>A<3B tW ELVB t b e s d a t . W L T tr , iHanrir^Btor Etmmts Vetalb A V n A ( » DAILY OtBCnjLATMHI far tho ■■mb « t Jana, 1881 WHATHEB Miss Dorothy Lange and Miss MUa Ethslyn C Glbsoo of Flower Fareenat a( IT. B. Wanthar fhnnces Shea have returned home street has left for Newark, N. J., for I HarMw8 ABODTTOWN after a two weeks'vacation with a visit with Mra B. Jordan Mount, their aunt, Mrs. P. Neville of An- the former Miss Jessie Bellamy of 5 ,9 1 3 aonla. this town. On her return she will FWr and aHghtlj wn taulglrt Tb* train 4ua In ICaachMtcr at spend the remainder of her vaca> B:S6 from New Tork to Boaton b y T h e CORR and Tbonday. Larrabee's Barber Shop. 15 Pitkin tlon at Feradale cottage, Coventry JW.H 4U MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM war o f Watarbury, waa one hour o atHALF.’.S lake, with her aister-ln-law and a n c h i s t t r o n n and twenty ndnutea late In reacn- street, baa installed equipment for M C * rendering the new and nationally niece, Mn. C. B. Gibson and Doris Inc IfaaciMater last nlabt, due to One Lot of VOL. LVI., NO. 254 'AdvartlaiBg ea Pago U ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 28,1937 trouble to the weat of Bristol. The advertised Eaervac treatments for Gibson, and her friend. Miss Eleanor (FOURTEEN PAGES) pitlCB THREE CENTS twister that struck Bristol and falling hair and baldness. Oehlh^ of Hartford. Self Serve and Health Market points west resulted In a high ten- alon wire b etu blown down ,acroas Miss Marjorie Bebrend of High TOILET the r a ^ In ‘ArryTiUe, bolding up street and Miss Phyllis Carney WEDNESDAY MORNING Elder Trial Nears End the train west of TerrwUle for over Garden street have returned from an hour and a half. This made it week's vacation at Narragansett Waller N.Leclerc SPECIALS ARTICLES lata In reaching Hartford, and also Pier, R. I. Shampoo TUe FUwdw IRISH BORDER RIOTS JAPAN AND CHINA In arriving Ir Manchester. Oeama, Eta Master George Hunt and Miss Funeral Director STORE CLOSES AT NOON WEDNESOAT. Church school teachers of Ehnan- Constance Hunt who have been vis <58 Ne. Main S t . P b o^ S3S8 Itlng their grandfather. Deputy uel Lsitheran church will have a H«nhey*B mMtlng tonight at 7:80. Sheriff Ahem, In Rockville, have re­ 5 c ea. turned to their home on High street. BREAK OUT ON VISIT IN UNDECLARED WAR Mias Ehnlly and Mias Laun House 8 T R U P can of Ekist Center street are guests at the Barrow hotel, I^rset. V t Two Dozen Ladies’ TRY CaaipbeUb Awards, made at the. BlueOelds' THE MOBILGAS TODAY EAST At OF KING TO BELFAST carnival, which cloned two weeks HANDBAGS ON LAND M D SEA ago were: Mrs. Memkle, Summer Coca’s Service Station TOMATO SOUP 2 cans 1 5 * street. 850; "Orano", Royal City, "The Soeony Way” W a s h e r s Charter Revision 835; Louis Stager, Walnut street, Maneheater Green Houses Barned byj 815; F. Rivera, Mystic, Conn., 810. 1 9 c ea. $ 4 9 * 5 ® “p CERTO bottle 2 3 « ^ Roving Bands of Reiiobli- Town Fiscal Year Plan K lfS K U . S. Marine Is Wounded Men's • Women's • C^IMren's Ladies’ r Bale'a Bed Bag cans; Bridge Is Dynamited; BASS HAIR CUTS - 25c. Convenient Terms. Puzzling, Inefficient 8 Barbers — No Waltlngl KEMP^Sb Inc. COFFEE lb. 2 lor NECKWEAR City Gas Mam Explodes. ’ By Richard Martin ‘ IN SPAIlfe WAR W h fle G u a r d in g E m b a s s y MOCCASINS CULOTTA’S Collar 0 ^ Cull Se4n The desire of WtlUam E. Buckley. Z committee of 15 membere to reoom- BARBEB 8HUP 84 Oak St member of the local Board of Edu­ mend changes In the town's charter. Sold Exclusively At PUlabnry'B Beat Belfast, Northern Ireland, cation and teacher of history and It also was passed unanimously. For Wednesday July 28.— (AP)— Terrorists government in Hartford High Shortly thereafter, the Board of Prepare to Attack on Ma­ Chinese Claim V ictory In 1 9 c ^a. school, to revamp the complicated Selectmen which at that time ebn- F. D. R. COMES STOP! LOOK! FLOUR 3 lb. bag 2 9 « shattered the peace of Belfast and Inefficient system of fiscal year aisted of Chairman Sherwood G. and Ulster’s Free State border dates employed by the Town of drid, Santander and Ara­ First Major Engagement Small Lot Ladies’ Reg. 59e Bowens, Secretary Mathias Spless, INSURANCE INVESTIGATE! New Morning Selling with bombs, arson and gmnfire Manchester led to the preparation David Chambers, Joseph G. Pero, TO DEFENSE OF Oomplets Lines of Protectloai At of the charter amendments on which Leland T. Wood. Harold M. Reed gon Fronts; Weary Ann­ On Outskirts of Peiping; « today in hostile greeting to local voters will pass Judgment In King George VT and Queen and John Jensen, during an executive Aatomohila — Firs — Bnrglary LARRABEE’S CABBAGE GLOVES am all-day election Tuesday, August session, appointed the members of WAGieBOARD Aeeldent — Life — Liability BARBER SHOP Prices Have Been Forgotten. Elizabeth. Police blamed the 10. the Charter Revision committee. ies Near Madrid Pause. Japanese Munitions Shi^ ieweiij — dans — Sorety Bonds IS Pitkin S t ^ t Freeh, Green outbreak on Irish *Republicans. During the adjourned annual town Members of Committee While the King and Queen, meeting in March of 1930, Mr. They were Deputy State Welfare THE NEW EXERVAC Early Shoppers Will Get The Buckley offered a resolution calling Forced to Retreat Under 1 5 c Pr- on a coronation visit, were driv­ ComnUssloner Robert J. Smith, At­ Madrid, July 28—(A P )—Fagged Says Criticisms from Both COUNTRY SUPPER TREATMENT PEPPERS on the selectmen to devise « plan torney Raymond R. Bowera, Mrs. Thomas E. Elder (upper right), former dean at Mount Hermon school, by seven days of furltuis struggle Tharsday, gniy SR 8 P. M. Ben jamin Cheney ing to the Belfast City Hail for correcting the unwieldy fiscal Best Choice. Emma Lyons Nettleton of the Board Is on trial at Greenfield. Mass., for assault with Intent to kill S. Allen over who is to have Madrid In Fire from Land Batteries. Boltaa OotnmimHy Han 178 BAST CENTER STBEET For Baldness and Eight Dozen through crowded streets, a gas year arrangemenL After the meet­ of Health, Mrs. Mary Dannaher, At­ Sides Show Its Faimeu; HeaesratioBS Dial 8883. TEU 8018 store Closes At 12 fyaock. Norton (upper left), fermer cashier at the school. Elder used as his Spain's civil war. Insurgent and Falling Hair Large main explosion a half mile ing had adopted Mr. Buckley'e reso­ torney Harold W. Garrity, now Po­ alibi that on the nlc:i the alleged attack, he was In a room In the Slipper 80 eenta. Personal nnd Commeroial lution, Willard B. Rogers, former government armies today held their away boomed through a wide lice Court Judge; Mr. Buckley, Pros­ Eagle Hotel lijelinvp i‘ ic.-in-, N. H., with ilr.a. Elder. The trial la ex­ Wages-Honr Bill Under By Associated Press. Sorveys Odd Pieces One Pair of a Kind ANKLETS selectman, town representative and ecuting Attorney William J. Shea. pected to end ehortly. (The Associated Press Mat Service.) combat to artillery duels. Activity CANTALOUPE 2 for 1 5 « Rogular Price 35c. Spedall area of Belfast. It came as a police commissioner, moved to In­ In the Prunete and Villanueva de la Japan and China fought un­ climax to a night of terror in struct the selectmen to appoint a (Coottnoed on Page Three) Canada sectors of the western front Discussion in the Senate. declared war on North China’s waa confined to selling of each aide’s which customs houses were positions while each army dug Itself land and seacoast today. Chi­ Tomorrow — Wednesday — Pinehurst CTosea At 12:30. FANCY Lace burned and a railroad bridge In further for a determination of nese mortar fire kept Japanese F. E. B R A Y 2 P *'- was dynamited. STATEMENT OF DRINK ’ "the battle for Madrid." Washington, July 28.— (A P )— WAS JUST X BIT WRONG ! NORTON TAKES STAND munitions ships from entering HEALTH MARKET After tbe.Biitlab eovcrelxiia were FIRST LADY’S TAXES In the respite from the hand-to- President Roosevelt’s asajertlon that the mouth of China’s Hai Ho; Ripe, Sweet, Cantakrape Jeweler received et the City Hell, attended hand struggle precipitated by Gen. the National Labor Relations Board a atate luncheon and a gartjen par­ Hartford, July 28.— (A P )—"1 Jose Mlaja'e bold offensive Into In­ Japanese cutters fought back, State Theater Building LINENS only had 10 beers and one whis­ is Impartial coincided today vriUi Curtains ty, and saw a parade of youth or- AT THE ELDER TRIAL surgent rearguard positions about extending Nippon’s punitive ex­ 737 Main Street 8 SPORT SUBJEIT OF PROBE key since last Saturday," said a BEEF LIVER ganlzatlona, Inveatlgatora decided 15 miles west of the capitol, Insur­ Senate debate over creating an ad­ lb 1 9 e man In police court this morn­ pedition from the embattled Watch and Jewelry the gas exploelon probably waa ac­ gents and government troops alike ditional board to fix wage and hour environs of Peiping, once the M E L O N S - ^ 1 0 * SHIRTS cidental. ing, who had been arrested on a burled their dead. The bodies were standards.
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