Page Twelve THE JEWISH POST Thursday, April 9, . in Winnipeg include the proVision private homes IU).d nursing 'utfJ t. IsrafJl~s 16th Anniversary B' nai B' rith Young Adults Plan B-8ayBlitz , Iand repairs of radios and braille are visited regularly. , . watches, clothing, supplementary Comprehensive Set of Activities For Blind Set cash allowances for the needYi and Marlene Naiman Chapter of B'nai Sandra Kay (BBYA) at JU 9-0505, B-Day, the annual project of the gifts at Christmas. Groups ofbliDd To Be Honoured at Negev Dinner. B'rith Young Women will hold its or Father K. Chittick )CYO) at Women's Auxiliary to the Cana­ persons are brought to the residence,. r een MOi'aIHy 2nd annual spring tea and fashion WH 2-2621. dian National Institute for the Blind Portage Avenue, once a week, for Teen-Age Morality will be the show Sunday, April 19, at 224 Mc- to raise funds for its work, will be games, music, handicrafts and re­ topic of a panel discussion to be Adam Avenue; fashion showings held April 22, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., freshments. held at a general and board meet­ will be held at 2:30 and' 4 p.m., KINDNESS in the Civic Auditorium. Auxiliary. members visit the blind ing of Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood, with the commentators Sylvia Malt I A •• Along with the sale of articles living in the residem;e - to read ~edpesday, April 15, at 1:30 pm. and Merlan Shapiro. "Fashions on n pprec.Q#lon made by the blind in handicraft to them, to write letters for them, m the synagogue lounge. Panelists Parade" models will be Joy Abrams, [Norman Pollock has been a regu- classes, there will be sales of home,- and to mend clothing. Car rides are Elizabeth Redmond, teachei at Lois Chafetz, Diane Gordon, Linda 1ar visitor. to patients in local hos- cooking"pI J·ams ·ckle s, e t c., cand y, through the plirks are provided in Kelvin High School and president· WINNIPEG, THURSDAY, APRIL 16,1964 No. 16 Katz, Eva Leszcz, Shirley Meltzer, pitals, and has been supplying them plants, treasures and trinkets,and .the summer. The blind living in of the Manitoba Teachers' Society; Sandy Moss, Diane Ross, Gaye with The Jewish Post weekly as a boutique. Gene Telpner, Free Press columnist; Smordin. Coordinating the models well as other material for their Almost all the funds required for Mitchell Neiman, marriage coun­ 24 NAT House for Sale selor; Dr. E. Snell, department of will be Sharon Klapman. Chairman enjoyment and comfort. Expres- the work of the auxi1iary are raised .. $15,000 is Sophie Ingberman, assisted by sions of apPreciation have always in ~ 'giant' one-day drive.. Each Modern home - 3 bedrooms, liv­ h~alth. Roy Matas, past chairman ~ter' Malka Cohen. A silver col- been enthusiastic. The following 'yeat',th~ auxiliary is asSisted in this fug room, dining room and kitchen. of the ;W~Peg Sch;x,l Board, will u.s. JEWS CALL FOR·· AC·TION Full basement. Home overlooks lection will be taken at the door. letter highlights the value of his effort by member of women's church be moderator. Proceeds will go to the international personal mission.l organizations and service clubs. goll course. For further information phone 27, or write E. J. Cutts, ; ON SOVIET ANTI-SEMITISM service fund of B'.nal. B'rith. .' Dear Mr. Pollock, Services to the 800 blind persons Falcon Lake, Man. A gener81 meeting· will be held . I read with interest - and with -------------- REGISTER NOW Tuesday, April 14, at 7:30 p.m. {It mild amaze - your annoUncement Housekeeper Wanted Duplex for Rent ~el House. in the Passover issue of The Jewish Wanted - middle-aged woman as Inkster Blvd. West - 6 rooms in for Richard . Hoffman, the interDa­ housekeeper for good home. Two self-contained side by side duplex. , tional service fund chairman for Post, advising Jewish patients of adults, no invalids. Sleep .in. Top 3 bedrooms up; kitchen, living room the availability, through your kind- wages. Phone HU 9-7153. CAMP BBYA, wjJl visit Winnipeg this com­ and den on main fioor, plus private ness, of Matzoh. ing week-end. At breakfast, Sun­ basement. Excellent shopping' and This quality of kindness, so evi­ SALESMAN WANTED transportation facilities. Ph 0 n e day, April 12, at 11 a.m. at the 334-7664. MASSAD dently a part of you, must create Good experienced furniture sales­ Charter House, Mr. Hoffman will man wanted. No others need a\>ply. 1st Session- lead BBYW in a, ISF i-a1ly.. For in many a sincere regret tl!at you Salary plus commission. A steady Cottage Wanted July 5 July 26 further information contact Sandra are: yourself confined to hospital. job for the right man. Phone days 4 bedroom cottage wanted at - WH 2-3397; evngs. JU 2-6371. 2nd Session- Kay at JU 9-0505. I am not a Jew" and am not aware, Gimli for July or full season. Must therefore, of the extent and charac­ have indoor plumbing. Phone HU JUly 29 - Aug. 19 The chapter is' joining forces' with bir of your act.· I- recall reaqfug in Wanted 9-4720; New. Campers tb,e Catholic Youth Organization' of Phone 943-2815 from 2 to 5 daily the New Testament, however', a say­ Have-you a SAMOVAR for sale? W~peg in the production· of the WANTED for appointment for interview ing of Christ: "A new COIYimand­ Would like to buy one. Phone musical play:· "The MUsic Man," to JU 6-2754. '. Unfurnished room or self-contained Samuel N. ,Cohen will be. honoured at the forthcoming Negev ment give I unto you, that ye be " Former Campers appear at the Manitoba Theatre 2 rooms in North End, close to bus Dinner on behalf of the Jewish National Fund. A communal leader' kindly, one to another." SHEFFIELD COURT line and Main St. Phone JU 6-1625. ~l in your Camp Registration Centre in early iune. ;' Forms and-Fees Now in the tradition of his thirteen predecessors so honoured in Winnipeg It was a message to all men, and PrIIctices are held ThUrsdays at Church & Aikins COOK WANTED P.O. Box 3555 - Station B by the Zi<,!nist Organization since the inception' of this annual event, 8 p.m. at St. Mary's School .audi­ to every generation. 3 room modern suite. Kitchen, Cook wanted for Camp Massad . Winnipeg 4, Manitoba Mr. Cohen's' activities on behalf of Israel, Jewish education and cul­ . toriwn, St. Mary Avenue and Har­ Permit me to wish you a speedy stove and fridge. Decorated. Washer Phone 943-2185 ture have won him a Special place in his community, return to good health. and dryer. Parking available. Phone grave, Street. J1J 9-5739 or ED 4-4433. ;:;;;:;;=:;=;::::;;;;;;;::;::::::;;;;;:;;;;;;~;;::;;;::::;;::~';;;::;:::::::;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;; A member of the National Ad- AnYone._in~J.:ested .in.taking.,PBrt .Sincerely, ministrative Council of the mid­ .. ",.. ~:, in this musicale should contact JOHN F. WITHROW. west region of the Zionist Organiza­ -, SOUTH 'ruVERHEIGHTS 'W A·,·N· ·T· E' D For Rent or For Sale tion, he served as chairman of· the Six luxurious rooms in a c0- United Jewish Appeal in 1959 and operative apartment house. Broad­ Regional Director 1960, and also of the Israel Bomi' \ Burrows Sensimatic loomed and draped. Kitchen fully CampaIgn in 1960. His interest in automatically . equipped. Suitable education has been exemplified by for adults. Rent $250 per month. Zionist Organization of Canada Bookkeeping -Machine I. Phone 339-3026. his efforts as chairman, of the Cana­ .. , APPLICATIONS dian Friends of Bar nan University PLUS ACCESSORIES - TABLE, TRAYS, ETC. li'AYE ELLEN APTS. dinner for two years, as well as of IN EXCELLENT CONDITION Perth and Salter Include: Background with Photo - Education, Experi­ the dinner in support of Maimonides . Flirnished or Unfurnished AI?t. ence, References, Salary Requirements 'College, and he served on both the Main floor three room apartment. board of the Talmud Torah and Spacious and modern. Carpark and the executive of the Winnipeg Chap­ HALF PRICE plug. Free automatic washer. Phone Write: Sol D. Granek, Executive Vice-President To View - Phone ·.Justice 9-7331 . 943-1114; evgs. 339-6021. ter of the Canadian Friends of the 2025 University Street, Montre~l, Quebec; Hebrew Univen;ity. Washington - Five hundred delegates, representing 24 national • House for Sale .' Jewish organizations, met here for an emergency American. Jewish Scheduled for Wednesday, June River Heigh~ room bungalow. Conference on Soviet Jewry. The two-day assembly adopted an 10, at the Shaarey 'Zedek Synagogue, large liv. rm., din. rm. 3 bdrms. up, ,MALE. li'E~P 'WANTED IS-point program calling for the restoration of religious and cultural chairman of the patrons committee 1 bdrm. in basement. Exceptional , rights of Soviet Jews. Convention speakers (small~r photo) included kitchen. 1350 sq. ft. 2 set plumbing. is H. ·N. Bernstein, a' co-chairman . FOR JUNIOR DEPARTMENTAL STORE, Rabbi. Uri Miller, president, Synagogue Council; Sen. Abraham of the ,current UJA;dinner chair­ WHEBE Humidifier, cedar closet, garage witQ '.' Ribicoff (Conn.); Label A. Katz, president, B'nai B'rith, and Justice overhead door. Well located. l'rivate DANDLING MEN'S WEAR 'AND ALLIED LINES man will be Andrew O. Schwartz, Arthur Goldberg. sale. No agents. Call JU 2-4033 or Salary commensurate with ability and experience. Our company national vice-president of the ZOC; WH 3-7823. has been established:for over 50 years, and is under aggl-essive Secretary of State Dean Rusk (top right) told a delegation from - TO--,--- management. ~c1uded in ~ur employee fringe benefits is a . the conference that the State Department "would consider further and guest speaker will be Rabbi Dr.
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