20 Rutland Gate, S.W. * Chance, James Frederick, M.A., 30 Lennox Gardens, S. W. * Chancellor, E. Beresford, M.A., F.R.H.S., 29 Elm Park Gardens, S.W. Chapman, J. J., M.A., Oakfield, Hitchin, Herts. Cheney, A. D., Lympne, Hythe, Kent. * Chase, George B. Childs, Horatio, St. Martin's Northern Schools, Castle Street, Long Acre, W.C. Chorlton, Thomas, 32 Brazennose Street, Manchester. * Church, George Earl, F.R.G.S., 216 Cromwell Road, S. Kensington. Clapham, J. H., M.A., 13 Beechgrove Terrace, Leeds. Cobb, Cyril Stephen, B.C.L., M.A., F.R.G.S., 5 Cornwall Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. 5 Cockle, M. J. D., Craven House, Rydens Road, Walton-on-Thames. Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. INSEAD, on 22 Sep 2018 at 09:17:55, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0080440100016406 304 ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY Cooke, E. M., Tankerville, Kingston Hill, Surrey. Cooper, Rev. J. H., M.A., The Vicarage, Cuckfield, Sussex. Corbett, Rev. F. St. John, M.A., F.R.S.L., The Rectory, St. George's-in-the- East, E.C. * CORBETT, WILLIAM J., M.A., King's College, Cambridge. Corns, A. R., Public Library, Lincoln. Cotgreave, Alfred, 79 Havelock Road, Great Yarmouth. Courtauld, George, Cut Hedge, near Halstead, Essex. Cowell, Peter, Free Public Library, Liverpool. Coyajee, Professor J. C, B.A., LL.B., Wilson College, Chaupatti, Bombay, India. Cozens-Smith, E., F.S.S., 16 Kensington Square, W. Craik, Sir Henry, K.C.B., 5A Dean's Yard, Westminster, S.W. Crake, Rev. Edward E., Jevington Rectory, Polegate, Sussex. Crawford, the Right Hon. the Earl of, F.R.S., Haigh Hall, Wigan. Crawley, William John Chetwode, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.G.S., F.G.S., 3 and 4 Ely Place, Dublin. Cronin, Rev. H. S., M.A., Willowbrook, Chaucer Road, Cambridge. Crowe, F. J. W., " Marsden," Chichester. •CUNNINGHAM, The Ven. Archdeacon, D.D., LL.D., Trinity College, Cambridge. CURZON, The Right Hon. Lord, G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., The Priory, Reigate. Cuthell, Mrs. T. G., Frensham Grove, Farnham, Surrey. Dalton, Thomas M., Darlington, Camberley, Surrey. Dames, R. S. Longworth, 21 Herbert Street, Dublin. * Davids, Professor T. W. Rhys, LL.D., Harboro' Grange, Ashton-on-Mersey, Cheshire. Davies, Francis Robert, Hawthorn, Blackrock, Dublin. DAVIES, Rev. J. SILVESTER, M.A., F.S.A., Adelaide House, Forty Hill, Enfield. Davies {see Wyatt-Davies). Dawson, Rev. W., M.A., Susancourt, Loughton, Essex. Deas, J. A. C, Public Library, Sunderland. * Dees, Robert Richardson, The Hall, Wallsend, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Denham, Edward, 128 School Street, New Bedford, Mass. U.S.A. Derby, The Right Hon. the Earl of, 33 St. James's Square, S.W. Dilke, Right Hon. Sir C. W., Bt., M.P., 76 Sloane Street, S.W. * Dimelow, John Gartside, Landsmere, Palatine Road, Didsbury. Ditchburn, G. Hartley, The Cathedral, Manchester. Ditchfield, Rev. P. H., M.A., Barkham Rectory, Wokingham, Berks. Doble, C. E., 21 Winchester Road, Oxford. Doncaster, J. H., Birchfield, Abbeydale, Sheffield. Doyle, John A., Pendarren, Crickhowell. Dowding, W. L., 3 Kingsley Road, Cotham, Bristol. Dudden, Rev. F. H., M.A., Lincoln College, Oxford. * Eayrs, Rev. George, Zion Manse, Batley. Eckersley, James Carlton, M.A., F.R.G.S., F.S.S., Ashfield, Wigan, Lan- cashire. Edmundson, Rev. George, M.A., 11 Sumner Place, Onslow Square, S.W. * Edwin-Cole, James, Duca di Polignano, Swineshead Hall, near Boston, Lincolnshire. Eeles, F.C., 105 Adelaide Road, N.W. •Egerton, Professor H. E., M.A., 14 St. Giles, Oxford. * Elliot, John, Free Library, Wolverhampton. Elliott, W., M.A., 15 Alderson Road, Liverpool. Emery, John A., Ty Hyfryd, Cinderford, Gloucestershire. Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. INSEAD, on 22 Sep 2018 at 09:17:55, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0080440100016406 LIST OF FELLOWS 305 EVANS, Sir JOHN, K.C.B., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A., Britwell, Berkhampsted, Herts. * Evans, W., The Spring, Kenilworth, Warwickshire. * Ezard, Edward Henry, M.D., D.Sc, 220 Lewisham High Road, S.E. * Falkiner, C. Litlon, Mount Mapas, Killiney, co. Dublin. Feasey, Rev. H. J. P., O.S.B., St. Augustine's, Ramsgate. Felce, Ernest, 2 Kingsley Road, St. Stephen's, Norwich. Fenwick, Miss Susan F., 64 Kensington Park Road, W. 'Ferguson, Professor John, M.A., LL. D., University, Glasgow. * Ferrers, The Right Hon. Earl, Staunton Harrold, Melbourne, Derby. Figgis, Rev. J. Neville, M.A., Marnhull Rectory, Blandford, Dorset. FIRTH, CHARLES HARDING, M.A., LL.D., 2 Northmoor Road, Oxford. Fisher, H, A. L., M.A., 34 Norham Road, Oxford. Fitch, Edwin F., 66 Bishopsgate Street, E.C. * Fitzgerald, Major William George. FITZMAURICE, Lord EDMOND GEORGE, M.P., Leigh House, Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts. Fitzmaurice-Kelly, J., 89 Oaklands Grove, W. Fleming, Sandford, C.E., C.M.G., LL.D., Ottawa, Canada. Fletcher, Banister F., F.R.I.B.A., F.S.I., 29 New Bridge Street, E.C. * Fletcher, John S., Merle Wood, Virginia Water. Forrest, George W., C.I.E., Rose Bank, Iffley, Oxford. Forshaw, Charles F., F.R.S.L., F.R.C.I., Baltimore House, 26 Hanover Square, Bradford. * Fortescue, The Hon. J. W., 59A Brook Street, W.
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