' ri'i" f. 'Utelrs'l.h^ ^ |i^ MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1967 PAGE TWENTY Average Daily: Net Pivnm Run The Weather vf liattrijfBter lEusning H^waUi' , For Ths m s t k Haded Btarok 18,1867 Snow tonight, piosaMF; ••Girl Talk” show Friday at 'F changing to min before Elen’ Ezra Chapter of B’nai The executive board of the Washington School PTA will a.m, on ABC Channel 8. ’This Is G I F T .S m ing tomorrow forenoon; tten-' Registration for the spiring meet tomorrow at 7:45 p.m. in B’rith is sponsoring' a sale of Cue Features session of classes at Lutz Jun- Women’s Club of Manchester a show starring Virginia FOR 'perature in the 30s; 3-8 inch the school-cafeteria. Mrs Doro­ hats, bags, clothing and food About Town ior Museum will be held tomor­ will ipeet tonight at 8 at the Graham. 15,113 accumulation possible. thy Nyszczy, a physical educa­ tonight from 7:80 to 10 at Mott’s :tA $ T lR row starting at 1 p.m. on a first home of Mrs. ^ n le y Cross, Manchester—~A City of Village Charm Miss Bartjara L. Zubrow, tion instructor of Manchester Community Hall. Proceeds will Roberta Peck come, first served basis. Par­ 418 Hackihatack "tfit. Rocks of nearly all geologl' daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Abra­ elementary schools, will speak benefit hon-sectarlEUi charities AliHUlNN ents may register for their chil­ cal ages are found in New Mex­ VOL. LXXXVL NO. W4 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TW6 SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1667 (Clasolfted Advertising on Page XI) ham ZidJrow of 19 Waranoke on "Need of Physical EWucation supported by the club. The “ I am quietly but emphatical­ PRICE SEVEN CENTS dren, and one person may regis­ Arthur Illing, former super­ ico. Bd., has been named to the in the School.” Childreh from event is open to the public. V ly in love with Cue's cover girl, ter for one family only. Glasses intendent of schools, will be dean's list at Kndicott Junior Grades 4, 6 and 6 will demon­ Roberta^ Peck, even though she wiU begin March 30, 31 and guest speaker at a general Oollege, Beverly, Mass. strate exercises. Refreshments Members of Regiha D’ltalla April 1 for a six-week period. meeting of Buckley School PTA has a husband,” Greer John­ tonight at 8 at the school. Re­ will be served after the meet­ Society will meet tonight at The Rockville Emblem 7:30 at the W. P. Qulsh Funeral son, music and record editor of Manchester Chapter,'Disabled freshments will be served. ing. US Tanker Club’s meeting originally Home, 225 Main St., to pay Cue,, says in an article, “ Pour American Veterans, will nomi­ scheduled for Wednesday, respects to the late Mrs. Teresa X Talent —Pine New Sounds.” nate and elect officers at an an­ Ronald E. Jodoin of 40 Green Orange Hall Corp. will have March 15, will be held this Gavello, a member. nual dlimer tomorrow at 7 p.m. Rd. has been pledged to Pi Mu its annual meeting Friday at The article is in the March ,18 Hanoi Discloses Rejection Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the at the American Legion Home. Epsilon, honorary society, at 8 p.m. at the hall. Supper will edition, which has Roberta Peck Elks Home, Rockville. T\)zer Group of Second Con­ ^Worcester (Mass.) Poiytechnic be served at 6:30 p.m. in the on its cover. gregational Church will meet Mystic Review, North Amei Institute. He was incorrectly basement of the hall. Reserva­ Since being written up in the tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the home caIn Benefit Association, listed in Saturday’s Herald as tions may be made with W.D. Herald in a feature story Feb. New Blast Advertisement— /w\\\ of Mrs. Roger Craft, 97 Prince­ meet tomorrow at 8 p ^ . at Robert Jodoin. Turkington, 103 W. Center St., 28, Roberta Peck of 209 Henry LAND’S END, England (AP) Pre-Easter New Hat and Bag ton St. Mrs. Edward Saunders Odd Fellows Hall. or Samuel Fawcett, 96 Sum­ St., has been appearing with *\A violent explosion rocked the Sale, also name brand clothing, and Mrs. Robert Dunfield are The ways and means and fine mit St. Red Norvo and his quintet at engine room of the stranded .S. Peace Feeler *dJ items $4.00 each. Cake Sale. hostesses. Miss Susan Bllep Cfryk, a stu arts committees of the Junior the Rainbow Grill, New York supertanker 'torrey Canyon to­ Motts Community Hall, tonite dent at East ratholic High Century (31ub will make posters Manchester Square Dance City, and will continue through day and halted salvage opera 7-9 p.m. No admission charge, School, is a m e n ^ r of the plan­ tonight at 8 at the home of Club will have its final work­ Kapla Submits Saturday. She is the wife of Rob­ Give your Whole fami^ new spring tions. sponsored by Manchester B'nai ning com m itted for Connecti­ Mrs. Stanley Zima of 203 Sum­ ert Vater, who is now on leave shop of the year tomorrow l.om A Royal Nevy spokesman said B’rith. cut’s first Swe Conference of mit St. for a club-sponsored 8 to 10:30 p.m. at Waddell liOne Patch Bid from his position as music head outfits with an HFC Shopper’s Loan fashion show April 5 at Con­ at Manchester High School, and ope man--believed to be the Youth, to l^ h eld May 7 at the School. Earl Johnson of Vernon salvage master of the Dutch->tug New Peace Invitation Holiday Um in Meriden. She is cordia Lutheran Church. Only one bid was received is acting as his wife’s personcd Short of money for will be the caller. Dues may be Utrecht—was badly burned In the dau^ter of Atty. and Mrs. and -opened today for the per­ manager. Cmh. MONTHLY PAYMINT tCHIOUll clothes or other family paid at the door to Mr. and Mrs- the blast and died a short time We*re as Anthony J. Gryk of 37 Acad­ Members of the Class of 1947 manent patching of approxi­ In his article, Johnson also Ym Ool needs? Apply for an Edward Atkinson, club treasur­ U IS V t T%ter. : Confirmed by Saigon emy /St. of Manchester High School are mately 1,100 sq. yds. of town says "The first tests for h^r « paym ts paym ts P ebm u Pm opts HFC Shop^r’s Loan. near on ers. W ith cash in h an d , y o u Reports that the tanker. reminded of a meeting to plan highways, to replace temporary forthcoming album, ‘Extraord­ $100 $ 5.58 $ 6 ,» r % 9.75 $1&08 may- shop at any stora Which still has about 80,000 tons Vomen’s Home League of the a 20th reunion- The event will repairs at water and sewer pipe inary Roberta Peck,’ due early 300 16.75 20.91 29.25 54.25 TOKYO (A P)— President Johnson sent a message to your Great Books Discussion Group for the best httra. Latpr* of oil aboard was on fire mobil­ Salvation Army will meet to­ be held tonight at 8 at the installations. next month, had me proclaim­ 500 26.58 33.52 47.41 89.06 President Ho Chi Minh of North Vietnam in the first will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. yfrti repay HFC con- ized a fleet of rescue ships and teleph on e morrow at 2 p.m. for an Easter Elk’s Club on Blssell St. and The lone bidder was F.S. ing that here was easily the 800 41^3 52.44 74.66 141.33 week of February suggesting “ direct talks” for peace at Whiton Library. Albert Ca­ venienuy. SW jIFC .t^ British navy helicopters. They Worship Service in Junior Hall is open to all class members. Kapla Paving Contractors of most exciting of the ‘Candidates io o o 51.16 65.05 92.83 176.16 mus’ essays, "The Myth of day for your Shopper ■ took off the ship's captain, three in Vietnam, but Ho rejected the offer, the North Viet­ of the church. Mrs. Brig. Sisyphus” and "The Artist and Hartford. Kapla’s prices, on for Fame’ I’ve been scouting. Abof€ payments include principal and namese Foreign Ministry announced today. Members of Washington L o a n . t wawmen and two salvage offi­ FREE George Simons is in charge of His Time,” will be discussed. three types of repairs, are; $4 Imagine happening gleefully ckartes on loans if paid on schedule. The Foreign Ministry said in ---------------------------------------—- — • LOL, Royal Black Preceptory, I cers. the service. Hostesses are Mrs. Jay Stager is guest discussion per sq. yd. for a bituminous upon a singer so new she sings Ask about ered/t Ufa Insurance on hone st group rites a statement that "the repre- ^^3 released by the LOL, and Daughters o f Liberty, :The huge blast blew the roof . DELIVERY Margaret Burke and Mrs. Lil­ leader. The event is open to all concrete surface with a gravel music rather than arrange­ sentative of the United States in p„reign Ministry - Ho de- Nos. 17 and 125, will meet ments, jazz without gimmicks; a|id the floor of the, engine room . aT^***^, lian Levigne. Interested persons. base, and $25 per sq. yd. for clared: "The Vietnamese people Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Orange each of the other two, bitumin­ the warm and humorotis and be­ til bits.
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