Allegany County Department of Health Community Health Assessment 2014-2017 and Community Health Improvement Plan 2014-2017 Lori Ballengee, M.S. Public Health Director Thomas E. Hull, M.S. Deputy Public Health Director Laurie Hennessy, RN, BSN Director of Patient Services The 2014-2017 Community Health Assessment was compiled and written by Theresa Moore Supervising Public Health Educator County Office Building 7 Court Street Belmont, New York 14813 Tel: 716-268-9250 Fax: (716)-268-9264 1 Table of Contents A. Community Health Assessment (CHA) 1. A description of Allegany County a. Demographics of the population served b. Health status of the population served 2. Main health challenges for Allegany County and contributing causes of health challenges 3. Summary of assets and resources to address health issues 4. Process and methods used to conduct the assessment B. Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) 1. Identification of priorities from the Prevention Agenda 2013 2-6 are included in CHIP grid 2. Goals and objectives 3. Individuals and organizations implementing strategies 4. Outcome and process measures 5. Description of strategies and best practice or evidence-based practices 6. Description of process for maintaining, tracking, and making changes to CHIP Attachments: Allegany County Community Health Assessment Survey Allegany County Integrated Health Plan 2013-2014 Report (summary of survey and focus groups) Allegany County Data 2013-Community Health Assessment (Power point) Allegany County Obesity Related Services-provider survey results Allegany County Obesity tables Allegany County Child Psychiatric Services-Provider Survey results Allegany County Department of Health Organizational Chart 2 COVER PAGE Local Health Department/Unit Address: Allegany County Health Department 7 Court Street, Belmont, New York 14813 Telephone: (585) 268-9250 Fax: (585) 268-9264 Submitted by: Theresa Moore E-MAIL: [email protected] Prepared by: Theresa Moore, Supervising Public Health Educator GENERAL COUNTY INFORMATION Health Department Type (please check one): XX Full Service Less than Full Service Organization Type (please check one): XX Single Agency _____ Multiple Agency, (Health Only) please list: __________________________ Sources of Data Information on the demographic and population characteristics of Allegany County were obtained from the following: 2010 U.S. Census Data 2007-2011 American Community Survey 5 year Estimates (U.S. Census) People Quick-facts for the U.S. Census New York State Vital Statistics New York State Expanded Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) July 2008-June 2009 New York State District Report Card Comprehensive Information Report National Center for children in Poverty New York Makes Work Pay (NYMWP) project United States Bureau of Labor Uniform Crime Reporting Program Allegany County Indicators for tracking Public Health Priority Areas, 2013-2017-various data sources 3 A. Community Health Assessment (CHA) 1.Description of Allegany County Allegany County is a rural county located along the Southern Tier of Upstate New York, with an Area of 1,030 square miles. It is bordered by Cattaraugus, Wyoming, Livingston, and Steuben Counties in New York State, and by McKean and Potter counties in Pennsylvania. a.Demographics of population served The 2010 U.S. Census data shows Allegany County population at 48,949, a decrease of 1.96% from the 2000 U.S. Census (see line graph below). The average births from 2008-2011 for Allegany County was 511 per year. The population density is 47.6 people per square mile. The county has 12 public school districts, 29 townships and 10 villages. Population concentrations are in Wellsville, Alfred, Cuba, Bolivar and Andover. Allegany County Population * Census data ** Census estimate 55000 50000 45000 40000 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2012** 4 Gender, Race and Age The 2010 U.S. Census showed the median age of Allegany County residents to be 37.8 years, with 50.5% male to 49.5% female ratio, slightly less than 1:1. Caucasians comprise the vast majority of county residents, making up 96.2% of the population. African Americans, 1.1%; American Native/Alaska Native, 0.2%; Asians, 0.9% and 1.2% other racial groups total the remaining 3.8%. Allegany County percentages of Racial group Caucasian Africian American Asian American Native/ Alaska Native Other Census data also shows that 27.71% of the population is 19 years of age or younger. From 1970 to present, there has been little change in the composition of this age group. A little over 57.09% of the population is age 20-64 and 15.21% is age 65 or older. The data also indicate that the county’s population is living longer. In 1970, the population age 65 and over totaled 5,113. By 1994, this number had increased 40%, to 7,159, in 2000 it increased to 7,000, and in 2010 it increased to 7,443 (an increase of 6.3%) (See chart below) 5 Age Distribution of Residents of Allegany County, New York: 2010 U.S. Census Age Group Number of Percent of Number of Percent of Difference Persons Population persons 2000 Population percentage 2010 2010 2000 of population < 5 years 2,667 5.4% 2,798 5.6% -0.2 5-9 years 2,895 5.9% 3,267 6.5% -0.6 10-14 years 3,048 6.2% 3,866 7.7% -1.5 15-19 years 4,953 10.1% 5,250 10.5% -0.4 20-24 years 4,761 9.7% 4,737 9.5% +0.2 25-34 years 4,866 9.9% 5,040 10.1% -0.2 35-44 years 5,203 10.6% 6,902 13.8% -3.2 45-54 years 6,832 14% 6,505 13.0% +1.0 55-59 years 3,295 6.7% 2,431 4.9% +1.8 60-64 years 2,983 6.1% 2,131 4.3% +1.8 65-74 years 3,931 8.0% 3,748 7.5% +0.5 75-84 years 2,503 5.1% 2,328 4.7% +0.4 >85 years 1,009 2.1% 924 1.9% +0.2 Totals 48,946 100% 49,927 100% -1.97% Income Income levels in Allegany County are among the lowest in the state. The 2010 census shows the county’s per capita income as $26,953, with median household income at $41,900. The New York State median household income was $56,951 in 2010, while the 2010 national figure was $52,762. Allegany County New York State United States 2010 Median Household income $41,900 $56,951 $52,762 2010 Annual Per Capita Income $26,953 $48,596 $39,937 2007-2011 per capita money income (2011 dollars) $20,047 $31,796 $27,915 The 2010 percentage of residents living below 100% of poverty is 17.2%, up from 15.5% in the 2000 Census. A total of 15% of New Yorkers live at or below the poverty level while 15.3% nationally live at or below poverty level. In the table below the 2005-2007 estimates U.S. Census are compared to 2007-2011 estimates U.S. Census for the numbers and percentage of Allegany County Residents living below the Federal Poverty Level Standards. The 2007-2011 data shows Allegany County at 16.6% for all persons living below poverty, a slight decrease from 2005-2007 and above NYS at 14.5%. In 2007-2011 the percentage of families with children under 5 years living in poverty is 22.6%, an increase from 2005-2007 which was 21.3%. The 2007-2011 percentage families with a female householder and no male present and related children under 5 years, living under poverty is 49.6% a decrease from 61.8% in 2005-2007. 6 Population Group Allegany County Percent Below Poverty Percent Below Poverty Level 2005-2007 Level 2007-2011 All persons 16.7 16.6 Persons 18 years and over 15.2 14.7 Persons 65 years and over 8.2 9.3 All Families 11.0 11.6 Families with children under 5 years of age 21.3 22.6 Female Head of Household Families 38.3 37.3 Female Head of Household families, no 61.8 49.6 male present and related children under age 5 years The American Community Survey 5 year estimates of U.S. Census data provided the following income data for Allegany County inflation adjusted dollars. American Community Survey (U.S. Census) 1998 2000 2007 2011 % of households with income less than $10,000 17.2 12.1 8.8 7.8 % of households with income of $50,000+ 13.7 27.1 36.5 40.7 % of households receiving public assistance 10.2 4.4 3.4 3.9 The National Center for Children in Poverty shows in 2011 40% of the children in New York State were living in low-income families, 43% in rural areas. County specific percentages were not available from this source, Allegany County falls into the rural percentages for New York State with 43% rural low-income. Income status of children under age 18, by residential area, 2011 50 state data 2011 American Community Survey Urban Rural Low income Above low income Low income Above low income National 43% 57% 52% 48% New York 40% 60% 43% 57% Definitions: Low Income-Families and children are defined as low income if the family income is less than twice the federal poverty threshold. Poor-Families and children are defined as poor if family income is below the federal poverty threshold. The federal poverty for a family of four with two children was $22,350 in 2011 and $22,050 in 2010. Rural- An area that is not in a metropolitan statistical area (MSA), as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau.
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