11980 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 10., 1972 Berk, Clarence G ., 21~34-2835. Gooding, Thomas L., 249-68-2988. De Haan, Peter, 072-38-3204. Breland, Marshall W . Jr., 249-68-2802. Gordon, Wllliam N., 212-48-6513. Dent, James H., 404-60-6013. Brown, Allen W., Jr., 096-22-2420. Grimm, Michael C., 552-72-8538. Devine, John F., 388-42-7284. Ceria, PaulK., 178-32-0517. Hall, William K., 525-96-6309. Donald, James E., 587-09-4190. Cornine, Lance R., 218-34-8433. Hamre, Larry H., 469-54--5190. Dorr, Kevin L., 279-38-8092. Cuartas, Francisco 1., 392-5~5613. Hancock, Dexter V., 081-36-6932. Edwards, John R., 529-60-4823. Fayard, Marshall J., 427-72-8209. Hart, Louis H., 251-76-4843. Ermol~ , John D., 423-62-0915. Feight, James W., 195-2~2286. Hawks, Steve E ., 447-42-2350. Evans, Joseph~ 'l\ll., 538-44-()566. Foore, Larry L., 285-3Q-1053. Higgins, John A., 543-48-1237. Ewing, Mark W., 47~52-8250. Fredrick, Bruce L., 302-34--4497. Howes, Alfred Jr., 236-6~146. Ezell, Robert B., 228-5~816. Frierson, George W., 428-54-7837. Ireland, James W., Jr., 315-44-8370. Ferguson, Warner T. Jr., 223-68-8236. Glick, David D., 214-32-4456. James, Kenneth D., 538-42-6214. Gossom, Woodrow W. Jr., 467-68-8631. Hahn, Robert L., 308-34-0309. Johnson, Nicki L., 466-66-2374. Hennings, Richard W., 26~0-5073. Hamlette, John J., Jr., 228-5Q-2759. Jordan, Samuel Jr., 261-64-0993. Kealey, James F., 022-30-4689. Harvey, Floyd D., 235-54-3:587. Kawakami, Clyde K., 576-38-9350. Kerrigan, John R., 212-48-1812. Huston, Mary H., 253-62-3452. Kernodle, Joseph W., 239-72-7243. Kling, David M., 377-46-6186. Johnson, Lewis, 267--54-7977. Kirk, Johnny L., 52~56-2586. Lawson, Harlan A., 492-48- 2159. Lindsay, Lawrence F., 263-52-2872. Koehler, Walter L., 131-3()-3114. Lenz, John W., 361-38-7526. Livingstone, Bruce L., 531-2o-5275. Langone, Wllliam J., 01~32-2453. Lllly, Albert J., II, 444-5Q-8226. Machado, Joseph A., 027-28-0501. Lawson, Marvin A., 188-34-9299. Long, Scott C., 22~64-8841. McCombs, W1llis C., 490-38-9116. Lynch, Harold F., 226-60-6315. Lord, Harold W. Jr., 155-3~7484. McLemore, Melvin J., 419-46-5121. Marks, Virginia L., 45o-8Q-5859. Lynskey, Gary L., 518-54-9178. Mlller, Sharon L., 510-44-8411. McCoy, James P., 194-34-2388. McCarron, Francis P., 265-78-8721. Neiman, Kenneth G., 193-3Q-2163. Mcintyre, Kendall K,, 001-28-9623. O ' Brien, John C., Jr., 146-38-6100. Onne, Joseph, 057-32-8445. Merritt, William L ., 479-6Q-5777. Ortman, Gregory P., 486-48-8939. Rook, Joseph J., Jr., 115-34-2130. Morgan, David R., 504-40-3536. Pekny, Wllliam M., 329-38-3433. Stein, Walter J., Jr., 287-32-7437. Murnane, Michael J., 577--5~7494. Rosenblatt, Simon J., 262-92-7464. Tapscott, Donald A., 227-48-8461. Nichols, Dean H., 558-54-5243. Rowley, Cleveland M., 260-72-8365. Wood, Wllliam M., 248-64-1643. North, Kenneth T., 408-72-4868. Stewart, Walter L., 250-8~938. Pearson, David W., 471-46-5855. To be first lieutenant The following-named distinguished m111- Pettit, Ronald B., 440-42-0690. tary student for appointment in the Regular Allen, Richard G., 46~5~7368. Pierce, John W., 260-62-5868. Army of the United States, in the grade of Angus, James W., Jr., 534-42-6454. Pistana, Robert R., 111-4Q-8104. second lieutenant, under provisions of title Auerbach, Steven L., 115-36-8440. Pugh, Homer H., Jr., 281-4Q-1399. 10, United States Code, sections 2106, 3283, Bandel, Raymond L., 510-48-7074. Quinn, Dennis F., 144-34.-Q491. 3284, 3286, 3287, .3288, and 3290: Barrett, DanielL., 111-30-1053. Ramlck, Thomas E., 217-44-7559. Vaupel, Lawrence E., 320-40-2392. Bearce, Gerald R., 004-34-2214. Raschke, Phlllip E., 558-54-2100. Bent, Gary D., 26~58-5165. Renn, Gregory A., 26~Q-5429. Black, John H., 521--54-9452. Rexford, Joel E., 130-3~876. Branch, Gerald D., 292-42-2284. Richey, David L., 381-46-0736. CONFIRMATIONS Brown, Eric B., 272-40-0712. Roles, Lewis L., 442-38-9406. Executive nominations confirmed by Brown, Thomas P., Jr., 237-7Q-6717. Ross, GlennS., 325-38-5477. Bunch, Ronald C., 197-32-4384. Ross, Robert G., Jr., 25.8-68-1783. the Senate AprillO, 1972: Burrell, Ralph, 329-3~3654. Shanahan, Michael K., 375-48-0217. CEN:t'RAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Bushong, Richard H., 429-84-5004. Small, Robert J. H., 447-42-5545. The following-named officer, under the Butler, Wlllla.m W., 217-5o-3404. Smith, Edward S., 519-52-4754. provisions of title 50, United States Code sec­ Chllds, EdWard M., 009-32-3137. Snider, William M. II, 225-58-1252. tion 403, for appointment a:s Deputy Direc­ Clemens, Judd L., 181-32-8932. Sowa, Alexander P., 078-36-2861. tor, Central Intell1gence Agency, a position Conway, Jack D., 539-4o-0098. Stubbs, Fred J., 45Q-52-4378. of importance and responsib111ty designated Cook, James T., 128-3~33. Tanaka, Robert Y., 519--52-4849. by the President under the provisions of title Oolllns, Wllliam P., 38o-40-1088. Turman, Wllliam E., 258-72-0816. 10, United States Code, subsection (a) of Costello, Joseph A., Jr., 154-40-7959. Umble, Robert G., 266-62-9699. section 3066, in grade of Ueutenant general: Cox, Everett F., 027-32-4831. Vanzant, James W., 258-52-4952. Maj. Gen. Vernon Anthony Walters, 065- Craig, Larry B., 494-46-2168. Vogt, Robert V., 196-34-5740. 09-5317, U.S. Army. Cronin, Daniel F., 151-32-0507. Voris, Stephen M., 310-42-0001. U.S. ARMY Culley, Wllllam F., Jr., 223-64-1692. Watt, Donald H. Jr., 013-40-6872. Cumnilngs, Charles G., 213-36--5691. West, Robert M. Jr., 408-68-3212. The following-named officer under the pro­ Daniels, Jerry W., 113-3Q-1946. Wlller, Clinton W., 237-74-6987. visions of title 10, United States Code, sec­ Deery, Patrick D., 234-68-2721: Wion, Edward J., 489-46-1548. tion 3066, to be assigned to a position of im­ Densberger, Wllllam J., 158-34-7893. Witte, James E., 298-34-6663. portance and responsib111ty designated by Devine, Frank E., 522-48-1396. Wright, James M., 457-74-5116. the President under subsection (a) of section 3066, in grade of lieutenant general: Dingbaum, Herbert H., 352-40--5429. To be second lieutenant Elders, James F ., 253--58-0001. Maj. Gen. George Edward Pickett, 577-54- Anderson, John E., 050-38-7874. Engel, Joseph J., 1~32-1629. 0390, U.S. Army. · Arlall, Julius F., 252-64-8607. Esposito, Anthony L., 092-32-1050. ACTION Batcheller, James, Olo-34-1484. Ford, Carl W., Jr., 430-74-6174. Walter Charles Howe, of Washington, to Beaty, Helen C., 532-44-2211. Fortenberry, Cleveland, 527-42-9591. be Deputy Director of Action. Billings, Joseph G., 214-48-1338. Fouts, Leroy K., Jr., 143-34-8625. Brown, James A., 314-46- 5936. IN THE MARINE CORPS Franson, David C., 549-68-9952. Bryan, Wllllam H. Jr., 258-7~906. The nominations beginning Jesse L. Alt­ Fusco, Robert A., 047-3~1919. Buckley, Robert P ., 521-68-9102. man, Jr., to be lieutenant colonel, and end­ Gardner, Mary K., 513-54-9277. Chavers, Stephen R., 465-84-8940. ing Wllliam E. Zales, Jr., to be 1st lieutenant, G~ttis, Thomas T., 414-62-1059. Cooksey, Daniel P., 406-62-7900. which nominations were received by the Sen­ Gehm, Laverne J., 359-36-7646. Dandridge, Wayne L., 247-74-2486. ate and appeared in the Congressional Record Geloso, Peter J., 5()()-46-4874. Day, Charles E., III, 171-34-6427. on Mar. 28, 1972. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS EMBARGO LIFT.ED ON IMPORTA­ 27 contains an excellent editorial on the which resulted in the resumption of TION OF RHODESIAN CHROME lifting of the embargo on importation of chrome imports from Rhodesia. ORE Rhodesian chrome and the· reaction to I ask unanimous consent that the edi­ this change in policy. torial, entitled "Fun and Games," be HON. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. The editorial rightly points out that printed in the Extensions of Remarks. the chief beneficiary of the embargo was There being no objection, the editorial OF VIRGINIA the Soviet Union, which became the pri­ lN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, mary supplier of chrome qre to the as follows: Monday, April 10, 1972 United States. It was to end our depend- · FUN AND GAMES Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Prest­ ence upon Russia for this strategic ma­ It is not quite accurate to say, as some - dent, the Wall Street Journal of March terial that I sponsored the legt~tion do, that nations that trade commercial April 10, 1972 E-X-TENSION~ OF 'REMARKS products are unlikely to trade insults and for the many more good deeds which time in conjnnction with civic nndertak-· blows. History can ·· point to a.ggressive trad­ have made a more lasting impression on ings as well as political. I think it ·only ing nations that were aggressor nations also. our country. The editorial follows: fitting that the West Texas Chamber of Nevertheless, as the world slowly emerged from isolationism, it was generally acknowl­ . HucK FINN-HERE AND ABRoAD Commerce should recognize him and I edged that the lowering of trade barriers All modern American literature comes am pleased to include Dr.
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