FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITIES OF Immaculate Conception Cromwell-Wright St. Mary’s St. Louis Meadowlands Floodwood MASS SCHEDULE and CONFESSIONS STAFF St. Louis Fr. Pio Atonio……………………….. Pastor 105 4th Ave E , Floodwood, MN 55736 Melissa Brenna…………………….. Bookkeeper Sunday: 10:30 AM Andrea Dickenson………………... Secretary Tuesday & Wednesday: 8:30 AM Office hours Monday– Thursday 9 a.m.--2 p.m. Please direct all mail to: Confessions half hour before Mass on Sunday P.O. Box 378, Floodwood, MN 55736 and Saturday from 10:00-11:00 AM Office Phone: 218-476-2367 Immaculate Conception, Rectory Phone: 218-476-1617 5944 Hwy 210, Cromwell, MN 55726 E-mail: [email protected] Saturday: 5:00 PM [email protected] Thursday: 8:30 AM See the bulletin online in the parish website (First Thursday of the month is at Villa Vista) (Bulletin deadline is Thursday at 12 pm) Tri-Parish Website: nemncatholic.com Confessions half hour before Mass on Saturday SACRAMENTS St. Mary’s Baptism: Before any detailed arrangements are 9999 Hwy 133, Meadowlands, MN 55765 made, parents must attend a pre-baptism class. Sunday: 8:00 AM Funerals: Arrangements are to be made with Friday: 8:30 AM followed by Fr. Pio before publication in newspapers. Adoration and Benediction Weddings: Arrangements are to be made in person First Saturday : 8:30 AM with Fr. Pio at least six months in advance. Confessions half hour before Mass on Sunday Sick Calls: Inform the Rectory or Office of the ill and homebound.. FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May 3, 2020 MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTION Fourth Sunday of Easter 5/04 9:00 A.M. St. Louis Fr. Gerald LaPatka + With whom do we converse and listen to the most? Believe it or not, the answer is ourselves. 5/05 9:00 A.M. St. Louis We are constantly having conversations with our- Ron Ruzynski + selves, and sometimes we even get caught! Our inner conversations reveal the truth about our- 5/06 9:00 A.M. St. Louis selves. We really cannot hide from ourselves, alt- Dawson Lundy (B) hough we often pretend we can. By conversing with ourselves, we find solutions to our challeng- 5/07 9:00 A.M. Immaculate Conception es, problem solve, work through our relation- Fr. Gerald LaPatka + ships, formulate opinions, run through dress re- hearsals of possible conversations, and wrestle 5/08 9:00 A.M. St. Mary’s with and determine our system of priorities and Aune Arfman & Margaret Ryan + values. What other voices affect the conversations we have with ourselves? 5/09 9:00 A.M. St. Louis Alice Kroll & Loreta McKay + Often, voices from our past continue to haunt us. 5/10 10:00 A.M. St. Louis These voices cause us to mistrust our judgment, For our parishioners— For all mothers harbor anger, and cling to our fears of rejection, failure, being wrong, and the like. It is in these Note: Because of the situation we are in, one of inner conversations that we face what holds us the intentions from Sunday will be offered on captive — our limitations, weaknesses, sinfulness, Monday. The Sunday Mass intentions will always and stubborn ego preoccupations. We often go be for all parishioners and your intentions. So if about our lives putting out one fire or another, two intentions for Sunday were special inten- keeping ourselves preoccupied and busy, and try- tions, one will be moved to Saturday and the oth- ing to stay on top of things. Intentionally or unin- er during the week so I can offer the Sunday Mass tentionally, we find ourselves wandering off. We for the three parishes. turn around and can no longer see our home. We look down at our feet and realize we have lost our SAINTS OF THE WEEK anchor. Feeling scared, out of place, desolate, un- settled, and lonely, we realize that we are lost. 5/04—The English Martyrs On May 4th, at Tyburn in London, there died three Carthusian monks, the first of many mar- We listened to the wrong voices! In the midst of tyrs of the English Reformation. Of these mar- everything competing for our attention, the voice tyrs, forty-two have been canonized, and a fur- of the One who could truly call us home got muf- ther 242 have been declared Blessed; but the fled. We didn’t hear it. As our inner dialogues true number of those who died on the scaffold, continue to play out, the one voice we need to perished in prison, or were tortured or perse- consult — even before our own — is God’s. He is cuted for their faith cannot be reckoned. The the Good Shepherd who can keep us safely where persecution lasted a hundred and fifty years we need to be. As we graze through the stuff of and left a permanent mark on English culture: our lives, we must constantly remember to look to this day Catholics continue to suffer certain up, be attentive, and stay focused. Our habits of minor disabilities under English law. prayer are the only thing that can properly root us and keep us grounded. Contemplating God’s From 2001, there are also celebrated on this day presence and developing an inner awareness of the forty martyrs of England and Wales who love incarnate, we will then find ourselves pray- were canonized on 25 October 1970 and former- ing unceasingly as the days and nights and the ly celebrated on that day. They include Saints ebbs and flows of our of lives unfold. Suddenly, Cuthbert Mayne, John Houghton, Edmund the inner conversations we are constantly having Campion, and Richard Gwynn, as well as are no longer just with ourselves or with voices Saints John Roberts and Ambrose Barlow from that can lead us astray but with the Trinity, who the Benedictine monastery of St. Gregory at desperately wants us to stay home. Douay. ©LPi 5/06—St. Francois de Laval (1623-1708) Francois was the first bishop of new France, later to become Canada. He founded a semi- Prayer nary and had schools and churches built. He Lord, help us to hear your voice in the midst of the resigned his bishopric in 1684 but remained in many voices and worries of the world, for in you alone New France and acted as deputy to his succes- can we find lasting peace and rest. Amen. sor. He was canonized by Pope Francis on April 3, 2014. MAY 3RD, 2020 5/08—Blessed Catherine of Saint Augustine Stewardship of treasure (1632-1668) 04/26/2020 Catherine de Longpre’ was born May 3, 1632 at Saint-Saveur, France. Following the advice Immaculate Conception of Saint John Eudes, she entered the Augustin- ENV $ 50.00 ian Hospitaller Sisters of the Mercy of Jesus in PLATE $ 00.00 1644. She volunteered to go to her communi- UCA $ 00.00 ty’s mission in Quebec. Her family was strongly oppose to the idea, but she prevailed, UCA YTD $ 3,170.00 St. Mary’s and arrived there in 1648. She spent her life ministering to the poor and sick in Quebec, ENV $ 884.00 and died there at the age of 36. PLATE $ 00.00 UCA $ 20.00 Blessed John Sullivan (1861-1933) UCA YTD $ 2,970.00 John Sullivan was born into a wealthy Dublin St. Louis family and baptized in the Church of Ireland. ENV $ 615.00 He was received into the Catholic Church in PLATE $ 25.00 1896, at the age of 35. Four years later, he en- UCA $ 00.00 tered the Jesuits. He was known for his life of UCA YTD $ 2,255.00 deep spiritual reflection and personal sacri- Loan Payable as of 4/26/20—$ 28,304.42 fice; he is recognized for his dedicated work with the poor and afflicted. During his life- UCA Assessments for 2020 time, cures were attributed to his intercession, though he himself did not accept this. He Immaculate Conception $ 7,643.29 spent much of his time walking and riding his St. Mary’s $ 8,398.11 bike to visit those who were troubled or ill in St. Louis $10,353.50 the villages around Clongowes Wood College school where he taught from 1907 until his death. ANNOUNCEMENT 5/09—St. George Preca (1880-1962) The governor has announced that the stay at George was born in Valetta, Malta. At the age home policy has been extended to May 18th. of 4, he nearly drowned in the Grand Harbor, So for us, the no public Masses is also extended but was recued by a passing boatman. His to May 18th. family later told the story and joke that he had been rescued from the waters, like Moses. However, I continue to celebrate Mass privately George, recalling that the rescue happened on for all of you and for your intentions. Masses the 16th July, the feast of Our Lady of Mount are celebrated in all three churches as you Carmel, attributed his rescue to the protection would see in the Mass schedule above. of Our Lady. Let us pray that we will be reunited once more As a young man he was enrolled in the Car- in celebrating the Holy Eucharist as before melite scapular society and later joined the much sooner than later. Third Order. Attracted to the service of the priesthood, he joined the seminary and was ordained a priest in 1906. FAITH AT HOME Horrified at the level of religious ignorance among the people, he set up the Society for FORMED has now grouped together some pro- Christian Doctrine in 1907.
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