THE FIFTH NATIONAL REPORT to the CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES 2014 i Author This Report was prepared and edited by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Biodiversity Management Bureau (formerly Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau) in partnership with the Ateneo School of Government. This Report is based on data generated from the multi-stakeholder national and regional consultations on the updating of the Philippine Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, and various reports and documents from relevant projects and programs. Acknowledgments: Support for this Report was provided by the DENR-BMB, Foundation for the Philippine Environment (FPE) and the Philippine Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation (PTFCF) Inc. Photos appearing in this report are from the collection of DENR-BMB from the contribution of various artists, private individuals, and visual presentations of projects from partner organizations. Other images are from the collection of other national agencies and online galleries as indicated in the photo credits. For more information, contact the DENR- BMB, Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Center, Quezon Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City. Philippines Tel No: (63)2 9246031-35 Webpage: www.bmb.gov.ph Email: [email protected] ii The Fifth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES 2014 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Maps v List of Tables v List of Figures v List of Boxes v List of Acronyms vi Executive Summary 1 Introduction 3 Chapter 1 - Biodiversity Status, Trends, and Threats and Implications for Human Well-being 1.1 Importance of Biodiversity 4 1.2 Status and Trends 8 1.2.1 Forest and mountain Biodiversity 8 1.2.2 Agricultural biodiversity or Agro biodiversity 14 1.2.3 Inland wetlands biodiversity 16 1.2.4 Urban Biodiversity 21 1.2.5 Coastal and marine biodiversity 22 1.3 Threats to biodiversity 23 1.4 Impacts of changes in biodiversity for ecosystem services and 24 socio-economic and cultural implications Chapter 2 - Philippine Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (PBSAP): Implementation and Mainstreaming 2.1 The PBSAP and its Iterations 28 2.1.1 National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, 1997 (1st PBSAP) 28 2.1.2 Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Priorities, 2002 (2nd PBSAP) 29 2.1.3 Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) - Terrestrial (2006) and Marine (2009) 29 2.1.4 Philippine Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2014-2025 30 (updated PBSAP) 2.2 Biodiversity Targets 34 2.3 Actions to implement and mainstream the PBSAP 34 2.3.1 National and Subnational Policies, Programs and Plans 36 2.3.2 Economic and Fiscal Incentives 38 2.3.3 Sector Policies, Programs and Plans 41 2.3.4 Governance 43 Chapter 3 - Progress towards the 2020 Aichi Biodiversity Targets and Contribution to the 2015 Targets of the Millennium Development Goals 3.1 Progress towards the 2020 Aichi Biodiversity Targets 47 3.2 Contribution of Actions towards the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDG) 64 3.3 Lesson Learned 66 3.3.1 Highlights of accomplishments and challenges 66 3.3.2 Next Steps 67 References Annexes Annex 1 Philippines Facts and Figures Annex 2 Philippine Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2014-2025 (draft as of April 2014) Annex 3 PBSAP 2014-2025: National Targets and Indicators (draft as of April 2014) Annex 4 Matrix of Biodiversity-Related Programs/Projects/Activities (P/P/A) Annex 4a Matrix of Select Biodiversity Management Programs/Projects/Activities (P/P/A) Mobilized by NGOs and Private Sector iv LIST OF MAPS 1 The Philippine Archipelago LIST OF TABLES 1 Land classification, 2005-2012 2 Protected areas coverage, 2008 and 2013 3 Number of Threatened Wildlife Species, 2006-2013 4 Quantity and Value of Fish Production, by Type of Fishing Operation, 1996-2012 5 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD mg/L) for 19 priority rivers, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2012 6 Dissolved Oxygen (DO mg/L) for 19 priority rivers, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2012 7 Proclaimed critical habitats, 2007 to 2012 8 Management of the PBSAP updating 9 PBSAP stakeholder consultations 10 Entry points to mainstreaming the PBSAP into planning and development processes 11 IPAF collection from top-earning PAs 12 IPAF revenues as of December 2013 13 Financing mechanisms pilot-tested in specific PAs 14 List of classified caves, 2012 and 2014. 15 LCA approaches in pilot areas. 16 Protected area recognition awards 17 Confiscated Wildlife, 2009-2013 18 Wildlife confiscations and cases filed in court, 2009-2013 LIST OF FIGURES 1 Ecosystem services 2 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment conceptual framework of interaction between biodiversity, ecosystem services, human well-being, and drivers of change 3 Strategic framework for ENR conservation, protection and rehabilitation Chapter 10, PDP 2011-2016 4 Strategic framework for ENR sustainability and climate-resiliency, updated PDP 2011-2016 5 Forest cover, 2003 and 2010( in hectares) 6 Reforested areas in hectares, 2005-2012 7 New species discoveries count, 2005-2012 8 New species discoveries, photos 9 Philippine eagle sightings in the wild, 2005-2013 10 Tamaraw population in Mts. Iglit-Baco National Park, 2000-2013 11 Performance of agriculture industry and subsectors, 2012 and 2013 12 PSBR Framework adopted in the updating of the PBSAP 2011-2020 13 PBSAP planning process 14 NBSAP Strategic Priorities, 1997 and 2002 15 Updated PBSAP Strategic Priorities, 2014-2025 LIST OF BOXES 1 Hits and Misses in Protected Areas Management 2 A new legal weapon: the Writ of Kalikasan 3 National Invasive Alien Species Action Plan 2013-2020 4 Accomplished Goals and Next Steps in Ecotourism Strategy 5 Saving Biodiversity through Social Enterprises 6 A Mix of Tradition and Innovation: Empowering Indigenous Cultural Communities in Fostering Conservation 7 Stopping Ivory Smuggling and the “Cycle of Killing” v LIST OF ACRONYMS 4NR Fourth National Report 5NR Fifth National Report ADMU Ateneo de Manila University ALOS-AVNIR Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer (AVNIR)- AO Administrative Order ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations AZE Alliance for Zero Extinction BAI Bureau of Animal Industry BAS Bureau of Agricultural Statistics BFAR Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources BioFin Building Transformative Policy and Financing Frameworks to Increase Investment in Biodiversity Management BMB Biodiversity Management Bureau BOD Biological Oxygen Demand BPI Bureau of Plant Industry BPP Biodiversity Partnerships Project BWISER Biodiversity and Watersheds Improved for Stronger Economy and Ecosystem Resilience CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CCC Climate Change Commission CEPA Communication Education and Public awareness CHM Clearing-House Mechanism CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CLUP Comprehensive Land Use Plans CoP Conference of Parties CSR Corporate Social Responsibility CTI Coral Triangle Initiative DA Department of Agriculture DAO Department Administrative Order DBM Department of Budget Management DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources DepEd Department of Education DFA Department of Foreign Affairs DMC Department Memorandum Circular DO Dissolved Oxygen DSWD Department of Social Welfare and Development EAFM Ecosystems-Based Approach Fisheries Management EcoFish Ecosystems Improved for Sustainable Fisheries Project ECC Environmental Compliance Certificate EDC Energy Development Corporation EMB Environmental Management Bureau ENR Environment and Natural Resources ENRAP Environment and Natural Resources Accounting Project FO Executive Order FAA Foreign Assistance Act FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FASPO Foreign Assisted and Special Projects Office FGDs Focus Group Discussions FMB Forest Management Bureau FPIC Free and Prior Informed Consent FPAPG Focal Point Agency GDP Gross Domestic Product vi GEF Global Environment Facility GIZ Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit HLURB Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board IAS Invasive Alien Species IBAs Important Bird Areas ICCAs Indigenous Community Conservation Areas ICRM Integrated Coastal Resource Management ICRMP Integrated Coastal Resources Management Project IEC Information, Education and Communication IKSP Indigenous Knowledge, Systems and Practices IP Indigenous People IPAF Integrated Protected Areas Fund IPRA Indigenous Peoples Rights Act IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources KBA Key Biodiversity Area LCCAs Local Community Conserved Areas LGUs Local Government Units LLDA Laguna Lake Development Authority LPPCHEA Las Piňas – Paraňaque Critical Habitat Ecotourism Area MDGs Millennium Development Goals MEAs Multilateral Environmental Agreements METT Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool MGB Mines and Geosciences Bureau MKBA Marine Key Biodiversity Areas MPA Marine Protected Area NAMRIA National Mapping and Resource Information Authority NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan NCCAP National Climate Change Action Plan NCIP National Commission on Indigenous Peoples NEDA National Economic Development Authority NESS National Ecotourism Strategy and Action Plan NewCAPP New Conservation Areas in the Philippines Project NESCC National Framework Strategy on Climate Change NGO Non-governmental organization NGP National Greening Program NIPAS National Integrated Protected Areas System NISSAP National Invasive Species Strategy and Action Plan NLUP National Land Use Plan NSCB National Statistical Coordination Board PA Protected Areas PAMB Protected Area Management
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