THE EDUCATION SYSTEM OF ZAMBIA AFTER INDEPENDENCE by MARGARET SANDLANE BA (UNIZUL), B.Ed. (WITS). S.E.C. (VISTA) SUBMITTED IN FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MAGISTER EDUCATIONIS in COMPARATIVE EDUCATION IN THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPARATIVE EDUCATION AND EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT IN THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION <~I the POTCHEf"STROOM UNIVERSITY lor CHRISTIAN HIGHER EDUCA liON leader: Prof. Dr. H.J. S!eyn December 1989 DECLARATION I hereby declare that THE EDUCATION SYSTEM OF ZAMBIA AFTER INDEPENDENCE is rny qwn work and that all the sources I lmve used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by means of complete references. M. SANDLANE (Mrs.) December 1989 Potchelstroom DEDICATION I heartily dedicate this dissertation to my husband Mxolisi Hnrvey, my son Sibusiso and my daughter Lindiwe Nomarnpomlomise. II is especially dedicated in memory ol my lnte f<dher Clenpns Suhm11111i Ngerna and my late mother Grace Mapilso Ngema who always stnrmJied to see me through my schooling. Finally, I dedicate this dissertation to my thoughtful brother Chmlr.s Sombu7.i Sipho Ngema who sacrificed his education for mine. M.SANDLANE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I sincerely wish to thank Prof. Dr. H.J. Steyn lor his endless and professional guidance throughout the entire research. My special thanks to Dr. A.M. Kanduza who made my trip to Znmhia materialize. arranged accommodation lor me and tmnsporled me to all in­ terviews conducted. I am grateful to the Zambian Education Research Burenu for listing all the people to be interviewed; and making my research meaningful by granting me permission to use the Library of the University of Zambln <tnd the Zambian National Archives. My blessings go to S. Kalilllo for his unfailing support and patience in checking and finding all the relevant information needed. I send my deserved thanks to Miss G.G. Smith, Mrs. J.M. Nkgonng. Mrs. T.J. Magalakanqa and Mrs. N.A. Mazibu for typing the drafls of this document. My greatest gratitude Is extended to Mrs. M. Coetzee for establishing pride In me by typing this text so efficiently. I thank Prof. A.L Combrlnk for editing this document. To my husband and children, I would be falling not to thank them for the sacrifice, encouragement, supporl and love they have shown during my study and my absence from home. M.SANDLANE PREFACE The Lord is my strength and rny shield. my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejolcelh. and with my song will I praise Him. Psalm 28:7 I thank God for guiding and protecting me throughout this resenrch nnd also for giving me the necessary strength and patience. M.SANDLANE ABSTRACT Chapter 1 looks into the following matters: • Problem or Research The problem of research is: to determine the changes that look place with reg;ml to the structure or the Zambian Education System with respect to the Educational Reform and needs of the people after Independence. to determine the changes in educational policy. orgnnizational structure. school system and supportive services as a result of the Educntionnl Reform in the post independence era. • Aims of Research The purpose or this study is: to describe !he development ol the Zambian Educnlion System in a historical perspeclive. to define the concept or Education lor Development (Draft Sl<tlement) and Educational Reform <tnd its influence on the educnlion11l policy. to determine the ch<tnges In the organlzationnl structures <tiler Independence, to determine the changes with regard to the school system and supportive services after independence. • Methods ol Research The following rnelhods or research were used: literature study and inter­ views. • Demarcation of the field of study This study is confined to the education system of Znmbia in the pre­ independence and post-Independence periods. The theoretical structure of the education system has been discussed in chapter 2 as well as general information about Zambia. • The definition of the education system is given in this chapter as well as the components, namely, the educational policy, educational administration, school system and supportive services of the education system. • The general description of Zambia Includes the geographical situation, the political history, peoples of Zambia, economy and political structure. The historical development of the education system of Zambia is given in chapter 3. The following represent the main eras: • Missionary education The Missionaries took a keen interest in the writing of the African languages and started leaching people to read and write. • Involvement of the British Government in African Education The native schools proclamation of 1918. According to this proclmnation schools had to be registered with the administrator and teachers be certiried competent. The educational policy of 1925 The educational policy of 1925 urged that education should be adopted to the needs of the people. Creation of African Education Department in 1925. ii G.C. LAtham was appointed the first director of AfricAn Education Department. He issued mission schools with a school code according to which all mission schools had to function. Education under the Federal Era 1953- 1963. The Federation of the North and South Rhodesia and Nyasalilnd brought about changes in the education system. • Education in Post Independence Zambia AI independence the government aimed at giving educAtion the first priority. The Education Act of 1966 In terms of the Act, racially segregated schools had to be abolished and non-free paying schools introduced. Chapter 4 of this study will look into the formulation of the educational policy. The following are the main issues: • Formulation and content of the educa!iOI.dl policy. The entire nation was involved in the formulation of educational policy in a form of a "National Debate" launched by Dr. K.D. K<wnda in May 1976. the Educational Reform aimed at providing 9 years of compulsory basic education. • The third nationnl development plan The plan aimed at increasing educational facilities. • The fourth national development plan iii This plan aimed at improving the technical and agricultural aspects of education as well as the standard of Mathematics nnd Science subjects. The organisational structures in Zambian Education System are discussed in chapter 5. Attention is given to: • Different Education Ministries The Ministry of General Education and Culture and the Ministry of Higher Education are responsible for the implementation of the educalionnl policy in Zambia. • Control of education AI the head of each Ministry there is a Minister who is also a member of the cabinet. The Inspectorate is the professional wing of the Ministries with the responsibility of control and co-ordination of education. The school system and supportive services are exposed as follows in chapter 6: • The School System the functional pattern in Zambia is 7 years of primary education, 2 years of junior secondary and 3 years of senior secondary education. The idea is that the quality and quantity of services still leave very much to be desired. • Supportive Services The educational system in Zambia uses various supportive services to facilitate effective leaching and learning. iv Chapter 7 summarises all ideas discussed in the afore chaplers. Findings and recommendations are made. v OPSOMMING In hoofstuk 1 word aan die volgende aspekte aandag gegee: • Navorsingsprobleem Om die veranderinge van die Zambiese onderwysslelsel na onalhanklikheid le bepnal. Om die veranderinge van die onderwysbeleid, orgrmisasieslruklure, skoolslelsel en ondersleuningsdiensle, wal pln11sgevind he! ns 'n gevolg V(ln onderwyshervorming in die lydperk na ormllmnklikheid, vns le slel. • Die doe! van die ondersoek Die doe! van die ondersoek bestryk die volgende terrein: Om 'n hisloriese oorsig van die ontwikkeling van die Z(lmbiese onderwysstelsel te gee. Om die invloed van onderwys op die beplande onlwikkeling ("draH statement") en hervorming van die onderwysbeleld le omskrywe. Om die veranderinge van die organisaloriese slruklure, na onalhanklikheid, vas te slel. Om die veranderinge na onalhanklikheid. ten opsig!e van die onderwyskundige struklure en ondersteuningsdiensle. te bep(lal. • Metode van ondersoek Die melodologie van hierdle ondersoek slen soos volg daaruit: 'n Toepaslike literatuurstudle en onderhoudvoering mel belrokke instansles. • Albakening van die stmlie vi Hierdie sludie is beperk net tot die onderwysstelsel van Zarnbie voor en na die land se onalhanklikheidswording. Hoofstuk 2 In hoofstuk 2 word die beskrywing van die onderwysslelsel sowel as die komponenle daarvan, naamlik die onderwysbeleid, -adminislrasie, skoolslelsel en ondersteuningsdienste van die onderwysbeslel behandel. Hierdie hoolsluk verskaf ook die algemene aglergrondinligling van Zambie. Die aglergrondinligling verwys onder meer na d'~ geografiese Jigging, die politieke geskiedenis, die inwoners, die ekoromie en die regeringstruktuur. Hoofstuk 3 In hoofsluk 3 word die hisloriese onlwlkkeling van die onderwysstelsel behan­ del. Die belangriksle lases in die historiese onlwikkeling van die onderwysstelsel is die volgende: • Tradisionele onderwys Tradisionele onderwys was daarop ingeslel om die kullurele erfenis te beskerm en le hernu. Sendelingonderwys Westerse sendelinge hel 'n groot belangstelling geloon in Afrika tale en het begin om die ongelelterde inwoners le leer lees en skryf. • Die betrokkenheid van die Britse Regering Die nalurelleskoolproklamasie van 1918 Volgens die proklarnasie moes skole geregistreer word by die Adminislraleur en
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