§ 578.61 32 CFR Ch. V (7±1±97 Edition) (e) Presentation of awards. Whenever (2) The Medical Badge may be award- practicable, badges will be presented to ed only to members of the United military personnel with formal and im- States Army or Navy. pressive ceremony. Presentations (3) All other combat and special skill should be made as promptly as possible badges may be earned by honorable ac- following announcement of awards and, tive or inactive service, in or while for- when practicable, in the presence of mally assigned or attached to, the the troops with whom the recipients United States Army. Awards of United were serving at the time of qualifica- States Army combat and special skill tion. badges to a foreigner will be made only (f) Supply of badges and appur- with the prior consent of his parent tenancesÐ(1) Items issued by the Depart- government and upon completion of ment of the Army: the full requirements established for (i) Combat and Special Skill badges. each badge listed below. (ii) Qualification badges. (c) Reinstatement of awards. An award (iii) Qualification badge bars. once revoked will not be reinstated (iv) The Guard, Tomb of the Un- automatically when, for any reason of known Soldier identification badge (an conviction by court-martial for deser- item of organizational equipment). tion in time of war is voided by com- (2) Items not issued or sold by Depart- petent authority. ment of the Army: Identification badges, (d) Combat Infantryman Badge.Ð (1) except as provided in paragraph (a) of Eligibility requirements. (i) An individual this section. must be an infantry officer in the grade (i) Lapel buttons for badges. of colonel or below, or an enlisted man, (ii) Certificates for badges. or a warrant officer with infantry (iii) Foreign badges. MOS, who subsequent to December 6, (iv) Miniature combat infantryman 1941, has satisfactorily performed duty and expert infantryman badges. while assigned or attached as a mem- (3) Requisition. Initial issue or re- ber of an infantry unit of regimental or placement for badge lost, destroyed, or smaller size during any period such rendered unfit for use without fault or unit was engaged in active ground com- neglect on the part of the person whom bat. Battle participating credit alone is it was awarded, will be made upon ap- not sufficient; the unit must have been plication, without charge to military in active ground combat with the personnel on active duty and at stock enemy during the period. Awards may fund standard price to all others. be made to assigned members of ranger (g) Character of service. No badge will infantry companies assigned or at- be awarded to any person who, subse- tached to tactical infantry organiza- quent to qualification therefor, has tions. been dismissed, dishonorably dis- (ii) Awards will not be made to gen- charged, or convicted of desertion by eral officers nor to members of head- court-martial, except as provided in quarters companies of units larger in § 578.61(c). size than battle groups. (iii) Any officer whose basic branch is § 578.61 Combat and special skill other than infantry who, under appro- badges and tabs. priate orders, has commanded an infan- (a) Purpose. Combat and special skill try unit of regimental or smaller size badges are awarded to denote pro- for at least 30 consecutive days is ficiency in performance of duties under deemed to have been detailed in infan- hazardous conditions and cir- try and is eligible for the award of the cumstances of extraordinary hardship Combat Infantryman Badge notwith- as well as special qualifications and standing absence of written orders de- successful completion of prescribed tailing him in the infantry provided all courses of training. other requirements for such award (b) To whom awarded. (1) The Combat have been met. Orders directing the in- Infantryman Badge may be awarded dividual to assume command will be only to members of the United States confirmed in writing at the earliest Army or Navy. practicable date. 442 VerDate 22-AUG-97 14:43 Sep 07, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00442 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 E:\CFR\174116.096 174116 Department of the Army, DoD § 578.61 (iv) One award of the Combat Infan- infantry unit of regimental or smaller tryman Badge is authorized to each in- size; or when assigned to, or attending dividual for each separate war in which a course of instruction at, the United the requirements prescribed have been States Army Infantry School. met. Second, third, and fourth awards (2) Who may award. Commanding offi- are indicated by superposing 1, 2, and 3 cers of infantry regiments, battle stars respectively, centered at the top groups and separate infantry units or of the badge between the points of the their next superior, commanders of oak wreath. United States Army Training Centers, (2) Who may award. Commanding gen- and the Commandant, United States erals of infantry divisions and com- Army Infantry School. Commanders at manding officers of infantry battle training installations may award the groups, separate infantry battalions, badge to qualified personnel under- and separate infantry companies. going 6 months' active duty for train- (e) Medical BadgeÐ(1) Eligibility re- ing under the Reserve Forces Act of quirements. (i) A member of the Army 1955 provided such personnel are as- Medical Service or of the Naval Medi- signed to infantry units of battle group cal Service assigned or attached to the or smaller size in the Reserve compo- Army, must have satisfactorily per- nents. formed medical duties subsequent to (g) Parachutist badges. (1) Three de- December 6, 1941, while assigned or at- grees of badges are authorized for tached in a permanent status as a award: the Master Parachutist Badge, member of the medical detachment of the Senior Parachutist Badge, and the an infantry unit of regimental or Parachutist Badge. Eligibility require- smaller size, or as a member of the ments for each badge are set forth in medical platoon of an infantry or air- succeeding paragraphs. Awarding au- borne battle group headquarters com- thorities for all three are the following: pany, during any period the unit was Commanding generals of the United engaged in active ground combat. Bat- States Continental Army Command; ZI tle participation credit is not suffi- armies and overseas commands: Mili- cient; the infantry unit must have been tary District of Washington, U.S. in contact with the enemy. Army; airborne corps; airborne divi- (ii) Awards of this badge will not be sions; infantry divisions containing or- made to members of medical battal- ganic airborne elements, and the Quar- ions, except when attached to an infan- termaster Research and Engineering try unit as indicated above. Command; the Commandants of the In- (iii) One award of the medical badge fantry School and of the Quarter- is authorized to each individual for master School; commanding officers of each war in which the above require- separate airborne regiments, separate ments are met. Successive awards are airborne battle groups, or separate air- indicated by superimposing stars on borne battalions. Special Forces the badge as follows: Second award, Groups (Airborne), and the Special one star at the top center above the Warfare Center; and President, U.S. cross; third award, two stars, one at Army Airborne and Electronics Board. the top center above the cross and one (2) Eligibility for awards will be de- at the bottom center of the wreath; termined from the Individual Jump fourth award, three stars, one at the Record (DA Form 1307) contained in top center above the cross, and one at the field 201 file section of the person- each side of the wreath at the ends of nel records jacket. Each entry on this the stretcher. form will include pay period covered (2) Who may award. Same as for Com- and initials of the personnel officer; bat Infantryman Badge. the entry will be made only from a Cer- (f) Expert Infantryman BadgeÐ(1) Eli- tificate of Jump and Loading Manifest gibility requirement. An individual must (DA Form 1306) completed by an officer be an infantry officer or enlisted man, or jumpmaster. or a warrant officer with an infantry (h) Master Parachutist Badge. An indi- MOS who has satisfactorily completed vidual must have been rated excellent the proficiency tests prescribed by in character and efficiency and have Army Regulations while assigned to an met the following requirements: 443 VerDate 22-AUG-97 14:43 Sep 07, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00443 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 E:\CFR\174116.096 174116 § 578.61 32 CFR Ch. V (7±1±97 Edition) (1) Participated in a minimum of 65 (iii) Two mass tactical jumps which jumps to include: culminate in an airborne assault prob- (i) Twenty-five jumps with combat lem with either a unit equivalent to a equipment to consist of normal TOE battalion or larger; a separate com- equipment, individual weapon carried pany/battery; or an organic staff of reg- by the individual in combat whether imental size or larger. The individual the jump was in actual or simulated must fill a position commensurate with combat. In cases of simulated combat his rank or grade during the problem. the equipment will include water, ra- (2) Either graduated from the tions (actual or dummy), ammunition Jumpmaster Course of the Airborne (actual or dummy), and other essential Department of the Infantry School or items necessary to sustain an individ- the jumpmaster school of a separate ual in combat; airborne battalion or larger airborne (ii) Four night jumps made during unit, or served as jumpmaster on one the hours of darkness (regardless of the or more combat jumps or as a time of day with respect to sunset) one jumpmaster on 15 noncombat jumps.
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